The First Meal

The Boys (Incomplete)


“What about me?” Junhyung asked lazily, somehow comfortably sprawled at the end of the booth. His headphones rested half on, half off his ears; sometime during the others’ banter, he’d moved them away to listen.

“What about you?” Da Eun twisted towards him and shot back, oblivious to the death glares aimed towards the object of her attention. Her hair dragged across Dongwoon’s chest as he stiffened, muscles locking in their effort to stay still, to keep from clamping her tight against him. Doojoon growled quietly at the maknae, warning him off anything stupid. The others just watched, frozen, picking something up from Junhyung’s voice.

“Da Eun-ah,” he purred in his DJ voice. “Call me… oppa.” Ignoring the unfolding drama, he winked, popping the double p’s.

Da Eun felt her insides go all melty. Just listening to his voice made her feel all sinful, like when she ate chocolate. Dark chocolate. Not that she’d eaten chocolate recently, or even in the past few years. But that’s how it made her feel.

“Yah, Da Eun-ah, darling, wake up.” Junhyung smirked. Da Eun swallowed hard and stared at his mouth as he spoke, tongue unwittingly darting out to wet her lips. “Let’s say it together, shall we?”

Da Eun nodded, lost in the way his lips curved.

“Op-pa,” Junhyung coached patiently.

Da Eun’s mouth opened and closed, but she made no sound.

“Da Eun-ah…”

“Oppa.” She whispered, eyes wide. “Junhyung oppa.” Blushing furiously, she ducked her head, finally able to look away. Without making a conscious decision to move, she curled closer to Dongwoon like a kitten seeking comfort, head tucked into the junction of his neck and shoulder.

The audible noises from the maknae’s grinding teeth abruptly stopped as he cast his eyes down, astonished. He couldn’t move his head, but just at the corner of his right eye he could see dark hair peeking out from under his chin. Slowly, he looked across the booth.

Doojoon stared at him, stony and murderous. Hyunseung locked on his right shoulder, long-lashed eyes unblinking. Gikwang looked apprehensive, Yoseob even more so.

Unwillingly, Dongwoon slanted his gaze to the far left; to Junhyung. The DJ was in the same position as before, smirk still playing about his lips; but Dongwoon forgot how to breathe as he glimpsed the feral look in his hyung’s eyes before they lidded, becoming glazed and sleepy.

Da Eun half-opened her right eye, and watched as the tension built between the six men, for what reason she couldn’t fathom. Well, she wasn’t about to let what was supposed to be a happy occasion to be turned into a contest. Even though she had no idea what caused it; it was probably some guy thing. Irritated with the constant tension, she tilted her face up so that her nose poked into Dongwoon’s neck and sighed into the hollow of his throat.

A collective tensing of muscles. Doojoon turned purple and Dongwoon turned red.

Sensing the heightened tension, Da Eun eased back to look at the rest of the group. Had she done something wrong? Mentally shrugging, she felt a burst of pleasure (and relief) when she saw the waiter heading purposefully for their booth, laden down with a tray full of plates.

A stunning impression of a cat sighting a mouse, Doojoon thought drily, whatever jealousy he had felt already gone. He almost laughed out loud at the intensity of Da Eun’s expectant stare at the approaching food.

“Food’s here.” He grinned, and just like he’d counted on, the tension evaporated and he was left sitting at a table with six kids fixated on nothing but food and their own hunger.

 They ate in silence punctuated by the occasional clink of silverware and the sounds of chewing. Within minutes, Da Eun had finished the fries on her plate, leaving the steak untouched, and started looking at Dongwoon’s. Slowly, her fingers inched sideways until-

“Hey!” The hapless maknae protested. “Mine!”

Da Eun eyed him, then the lone fry in her fingers. There was no hesitation as she whipped her hand up and stuffed it in , keeping eye contact all the while.

Dongwoon’s mouth fell open. Chuckling, Doojoon grabbed a couple of fries and stuck them in before he could close it again, only to gape in shock as Da Eun stole a handful of his fries.

“Yah, you!” He protested laughingly, making a half-hearted swipe for the stolen food before tucking back into his meal.

Da Eun sighed and flopped back against the seat, satiated, sleepy, and content. Looking over, Hyunseung smiled slightly.

A steak plopped onto Doojoon’s plate, the fork as it drew back almost impaling his eye. “Yah!” He looked at Hyunseung, who only shrugged matter-of-factly and stated: “She’s full.”

Well, damn. He sawed the steak in half, then said: “Gikwang?”

Doubtfully, Gikwang looked at him, then at the half of a steak sitting on his formerly pristine plate. “Hyung…”

“Protein. Eat up.”

He whimpered. 

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33