bye lovebirds

Christmas in Canada

The gift exchange went on smoothly. Joohyun gave Mr and Mrs Shon, matching hand knitted scarfs. In exchange, she received a beautiful necklace. While she gave Seunghee and Emma elegant silk pajama sets, the pair had gifted her something rather inappropriate- a skimpy lacy black lingerie. Joohyun flushed deep red when she took the piece out from the box, holding up for everyone to see.


"Ehhh… Why would I ever need to wear this?" Joohyun asked, after an awkward moment of silence.


"Duhh, it's for when you and Seungwan get down and dirty. You're welcome in advance by the way." Emma answered like it was common sense, with Seunghee grinning childishly beside her.


Seungwan choked on her hot chocolate, before screaming out in embarrassment "Yah!! What are you even saying??"

Joohyun was blushing even harder now, quickly putting the racy piece back to where it came from. 

The rest bursted into boisterous laughter, very much enjoying teasing the pair.


At last, it was Seungwan's and Joohyun's turn to exchange gifts. The latter went first. She retrieved the simple envelope from under the Christmas tree and handed it to Seungwan.  With bated breath, she watched in anticipation as her girlfriend gingerly opened the envelope, peaking at its contents.


"What!? No way!! How did you get these? They were sold out in like a second!" Seungwan screamed in disbelief, throwing herself into Joohyun's arms. The latter had gotten Seungwan tickets to the 1975's concert, one of her favourite bands. 


Joohyun stumbled back at the sudden impact but held onto Seungwan anyways. "I am Bae Joohyun. I can get whatever I want. Anyways glad you like them babe." She answered smoothly.


"Now, where is my gift? It better be good since mine is awesome."


Suddenly, Seungwan turned quiet, her earlier excitement now replaced with shyness. Entangling herself slowly from Joohyun, she shly confessed "Now I don't think my gift is that great anymore."


"There you go again doubting yourself. Shut up and give it to me!"


The rest watched this exchange in amusement.


Taken back at Joohyun's outburst, Seungwan passed the latter a small box. 


Jooyhun took her time to gingerly open her gift. Judging by the looks of it, Seungwan had spent quite a lot of effort in wrapping it.


"An ipod?"


"Uhh inside are songs that remind me of you. I'm not exactly the best with words. And I don't think words are even enough to express my feelings for you. But I know music would do the trick. So yea.." Seungwan trailed off, cheeks flushing a deep red.


Seungwan rocked on the balls of her feet, hands fidgeting, anxiously waiting for Joohyun to say something. And when the latter didn't, she thought she had messed up.


"Uhh it's okay if you don't like it. On a second thought, it does feel very cheesy." Seungwan spoke out, hands reaching out to take the ipod from Joohyun. 


Joohyun swatted Seungwan's hands away, bringing the ipod close to her chest. Joohyun's eyes were glistening with tears when Seungwan saw them.


"I love it. The presents I am used to receiving are usually store bought and ridiculously pricey. And this is the first time I’ve received something handmade and genuine. So thank you Wan-ah” Joohyun sniffed out.


“So I assume the song I had heard on the plane is in this ipod too?” Joohyun wondered out loud.


Seungwan nodded. “The surprise was almost ruined though. Luckily I managed to resist your charms earlier on.” 


“Don’t lie to me. If it had not been for your mum, you would have spilled the secret.” 


“I would have not!! I am a woman of strong will”


“Must I remind you of how you were a whimpering, squirming mess when I kissed your neck, your ear; when I slipped my finger under your shirt, when I…”


Seungwan surged forward, clamping Joohyun’s mouth shut using her hands, very aware that her family were still watching them. Joohyun just giggled into Seungwan’s hand, playfully the latter’s palm afterwards. What a tease.


Two days after Christmas, it was time for Joohyun and Seungwan to head back to Seoul. After the much needed rest, it was finally time to get back to work.


The pair stood at the door, their bags beside them on the floor. The rest gathered around them to say goodbye. One by one, they gave the couple a warm embrace, wishing them a safe flight back.  


“Okay we really have to go now, or else we would miss our flight.” Seungwan said, while hugging her parents for like the hundredth time now.


“Alright. Seungwan, make sure you treat Joohyun right okay. Joohyun, please tell me if she does something wrong. You do have my number right?” Mrs Shon reminded. 


“Wha-What!! Mum aren’t you supposed to say that to Joohyun, and not me? Let me remind you that it is I, Son Seung Wan, who is your daughter.” Seungwan argued, indignified.  Since when did her girlfriend and her mum become bffs?


“Bye lovebirds!! Remember to use our gift alright!!!” Seunghee bursted out. “Yah!! Call us if you need more ‘equipment’, since you all can’t be seen shopping for such stuff!” Emma added on, giggling uncontrollably afterwards.


“Sheesh.. You two little pieces of..” Seungwan was about to teach the cheeky pair a lesson when her dad came to the rescue, ushering them out of the door.


“Don’t mind them. They are just teasing.” Joohyun spoke out softly, once the door had shut. She took Seungwan’s hand in hers, her thumb running circles on the back of the latter’s. Something about Joohyun’s voice, Joohyun’s touch, instantly calmed Seungwan down. 


“But don’t you think I’ll look stunning in that lingerie?” Joohyun had whispered just when their uber ride came, before skipping to the other side of the car, leaving Seungwan standing there like a dummy, imagining her girlfriend in that very minimal outfit, feeling funny down below yet having nothing she could do about it. 


(That's the end of it. Thank you :) )


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hangryeats #1
Chapter 7: this is adorable
Favebolous 13 streak #2
Chapter 7: LIKE IT
Favebolous 13 streak #3
Chapter 5: FINALLY
Favebolous 13 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaha
Favebolous 13 streak #5
Chapter 3: Joohyun jealous
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Chapter 2: Cute
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Chapter 1: Strart
Chapter 7: Im smiling like an idiot
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Chapter 7: Cute
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Chapter 7: Cutee!! Thank you!