8 - To help when it's needed

Before We Got Famous {NamGi/SugaMon}

It's been a while ;-;
But I'm here with an update!

Yoongi woke up in his bed in the morning, and it confused him; he was sure that he'd slept on the couch in the living room. A flashback came into his mind where Namjoon tried to wake him up, and he replied rudely. After that Namjoon left him there. Yoongi really hoped that he didn't do anything stupid while he was asleep...

Namjoon was still sleeping. Yoongi remembered how they sat on the couch, how the latter told him about his past so happily. Yoongi thought that if his classmates would've tried to convince him to go to Jungle Radio, he would've been annoyed and ignored them. But Namjoon was different, he gathered enough courage thanks to his friends and made it. Yoongi was sure that Namjoon was missing his friends and family.

As Yoongi looked at the latter's sleeping form, he had to realize that Namjoon was more handsome than he'd first assumed. He had a nice shaped face, his small nose, and his lips which were more plump than usual, it made him even more attractive.

Yoongi forced himself to look away, turning his gaze towards the papers he'd gotten from his boss yesterday. He grabbed them and went to the kitchen, sitting down onto a chair to start reading.

There were so many rules that trainees had to follow. No plastic surgery - thank God, Yoongi didn't need any -, no smoking or using drugs. , even his shorts can't reach above his mid-thighs if he's in public.

Yoongi flipped a page, reading through the obligations he's going to have, the daily schedule written down under - dance, rap, even singing lessons which made him frown. Was he going to have to take singing lessons too? His frown deepened when he read that it was a possibility that he would have to dance as a back-up dancer at other idol's performances or being in their music videos.

At least the company gave the opportunity to go to college besides the training, and if he would need any kind of training that they told him to do, they would pay the expenses.

At the end of the contract, they wrote the total cost of his training. To say Yoongi was shocked would be an understatement - becoming an idol was expensive, and the company was going to detract it from the group's income after their debut. Yoongi was scared to think of what would happen if they wouldn't be successful - how would he be able to pay back everything?

No, he couldn't think of that, he had to be optimistic and do his best to stay here as a trainee and debut as a member of this group.

Yoongi's head started hurting after all of the information he just read. It wasn't that bad - at least he knew there wouldn't be any problem with the prohibitions, and with time he's going to get used to the rest.

"Good morning!" Yoongi heard Namjoon's voice as he came into the kitchen.

"Morning!" Yoongi greeted him as well.

"Oh, you've read it all?" Namjoon asked as he glanced at the papers.

"Mhm." Yoongi nodded.

"And? Are you going to sign it?"

"Yes, I just forgot to bring a pen to do it." Yoongi replied.

"Oh. You can find one at the table in our bedroom," Namjoon said, pointing towards there above his shoulder.

Yoongi mumbled a quiet thank you and went into the bedroom. Once he stepped towards the tabley he looked around until he spotted a pen - it was laying on an opened notebook. To make sure it's working, he scribbled a few lines at the corner of the page. His eyes unintentionally focused on the lines that were written onto the paper, realising they were lyrics. There were many, some of them scribbled over, but some were not.

There was a paragraph which was written in English, a few words written above it - Do you, and next to it there was an 'RM' which was framed with multiple circles. Was that a monogram or something?

Still wondering about it, Yoongi went back to the kitchen and sat down onto the chair. He looked at the contract for a few moments, chewing on his bottom lip.

"There's no turning back." He said as he started writing down his name.

"I hope you won't regret your decision." Namjoon said as he glanced at him above his sandwich."

"Not that I have a choice..." Yoongi mumbled as he leaned back in his chair.

"What do you mean by that?" Namjoon asked with a frown. Yoongi pursed his lips together, regretting that he spoke those words out loud. He should keep his mouth shut. He was not ready to explain it to Namjoon. Not yet.

"It's nothing." He said instead and stood up, walking towards the fridge. A few minutes later he sat back with a sandwich. They ate in silence, and Yoongi was grateful for it - he was glad that Namjoon didn't start asking questions. Once they were both done, Yoongi grabbed their plates and did the washing up.

After he was done, he made his way into their bedroom and hopped down onto his bed. Ah, he would love to fall back asleep.

"Bang Pd-nim texted me." Namjoon broke the silence, making Yoongi look at him. "Looks like we're free for the rest of this week." He added with a grin.

"How so?" Yoongi frowned; it was not what he expected.

"He said that they still need to figure out the date of the audition, and we can rest until then. You'll only have to bring back your contract after you sign it."

"Oh, that's... that's nice of him." Yoongi said.

"It is. I had to read the message again to make sure I'm not hallucinating - it's pretty unusual of him, but who am I to argue with that?"

"Would you come with me to bring the contract back to him? We could take a walk after or something." Yoongi asked after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah, sure! At least we can get some fresh air." Namjoon replied.

With that, Yoongi grabbed a black T-shirt with a pair of ripped jeans and went into the bathroom - he was a bit shy around Namjoon, he needed some time to get used to dressing in front of him. Once he was done with changing, he looked at the mirror, trying to make himself presentable. Gosh, he truly needed to get a new haircut - his locks were partly covering his eyes now.

Shrugging, Yoongi left the bathroom, noticing that Namjoon was sitting at the table, writing i to that notebook where he'd found the pen earlier.

"You got some inspiration?" Yoongi asked as he took a few steps closer. Namjoon glanced at him with a surprised look - he was probably deep in his thoughts and didn't notice him until now."

"Yeah, it's been a while since I got inspired, so I had to write it down before it would fade away." Namjoon replied.

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi asked, remembering something he saw at the notes. Namjoon nodded, giving him permission. "What does RM mean?"

"Ah, well..." Namjoon looked away for a moment, his cheeks getting a nice shade of pink. Was he embarrassed? But why?

"Back then, there was a rap battle, and during my free styling, I called myself Rap Monster. Unfortunately the other trainees started calling me like that. The RM is the shortened version of that." He explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hm, what an interesting nickname." Yoongi said, wondering. "I think it's a cool name." He added, smiling a little.

"Tha-thank you." Namjoon stuttered, his cheeks flushed red now. He stood up, almost flipping the chair a she did so. "I go and change so we can go." He said and with that, he grabbed a bunch of his clothes and went into the bathroom.

While waiting, Yoongi sat down onto his bed and started unpacking his stuff into the wardrobe next to his bed as he still had some of his clothes in his bags. He tried to use less space for his clothes so the future members would have enough space for their own stuff. As he didn't have that much, he finished rather quickly.

As Yoongi scanned his other bags, he decided that he's not going to unpack those - maybe they're going to have a studio or something like that at the company. He almost zipped his bag, but he stopped when he noticed a picture he probably shoved it in with his other belongings in his hurry.

He held it to take a look at it, his heart aching at the sight of himself and his parents. He took deep breaths as he tried not to cry; it still hurt so ing much that his parents dumped him. Why couldn't they support him? Why had they thrown him out like some kind of trash, like they were ashamed that their son chose a path he did?

His chest tightened at these thoughts, and it became harder for him to breathe properly. He angrily threw the picture back into his bag, then he closed his eyes as he was focusing on his breathing, trying to calm himself down.

"Yoongi? Is everything okay?" Yoongi heard Namjoon's voice. As Yoongi opened his eyes he saw how the latter frowned.

"I'm fine, I just..." Yoongi trailed off, trying to walk away beside him, but Namjoon grabbed his shoulder, stopping him.

"Hey, why did you become so sad?" Namjoon asked, locking eyes with him. Yoongi couldn't bear with those worried eyes, he looked away.

He was still not ready to talk about his parents. He hoped that his bad memories would stop coming up in his head if he stayed silent, but they didn't, playing a cruel game with him.

Hot tears started rolling down on Yoongi's cheeks before he could stop them.

"Ple-please let me go." Yoongi stuttered quietly, his voice too weak to speak louder.

"Yoon-" Namjoon choked on his words when Yoongi looked at him; his eyes widened, his lips parted when he saw him crying.

"Let me go." Yoongi tried again, but Namjoon didn't make a move, still holding him. "I said let me go!" He started hitting Namjoon's chest, but it was no use - Namjoon didn't even flinch.

After a few more weak tries, Yoongi gave up, leaving his open palm on Namjoon's chest, slowly leaning closer against him as he lowered his head, ending up being hugged by Namjoon. The closeness was the last straw, Yoongi started sobbing, gripping Namjoon's shirt tightly as his shoulders trembled, his hot tears soaking his shirt.

Yoongi's breath hitched in his throat for a moment as he felt Namjoon's warm palm caressing his back. It was so unexpected, yet it was so calming; Yoongi slowly opened his palm, resting it on Namjoon's chest. He felt how rapid Namjoon's heartbeat was, like his heart wanted to break out from his chest.

Yoongi closed his eyes and took a deep breath; he could smell Namjoon's scent, a mixture of his cologne and the fabric softener he was using.

Yoongi didn't know how much time they spent there, but he didn't care; being this close to Namjoon was surprisingly pleasant, to be held by him, listening to his heartbeat and quiet breathing, warmness blooming in his chest because of it.

Without truly noticing it, Yoongi slowly slid his hands from Namjoon's chest to his back, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you!" Yoongi whispered, his voice a little raspy after his crying.

"I wish I could do more for you."

"This helps me a lot, trust me. I don't even deserve to be taken care of like this-" Yoongi yelped when Namjoon dragged him away, anger flashing in his eyes.

"Never, ever say anything like this again. Did I make myself clear?" His tone made Yoongi blink at him dumbly for a few moments. What made him so angry?

"Why though? It's the truth after all - I don't even know why you're taking care of me. No one gives a about me." Even his parents dumped him, there was literally no one who would want to take care of him.

Namjoon lowered his head for a few seconds, a long, deep sigh leaving his lips before be lifted his head up and looked at him again, cupping his face between his hands.

"Min ing Yoongi! If I wouldn't want to take care of you, I wouldn't do it. But..." Namjoon trailed off, hesitating for a few moments, his cheeks turning red. "But you're important to me, and I care about you."

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