Chapter 9 - Let Me Down

Snow In Summer

Luhan POV


The last period just ended and now I’m walking to my car. Earlier when I was following them, I found myself back in the main building. The cute guy hurriedly leaves me and the other guy. I was given a big hooding which has a zipper all the way up. He told me not to dragged any more unnecessary attention.


I mean it’s not like I wanted all of them to swoon all over me, did I ask them to fall for me? No, I just show a glimpse of my face they already fall hard over their heels for me. Now I don’t think that I’m to blame. They’re the one who has a weak heart for a handsome boy. I shrugged.


He literally put the hoodie on me and zips it over until it covers half of my face, leaving me a small room to see. He moves my hair away to the side so it can’t block my view. Staying still, I feel like I’m being taken care of by my mother.


But anyway there’s a miracle happening today, I didn’t meet Sehun or Jongin today. Yay for me. However, there’s a part of me hoping to see him, I want to see how he’s doing, and also I want to see what my father told him if he really comes to him.


Does he notice I’ve been gone for a few days? I bit my lips hard knowing he’ll probably busy being lovey-dovey with Jongin. I tried to feel unaffected by the fact, but I can’t lie to myself. I miss him. I can still feel his warm hands on me the other day when he was taking care of me. My lips tugging a bit on the side, remembering the concerned face he showed me. Even for a little time, he did care for me.


“Hey, you’re the guy from before right?” A loud voice echoed from the end of the empty hallway. My eyes widened in excitement when I see it’s the cute guy. I waved my hand and he mirrored me. He smiles at me as he kills the distance between us. I open the zip on my hoodie so I can look at him better.


“Hi... Um... Sorry about the earlier. I really need to go” he laughed nervously as he scratches his back neck. It’s really cool cause when he smiles or laughed now that I noticed, his curvy lips making a love shape. I waved my hands in front of him, assuring him that’s okay.


When we’re standing close like now, I can see he’s a bit shorter than me, making me want to squeeze him in my death hug even more. “It’s fine” smiling, I can see the stars in his eyes twinkling brightly. Just like my eyes “I’m Luhan” I open my palm offering him a handshake.


“I’m Kyungsoo,” he said to me, grabbing my hand and shaking it slightly. We keep smiling at each other, but it doesn’t have an awkward situation. I’m just happy, and I have no idea why. “Also about Joonmyeon I really am sorry. He can be mean sometimes” 


“Joonmyeon?” I asked him. I feel like I’ve heard that name before. Furrowing my eyebrow, I gave him a hint a have no idea what is he talking about. For a second he copied my look as if he doesn’t believe me. After a few seconds, he realizes I’m not kidding and he looks like taken aback. He his lips before he told me.


“Joonmyeon? My brother?” He asked me again “You know the guy who rescued you before from the hyena girls?”


I formed my mouth open, as I understand. So the guy before is Joonmyeon. Nodding my head, I inform him as I remember. But wait, this cute kid is related to that cold guy? The universe has its own way to make our life interesting.


After that, I cancel my plan on getting home and go into the cafeteria instead. I and Kyungsoo chatted with each other while he keeps ordering snacks every half hour. We munched the food constantly


He tells me that there’s 2 years gap between him and Joonmyeon or Suho as he called him. For hours he could talk nonstop attacking me with his stories. I didn’t feel bored at all through it; it amazed me how he tells me every moment when he argued with Suho.


When he’s done, I was clutching my stomach as I bent over to maintain my laughter. He just told me the silly thing he had done before to avenge his last delicious brownies cake which Suho ate. He pouts when he remembers the moment again.


I can feel a stray of tears poking on the corner of my eyes; I grab tissues and dried them away. Even though I’m on the verge of dying he still manages to choke me to death with his stupid stories. I clamped my hand on his mouth for a while to keep him shut. He's startled but I don’t care I need to live, and I can’t do that if he kept telling me those again.


Next thing I knew, he’s laughing too. But different from me, when he laughs, he didn’t produce a bothering high pitched sound. He just laughs while his eyes closed as he did so. I stopped abruptly to look at him. There’s something about him that screams charming, y, and cuteness at the same time. I smile knowing I can actually found my first friend here, and a keeper one.


“You look ugly when you laugh,” he said mocking me as he keeping himself calm. I froze, not knowing what to say.


I sit glumly, my shoulder is down. Adding to my hurt act, I look longingly to the floor. And turned so my back facing him. I guess he noticed because the next second he coughed awkwardly and tilted his head to see my face.“Hey, I’m sorry” he tugged my shirt


Leering at him, I poke my tongue out and laughed again at how gullible he is. I pinched his cheek while he yells at me to stop.


Suddenly my phone buzzed signaling a text. I release his cheek and to get my phone. I rummage my bag when he rubbed his cheeks repeatedly. Unlocking my password I open the text and see that it’s my mother. She asked me where I am, and told me to change my bandage with the new one she put in my bag. Quickly I reply to her, saying that I’ll be at my home soon. Putting my phone back, I told Kyungsoo I need to go to the restroom.


Nodding, he also said he’ll go home now. After changing our phone number we said our goodbye.


I found the restroom when I was throwing out my drink. I step into one of the booths, hang up my bag. After removing my shirt I traced the bandage slowly to find it the edge. Peeling it over and over again, finally, the bandage is off of me.


Although the pain is no longer there, I still can see dried blood staining the white bandage. I apply the ointment Jongdae gave this morning before I leave, it makes my skin cold when it making contact with the medicine.


I let out a breath when I was finished. I put the freshly new bandage on me, and put my shirt back on. Straighten my shirt until it doesn’t reveal the bandage then I stepped out. I wash my hands off the sticky liquid on the sink after I put the used bandage and my bag on the counter.


Satisfied with now squeaky hands, I turned off the water and dry my hands with tissue and look up to see my reflection on the mirror in front of me.


My body went still as I see there’s a person behind me. He’s looking at something beside me. Following his gaze, I noticed he’s looking at the dried blood on my bandage. I turned my body quickly facing him after I grab the bandage and hiding it behind my back.


He moves his eyes to me, obviously trying to ask me the right question as he open and closed his mouth. He opens his lips once again but this time also there’s no sound coming out. He clenched his hand and walk to me. I can see he’s angry by the way he looks ready to kill anyone who comes through the bathroom door if that person dares to interrupt him. I step back clutching tighter on my bandage as he keeps coming closer.


I shut my eyes and move my head to the side shielding myself from him. I thought he was going to punch me or something but when I sense his hands on my arms I open my eyes. He grabs my arms and spoons me over harshly as he fetches the bandage. I hold on to the counter as I stopped myself from falling. I look over to him as he tore his gaze away and look at me again, angrier this time.


“What is this?” He asked me while he shows me the bandage “I can smell blood from it. Whose blood is this?” He yells at me as he throws the bandage to the floor.


My shivering body begins to annoy me. I clear my throat when I realize he had no rights or what so ever to be mad or even questioned me. I went to take the bandage over when his hand stops me. I retrieved my hand back quickly.


“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I asked him through my gritted teeth. “You had no right to questioned me,” I said to him as I point deadly to him.


He walks closer to me, our body almost touches each other if he steps any closer. He grabbed my hand again this time grip it until the area becomes white from lacking blood which he blocks. I winced as his nails start to dig deeper into my flesh. “Joonmyeon stop! What are you doing?” I shout at him trying to release his grip on me.


Suddenly the door was barged opened and my heart stops when Sehun comes in. His brown eyes widened as he trying to find what’s going on. When he sees what is happening, He runs quickly to Suho and tries to tear his hands away from me.


After he finally let me go, he looks guilty like he didn’t mean it. I look in horror as he tries to touch me again. I backed away instantly. He murmurs a soft sorry before he left me and Sehun in here.


His black shirt hugs him tightly all around the right places, he runs his fingers through his hair frustratedly. There’s a silver watch on his wrist which if I recall correctly it was a gift from Jongin. I smile a little at this. When he is actually here, the feeling of missing him come running towards me, knocking me over until I was suffocated by his presence. I really miss him. Has he been eating properly? I tilted my head as I studied him.


He still looks the same. I know I was being selfish when I hope I’ll find bags under his eyes or even him being thinner without me being near him. But here he is, looking fine as before I even met him a few days before. Well, I’m glad that at least one of us is doing great. Maybe in a few months when I leave, he’ll too be unaffected by my disappearance. One can only hope, right?


He put his hands on his waist waiting for an explanation.


After a minute of silence between us, he groaned when he knows I’m not going to tell him. I was about to grab my bag and leave when he moves so he hampers me. My heart beats rapidly whilst I can smell his perfume.


I’m doomed if I don’t leave soon, I might just trap him in my arms if I stayed a minute longer. He observed my face for a while as I keep hiding my face away and try avoiding his focus. He touched my skin to bring my face up so he can meet my eyes. “Are you okay?” I could have been fooled with concern in his eyes and tone.


I take a step back causing him to moves his hand away from me. Oh, how I regret that. “I’m fine” I give him a smile “How about you?” I decided to be polite, even though I already knew the answer.


“Where have you been?” He asked me, and again with the same concern in his voice. I almost yell at him to stop lying. I am almost ready to slap him to make him wake up from whatever dream he has right now. It’s not fair. He still cares to me but at the end of the day, he has other arms for him to run into. Yet I couldn’t. I can’t bear the pain knowing I hurt him.


“Why do you care?” I snapped at him. I need to learn he’s not mine; he needs to learn that I’m not that easy. I can’t keep falling to my knees every time I see him.


“Luhan, what’s wrong? It’s me Sehun” no Sherlock, I know it’s you. You’re the only one who can make my heart beats this fast. I scoffed at him.


“Yeah, so?” I successfully maintain my expression like being near him is nothing to me. I know I hurt him by my words, but I had to do it. I need to move on already. He blinks rapidly as if he didn’t believe what he heard is true. I really want to hug him. I flinched when he tried to reach me. Glaring at him, he put his hands up in a surrendered way. He slowly moves away.


I shake my head in annoyance and grab my bag ready to leave again. He stops me by grabbing my wrist, but I don’t turn to face him. I couldn’t. I really want to hold him in my arms, I miss him like crazy. “I’m scared that you’ll act this way, and now it’s true.” He said defeated “Don’t do this to me. Please. I don’t want to lose a friend” my heart clenched when he said that, I forever will be in the friend zone, I hate it.


“I miss you doll face” his voice is so soft and low, I almost didn’t catch that.


My stomach was filled with warm, I can feel happiness trough my tear which start to roll down. I miss you too Sehun.


Like every other movie, if there’s a moment of happiness, there must be an end. The door flung open and Jong in’s silhouette greets me. Next, Sehun ripped his hand away from me, like I’m some kinda burning flame which he needs to get away of. Much to my vacuity.


Jongin’s surly face damaging Sehun’s confidence before. My already hapless heart became even more crushed when Sehun positioned himself behind his lover, I jerked back to reality. I went rigid; he just left me like that the second his boyfriend appears. I clutched my bag; try to distract my attention from the disgusting scene filled with love in front.


Emptiness somehow develops within me, causing me to numb my unnecessary feeling. Calming myself, I put on a cold mask, acting as the view before me worth nothing. I take a lung full of air and fake smile, greeting Jongin. He stepped out of the door threshold signing me that I need to walk away, clearly not exactly fond seeing me and his Sehun in the same room. I dragged my unmoving feet to leave and of course, this time too, no more hand holding me back.

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