If She Were You And You Were Her

How To Fix A Broken Heart

"Where have you been all this time?, honestly, it feels like you're never here. I missed you.", This was an unexpectedly bossy tone of voice from Moonbyul, her hands balled into fists and pressed either side of her waist as she stood scowling at the newly arrived Yongsun. Instead of responding, she busied herself with making lunch and only turned around when she felt Moonbyul behind her in the kitchen. It wasn't always the best idea to answer a pouty Moonbyul, things often escalated and she was not ready to ruin her mood today, especially not after that ride in the lift. The hands on her seemed almost searching, as though she could feel the difference and was trying to find out if it was true. Moonbyul snuggled into Yongsun's back and sighed, her argumentative mood ebbing away as she held her close "You know I love you right?. I don't mean to be clingy.". Yongsun smiled and put her hand over Moonbyul's before a knock at the door made them seperate. They looked at each other and silently wondered who it could be since they never got visitors.

Opening the door, Yongsun was ready to greet the newcomer but was shocked by an official badge being in her face, the woman behind was in a police uniform and had backup in the form of a rather weedy looking man whom Yongsun was pretty sure she could have beaten up with one hand. Before she could say anything, they forced their way inside and did the same thing to Moonbyul, who froze and dropped her sandwich in surprise. The female officer's voice was stern and a littler masculine, not too dissimilar to Moonbyul's. "Miss Moon Byulyi?. You're under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon with intent to seriously injury or maim. You do not have to say anything but anything you do say will taken as evidence and could be used against you in a court of law. Do you understand?". She didn't take a single breath and Yongsun stood in the open doorway with open equally as wide. Moonbyul nodded and allowed herself to be handcuffed and led out of the flat, reassuring Yongsun that everything would be ok. Not knowing what to do, Yongsun stood stock still and watched the three people get into the lift at the end of the hall. She heard the door open in the flat next to hers and looked around, the pretty girl, Soojung, was stood there looking inquisitive although she smiled sympathetically at Yongsun. Both women retreated into their respecte flats after a few minutes and shut the doors at almost the same time as each other. The rest of Yongsun's day went by in a blur, as if she was on automatic and her body was doing the usual things but her mind had abandoned her to join Moonbyul at the police precinct.

The station was a lot tidier than it was portrayed on tv, especially if you watched American shows but it still felt like she shouldn't be there. The plastic chair she was sitting on was quite uncomfortable and she giggled quietly to herself as she wondered who was the real prisoner here. What was taking so long?, surely it would be quicker since she had only been arrested that same day?. Fiddling with a loose thread on her sweater, she looked up just in time to see her, being escorted by the same officer who she had seen escorting her down the hall. They walked out together after she had signed a few things and gotten her things back from the duty sergeant. As they walked outside, she watched her walking to the street and laughed, "Hey, if you want a lift, I parked over here. No need to get cold and wet for the bus.". Moonbyul smiled in thanks and followed Soojung to her car, it wan't parked far away but the rain that had suddenly appeared had made it suddenly very chilly and every drop that hit them felt like ice. Moonbyul had never been in a car so luxurious, a brand new Lexus in ice white, she smiled in satisfaction as she sat on the soft leather seats and pulled the door closed with a silent click. The ride home was nice, she almost fell asleep in the warmth and Soojung was happy to see her relaxed like this. For a minute, she could imagine this being their life, aside from the visit to the station to bail Moonbyul out of course. Moonbyul's hand had slid onto the central console, it lay limp as she slept and Soojung had the overwhelming urge to hold it in her own but she resisted. She had to concentrate on the road but as she reached another red light, she felt a weight against her shoulder and looked over to see Moonbyul's head resting there, soft snoring filtering into her ear as she almost smirked triumphantly. Admittedly it wasn't a concious thing that Moonbyul had done but it made Soojung happy all the same and she drove home a little cheerier for it.

Pacing, when had she started pacing the flat?, it seemed like all day but Moonbyul had only been gone for a few hours. She had received a phone call from an unknown number that turned out to be Moonbyul at the station saying that she was coming home and that somebody had posted her bail. It hadn't occured to Yongsun to ask who exactly had bailed her out or who even knew she had been arrested for that matter but she was grateful all the same. A key fit into the lock and she heard a muffled voice saying goodbye, a second later she flung her arms around Moonbyul. The door shut behind them and she kissed her passionately whilst the newly released prisoner chuckled saying she hadn't been gone that long.

Amber was just coming out of the bedroom, a towel over her head as she rubbed her hair dry, she smiled to see Soojung back home and asked if everything was ok?. "Yeah, I had to post her bail really. I felt bad since she technically got arrested for defending me. Something you..", she crossed the room and prodded a finger into Amber's chest, "..should have done!. did you not hear everything going on in the hall right outside our door? Honestly!, sometimes you just seem so ignorant to things going on in my life Amber Josephine Liu!". Amber stood goggling, the towel sliding to the floor as Soojung marched into the bedroom and slammed the door. What just happened?. She made her way to the couch and slouched onto it, there was no use in trying to console Soojung when she was like this, for one thing it was apparently all Amber's fault anyway. When they had bumped into each other the last time, she had asked Yongsun for her number and now she sent her one message, if it was read by the wrong person then she was in trouble, but she risked it all the same.

'Can't wait for next time X'

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TennoujiMegumi #1
Chapter 7: wtf did i just read.... wasn’t this supposed to be moonsun au.... or am i wrong......? they all seems fell deeply attracted to the opposite pair i don’t think there’s going back from it now
Chapter 2: Me siento mal por Byul;( Yong debe decidirse por una de ellas no jugar y herir
Wooshtheroosh #3
Chapter 2: Ouch...
zxc1234 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhhh~ this is getting really interesting, hope to see more!