Not Again

The Boys (Incomplete)

“Seungie,” Junhyung called hoarsely. “Seungie!” He started running and tackled his hyung, restarting the tears. “I thought you were-“

“I’m not, but Doojoon and Woonie will be if we don’t hurry,” Hyunseung smiled briefly at him but turned serious. Dongwoon was still unresponsive, and refusing to help. As a result, Doojoon couldn’t reach up with his left arm, and the situation was at a standstill; or at least until his grip failed.

Junhyung’s tearful smile faded and his eyes widened. “What?”

“Doojoon caught himself as they were falling,” Yoseob explained, visibly worried. “But Woonie is refusing to help. Hyung asked if he wanted to die and he said yes.”

Junhyung hesitated, then leaned over the edge, anchored to the roof by Hyunseung’s hasty grip on his shirt. “Woonie, Seungie’s fine, did you hear? So’s Da Eun!”

Dongwoon whispered something.

“He says he doesn’t believe us, the babo!” Doojoon called up to them, voice becoming increasingly more strained. He paused. “He says you’re lying just so he’ll go up,” he continued, exasperated. “Tell Da Eun to come here so he can see she’s fine,” he demanded.

“Da Eun-ah,” Junhyung turned and called her familiarly, only to find Hyunseung behind him. “Where’s Da Eun?”

Looking over to the other side of the roof, he saw a figure on the floor, in all appearances motionless. He paled. What happened?

Hyunseung, following his gaze, took off without a warning. Wind-milling his arms, Junhyung staggered a little before following.




“Pfft.” Da Eun forced herself to roll over and get on her hands and knees. She whimpered at the pain stabbing her in the side, but continued to try and stand up. Having done so, she tried to take a step, but something clicked in her knee and collapsed again. Tearful frustration made her pound her fist weakly against the roof, but even that proved to be too much and she could only lie still, exhausted and in pain.

“Da Eun!” A cry of concern came from behind her. Turning her head, she saw Hyunseung running towards her at full speed. “What happened?”

“I’m fine,” she reassured him. “Really. Just help me get up,” she requested, disoriented at a wave of déjà vu that flooded over her.

Hyunseung complied to her request and helped her to her feet, watching closely. But when her legs gave way and she collapsed again, it was Junhyung who caught her. “Da Eun-ah, Doojoon caught himself and Dongwoon on a window ledge, but Dongwoon refuses to help unless we show him you’re alive,” he said in a rush.

Embarrassed, Da Eun took a while to understand what he was saying. “You mean-“

“Yeah! They’re alive!” Junhyung exclaimed, running with her in his arms. “Yah, Woonie, look! Da Eun’s fine!” He set her down gently at a safe distance from the edge and steadied her as she leaned over.

“Dongwoon-ah!” Da Eun called, worried. “What are you doing down there, you babo?”

Dongwoon’s eyes shot open and lunged up towards the sound of her voice. His fingers found a hold on the window ledge and he pulled himself up, crossing the meter of empty air in a split second. In a moment he was on the roof with Da Eun in his arms, the tears finally coming.

On the other hand, Doojoon was still dangling. His strength was almost depleted from supporting both his and Dongwoon’s body weight; nobody else could have lasted as long as he did. Nevertheless, he gathered up the last vestiges of his vitality and painfully hauled himself up, grabbing Gikwang’s outstretched hand. Slowly, gritting his teeth, he made it up onto the roof and collapsed, exhausted. He turned his head towards Dongwoon and mouthed one word. Babo.




Da Eun’s breath hissed between her teeth as Dongwoon hugged her again. Her chest felt like it was on fire with the pain and her knee was beginning to pulse.

Dongwoon didn’t miss the signs of her discomfort. “Gwenchana?” He asked. “What happened? Was it because of the car crash?” Asking the last question, he flinched and his tears came more than ever. “Jeongmal mianhae,” he whispered, bowing his head. “I said I would take care of you, but I let you down.”

“Stop that. I don’t even remember there being a car crash. I just fainted… again. How embarrassing,” she recounted. “All this was from when I tried to stop the other babo from jumping as well. He fell on me.”

Dongwoon shot an accusing glare at Junhyung, then returned to fussing over Da Eun. “Where does it hurt? Can you walk?”

Da Eun ignored the question. “Speaking of which, why in the world would you try to… do that?” She demanded.

“I thought you were dead… Seungie too,” Dongwoon told her, hugging her tight.

She winced and uttered a faint “Ow”, but before Dongwoon could release her, she passed out from the pain.

Holding her by her shoulders, Dongwoon looked at her, then scooped her into his arms and took off for the stairs, leaving the others behind.

“Babo,” Doojoon snorted. “Tries to commit suicide and then takes the girl.”

Hyunseung and Junhyung looked at each other, then followed Dongwoon at a full-out sprint.

Speechless, the others gaped at where they had disappeared, then got up and dusted themselves off.

 “No worries about my near-death experience, I see,” Doojoon shook his head. “But if Da Eun’s hurt…” He hesitated, then sprinted for the stairs as well, leaving Yoseob and Gikwang alone on the roof.

““Well…” Yoseob trailed off.

“Guess we’ll have to follow,” Gikwang said resignedly.

“But then again, Da Eun…” Yoseob admitted.

The two paused and exchanged a glance. Sighing, they ran after Doojoon.




“Two cracked ribs and a dislocated knee,” Dr. Kibum said disapprovingly. “And also emotional trauma and malnutrition still.”

The six boys stood around the hospital bed and bowed their heads in shame. The tableau seemed identical to the one from the day before, apart from the afore absent concern evident now in their faces.

“Will she be okay?” Dongwoon asked tentatively from beside the hospital bed.

“We can fix the knee now, but we can’t do anything about the ribs. She can leave the hospital, but she’ll have to take it easy for a few weeks.” Dr. Kibum frowned. “I’m not sure I can allow her to leave with you. Only a day under your care and she ends up like this!” He shook his head.

A clamor started up. Each and every one of the six boys pleaded for another chance, promising that nothing like this would ever happen again.

The doctor waved a hand for silence. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you! Yesterday, you wanted nothing to do with her.”

“That’s true for some of us, but Da Eun’s our friend now,” Hyunseung volunteered softly.

“Yeah,” Dongwoon seconded the thought.

Junhyung coughed. “Uh… Yeah,” he said, avoiding the doctor’s shrewd gaze.

The other three nodded their agreement.

“Well, I see she’s got you in the palm of her hand. You’re all absolutely infatuated with her. In that case, I know you will take care of her, but I will be checking up on her as she heals, and if any of you take advantage of her in any way…” He trailed off, shooting a warning glance. “Da Eun won’t be living with you anymore.”

There was a silence. “Does that mean Da Eun can come home with us tonight?” Yoseob raised his hand shyly.

The doctor hesitated, then nodded.

“YES!” The six boys cheered in unison.

“Now leave while I take care of that dislocated knee,” Dr. Kibum said, herding them out of the room.




In the bed, Da Eun cracked open an eyelid. Faced yet again by the fluorescent lights of the hospital ceiling, she groaned. “Not again…”

Dr. Kibum turned around. “Ah, just in time for the verdict! Coming down from the roof, you had two cracked ribs and a dislocated knee. Now, I’ve just fixed the knee, but the swelling will take a while to go down and it will a little sore for the next week or so. I can’t do anything for the ribs, as they are just hairline cracks, so you’ll have to just take it easy for the next few weeks as they heal. On the bright side, you can go home today. As soon as you finish changing, you can leave. The boys are just outside.”


“Oh and before I forget, you have to eat! You fainted again today, and while I have spoken to the boys about your emotional state, you still have to give your body nutrients. That’s all,” Dr. Kibum told her. “Annyeong, Da Eun.” He left the room.

“Aish… I have to stop coming here,” Da Eun told herself, looking around the room. Seeing her clothes on the back of the chair, she sighed deeply and resignedly. No matter why the boys paid attention to her like this, she was in no position to argue. Who was she kidding? She should be grateful for their pity, being as financially desolate as she was.

She winced as she undid the hospital gown. Her torso was one massive bruise, and her right knee was red and swollen. Swinging her legs over the side, she gasped and clutched the covers as the pain hit. A little sore? Curse doctors and their untrustworthy judgment of pain.

Holding her breath and biting back whimpers, she tugged on the skinnies, almost screaming as the confined fabric chafed over her knee. Doing the same with the shirt, she forced herself to lift her arms, trying her best to ignored the spikes driving through her torso.

Finally dressed, she slipped on the silver flats that Junhyung had bought her earlier in the day, then took a deep breath and peeked out the door.

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B2utyShawol19 #1
Chapter 29: Aww its so sad that it has to end this way...
But its okaay! :)
Thank you for your hard work on this fanfic!
Author-nim, hwaiting! ^^
B2utyShawol19 #2
Chapter 26: Update soon! :")
B2utyShawol19 #3
Chapter 22: Update sooon! I'm in love with ur fanfic!! <3
I even saved it on my phone's bookmark hehe :p
Much love! <3
Omg!!! Spend a whole day reading his fanfic!!! It was SO worth it!!! Update soon... =D...
Update soon!
Good thing that DW and DJ is okay!!
SAVE THEM ohmygoodness stay safe Seobie ;u;
Doojoon to the rescue!
Update soon!
_uniquelynghi #9
D: No jumping...No jumping...I hope..
Update soon~<33