spend the holidays with me?

Christmas in Canada

It was a cold December morning. The members were gathered around the dining table, munching on their breakfast. They ate in a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence. Afterall, they wouldn’t see one another for a while,  since all of them would be going home for Christmas. Well all of them except Joohyun. The leader had gone on a 2 week trip with her family earlier on and thus decided to stay in Seoul for Christmas. Although that meant that she would be alone, Joohyun didn’t mind it at all. In fact, after a busy year of schedules, she needed some time alone to recuperate. 


On the contrary, Seungwan didn’t like it at all that Joohyun was going to spend the holidays alone. The holidays were supposed to be warm and festive. A time to celebrate your achievements, reflect on your mistakes but most importantly, to be around people whom you love. And for some strange reason, Seungwan found herself wanting to spend it with Joohyun. She swallowed the remains of bread in before suggesting “Unnie, why don’t you spend the holidays with me, back in Canada?” Although the question was directed only at Joohyun, four heads turned to look at her, completely caught off guard. 


Embarrassed by the sudden attention on her, Seungwan scrambled to justify herself, “I-I mean  you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I just don’t like you spending the holidays by yourself ya know.” The two maknaes exchanged sneaky, mischievous glances while Seulgi raised her eyebrows, as if silently asking “are you sure?” All three of them knew very well how Wendy felt about Joohyun. The younger one  wore her heart on her sleeves. She literally looked at Joohyun with hearts spewing out of her eyes. The latter, however, was better at handling and hiding her emotions, which left Seungwan wondering what to do. 


With Seungwan's invitation, the calm and composed Joohyun was long gone and replaced with a blushing, stuttering mess. "Is your family okay with that? And isn't it too late to book a plane ticket now?"


Determined to get her way, Seungwan exclaimed "Don't be silly, my family loves you!!" Realizing what she had said, Seungwan immediately corrected herself, "I mean my family welcomes all of the others too of course, they don't just love you specifically." "And I am sure my dad can pull some strings to secure you a last minute ticket. So what do you say? You can finally come see my house in person?" 


Joohyun fell silent, weighing the pros and cons of going with Wendy in her head. The only con she could think of was that the trip would deprive her the chance of pigging out in the dorm and of course the inherent hassle of packing and travelling. But these were greatly outweighed by the excitement of wanting to see for herself Seungwan's home, to understand how Seungwan was brought up to become such an amazing person.  More importantly, she found herself wanting to just be around Seungwan all the time; the fact that it would be in Canada was just a bonus. It had been happening a lot recently- how her heart fluttered and her breath quickened with Seungwan near. Those feelings were all new to Joohyun, but she somehow felt the urge to feel more. Making up her mind, Joohyun gave a shy nod, eliciting a wide smile across Seungwan's face.


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hangryeats #1
Chapter 7: this is adorable
Favebolous #2
Chapter 7: LIKE IT
Favebolous #3
Chapter 5: FINALLY
Favebolous #4
Chapter 4: Hahahahahahahahaha
Favebolous #5
Chapter 3: Joohyun jealous
Favebolous #6
Chapter 2: Cute
Favebolous #7
Chapter 1: Strart
Chapter 7: Im smiling like an idiot
aglaonema #9
Chapter 7: Cute
baejoonism #10
Chapter 7: Cutee!! Thank you!