the moment

Christmas in Canada

After everyone was well fed and the kitchen cleaned, Joohyun left with Seungwan's parents to do some last minute Christmas shopping, leaving Seungwan to catch up with her sister and her childhood friend.  


"Let's cut to the chase. What's going on between you and the living goddess that is Irene Bae" Emma remarked blatantly, speaking for herself and Seunghee, essentially making Seungwan choke on the water that she was drinking.


Seungwan scratched the back of her neck, taken back at Emma's bluntness


"No-Nothing's going on!! What do you mean?" 


"Don't lie to us girly. We do have eyes ya know. You guys were this close to smooching just now." Seunghee retorted.


*And we would have been if it weren't for you meddling people" grumbled Seungwan under her breath.


"What did you say?"




"But I like her okay. I like her very very much." 


"But I don't know whether she feels the same ya know. And she's Bae Joohyun. As you said, a living goddess. It's crazy to think someone like me can stand a chance with her." Seungwan slumped her shoulders dejectedly, eyes dropping to look at her twiddling fingers.


Seungwan was met with a slap on the head. Before she could react, Seunghee butted in "Yah!! Are you a fool or are you a fool?? She was the one who made a move on you this morning. Would she have wanted to kiss you if she had not felt the same?"


Immediately, Emma continued "And you should have seen the way Irene was glaring at me yesterday, whenever we talked or laughed. Like I stole her gold or something." "Ohoh!! And yesterday when we were shaking hands, she had gripped my hand so hard, I felt my blood circulation cut off." Emma was still as dramatic Seungwan had remembered her to be.


"So she's into you, you dummy. You should just go for it"


She really should, shouldn't she?

The pep talk had finally managed to inject some sense and courage into the stubborn brain of Seungwan. 


Now she just has to find the right moment to do so.


And the right moment came in the evening, when her and Joohyun were finishing up with the Christmas tree decorations. It was a Shon family tradition to decorate the Christmas tree together, with everyone present. But the rest had left the final touches to the singers as the parents went to prepare dinner, while Seunghee and Emma cleared the snow out of the driveway. 


Joohyun was tiptoeing on a wobbling stack of books, leaning forward, trying to place the gold star on top of the tree. But she had reached too much, losing her balance on the way. Before she knew it, Joohyun was falling. But just like last time, Seungwan was there to catch her. They found themselves in a similar position, with Joohyun once again on top of Seungwan. 


"Huh, we seem to find ourselves in this situation a lot." Seungwan chuckled lightly.


It was then did Seungwan realise that the time had come. 


This was the moment.


With Joohyun so close to her, Seungwan was practically peeing herself, her mind in a haze. Nonetheless, she was determined to speak her mind.


You can do it Son Seungwan. 


"Hyun-ah, I like you. I really do, if you already can't tell." Seungwan started off nervously. 

"And I like you for so many reasons. Yes, you're probably the most beautiful person I have ever seen and you're hella talented. But my feelings for you go way deeper. You're selfless, kind, hardworking, passionate and I could go on and on but that would take ages and you'll probably be bored of me by then." Seungwan was basically rambling off like a bullet train. If only she had the courage to meet Joohyun's eyes, she would have seen the latter gazing at her tenderly, a grin spreading across her cheeks.


"The point is you got me feeling like a psycho." Of course, Seungwan, known for her greasiness, had to quote their lyrics, eliciting a chuckle from Joohyun.


"I am always thinking about you. My heart goes nuts and my mind goes blank when I am with you. And I am not even completely sure if you feel the same. I mean I would be sad, no, devastated, if you don't but I won't pressure you into.." 


Seungwan was cut off by a pair of lips on hers.  


Bae Joohyun was kissing her??

Attention world!! Bae Joohyun was kissing her!!


At first, she was sHoOk, her eyes widening in pure surprise, her eyebrows raised to the roof. But then the softness of Joohyun's lips, the smell of Joohyun's perfume, coupled with the way the latter was gently caressing her cheeks, made her dizzy. Unable to think clearly, her eyes fluttered shut, letting herself fall.


Joohyun pulled away first but rested her forehead on Seungwan's, their breaths uneven, chest heaving.


"I had to shut you up before you go second guessing yourself like you always do. Of course I like you. I like you way more than you know, you dummy." Joohyun breathed out shyly.


Sweeping the hair out of Seungwan's eyes, Joohyun added softly "Then, may I ask you to be mine?"


Too happy for words, Seungwan could only nod, a wide grin plastered on her. Her hand reached up, pulling Joohyun a little too aggressively down for a kiss to seal the deal.

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hangryeats #1
Chapter 7: this is adorable
Favebolous #2
Chapter 7: LIKE IT
Favebolous #3
Chapter 5: FINALLY
Favebolous #4
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaha
Favebolous #5
Chapter 3: Joohyun jealous
Favebolous #6
Chapter 2: Cute
Favebolous #7
Chapter 1: Strart
Chapter 7: Im smiling like an idiot
aglaonema #9
Chapter 7: Cute
baejoonism #10
Chapter 7: Cutee!! Thank you!