CH [3]

Our Tomorrow

Ryeowook attended all classes for the two consecutive weeks since the incident.

For the first time ever since he attended high school, he didn’t feel like he wasted his time. He was all wakeful, listening attentively to what the teachers explained on board. Just like what he did on half of first semester, he participated in class’s discussion too. Despite tranquility often dominates him, he’s still quite bright and active, like everyone admired. It wasn’t bad. Is he doing this because his homeroom saved him?

He kept on contemplating how he should pay back his homeroom’s kindness as he’s not fond of being indebted. Perhaps what he’s been doing is enough or it could not. Then what else should he do other than this? Give him gift? Ask him out for a meal? Nevertheless, until another idea comes to mind he’s going to stick with his plan.

Day by day piles of homework were added and oddly, unlike others Ryeowook totally enjoyed doing them.

A day after that incident Ryeowook thought of having a private talk with his homeroom regarding what he’s been probing yet never had the chance to. The man was always busy. After all, he’s a teacher. They could or not be the same person he knows. It could be a coincidence that the two has the same name. Most people don’t own their name all to themselves. He’s sure out there somewhere there’s someone who also owns the name Kim Ryeowook – with different face and personality.

Though, deep inside he doubt they’re different person.

The promise is still alive to this day as long as he still remembers them.

However, does Kyuhyun remember as well?

“Don’t forget we have PE today.” Donghae reminded cheerfully. This young talented school paint artist is adorable; none could deny that. After lunch Ryeowook takes out the PE uniform from his bag and goes straight to the toilet for change. Once inside he made sure there’s not a presence around him. Without pause he locks the toilet door and begins to change the uniform. Every time he changes clothing he couldn’t help to halt midway as he sees his own reflection. His slender hand traces the long scar from his upper arm to stomach.

Over the years such permanent scar still intimidates him.

Finished, he unlocked the door to find Hyukjae standing in front of the entrance. He jumped, gripping tight his chest.


“I’ve done this often Wook. Why still surprised? Now I’m suspicious. Are you hiding something?” Hyukjae joked, rolling his eyes.

“Privacy Hyuk.” Ryeowook warned.

Hyukjae laughed, “Alright, alright. It’s not like I’m going to rip your clothes here.”

“Lee Hyukjae!” Ryeowook exclaimed.

As they arrived at the field the teacher was already there. Everyone gathered to create two lines, separating boys and girls. The first exercise is stretching; continue with circling the field four times. South High field is extremely wide that it took everyone’s breath for each run. On the second round a cold sensation reaches his chest. He realized he could no longer continue.

“Kim Ryeowook!” The teacher calls after the whistle. Ryeowook turn his head towards the man and is taken aback to see another familiar figure, standing beside under the blazing sun with a bright smile.

“Mr. Lee?!”

Lee Sungmin, their previous homeroom who recently resigned from his position smiled as he hands Ryeowook a small towel. “Here, you’re sweating like a river.”

“T-thank you.” Ryeowook flustered.

“Can I have your time, Ryeowook-ssi?”

“I-I’m not sure if…”

Mr. Yoon waves his hand in air, “Don’t mind. Mr. Lee already has my permission. You can go give him a company.”

Ryeowook made a short excuse before following where Sungmin’s going. He doesn’t know where they’re walking towards to but he decided to follow wherever it is.

“It’s been a while. How have you been Mr. Lee?”

“I’m doing great, you?”

“Better by days, Mr.Lee.”

“You don’t need to call me that anymore. Sunbae or hyung would do. I’m not into formalities. I’m not your teacher anymore.” Ryeowook just stared at him, bewildered. “Hurry.”

“Y-yes, sunbae.”

“That’s better. I used to be a student here you see.”

“You were?!”

“The third year class used to be in your class. It hasn’t been that while but I’m glad to see everyone’s doing well. I’ve been with you all for a semester only yet it felt like a year.”Mr. Lee said out of blue; Ryeowook take a few steps forward beside him.

“It’s good to see you again Mr. Lee.”

“By the way I heard what happened from others. Well, didn’t expect it to be such a big talk. For your new homeroom to help you to that extent is amazing. I’d like to meet him. I also heard Mr. Jung case is over because of you and Jaejoong.”

“Honestly, we thought it may be hard at first but we didn’t expect it went smoothly.” Ryeowook explained, “We had to convince other teachers too.”

“That psycho deserves that. I still feel quite guilty that I couldn’t do anything to protect everyone….Especially Kibum. He must’ve suffered a lot. It’s because I had no clear evidence. If I had I would’ve given it to the principal.” Mr. Lee said with a sad smile. “A person like that shouldn’t stay around innocent people. You guys are good kids.”

“Don’t worry sunbae. Kibum is doing pretty well now. He’s been opening up to us bit by bit and everyone has been offering their hand to him.”

“It’s good to hear that. I will leave him to everyone, Ryeowook-ssi. I hope you guys can take good care of him.”

“Leave it to us.” Ryeowook smiled sincerely. Why did Sungmin leave them? He never knew the reason. He wanted to ask but something told him this isn’t the right time. He could see that Sungmin still cares for them. Sungmin could’ve stayed, could he? What made him left?

Their attention is averted when a bunch of seniors walk in group with their lab coats. Everyone’s face was brighten and some looked as if they’re about to cry. Sungmin present them a warm smile and wave but they launch on him like kittens missing their mother. It’s a rare sight of them. They often look intimidating but right now they look like normal students missing their teacher.

They’ve known Sungmin for more than a year. Compared to his class, they’ve spent a longer time with him.

One of them reasoned they have to move quickly to chemistry lab. They left one by one after giving Sungmin a light hug while some smiled at Ryeowook which he greet back with his sweet smile.

“Sunbae, can I ask you something?”


“You said you used to be a student here. Do you perhaps know anyone by Kim Jongwoon?”

Sungmin repeated the name, confused, “Sounds unfamiliar. Sorry, I don’t know anyone by that name. Who is it?”

“He’s my brother.”

“What batch he’s in?”


“Oh? I’m from batch six. He must be one of my juniors!” Sungmin eyes lit in interest. “Back in early days I used to handle their student orientation. I can’t remember most of their names though but I’m still in contact with some. If you said he graduated here as batch seven then there surely be someone with that name. I’ll try to check South High Yearbook later at home or ask others about it. Can I ask why?”

“I want to know how he was in high school. Even if I did get his contact, it’s not possible for me to contact him. He’s so far away now, I could never reach him.”

Sungmin give a reassuring pat on Ryeowook’s shoulder. “There must be a way to contact him.”

Ryeowook shook his head, looking down on the ground.

“He died in car crash.” That triggered him a little. He shouldn’t have brought such topic. All he wanted to know is how his brother was during the high school years.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t catch that.” Sungmin stuttered.

“It’s alright.”

“Recently...I lost someone important to me. He’s a friend I made at Canada and also a study partner. Our relatives are close. I thought of him as my family. One day an accident took his life. Until now I still can’t believe I already lost him. He was very young. He had a long journey ahead.”

In lifetime people experience loosing someone dear to them, either a friend or family. When their presence becomes shell, all left are memories of them.

Sungmin also explained the reason why he became a teacher at South High for only a short moment was because of his stay here in his hometown. His flight to Canada is tonight. He made a visit here to see everyone. Before he left and after another few talk with Ryeowook he promised the boy he would tell him about his brother if he ever finds one.

“PE must be over now.” Ryeowook murmured as he walked his way back to the classroom. To his surprise his classmates weren’t there yet but a sole figure stood before the window – his back leaning against it and a book held in his hand.

Cho Kyuhyun. Another eyes met another one again. Just like how the first time they lock eyes. Same place but different time and moment.

Ryeowook closed the door behind him, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

There are only two of them at the moment.

Perfect timing he’s been waiting for.

He should take this chance wisely.

Ryeowook takes his steps closer to where he’s standing and stopped three steps away. He unattached the ring necklace around his neck and show it to Kyuhyun. It dangles in the air as he holds the necklace between where they’re standing. The ring reflected small light from the window to their eyes.

Kyuhyun closed his book, crossing his arms. His eye still gazes into the other.

Kyu hyung.” Ryeowook called as he closed his eyes that a glint of surprise from Kyuhyun goes unnoticed. “You gave me this necklace seven years ago, as your promise token. You said one day when we meet again I can decide whether giving it back to you or keep it. Remember?” His eyes stay closed tight; he ought not to open them until he hears his reply,

“It’s been seven years. Nothing would sound strange if you couldn’t recognize me. If I were you I won’t either. But you know my late brother, Jongwoon and uncle Heechul. This necklace…”

“Ryeowook-ssi?” Kyuhyun cuts.


“I think…You got the wrong person.”

Ryeowook opened his eyes as his breath hitched, hiding his necklace to his chest and turning around in embarrassment. The tip of his ears is evidently pink. Before he showed Kyuhyun the necklace his guts told him they’re different person, how could he not be cautious of his bluntness?!

“I’m sorry!”

Kyuhyun heaves a soft chuckle, walking towards the teacher’s desk. Ryeowook bit his lower lip, eyes locked on the wooden floor. That just added the fuel to his embarrassment.

“Don’t be.”

What blinded his guts?

“I don’t recall ever giving something like that to an eight year old boy. For a promise token, that necklace is really beautiful.”

Ryeowook shift his gaze up to see Kyuhyun smiling warmly at him.

“It is. This belongs to that person.”

“I see…He has a good eye.”

The compliment wasn’t for him but those words made Ryeowook smile back at him.

Short after that the class starts normally. Ryeowook sat on his place listening attentively while writing down notes and everything on board. Hyukjae is no doubt in content of the flower boy’s presence while Donghae on the other side is playing with his mechanical pencil, glancing between his best friend who had been attending classes consecutively and their homeroom. He caught them having conversation from class’s window earlier before everyone arrived at class.

Seems like he is right, Kyuhyun is the person Ryeowook was referring to.

Donghae tear a small piece of paper from his notes and write something on it. He folds and hands the note to Ryeowook.

“What?” Ryeowook mouthed while looking at him.

“Just read.” Donghae mouthed back.

Ryeowook unfolds and read the paper.

‘The person from seven years ago is Cho Kyuhyun, right?’ Ryeowook widened his eyes and give Donghae a look. Donghae shrugged, ducking his head to the teacher.

Ryeowook hurriedly write back to his talented best friend.


Donghae raised an eyebrow in disbelieve and mouthed, “No?”

Ryeowook sighed in defeat.

‘It’s not him, Hae. I just found out he has the same name as that person from seven years ago.’

‘Same name?’ Donghae eyes him in curiosity. Hyukjae looked back at the small rustlings he heard, frowning.

“What are you guys doing?”

Under the evening sunset on their walk to the nearest park near Kim house, Ryeowook explained everything to the boys. Befriending them for almost two years now he never told them anything about his past since he thought it’s not quite necessary but then he’s been keeping all his thoughts about his past and condition all to himself. The need of telling them suddenly emerges.

“I’m going to keep this necklace until I found him. I decided… I want to return it.”

“So…Are you going to find him now?” Hyukjae asked.

“I don’t know. I’m not sure either. Even if I have to find him I don’t have the slightest idea where he may be staying. I guess I’ll wait, even if it takes another seven years or more.”

“Man, you sound like someone desperate waiting for their love.” He chuckled, receiving a small punch on his shoulder.

“Coincidence huh…?” Donghae narrowed his eyes.

“What is?”

“The same name thing. What if Mr. Cho turns out to be that person and only pretend because he has reasons? I can’t guess whatever possible reason he might have but just think of it, Wook. You said almost everything about him reminds you of that person. Like your uncle say, you said he’s your distant relative isn’t it? How about contacting your other relatives for his whereabouts?”


“Cho Kyuhyun? Of course I remember that boy.”

Ryeowook silently sighed in relieve. Why hadn’t he thought of what Donghae suggested before?

“Why? You finally meet him?” Heechul bluntly asked with a smirk while loosening his necktie. He just got home from work and was taken aback by his nephew’s question. That is the first time Ryeowook mentioned about Kyuhyun since his depart seven years ago. “As I remember…Both of you have some kind of promise about meeting each other.”

Ryeowook scratches the back of his head. The way his uncle say them somewhat warming his cheeks. He immediately explains what’s been happening.

“Is that so? Well, it’s better late than never. The truth is Kyuhyun is not our distant relative.”

“Perhaps…Was he a good friend of hyung?” Ryeowook asked based on the unclear flashbacks he remembered, sounding unsure while fiddling with his fingers.

Heechul raised his eyebrows, “Oh! How do you know? I mean, that’s pretty close. That boy’s not a really good friend of your hyung but they’re almost like soul mates. They grew up and almost do everything together. Living my whole life I had never seen someone as inseparable as them before.” He smiles sadly, “Your hyung’s death…Took a great toll on you both.”


“That’s right.” Heechul ruffles his nephew’s hair messily. Then why did his uncle lied about that? Something like that it was nothing to hide about. “Anyway, for his contact…Sorry, I don’t have that thing you askin’ me kid. A few months after Kyuhyun left our house, I visited his family’s house to keep in touch but I was too late to find out they move away. Unfortunately, I don’t know where that is.”

“Alright…” Ryeowook bit his lower lips. “By any chance…Do you have his picture? Actually I’ve been searching for his picture but couldn’t find any. Maybe…Just maybe you have one so I can make sure…”

“Ah…Why didn’t you say so? They’re at my room.” Heechul heaves a chuckle and signaled his nephew to his room. Seven years living under the same roof he barely went inside his uncle’s room, unless it was something urgent.

Seated on bed, a silver album is handed to him. The cover is written Jongwoon on top, Wookie in middle and the end with Kyuhyun; messily with colorful crayons and a few childish drawings of penguin with a blue ribbon on its chest, giraffe with a crooked neck and coffee? Did I do them? Ryeowook smiled at the funny thought. He must be very young to have a messy drawings and writings.

“I found the album in Woon’s room.” Heechul smiles, “He loved taking pictures of everything. There’s more, you can check them out here anytime or maybe it’s better moving them all to your room so you can always look at it anytime you want and… one more…” He gives Ryeowook the camera. “His camera and handy cam.”

“Was being a photographer his dream?”

“That’s his hobby. His dream was to be a singer.”

Singer, huh? Ryeowook repeated in his mind as he flips through the pages.

Just like the cover title, the album is everything about the three of them.

“What if Mr. Cho turns out to be that person and only pretend because he has reasons?”

What Donghae said perchance is right. Right now as he gone through the albums alone in his room, Ryeowook felt like seeing the younger version of his homeroom teacher.

“Ryeowook ah….Listen…There’s another thing you need to know about your hyung and Kyuhyun. I thought about this a lot ever since I told you everything about our family. Do you still have those scars?”

“S-scars?” Ryeowook asked, widening his eyes. “Are you talking about the scars on my…”

“When you were eight, you were in an accident with your hyung and his boyfriend.”

He didn’t expect that.

Accident? What accident?

He couldn’t remember any of it.

“You were in critical but managed to surpass the surgery but Jongwoon died, the moment he arrived at the hospital and Kyuhyun, he gone through those days self-blaming on everything that happened. He attempted suicide and we almost lost him. One day his boyfriend came and they got into fight. Kyuhyun almost beat the hell out of him. That day… I found out Jongwoon had a toxic relationship.”


“Kyuhyun confronted that guy but he was blamed for the cause of Jongwoon’s car accident.”

Ryeowook froze as he listened to what his uncle said. He clearly didn’t expect any of those.

“W-why is that?”

“On their way back home, Kyuhyun called Jongwoon because he was worried. Ever since Kyuhyun knew that guy had been abusing Jongwoon, he’s been extra protective of him. The call… caused a fight between the lovers. That guy was jealous. So, the accident happened.

The reason why you couldn’t remember any of these is because you were there on the day that guy said Kyuhyun killed Jongwoon as well.”

“Wait. Uncle, how’s that even possible?” Ryeowook breath hitched.

“It seemed that you’re shocked. You fainted with sudden high fever so we brought you to the hospital. By the time you’re conscious…I thought nothing went wrong…If only I had known what’s going to happen…”

Heechul holds his nephew’s hand and giving it a delicate squeeze. “You weren’t able to recall a few parts of your memories. I had you checked and…you’re diagnosed with post traumatic amnesia. You barely remember about your brother and for the most part, it’s likely that you erased Kyuhyun from your life.”

Ryeowook could feel tears are forming in his eyes. “W-why…Why now? You could’ve told me the truth… I… He…” He sobs, “I…”

“You were young back then. Boys as bright as you barely doubted what they hear. I was wrong for not telling you the truth. I’m sorry… I was scared that one day when you meet Kyuhyun there’ll be misunderstanding between you both and us.”


“Good work for today.”

The day isn’t as tiring as he thought but that’s what he heard from his colleague who was walking beside him towards the office.

“Yeah, you too Mr. Park.” Kyuhyun greeted back. He doesn’t know the man well. He doesn’t need to since he isn’t the type to hang around with his colleagues. Unexpectedly, Jungsoo gives him a cup of Americano. Despite not a fan of it he had no choice but accepted it unwillingly.

“Thank you.”

“You’re the type to dismiss your students late. I think you better change that habit. Lucky you have a class that’s full of understanding students. I’d like to handle that class for once, maybe next year or…their last year.” Jungsoo chirped. From it Kyuhyun knows he’s smiling ear to ear. Is the guy mocking him? If it weren’t for that tone he would’ve think its offensive.

“That’s your style.” Jungsoo chirped again at the moment when Kyuhyun’s about to reply. “Every teacher has their own style of teaching. Have it your own way as long as it’s not harming. At least, I’m quite glad that they replace that bastard with someone like you. Though, I don’t really want to admit this but I’d very much like Mr. Lee to stay.”

Kyuhyun sighs, ignoring the rest of Jungsoo’s blabber. As he’s about to put his books on the table the sight of handy cam, picture, small note saying ‘I’m giving this back to you.’ together with familiar ring necklace before him caught his attention.

This necklace…Did Ryeowook …

On the picture there are three people, seated side by side in front of a half eaten birthday cake. In the middle was a young boy he thought is Ryeowook, on the left side was someone he’s likely unfamiliar with and the right side was…

Kyuhyun drop back the picture, now switching on the cam. He looked into the cam folder and found a few videos dated eight years ago to prior. In a hesitant he clicks on one of them. The video plays smoothly and he sat there frozen as he watched them.

“Can I eat the cake now, hyung?”

“No, Wookie. We made this for Kyuhyun!” The one who held the cake said. “Hold the cam properly otherwise, no cake for you!”

“But hyung…”

“No buts!”

They sang happy birthday once they’re inside the room.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to our Cho Kyuhyun!”

“Blow the candles! Blow the candles! Hurry, hurry hyung! I want the cake!”

“Yesung ah, Wookie ah, thank you.”

“You’re welcome Kyu.” The raven haired boy kissed the birthday boy on the nose and temple.

“Oops! Got that!” The camera shook and dropped on the floor. “Cake time!”

“Kim Ryeowook, it’s not even your birthday!”

As soon as the camera was picked again, the video went off. He clicks another one to watch. This time, the three were having picnic. Another one, high school and kindergarten graduation, movie night, winner of singing contest, theatre backstage and so on until he had nothing left to watch. In every of those videos the happy atmosphere were always intact.

They were memories of happy moments.

The voices, the laughter, the smiles, the tears…

Out of will his heartbeat suddenly accelerates, again. When his eyesight is blurred of tears that he didn’t expect again to happen, he switched off the device and slams everything inside his drawer.


These twisting feelings that aren’t his


The unfamiliar emotions and kindness that’s starting to grow within him and the confusions that have clouded his mind all the time.

Why are you doing this to me?

His heart skipped a beat, as if an attempt to answer his questions but to no avail and…

Is my decision right?

It’s beginning to piss him off.

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Chapter 8: Re-reading this again. I am guessing Kyu had a twin he didn't know about. That the Kyu Wook's been looking for was the one who died and gave his kidney to Hae.
Chomaha #2
Chapter 6: Great story!!!!!! One of the best kyuwook fica ever!! I was so lonely but this fic kept me company. I’m so overwhelmed and filled with emotions my chest hurts. Thankyu so so much for this amazing fic. I look forward to your update
Maryell2019 #3
Chapter 5: Its like im watching a teledrama..
urgoodmate #4
Chapter 4: Thank you for update ?
urgoodmate #5
Chapter 1: I'm looking forward for the next chapter ??
jesyuchiha #6
Chapter 2: I look forward to the next update, and I hope they will see each other again.
jesyuchiha #7
Chapter 1: I wait for the next chapter, everything is so sad
Chapter 1: Uhh.. it was so sad...
Chapter 1: Oh, no... I'm broken hearted... T T