Ready or Not

The Boys (Incomplete)

“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty! You’ll love what we have planned for you today,” Dongwoon cheered, pulling apart the curtains as he grinned, thinking of the previous night. He’d ordered his hyungs around like never before, assigning each of them jobs, even.

Da Eun whimpered, turning away from the sunlight streaming through the window. “It’s too early…”

“Says the girl who slept till 11.” Dongwoon smirked.

“It’s 11?” Da Eun yawned, trying to get up. It was a habit to want to laze in bed, but for once she felt like she’d slept too much. “Fffft.” She flopped back down, too weak.

In stern teacher mode, Dongwoon grabbed her wrists and pulled her into a sitting position. “You need more muscle,” he frowned. Good thing he’d assigned Doojoon hyung his job yesterday.

Drowsy from excess sleep, Da Eun swayed precariously.

“Up, up. Into the bathroom. We laid out all your toiletries and stuff,” Dongwoon towed her out of bed and into the connecting bathroom, which was easily the size of her former bedroom.

Even through her fatigue Da Eun’s mind processed what she was seeing. “Omo. This is the bathroom?”

Uh oh. Culture shock. Dongwoon steered her towards the sink. “Come on, brush your teeth and wash your face.”

“Wait a sec,” Da Eun said weakly. She tottered into the other room. “OMO.”

“What?” Dongwoon rushed after her.

“It’s so big!” Da Eun’s mind hadn’t registered the size of the room the previous night, when she’d been too busy being freaked out.

“Yeah, yeah, it’s big. Da Eun-ah, come on! Seungie hyung and Junnie hyung are waiting!” Dongwoon said impatiently.

“What? What do you mean?” Da Eun asked, obediently returning to the bathroom.

“Noona, weren’t you listening? I said we planned stuff for you today!” Dongwoon repeated himself, fondly exasperated.

“But…” Da Eun looked around and beckoned him closer. “Uh… Junhyung doesn’t like me.”

“Yah, don’t worry, he’s just like that when he first meets someone. It’s like an evaluation period. He scared me too when I met him,” he reassured her.

“Oh, um, okay. If you say so,” she said doubtfully, but a little relieved. She opened the tap, but hesitated. “Do you have to be in here?”

Dongwoon blushed and fled, a dongseng once more.

Da Eun giggled and went through her routine. As she brushed her teeth, she felt self-conscious, out of place in the unfamiliar sumptuousness of the bathroom.

Opening the door, she was surprised to see Dongwoon flapping the blanket on her bed.

“What’re you doing?” She asked, curious.

“Making your bed?”

“Yah, babo,” she smacked his head, taking the blanket. “That’s not how you do it. Here, watch.”

She expertly tucked and folded until the bed was picturesque, just like in a hotel.

Dongwoon’s mouth was an O. “Oooh.” He shook himself. “Now, you have to get ready. You’ll be leaving in…” He checked his non-existent watch. “Uh. Soon.”

“To where?”

“You’ll see.”

“With Hyunseung and, um, Junhyung?”


“Can’t you come?”

“Nope. You’ll be fine with Seungie hyung.”

“With…” She remembered something and grinned. “Araso. Bambi’s fine.”

There was an awkward silence.

“Well, are you going to watch me change?” She .

“Oh! Right…” He flamed bright red and retreated into the hallway, closing the door.

“Babo…” Da Eun said fondly, but her smile faded when she looked at the closet set in the wall of the room. As she tentatively pulled open the doors, she gasped.

It was massive! It was only a little smaller than the bathroom, and there were shelves and shelves of empty space, and a huge rack in the middle, not to mention a floor-length mirror on the opposite side.

On the shelf closest to hers were her clothes, a pile of worn fabric that marred the luxury surrounding her in the walk-in closet. Sighing, she grabbed all of it and closed the doors, hiding what she couldn’t have from her sight.

She had worn her black hoodie and jeans the previous night, and had fallen asleep in them. She couldn’t wear the same pair of jeans again, and neither could she wear the blouse and skirt ensemble. Heaving yet another sigh, she donned the second pair of jeans, even more worn than the first, and swapped the plain shirt she was wearing for another. She set apart the dirty clothes from the clean and returned everything to the closet, avoiding looking at the mirror.

“Dongwoon-ah, I’m ready,” she called quietly, subdued. As the door opened, she braced herself for a comment on her shabby appearance, but was unexpectedly yanked into the hallway.

“Come on then, you gotta have breakfast before you go out with the hyungs.” Dongwoon led her into the kitchen. Like when she’d seen the bedroom when she woke up, Da Eun gasped.

The kitchen was massive also! It seemed like everything in the penthouse was too good to be true. Culture shock took over again as she watched Dongwoon pull open the fridge, but she snapped back when she saw its contents. “Dongwoon-ah! Why isn’t there anything in your fridge?”

“It’s my fridge, remember? And why are you up so early anyway?” Gikwang wandered out of his room, rubbing his eyes.

Da Eun turned at the sound of his voice and whipped back around, hair swinging, when she saw him. She squeezed her eyes shut. It was like the image had been seared into her brain.

Hair tousled, Gikwang sat and flopped face down onto the table, wearing a black wife beater and a pair of loose shorts. His biceps bulged slightly as he rested his head on his arms, groaning.

Da Eun squeaked. Shaking her head to clear the stars, she answered him. “Ask Dongwoon.”

“Woonie, why are you guys up so early? And why are you here anyway…” Gikwang yawned.

“Yah, hyung, I told you! Seungie hyung and Junnie hyung are taking her out today, remember?” Dongwoon frowned slightly as he pondered the empty fridge.

“Ah…” Gikwang snored lightly.

Da Eun giggled, and the unfamiliar sound had him shooting up, making her start a little.

“What?” He inquired drowsily, propping his head on his hands.

“Nothing. Hyung, why is your fridge empty?” Dongwoon demanded, hands on hips. “What’s Da Eun going to eat?”

“Eh? There’s milk in there somewhere…”

Dongwoon rolled his eyes. “Expired a month ago,” he said, holding it up for proof.

Da Eun wrinkled her nose despite herself. As Dongwoon moved to throw it away, though, she stopped him. “Dongwoon-ah, you have to empty it out in the sink first.”


“Mm. Liquids go in the sink.”

“Araso.” Dongwoon went to the sink. “Oh, disgusting!” He exclaimed, backpedaling.

From a distance, Da Eun couldn’t see what the problem was, but as she got up to see, her expression became one of disgust. There was a gigantic pile of take-out containers, and an odd saucepan here and there, obviously used for ramyun. Of course, the smell was rank and there was a multitude of flies buzzing around.

“Hyung!” Dongwoon cried. “You are so gross!”

“It’s okay, I can just wash them,” Da Eun reassured him, steeling herself. “Where’s the dish detergent and stuff?”

Dongwoon winced. “I don’t think hyung has any.” He sighed. “Just go out first with Seungie and Junnie hyungs, and before you come back you can stop by the supermarket. I’ll text you to remind you.”

“Araso.” Da Eun frowned. “But… How do you have my phone number?”

His eyes widened and he panicked. “Oh, um,” he floundered for something for an excuse. She couldn’t know Yoseob hyung had her diary! Fortunately, he was saved by the bell; literally. “Aigoo, I think that’s them now! You should go; the more time you get, the better,” he said, frantically pulling her off the chair. Yanking open the door, he practically shoved her into the hallway. “Annyeong!”

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33