Chapter 4

End of the day

Sae’s pov:

Nayeon was the first one to speak up, like she always does.

«So you guys are from Handam high huh?»

«Yeah got a problem with that?», a blonde one, probably their leader, said.

« Hm no, just asking », she said and looked over to Shuhua.

«Shuhua right? So why don’t you tell me how you met Sae ? », straight to the point as always. But Shuhua didn’t let her guard down and stayed calm. She was prepared for any kind of questions they’d throw at her. I’d just have to adjust myself to her answers.

«We meet during a dinner. Our families are pretty close to each other. We had a small gathering and got to know each other better as they went by. Our feelings grew as we spent more time together and yeah, we recently started dating, that’s about it ». Wow she’s talking like a professional despite her broken korean.

«Is that so?», her friend said and raised an eyebrow. I tried to loosen up this tension between us before I’d get worse.

«Uhm by the way I don’t even know your names, may you guys introduce yourself?», I asked in a guarded tone, not wanting to provoke any of them. They did what I requested and introduced themselves and gave my friends the sign to do the same, they eventually did.

«If I heard it right, your name is Yeh Shuhua, as in Yeh from the Yeh company right? If yes, why aren’t you in our school?», Dahyun asked out of curiosity.

«Personal reasons, I hate spoiled brats anyway», she said.

«Yah we’re not spoiled!», Jeongyeon said and frowned.

«Wasn’t talking about you guys but if you feel attecked then it’s your own fault»

«Yah you!», Jihyo was about to get up but luckily Tzuyu held her down. The youngest one was quite up until now but it seems like she has a lot to say. Mina on the other said didn’t move an inch, she satyed at her place and barely gave any reactions, as if something’s bothering her.

« Mina are you alright ? », I asked out of nowhere as she flinched.

« Y-yes I was just thinking about something»

«I don’t like this one bit », the one whose name’s Miyeon said.

«She’s right, you can’t just meet and start dating out of nowhere, this isn’t a fairy tail », Minnie agreed.

« Especially not such a spoiled brat, what were you thinking Shuhua », Soojin let out. Nayeon snapped at her remark, now it’s her who’s about to get up but eventually Tzuyu stood up first. I looked at our maknae. She never did such things to make her stand out. Is she angry?

«May I have a word?», she asked politely. That’s so Tzuyu for you.

«I don’t think there’s more to talk about but sure go ahead », Miyeon said. Shuhua suddenly held my hand.

« She’s from taiwan..I can hear it in her accent», she whispered.

«Ah yeah I forgot to tell you. And those 3 are from Japan», I whispered back as I spotted an angry mina. She was looking our way and I tried to figure out what made her angry. I followed her gaze and ended up by our hands. Shuhua wa still holding it as she’s excited to meet someone from the same country. I quickly pulled my hand away and acted like nothing happened, before giving Mina a small smile. She looked away.

«So are you gonna say something or do we have to wait till tomorrow», Soyeon said.

«Yaaah let her be, korean is a difficult language ! », Shuhua said and gave Tzuyu a little smile. She knew exactly how hard it is to express herself in another language, especially when her vocabulary isn’t as big as she wished it to be. Tzuyu got the message from Shuhua quick, as if they were talking to each other in their language.

« Sae, are you happy with her?», she asked me.

«H-huh? Uhm yeah?», I forced a smile. Tzuyu always knew when I lie and this time is no exception, she knew that I lied. But Tzuyu is smarter than that, she knew what the first priority is. To make them stop arguring. She turned to Twice.

«If Sae is happy, we should be too. Who are we to stop her feelings? If we’re her friends, we should support her with her decision to date Shuhua», Tzuyu said almost accent free, leaving the jaws of our friends wide hanging. They didn’t expect our youngest to act so wise.

«Tzuuyuuu you grew up so much», Sana cried out, as a joke of course but you could hear that she was proud of our youngest one.

«She’s right guys, same for us», Yuqi, another foreign member of their group said and stood up too. I felt bad for lying as I saw both oft hem trying to protect us.

«Alright Alright», Soyeon finally said and both goups stood up.

«Just don’t you dare to hurt our shuhu », Miyeon said. I bursted into laughter as I heard the nickname.

«Shushu? HAHAHA», I laughed out as Shuhua hit me multiple times.

« I told you guys to call me Susan ! », she said and pouted.

« Alright sUsAn », Soojin joked and even made the twice members laugh beside one one, Mina. Shuhua crossed her arms and truned away.

«Better treat me to some good food now as you’re making fun of me », Shuhua face Miyeon.

« Alright Shushu »

« SUSAN », Shuhua said. Man this girl is really something.

«Uhm you gyus wanna join?» Yuqi asked Tzuyu in Mandarin. Making everyone turn their heads towards them.

«I’d love to talk more to you », Shuhua added in her native language. Woah she sounds mature when she talks in her mother language. Tzuyu turned to her fellows.

«Let’s go with them», she said. Nayeon hesistated a bit.

«Okay why not», Jihyo finally said. I did expect them to agree as I knew they were more open minded as they seem but what I didn’t expect at all was what happened next.

Shuhua and my group of friends were sharing one brancell at this moment as they argured about what food they should eat.

«So you’re telling me this is something that happens often?», I asked Shuhua.

«Yep», she facepalmed herself. My eyes were searching for a specific person as usual. I spotted her at the very back of this whole mess, observing the argurment our groups where sharing as she met my gaze. I walked over to her as usual.

« Congratulations on your relationship », she said and smiled. It hurts to hear myc rush giving me her blessings on dation someone else.

« Hm thank you… »

« I hope it will last long and you’ll be happy Sae», she said and gave me a bittersweet smile. I was about to tell her that it’s not what she thinks it is. I want her to know the truth. But before I could…

«IT’S DECIDED, LET’S GO GET SOME STREET FOOD», Dahyun and Yuqi shouted in sync. Oh no don’t tell me they get along cause they share the same personalities… I can’t handle a second Dahyun ffs.

Time passed as we walked through some food stands and grabbed everything we saw to eat. Momo and Shuhua had some kind of a food fight as they ate the same amount of food and none of them seem to full yet while the rest were about to throw up. I walked by Minas side as she seems to be not feeling well. As if something’s bothering her the whole time. To my surprise the two groups who were about to kill each other first, got along pretty well, better than I expected. It’s all thanks to Tzuyu, who made the first step.

«Don’t you wanna walk with your girlfriend?», Mina suddenly asked.

«Huh uhm no it’s fine, you don’t seem to be well so I’ll take care of you», I responded and patted her head. She gave me a little smile which made my heart race increase. This girl got me feeling things I never felt before…

«Look..I wanna talk to you..but promise me you won’t tell anyone about what I’m about to tell you», I said and slowed down a bit to make sure the others won’t hear us.

«Sure Sae, you know you can trust me, we’re friends after all », ouch that hurted like a b*tch.

«Shuhua and I aren’t dating..we’re actually engaged but we don’t have any feelings for each other..we’re putting on an act and..I didn’t want to tell you guys about it since we’re working on getting out of this arranged marriage», I confessed. Mina stopped walking and looked at me. I thought she’d be disappointed as I lied to her but her face brighted up. She seems happy about something I said I guess.

« Mina ? »

« Oh-h uhm I see so that’s why», she said, trying to hide her true emotions. I may not know her for long but surely good enough to know whenever she’s hiding something.

«You alright?»

«Yes!», she suddenly said out loud.

« S-sure ? you seem to hide something from me »

« It’s just that…nothing »

« Oh cmon Mina I know you»

«I like you okay?!», she said and turned around hiding her face. Wait what? HOLD ON WHAT.

«W-what did you just say?»

«I..I like you», she repeated. She..she just confessed to me..while I’m friggn engaged?!

«Mina…I like you too », I also confessed.

That ladies and gentleman is how everything starts. Mina and I tried to date each other as I’m still in this whole engaged thing. Shuhua knew about my on going relationship with Mina and as expected she has nothing against it, why should she. We kept it hidden as the others still think that Shuhua and I are dating. It’s going smooth so far, the only thing in my way is my engagement with the foreign girl. We gotta find out something real quick before it’s too late.

As days went by, I started to hang out a bit more with G-idle cause the rest of my friends are focused on working part time at their parents company. Graduation is not far away and they’re preparing themselves to take over the different companies. Luck was on my side as I already started to help my dad out at an early age so I’m pretty much free from working. I knew how the company works, it won’t be a big problem for me to take over.

I found myself getting more and more comfortable with Shuhua’s friends. They’re nothing like they look like. I remember my first impression of them, intimidating, scary and tough. They’re nothing like I thought they’d be at all. The more I hang out with them, the more they remind me of twice. A group full of dorks with one braincell. I got more comfortable with Shuhua too as we hang out every one and then, especially lately as Mina’s busy with work. She opened up to me and let out her dorky side which I have to admit is incredibly cute. If I hadn’t had feelings for Mina, I gotta be honest, I think I’d have crushed on Shuhua. This girl is just something. My reltionship on the other hand is pretty okay. We argue every now and then because of little things like me hanging out with Shuhua and her friends. I never knew Mina would be the jealous kind of type but I don’t mind her to be. We make up pretty fast whenever we argue and it mostly also happens when she’s not sleeping or eating enough. Ever since she started helping out at her fathers company she’s getting less and less sleep. So we decided to stop our night calls for her to get some rest.

«Sae try this out», Shuhua said and offered me a spoon of the cake she just baked. We were at her place as her parents are away at a business trip. I opened my mouth and ate the cake she’s feeding me.

«Wow this is good », I said, still chewing the rest of the cake.

«Of course it is, I did it », she said and smirked. Pff this girl is so full of herself. But I guess that’s what attract most of the guys around her. Shuhua’s a real beauty when she doesn’t talk and stays still lmao. My thoughts got cutted off as I felt someones breath near me. Shuhua was just an inch away from me, looking into my eyes with a worried gaze.

I jumped back in surprise and felt my ears heat up.

«W-What??», I asked, trying to hide the fact that I’m blushing real hard now.

«Nothing, just checking if you’re still breathing as you didn’t react when I called you»


«Were you thinking of my super duper delicious cake huh ? », she said in an amused tone.

«PAH as if tzz»

«Or about how beautiful and perfect I am ? », she bluffed and laughed at her own response. I blushed as it was true…I mean it was just a small thought tho nothing serious!

«Sae? Still here?», she asked again.

«Yeah! I mean, I better go now…it’s getting late», I said while putting on my shoes.

«Already? I thought you’d stay over and we gonna play games», she pouted. Things are getting dangerous, my heart’s starting to beat faster.

«Sorry Shushu, maybe next time »

« YAAAH CALL ME SUSAN OR JUST SHUHUA ! », she shouted and ran towards me for an attack but I was quick enough to close the door behind me and ran to my motorcycle.

« Be prepared for some beating next time you damn bean sprout!», she shouted out oft he window.

«Yeaaaah whatever!», I shouted back and started the vehicle, heading home. My parents were away too as they also had some business going on. Tom y surprise the lights were still on inside. Are the maids still here ? I got off my bike and took out my phone to see if one of the maids or my parents texted me. I was startled at the amount of missed calls on my phone and even more shocked that they were all from Mina. I better call her, maybe something happened.

Beep Beep Beep


«Babe? Sorry I left my phone in my pocket

and couldn’t pick up earlier what’s the matter ? »

« Hmm just missed you, where were you?»

«At Shuhua’s. Are you already home?»



«You sure are spending lots of time with her don’t you ? »

« Huh ? Well she was trying out new cake recipes and asked if I’d wanna try»


«Look babe don’t worry, you know I love you, Shuhua’s just a friend»

«If you say so»

«Get some rest okay? I could pick you up tomorrow, let’s have dinner together»

«Okay, see you tomorrow, love you »

« Love you too »

Duud Duud Duud

Good thing she didn’t get angry. I got off and went to the door. The maids may have forgotten to turn off the lights I guess. I opened the door.

«Barbara you still here?», I shouted out for the head maid.

Mina’s pov:

Sae’s been spending more and more time with Shuhua. I get it that they have to act like they’re an actual couple but it’s just frustrating to know that your girlfriend’s spening time with her fiancee. Maybe I have to talk to her about that. She keeps telling me to keep our relationship hidden till she figures out a way to cancel the marriage but it’s been 2 months already. I couldn’t get myself comfortable with the thoughts of the whole situation. Maybe I should talk to her. Mr. And Mrs. Park are on business trip…I could surprise her. What if she’ll get angry for me showing up so late? I grabbed my phone and texted Chaeyoung. We’ve always been on the same wave and she always helped me with my problems with Sae.

*Chaeyoung I wanna surprise Sae*

*Do so, what’s in your way?*

*Idk it’s pretty late*

*Ahhh you’re planning to go over at hers?*


*Hmm it’s indeed pretty late*

*I know..*

*I don’t think she’ll get angry, I mean everyone would

be happy to see the persoon they love right*

*I hope so…*

*Give it a try, I’m sure she’ll be happy*

*Okay..thank you Chaeng*

*No worries, take care Mina :D*


I changed myself into some comfrotable clothes and went down.

« Where are oyu going sweetie ? It’s pretty late», my mom asked me.

« I know mom sorry, I’ll be sleeping at a friends house», I said and went out. My parents don’t know about my relationship with Sae. They are also close to the Parks so it’d be a risk to have them know about us.

I arrived at her house and went to rang the doorbell.

«Yaah baby come come here», I heard an unknown voice talking.

«Oh cmon don’t», now it’s Sae’s voice.


«I told you not to call me baby, what if someone finds out ! », Sae said. I could hear the frustration in her voice and felt my blood getting hot. I knew she had Shuhua as her fiancee but whose voice is it this time ? Who’s calling her baby ?!

I angrily opened the door and luckily it wasn’t closed.

«Babe?!», I said while still standing at the door.


Sae’s was at the end of the room, trying to defend herself from the person in front of her. She unknown woman turned around to face me. She had pyjamas on, as if she was planning to sleep over, her half wet hair gave me the answer that she just took a shower not too long ago. I looked at her face one more time.

It’s not someone from our cirlce, it’s not someone I have ever talked to, it’s not someone I’d ever thought of meeting here, it’s not Shuhua, no. It’s someone who may be even more dangerous than Shuhua.

The face I see in magazine, on big screens, the face everyone wants to have. The person in front of me..

Bae Irene.

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Chapter 10: As eager as I want to demand some epilogue
I will let the ending running with my own imagination
ArielleKim #2
Chapter 10: Ohhhhhhhhh I really thought Mina's in love with Sae but that's good hahahaha. Sorry Mina I judged you, huhuhuhu
Thank you for the story, tho I kinda wished for more ShuhuaxSae moments in the ending but its okay XD
Yoshi_08 #3
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update, I like this ending!!!
Loco246 #4
Chapter 9: Please Shuhua and sae I love them and I feel like Mina’s and sae’s relationship was just hate and trying to piece what was there back together as for Shuhua there was a bond that was slowly making its way there I love it I love it hehhee
Yoshi_08 #5
Chapter 9: Wow so many updates, thank you so much!!!! It's sad how mina become so obsessed, to the point to put yuqi and Minnie in jail :(( can't wait to see how will this end :))
ArielleKim #6
Chapter 9: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1438242/9'>Chapter 9</a></span>
<span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1438242/9'>Chapter 9</a></span>
Poor Mina, I hope she learned her lesson now. Sae please settle this already. Make it clear to the both of them who you really love so they wont hurt any longer. So sad that Mina has come to the point that she got obssessed with Sae. Love can really make you crazy in good and in bad way.
ArielleKim #7
Chapter 6: please I want to know shuhua's pov, I'm starting to think she feels something for Sae now. omgggggg ♡(ӦvӦ。)
soshow_29 #8
Chapter 6: Minaaaaa
Chapter 6: Can't choose between Shuhua and Mina T_T
Tolegenova03 #10
My heart hurts from this, please I want Sae to be with a Mina