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"Uhm. Hi, Lisa?"

"I'm sorry, if I missed some of your calls been caught up with something. Anyways how did it go with your ex? You alright?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that. I promise I didn't why she showed up all of a sudden." 

"Nah, it's okay. Maybe she really just want to get back with you."

"Yeah. That's what she said a while ago. But upon seeing you, uhm hugging me she kind of ask what are we. And I....I kind of told her we..are to..ge.ther?" 


"Yeah, are you angry?" 

"No no no. It's alright. It's no biggie. Anything for my fake girlfriend. Did she left after hearing your confirmation?" 

"Yes. She also told me she's sorry for interrupting us." 

"Ha, she should be! Just kidding. And maybe next time don't just leave your keys under the flower plot. Even I would know where to find it."

"And where should I put it smarty-pants, huh?"

"Chain it onto you pants or something? So it won't be lost." 

"But I rare wear pants!" 

"Well, princess it's not my problem anymore. Your keys not mine."

"And what if I misplaced it or something? Where will I sleep then? I don't want to sleep in the hallway!" 

"Then try not to lose it, baby girl or maybe you can just go to my apartment. I'll welcome you with open arms."

"No way. I won't risk you making moves on me inside YOUR OWN apartment."

"Damn. Why do you make it sounds like it's a bad idea spending a night with me? I don't have a disease or something! And we technically are together last night in case you forgotten." 

"Well, I technically invited you to have DINNER not to STAY over."

"It's because you offered to drink! Who am I to decline it?"

"I ONLY offered ONE glass. YOU are the one suggested to finish the bottle!"

"Well as far as I can remember, you agreed so it's not just my fault. Plus admit it I'm really fun to be with."

"Yeah yeah smarty-pants. As if you remember what happened."

"Well the information about you were down to sleep with me last night is already enough for me. I dont need to know what happened in between."

"Can we pretend that I ever said that?"

"But why, baby? Just admit that you like me. We both know you do."

"I don't. Keep dreaming." 

"Ahuh. The more you deny it theore your feeling will grow. 

"Whatever you say, wait someone's on the other line, can I put you on hold for a while?" 

"There's no need for that. I also have things to do. Talk to you soon?" 

"Uhm, yeah okay bye, Lisa."






You are so cranky. :C

I'm just busy with paperwork's. You need something?

Why do you always ask me if I need anything if I'm the one who texted you first?

Okay, I'm sorry. It's just that I'm very busy rn. 

You don't have to say sorry. I'm sorry am I bothering you? I just want to ask how are you?


Will you still drop by to the cafe? I haven't seen you go there for almost a week.

Told you been busy with paperwork's. 

We got new desserts what to try it? :D

Cool. Maybe this Friday? 

Just this Friday? 

Yeah, we have an upcoming event to organize. But we will see. 


"Hi, Jisoo." 

"U-uhm. H-hi? W-wow. Uhm. Hi, Lisa...."

"Like what you see?" 

"W-what? N-no. W-what can I get you?"

"Just the usual, that new dessert you told me about?" 


"Hey, babe. Eyes up here. You are so obvious. Done  checking me out, hmm?" 

"I-I'm not checking you out. What-what is your order again? Chocolate Milkshake and? 

"The new dessert you told me about?"

"Ah, yeah-yeah right. Would that be all?" 

"Hmm. You?"

"HUH? M-me?!"

"Do I make you nervous, bunny?"

"W-what? N-no. Of course not."

"If you say so. Here's 500, I'll just go take my sit, your ex might arrive any minute now."

"Uhm, wait!" 

"Yes, babe? You forgot to tell me something?" 

"Ahm, don't you think that staying here for a while until she arrived is much believable? And-and you are the only customer so?" 

"Okay, if that's what you want."

"So, how are you? And what's with the suit?" 

"I'm good. Oh. This? I attended some party."

"That's it? No details?" 

"What do want to know, Jisoo? Missed you favorite customer?

"What-what was the party all about? And m-maybe, kind of."

"Just a formal dinner my parents are invited to and they tag me along. Hence the suit.  Ahuh, you finally admitted it."

"Shut up." 

"Oh , are you blushing?"

"No, I am not. Shut up."

"Yeah, yeah. So how are you?"


"Ahuh. How are you and uhm your girl Seulgi?" 

"We are fine, I guess?" 

"You guess? Not sure about it?"

"Well, I don't know. We seldom see each other nowadays. She seems more busy than the usual." 

"Ahuh. Did you two talk about it?"

"We haven't actually. But maybe this weekend." 

"Ahuh. Do you think your ex will still drop by? Given that she saw us back in your apartment and you clearly told her there is no chance for you two getting back together?"

"I don't know, but she's kind of persistent you know? And speaking of, lean on the counter pretend you will give me a kiss."

"Thanks baby, I'll see later?" 

"Yes, give me a ride tonight?"

"Well, there's also a couple of things that you can also ride tonight, pumpkin."

"Uhmmm......y-yeah, su-sure."

"Relax, bunny. I'm just playing with you. I'll just sit over there and wait until you're done." 

"Thank you for always stopping by. I really appreciate it a lot."

"No worries, anything for my girl."



"Oh, hey there beautiful. You done for tonight?"

"Yes. They uhm let me off early. I....so does your offer still stand?" 

"What offer, princess? Oh! That? Are we both thinking about the same thing?" 

"My God, Lisa. You are such a ."

"What? I'm talking about giving you a ride home.  And why are you suddenly blushing? Don't tell me?" 

"SHUT UP! You know what never mind. I can go home on my own. Bye!" 

"W-wait, Jisoo!"


"Let me give you a ride. I promise I will stop teasing you. So what do you say?" 



"Y-youre-you're standing really

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