
The Boys (Incomplete)

The doorbell rang.

“Unghhh….” Gikwang groaned. “I don’t understand why I gave you the pass code when none of you ever actually bother to use it.”

Doojoon and Yoseob, having leapt up as soon they had heard it, ignored him. The latter rushed to the door and yanked it open, but before he could say a word…

“YAH! WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG? WE WERE WORR-“ Doojoon blew up, then cut off when he saw his dongsengs.

Dongwoon flinched and stood very still, hoping Da Eun wouldn’t wake up. But it was too late. Her arms flailed, hitting the hapless maknae on the chin. Eyes watering, he skillfully swung her legs down and pinned her against him, ending her struggle.

“Annyeong, Da Eun-ah,” he greeted her, face barely more than an inch away from hers. Behind her, Yoseob and Gikwang stood, speechless; behind him, Hyunseung looked away.

“Annyeong,” she whispered faintly, eyes wide and a little scared.

“I’m going to let go of you now, araso?”

She nodded and he carefully unpinned her.

There was a cough from Doojoon and Da Eun whipped around, startled.

“Annyeong, Da Eun.”

Da Eun looked confused. Leaning up towards Dongwoon, she whispered into his ear as he tilted to hear. “Why is he talking informally?”

Dongwoon suppressed a grin. This noona, really… “I don’t know, why don’t you ask?” He asked, serious.

She leaned back, looking him in the eyes. “Because…”

Dongwoon shook his head at her. “Come on, let’s go in first; you can tell me later.” He hadn’t missed the impatience in Yoseob’s and Doojoon’s expressions. Propelling the still drowsy girl ahead of him, he couldn’t help but chuckle.

Da Eun looked back. “What?”


Too tired to care, she nodded and preceded him through the doorway.

Gikwang’s eyes widened when he saw the way Dongwoon’s hands rested on Da Eun’s arms, and he jumped up. “Annyeong…haseyo,” he said, tripping over his words. He was supposed to use formalities, right?

At the sight of her employer Da Eun stopped dead in her tracks and backpedaled, eyes wide and pupils dilated like a frightened deer.

“Oomph.” Dongwoon grunted. His arms automatically went around her small frame, and he soothed her. “Gwenchana, Da Eun. I said, gwenchana. Remember what I told you?”

Da Eun shook. Her post-sleep haze was completely gone now and she was as cold as ice.

“Yah, Da Eun-ah,” he said helplessly, having discovered her frigid arms. Chafing them gently, he herded her farther into the penthouse, towards the kitchen. “Hyung, where are our drinks? She needs something hot,” he called over his shoulder in the general direction of the living room.

All four hyungs responded in a rush towards the kitchen. What was it about a damsel in distress that got their blood pumping?

Doojoon made it there first and grabbed the thermos he had set off to the side. Unscrewing it, he tried to hold it out to Da Eun, but she shied away. Reluctantly, he handed it over to the maknae, who sat her down gently.

“Da Eun-ah, drink this,” he told her quietly but firmly.

She tried to refuse but he would have none of it. To his relief, her face regained some of its color as she sipped carefully at the hot liquid. But why was she sticking out her tongue like that?

“It’s so sweet,” she whispered, gagging slightly. She gestured at Dongwoon, who had sat down next to her. “You drink this?”

Dongwoon blushed. “I like it.” At least she was talking; she seemed a little more comfortable than before.

“Figures. Sweets to the sweet,” she giggled before taking another sip. “Blergh.”

Hyunseung’s soft voice broke the silence. “Um… Da Eun, I’ll go put this in your room, alright?”

Da Eun startled a little, but remembered that Hyunseung was the one who was in the room when she had woken up at the hospital. “Alright…” She recalled something else. “Bambi.”

Hyunseung fled as the other boys reacted. Gikwang looked confused, as Yoseob and Doojoon started cracking up.

Dongwoon, who had just taken a sip of his own drink, nearly sprayed it all over the table. He forced himself to swallow and inquired calmly: “Bambi?”

“You’ve seriously never seen Bambi?” She asked, surprised.

“I have, but-“

“Doesn’t he look exactly like Bambi? With those eyes? He’s the prettiest man I’ve ever seen.” At that, the four in the kitchen started going into fits.

“Don’t ever tell him that,” Dongwoon gasped.

“Oh please, do say it again!”

Uncontrollable laughter.

Da Eun’s mouth curved despite herself and soon enough, she giggled. The laughter stopped and she found herself being stared at by everyone but Dongwoon. She turned to him, a little nervous.

“Why’s everyone looking at me?”

“Noona, you laugh pretty,” he smiled at her.

Looking at the still staring boys, her smile faded. “Dongwoon-ah, can you show me where my room is?”

“Sure; do you want to bring your chocolate?”

“Ah…” She hesitated. It was really too sweet, but it would be a waste if she didn’t drink it. “I-“

“If you don’t want it, I can finish it for you,” he saved her by grabbing the thermos.

“Yes please,” she smiled gratefully at him. “Gomawo.”

As the two walked out of the kitchen, three pairs of disbelieving eyes followed. The maknae had always been the only one that couldn’t get a girl because of he was so aloof and unapproachable. They were all used to Doojoon, the buff trainer, being a chick magnet, but in fact, he had been the first to be rejected. Who was this unpredictable girl?




“Hyung, what’re you doing?” Dongwoon said upon entering the room.

“Just helping Da Eun set out her belongings. She seems tired so I thought I would make things easier for her,” Hyunseung said.

“That’s really sweet of you, but there’s no need. I can do it myself. After all, I’m supposed to be-“ A hand went over , muffling her next words.

“Yah, what did I say, noona?” Dongwoon teased, playful but a little serious.

Hyunseung frowned. Why was his dongseng manhandling Da Eun? He was about to interject when Da Eun rolled her eyes and said something muffled.

“What?” Dongwoon took his hand off.

“-your housekeeper,” she blurted, triumphant.

“Oh, gwenchana. You’re Kwangie’s housekeeper, not mine,” he said casually.

Da Eun was speechless.

“Told you so,” Dongwoon sang.

Hyunseung paused, a little confused, then continued. “Plus, Kwangie’s not going to make you work when you’re tired. Or else he’ll answer to me.”

“Me too,” Doojoon said impulsively from the doorway.

Da Eun whirled around.

“And me.” Yoseob grinned. “It’s really too bad he’s the second youngest, hey?”

Gikwang padded down the hallway towards them. “I heard my name.” He yawned.

Dongwoon saw an opportunity. “Guys, I have something to tell you.”

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Da Eun whispered to herself.

“Relax. You’ll see; what I said was true,” Dongwoon replied, familiarly whispering into her ear.

Da Eun shut her eyes. She couldn’t bring herself to watch. They were going to react badly, she just knew it. Who wouldn’t? Her last thought was a fervent wish for friendship before she slipped into sleep.




“Aigoo… She must be so tired,” Dongwoon murmured, catching her. “Even after all the sleep…”

The room was silent, all of its occupants watching Dongwoon as he placed her on the bed.

“So, hyungs, I wanted to discuss something with you.” Unusually serious, he made everyone sit down. “While we were at Da Eun’s apartment, I found that her situation isn’t just recent. Ever since she was little, she didn’t have anything. I didn’t know how bad it was, but if you just look at that box,” he gestured, “that’s all she owns in the world.”

Everyone was quiet, trying to process how someone could live in such a different way. None of them had ever known poverty, and had always had their dream. None of them could imagine having to always think about their next meal, their next check. Even Gikwang was subdued, having lived sumptuously all his life.

“Da Eun’s mother was a maid,” Yoseob spoke up. “The salary she got was just barely enough to keep the two of them afloat. All of her employers were cruel and abusive.” He stared at the diary in his hands. “I think that’s why she’s been acting the way she is.” He sighed. “She never had any friends.”

“She thinks we’re going to be like that. And even if not all of us are, she thinks that Kwangie hyung will be like that. So that’s why, I want us to be her friends. Hyung never wanted a housekeeper; Da Eun is going to help around but in the end, she’s going to be our friend. We’re going to give her the life she never had. And although she’ll be living dependent on us, you can’t bring it up, or else she’ll become reclusive again. Araso?” Dongwoon spoke emphatically. He believed wholly in what he was saying.

Looking at him, Doojoon realized how much the maknae had matured. “Araso,” he nodded. He never would’ve been comfortable with Da Eun being so close to his age anyway.

Dongwoon smiled. With their leader first to agree, the others would follow. He knew, after years of friendship, that they all agreed with him anyway.

“Araso,” Yoseob smiled back. After reading the diary, Da Eun had changed in his eyes. He knew just how much she had gone through, and he wanted to be her friend.

Gikwang wasn’t entirely sure what Dongwoon was araso-ing about. But after hearing the story of her life, he thought it would be nice to take her away from it. If Da Eun was going to live in the penthouse with him, he wanted to be friends. All of his friends were male; it would be nice to have a female friend. Also, she was pretty.

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33