Ch. 24- Please Find Me

Wings of an Angel

(A/N: this will be Sungyeol's pov on what is happening.)

A few hours earlier during first period.........

Sungyeol's POV:

Great I have to get to school early to do some of my homework that I never got to finish. Dongwoo-hyung really owes all of us to help prepare for his extravegant confession to Hoya-hyung. Well at least they are happy now, and aren't all moppy around each other.Oh yeah, I should probably text Myungsoo that I'm leaving early to school.

To: Myungie

From: Sungyeol

" Sorry I won't be able to walk to school with you today! I have to finish some homework I didn't get to do since we had to help out with Dongwoo-hyung. He owes us big time! Well I will see you at school then! <3"

It's so embarrassing to put that heart at the end, but he will love it no matter what! Well I better going before I can't do my homework anymore.


At school...............

" It seems really cloudy today doesn't it?"

" Yep it looks really cloudy today hyung." I jumped when I heard a voice come up behind me.

" Sungjong! Next time you should warn me that you are coming up behind me!"

" Sorry hyung, but you were too busy looking at the clouds that I didn't want to bother you." Then of course Sungjong gives off his angelic smile even though I know he enjoyed scaring me out of my pants.

" Whatever. Anyways why are you here?"

" Ugh. I have to finish up the homework that I didn't get to finish last night. You?"

*sigh* " Me too." Just then somebody came up to the door and knocked.

" Sungjong do you still need help with the homework?"

" Huh? Oh yeah, just wait Dongjun. Hyung for some reason I have an errie feeling today." Sungjong was looking at me with concern. He is a good dongsaeng to all of us, even with his sharp tongue, but he is a loving dongsaeng. I ruffled his hair for reassurance.

" Don't worry Sungjongie, today will be fine. Now go and finish your homework with your boyfriend Dongjun!"

" Yah hyung! Don't say that! He might hear you!" He is so cute when he is embarrassed and flustered. I pushed him out of the room and waved goodbye to him.

" Alright lets finish my homework!"


30 minutes later.............

The teacher finally came in, and told all of us to sit in our seats. He told us yesterday that she has some news for us, which isn't always good news, but we were all still anticipating for it.He usually tells us to get dress and head outside, but I guess today was different.

" Alright everyone today you have a new student in your class. You can come in now." A boy came in.

Hmmmmmm he is handsome, but not as handsome as Myungsoo of course! He seems awfully familiar though. Have I seen him before?

" Hello my name is Yoon Doojoon, please take care of me."

Y-Yoon D-Doojoon? THE Yoon Doojoon? Why is here? It couldn't be right? He couldn't be here for me again right? My breathing started to accelerate, and I began clutching my chest. My vision began to blur, I was starting to sweat, but I had to calm myself down to the best to my ability.

" Alright, Doojoon-sshi you can go sit back by Lee Sungyeol over there." He was coming closer and closer to me. Then he gave me a glare and smirked at me.

" It seems like we see each other again, Lee. Sung. Yeol." I couldn't say anything. It felt like my voice just disappeared into thin air. I had to get out of here, but that was impossible.

" Alright everybody go and get change! After you are done head outside!"

" Well we should get going to the locker rooms, and change Sungyeol-sshi!"

" Um. Yeah lets go."


We were walking out of the buliding when I saw Myungsoo looking out the window. I waved to him, and he smiled back at me. Luckily he turned his attention back to the teacher or else he would have seen Doojoon.

" Okay everybody we are going to play soccer for today!" Everybody started to groan and complain. I wasn't very good at sports, especially soccer, but I know somebody who is good at it- Yoon Doojoon. He is smirked when he heard that we are playing soccer, but I was NOT very excited for it.

" Alright I will split you guys in half. So Sungyeol you will be on the blue team, and Doojoon you are on the red team! Okay everybody got it! Now go and play!" Everybody went in to their perspective groups, but Doojoon was looking at me weirdly. Almost as if he was hungry for his prey. I started to shiver and sweat just by him looking at me. Then somebody came up to me.

" Sungyeol-sshi are you okay? You don't look to good."

" I'm alright. Don't worry about it."

" Oh okay then."

The game began, and Doojoon already had the ball. He used to play soccer when he was in middle school, and how do I know that. He went to the same middle school as Myungsoo and I. The ball never left his feet, and he was swerving the ball around the people who came up to him. Then as he got closer and closer, I started to shake badly. He knew I was shaking, and looked at me with a smirk, an evil smirk. He kicked the ball around me, but then kicked my leg really hard, that I fell to the ground. I clutched my leg, and try to ease my pain away, but I knew that I couldn't show there was pain on my face. I got back up and pretended that I felt nothing.

" I won't be weak this time." I ran to him, he didn't know that I was coming towards him, and I was able to snatch the ball from him. He looked at me with a pissed off face, but I just stuck out my tongue at him. I kept running and running; then I as I got closer to the goal, I kicked it really hard, and I made a GOAL! My team was giving me high fives, but as I looked back at Doojoon he mouthed, " You will pay for this." Then it started to rain, and everybody started screaming that they are getting wet.

" Everybody calmd down it's only rain! Lee Sungyeol, and Lee Doojoon, go collect the stuff and put them in the storage over there." Great now I have to be with him even more! Not my day at all!

" Yes," we both said at once. We gathered the cones and soccer balls, and brought them into the storage room.

Wait this isn't good. He wouldn't do that again right? I mean isn't one time enough? I have to run back at once, once we set down the stuff!

After we set down the stuff, I quickly turned back to run back to the school, but then he grabbed my wrist.

" Now where do you think you are going?" I looked at him with fear in my eyes, and he knew I was scared. He pushed me into the storage room and kicked me a few times. I couldn't get up, and he left me there. He shut the door, and I heard a click. He locked the door. I got up to see if I could open it, but it was useless.

" Doojoon-sshi please open the door! Please!" I knocked on the door as hard as I can.

" I'm sorry I can't. If I don't do this then she won't ever like me."

" You idiot! How can you still like her after all this time! She is only making you suffer! Can't you understand that, can't you see she is only using you!"

" I'm sorry Sungyeol, but she told me that if I ever see you again, I will have to do one more bad thing to you again if I want her to be my girlfriend."

" Please open the door! You know I can't stand places like these!"

" I'm sorry, this will be the last time." Then I didn't hear anything else, but him running away. I fell to the ground, clutched myself, and started to cry. It was dark in here, TOO dark. I started to breath really hard, I started to shiver, and I just sat there hoping somebody will come get me. I feel like I couldn't see anything because it was so dark. I was alone in here by myself, and I can't stand being here all by myself. It's impossible for me to stay here by myself. I cried even harder. The darkness and loneliness was enveloping me, it reminded me too much of that incident.

" Please anybody help me. Please. Myungsoo where are you? I need you so badly, please notice that I am gone. Please. Help." I laid on the ground in the fetal position, and cried myself to sleep.


" Let me see my mom and dad! Let me see them!"

" Sungyeol stop it! You are injured!"

" NO! Let me see them! They have to be okay! They have to be okay!" I looked as a doctor came out of the room.

" How are they? How are my mom and dad!? What about Daeyeol?!

" I'm sorry to say this but your parents didn't make it. About your little brother, he is in critical danger right now, so we don't know anything right now. He is stable for now, but we will have to test him later to see what we can do. I'm sorry about your parents." He walked away and went back into the room. I just stood there not being able to feel anything. I wasn't able to process what just happened, to be more exact, I didn't want to accept it. Then I started to cry.


" Sungyeol please don't cry alright! Please!" I looked up at the two people before me. These people are my parents' friends, and they told us that from now on that they will be taking care of us. They were both crying, sobbing, looking at me with sad eyes. I kept looking at her, but then everything went black.



I sprang up from my dream. Tears were falling from my face, and I wiped them away. I had that dream, no scratch that, it was a nightmare. It hurts to think of them again.

Why was I the one who didn't get hurt as badly!? They both died, and Daeyeol was badly injured! Then as we got older, Daeyeol left to go overseas because he couldn't stand to be next to me anymore. He hates me because I wasn't the one who died. He even told me that he wished I died, and that our parents should have lived. Ironically, I agreed with him, but when he left he told me that someday he will forgive me. He wanted to explore the world for himself, and come to a conclusion himself.

" Why wasn't I injured as badly?! Why?! I stayed in the hospital because I couldn't leave my brother's side, but by doing that I met him. The one who gave me a life to live: to live for my brother, for my parents, and most importantly- myself." I began to cry even harder as I recalled everything that I experienced back then. Tears were strolling down my face, and I got even colder and colder. My body heat was slowly disappearing, and my vision started to become blurry.I used the last of my air to scream for help.

" Somebody! Anybody! Please get me out of here!" Nobody responded back. I sat there for a while until I heard somebody call out my name.

" Sungyeol is that you?!" It was Myungsoo!

" Myungsoo, I'm here!"

" Okay just wait for a sec! Hoya hurry up and give me the keys!" I head more voices, it seems like everybody was here. The door clicked, and I saw Myungsoo. He was all wet, well actually everybody was wet since everybody was outside.

" Sungyeol are you alright!?"

" Myungsoo you came for me."

" Of course I came for you, you idiot!"  I smiled at him knowing that I was finally found. He will always find me no matter where I am. My angel who gave me wings to fly so I can live my life to the fullest. The angel who brought me out of my darkness, the one who gave me a reason to live. The angel who I fell in love at first sight.

" Hey, Sungyeol don't pass out on me!" He was holding onto me as tightly as he could. I gave him another smile signaling that I was glad he found me. Then everything turned black.



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696 streak #1
Chapter 40: 💙❤️
696 streak #2
Chapter 18: this is funny 😅
Chapter 40: Thank you for this great and beautiful story authornim, ^^
Chapter 40: I love the story.
It made me laugh, cry and smile..
Hope there will be more stories like this.
Reread this story bcoz someone made a long list of what to read XD
Chapter 40: This story is so good! <3♡♡♡ wow it's so touching, turns out yonghwa is the angel~
soobyeol #7
Chapter 40: I don't know why i felt teary and had goosebumps on this chapter... i really like this story~~~~ ^^
Chapter 40: The development of all the pairings are sooo cute!~~ And the story ties in well with the title on the wings of an angel <33 Its awesome~~~^^
I'm reading this for the 2nd time and its still amazing
Chapter 40: WooGyu ^^
MyungYeol is the cutest pairing ever ~~~~~~