Ch. 33- Annoying

Wings of an Angel

Myungsoo's POV:

" Well I don't know what happened. Everything happened too fast, and all these words came out of my mouth which I didn't mean to say." The both of them were still confused. I didn't want to tell the whole story, but if I wanted them to understand then I would have to tell them everything.

" I guess I will just tell you the whole story....."



" Myungsoo lets go visit Doojoon and Kikwang!"

I looked at Sungyeol weirdly. I didn't expect him wanting to see Doojoon, but I didn't expect him getting close to him either. In my heart I didn't want him to go near that guy even if they were 100 feet apart. Just the thought of breathing the same air as that punk made me want to puke. He hurted Sungyeol and I would never forgive him even if Sungyeol begged me to forgive him. If he tries anything funny to Sungyeol I will immediately deliever a punch to his face.

" Myungsoo. Earth to Myungsoo!"

" Huh?"

" I said lets go visit Doojoon and Kikwang!"

" Why do you want to go see them? Since when did you get so close to them too? They aren't your friends anyways." I didn't mean to make it sound so harsh, but I was mad that he wanted to spend our time together with Doojoon and the Kikwang guy.

" Please Myungsoo. Just for a bit okay? Please?"

"...............Fine. Its getting pretty late so we can't stay for that long."

" You are the best!" He gave me a hug and I froze. Usually I wouldn't freeze up like this but I have been feeling weird for a while now. He then let go and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to Doojoon's house.


" We are here!" I looked around. His place wasn't bad, but Sungyeol will always like my house the best. We walked up to the door and Sungyeol knocked. The door opened and the Kikwang guy was there.

" Sungyeol and Myungsoo! Welcome, welcome! Please come in! Doojoon-hyung is just finishing dinner." He welcomed us in and I could smell food in the air, and lets just say my stomach was beginning to grumble.

" Well, well, it looks like somebody is hungry here." I looked over to see Doojoon leaning on the wall with his arms crossed. He was holding a spatula and wearing a pink apron. He looked hilarious wearing that get-up. I have never seen this side of him so I couldn't help but laugh.

" Haha what is with this get-up?"

" What do you mean?"

" The apron and stuff! I mean, it just doesn't fit your image!"

" So! It doesn't matter if it doesn't match my image! Whatever, I'm going back to the kitchen. Kikwang go get them some drinks." I watched the both of them go into the kitchen and Sungyeol led me to the living room. We sat down on the couches and waited for Kikwang to bring our drinks. I looked around and I saw pictures of his family, friends from middle school (ugh.), and one of just him and Kikwang. He was smiling in all of the pictures. It made me really wonder who was the real Doojoon and who was the fake.

" Here are your drinks!"

" Thanks!", said Sungyeol and I.

" The food is almost done so how about you guys come over to the dining room." We got up and followed him. I could smell the food even better and my stomach grumbled even louder. Sometimes I hate my stomach for being so loud.

" Okay! The food is done now!" Doojoon came out with plates that had steak, vegetables, and other things on it. It looked so good and I my lips in hunger.

" You guys can dig in now!" I started to cut the meat and it tasted so good. Even though he may be my enemy right now I will just put that away for now and enjoy the free food. 

" Doojoon this tastes really good!" I nodded in agreement with what Sungyeol said.

" Thanks. Sungyeol you have some sauce on the side of your face. Here let me do it." I looked up from my plate and saw Doojoon grab a napkin. He lifted his hand to Sungyeol's face and wiped off the sauce. Sungyeol thanked him and smiled cutely at him. Anger started to bottle up but I didn't want to say anything so I just ate silently.


" Why don't you guys go watch a movie in the living room while I wash the dishes." Sungyeol and I got up and headed for the living room. I glared at him and he felt it.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing."

" Aww come on. I know something is wrong."

" It is not like you would care."

" What is that supposed to mean!?"

" Whatever." I sat on the sofa that was across from Sungyeol and looked away. I could tell he was looking at me, but I didn't dare to look at him. Finally Doojoon and Kikwang came out and sat with us. They popped in a movie and Doojoon sat next to Sungyeol while Kikwang got a whole sofa to himself. I mean if you are going to sit somewhere then go sit by Kikwang! They started to laugh at a funny scene in the movie, but I wasn't laughing at all. Kikwang fell asleep within 30 minutes of the movie, and Doojoon brought him upstairs to the bedroom. Then everything became quiet. I couldn't stand this awkward silence so I spoke up.

" So are you and Doojoon like best friends or what?"

" What do you mean?"

" Well you guys seem so close now. How could you even stand to be near him when he hurted you so much!?" My voice came out louder than I wanted it to.

" You don't need to worry Myungsoo."

" What do you need I don't need to worry!? How can I not worry about you! Everyday I worry about you!"

" Then stop worrying about me! I can take care of myself!" Now we were practically yelling at each other.

" YOU CAN'T TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! YOU ALWAYS NEEDED MY HELP ALL THE TIME! EVER SINCE MIDDLE SCHOOL YOU NEEDED MY HELP WITH EVERYTHING! I DON'T GET WHY I EVEN CARE ANYMORE WHEN YOU AREN'T GRATEFUL! YOU KNOW WHAT, YOU ARE SO ANNOYING! YOU CAN DO WHATEVER YOU WANT! I'M OUT OF HERE!" I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I stopped and tried to calm myself down, and I opened the door, but I stopped again. Tears were beginning to fall and I wiped them away harshly. I slammed the door and ran out.



" And that is was happened."

" Myungsoo.......I don't know what to say.", said Woohyun who was clutching his head, Sunggyu rubbed his back for comfort.

" I'm sorry. I never meant to say any of that. I-I don't know what to do anymore hyung. S-Sungyeol probably hates me now." Tears started to form and I started to cry. I was crying because I didn't know if Sungyeol would ever like me again; I was scared that I lost him forever. Sunggyu-hyung came over and hugged me.

" Hey now, don't cry okay? Let's see what tomorrow will be like. For now you need to get some sleep. Go to sleep okay?" I nodded my head. I layed my head on the pillow that was on the sofa and my eyes slowly closed. I heard footsteps and the both of them were upstairs now. As I fell asleep, tears silently fell.


At Dongwoo's house.......


Sungyeol's POV:

" H-Hoya-hyung."

" What's wrong Sungyeol?"

" Hyung......"





I watched him as he grabbed his bag and walked towards the door. He stopped for a second and then slammed the door. I stood there dumbfounded and my knees fell to the floor.

" Hey I heard yelling. Is everything okay?"

" I-I'm sorry, but I have to go."

" Wait! Are you okay?", he said as he grabbed my wrist. I didn't want Doojoon to worry so I smiled at him.

" I'm alright. Thanks for dinner." I pulled my wrist out of his grip and walked out the door. Slowly I walked without thinking where I was going. Without noticing I was at Hoya-hyung's house. I ran the doorbell but nobody was home.

" Oh yeah he is at Dongwoo-hyung's house."

I walked to Dongwoo's house even though it was pretty far, but I have done it before so it is fine. When I got to his house the lights were turned off but I knocked. I kept on knocking until somebody opened the door. After a while somebody opened the door and Hoya-hyung stood there with a questioning look. Tears started to form in my eyes and I hugged him for comfort. Then Dongwoo-hyung came over and hugged me.




" Hyung, Myungsoo said I was annoying and that he doesn't want to deal with me anymore."

" Sungyeol, I'm sure he didn't mean that."

" B-But, h-he said it though."

" You guys have one of the greatest bonds I have ever seen. I'm sure Myungsoo said that for some other reason, not because he doesn't want to deal with you anymore. Now come on, you need to sleep. Dongwoo-hyung can you grab me a blanket and a pillow."

" Sure, it will only take a few seconds." Hoya-hyung led me to the living room and layed me down on he sofa. Dongwoo-hyung then came down with a pillow and blanket. He put the pillow under my head and put the the blanket over me. I thanked them and they both went back upstairs.

Myungsoo what happened to you? I miss the Myungsoo as a kid, the little boy who I met in the hospital, the little boy who taught me to live no matter the circumstances. I miss him so much even if he doesn't remember me. Only if he would remember me then maybe things would be a little different. Maybe I should leave and not come back. Then I would just be running away wouldn't I? I would just be running away from a problem that I promised myself I would complete. I promised myself, his mother, and the little Myungsoo and the present Myungsoo that I would stay by his side no matter what. His memories will come back, and I will see through it.

" Myungsoo, please don't be mad at me.......please....remember....." My eyes slowly closed and the remaining tears fell.

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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~