Ch. 28- Almost

Wings of an Angel

Sunggyu's POV:

It feels so warm. That's weird. Why does it feel warm? If I remember, I am sleeping on the roof by myself. Maybe I wasn't? Well whatever, it feels comfortable to sleep in this warmth anyways. That's right, I was on the roof waiting for him to come out. I haven't seen him these past few days. Maybe he has been busy, I would like to hear his voice again. Also maybe he is the one I have been looking for. 

" Hyung." Who is calling for me?

" Hyung wake up! WAKE UP HYUNG!"

I woke up from somebody calling for me.

" Finally you woke up. Took you a while. Woohyun is not even awake yet either." I look over and I see Woohyun who is in my embrace. I quickly let go of him, and stood up. He started to grumble and he finally woke up.

" Huh? Why am I up here? Why are you up here hyung? Wait.........CRAP I MISSED THE REST OF THE SCHOOL DAY!!!! IT IS YOUR FAULT HYUNG THAT WE BOTH SLEPT UNTIL THE DAY WAS OVER!"

He kept on yelling, nagging, and complaining about how we fell asleep, and we missed school. This kid needs to get a life, and do something different for once.

" It's okay you two, I told the teacher that Woohyun-hyung wasn't feeling well and that Sunggyu-hyung sent him home.", said Sungjong who appeared by our side. Woohyun didn't hear what Sungjong said, and kept on complaining.

" Thanks Sungjong-ah. I must have been tired from staying up late last night."

" No problem Sunggyu-hyung. Well we should probably go and see Sungyeol-hyung now."

" Yeah we should." I went over and grabbed Woohyun by the arm, and dragged him to the door. He was pouting, which I thought was pretty cute, but hey it is not my fault he fell asleep too. He could have left and not bother him. It is not my fault that I pulled him in to sleep with me. Yep not my fault at all!


Woohyun's POV:

I can't believe that I fell asleep. It just felt so warm and comfortable sleeping with Sunggyu-hyung. I did enjoy it though, it felt nice to be embraced by him. The only reason why I kept on complaining was to hide my blushing face so it looked like I was angry with him. I mean who wouldn't be all embarrassed to be hugged by the person you love. But I was kind of tired too, so that was another factor too. Now it is the time to go visit Sungyeol though, so it would be a good idea to stop complaining.

Dongwoo-hyung and them had our bags, and they were waiting for us by the cars. When we got there they all gave us these funny looking faces.

" Why are you guys looking at us like that?"

" Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nothinggggggggggg!", said Sungyeol as he turned away from us. I just looked at them weirdly as went into the cars. Sungjong went with Dongwoo and them, and I went with Sunggyu-hyung. When we got into the car there was only silence. I kept looking at him wondering if he would say anything, but he didn't. So I decided to say something to get rid of this silence.

" Hyung."

" Hmm?"

" Do you like anybody?"

" Why?"

" Just wondering. That's all."

" I don't think so. Well not really. There is something I have to do though before I can fall for anybody."

" Really? What is that?!"

"........It's a secret."

" What!? A secret! Tell me hyung! Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee! With a cherry on top!" I gave my best aegyo to him, but he wouldn't budge.

" Hahahahahaha Woohyun I won't tell you. I promised I wouldn't tell anybody until the time was right."

" Somebody you promised? Who is that person?"

" Somebody I met in the States. That is all I'm going to tell you."

" Tch. Fine be stingy!" I turn my head to the side not looking at him.

" Hahahahaha you are so cute Woohyun-ah." He put his hand on top of my head and ruffled my hair. My face was starting to feel hot.

H-he called me cute! HE CALLED ME CUTE! HE CALLED ME CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Luckily he wasn't able to see my face or else I would have been found out, and be really embarrassed. After that the rest of the car ride was silent, but it was a comfortable silence. I closed my eyes for a little bit, and leaned my head on the window.


" Woohyun-ah wake up, we are at the hospital now." I woke up and noticed that I fell asleep on the way here. Sunggyu-hyung got out of the car, and I saw the others coming out of the other car.

" Wait for me!"

" Hurry up then!" I quickly got out of the car, and ran over to the others. We entered the building, and went up to Sungyeol's room. When we got there we found Myungsoo feeding Sungyeol. Aigoo the scene of them was so cute!

" Well look at what we have here. Myungsoo actually feeding somebody else!", said Dongwoo-hyung.

" Shut up hyung. Sungyeol is still not feeling good!" Then Myungsoo got smacked on the head by Sungyeol.

" Myungsoo, you shouldn't talk like that to your hyungs! I can feed myself too!" Myungsoo started to pout, and it was a funny sight to see him like this. Then everybody ran over to Sungyeol and hugged him to death. Everybody was worried about him; lets just hope something like this won't happen again.

" Sungyeol when are getting discharged?", said Sungjong with big eyes.

" The doctor said in a few days."

" Yayyyyy! Then we can go find the Doojoon punk and beat him into a pulp!", said Sungjong as he pumped a fist into the air.

" Alright calm down Sungjong, you are going to hurt Sungyeol!" Hoya grabbed Sungjong off Sungyeol and threw him onto the chair. We all started laughing, and that is how our day ended.


The next day at school..............

No one's POV:

Instead of going to lunch, a person was going up the stairs to the roof. He looked over the railing, and inhaled the fresh air. The person looked up at the sky as if looking for some sort of sign. He waited for a couple of minutes then he went back to the middle of the roof. He inhaled and let the music come out of his mouth.

Sunggyu's POV:

I was walking towards to Woohyun's locker where I usually meet him. Then I saw somebody walking up the stairs to the roof. I decided to follow them, and see what this person was up to. I saw the person walk over to the railing, then they looked at the sky, and stood like that for a few minutes. Then they walked back, and I turned away, afraid he might see me. Then the person started to sing.

This voice! It is this person's voice! The song is beautiful, just like this person's voice.

" You will find out who the person is because you will fall in love with their voice."

Do you mean the person you want me to protect is this person? Because I know for sure I have fallen in love with this person's voice.It feels so nice listening to it, it sort of reminds me of Woohyun.........Wait did I just say Woohyun? Hahahahahahaha nope I didn't. But I think I have fallen in love with this person though because I can feel everything just by listening to their voice. There is a hint of sadness though. I just want to run up to them and give them a hug. But why does my heart keep thinking of Woohyun? Do I want this person to be Woohyun?

I look out the door again, and I see the person turn his head to the side, but then he quickly turns away. Why? Why won't they look this way? I was this close to finding out who you are. Almost. I was almost close to finding out who you are.

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695 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
695 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~