
Starlight, Starbright

SNSD - Baby Baby

The bright chatter which filled the room woke you up instantly at the crack of dawn. Rubbing your eyes gently, you wondered what the noise was all about. Having been alone for so long, the racket wasn't something you were used to.

Your vision cleared and you noticed GongChan sitting on the side of your bed. He held your breakfast tray in his hands. "It's so early," you murmured, wondering how he managed to wake up at such a time.

"We're always up at this time," GongChan grinned, settling the tray on your mattress. "Aren't you?"

Looking around you realized that it wasn't only him awake, but the rest of the boys were also up and about. Baro and Sandeul were arguing about whose fault it was as to why they were in the hospital, stuck with the horrible food. CNU was on his laptop, while Jinyoung was sitting on the floor with a guitar.

"Oh." You turned to the clock. It read half past five.

Confused, you faced GongChan only to have him hold up a filled spoon to your face. "Eat," he encouraged.

With your mind elsewhere, you absently obeyed. What kind of boy wakes up at the crack of dawn?

JinYoung caught your eye as you scanned the busy room. Wordlessly, he smiled for you.

Forgetting about the confusion, you laughed, cheeks reddening. Apparently the perfect kind.

"Ah, how cute," GongChan commented on your reaction as he spooned another serving of rice porridge for you. "You eat well too!"

"She does?" Nurse Baek interrupted, entering the room. He looked at the bowl on your tray which showed enough proof of your consumption. "Since when did you eat breakfast?" he questioned with a smile.

Baro interjected, "Since she gained a personal feeder."

CNU smiled. GongChan simply continued on. "Baro hyung looks like a chipmunk, doesn't he?" he told you, grinning.

You looked at Baro, dissecting his features with new eyes. After a few seconds, you began to laugh. "He looks like a giant chipmunk," you agreed happily.

"Yeah, well, GongChan looks like a puppy!" Baro retorted, crossing his arms hotly.

GongChan blinked at you. "Do I?" he wanted to know.

Smiling, you nodded. "A very cute puppy," you told him, giving him a thumbs-up. GongChan grinned, contented.

"Yah," Baro grumbled. "What am I? Nonexistent?" She says he's cute while I get laughter. How is that fair?

You shook your head. "No, you're here alright. In fact, would you care for some nuts?" you teased, sticking your tongue out at him.

"That's it," he began to get up. "Let me flick her forehead."

Sandeul immediately pinned him back down onto the bed. "She's a patient!" he interjected. "And you don't flick girls' foreheads!"

"You got that right," CNU agreed.

Baro sighed. "Fine," he muttered, getting Sandeul to release his grip. Suddenly, Baro sat up and flicked Sandeul's forehead, causing a loud thwack! to echo in the room. "I'll flick you instead," he retorted impishly.

In pain, Sandeul flopped back down to the bed. "You're the worst," he groaned, holding his hands up to his face.

"It's only fair," Baro shrugged.

"How on earth is that fair?" Sandeul questioned loudly.

Baro shrugged again. "I don't know."

Jinyoung and CNU laughed, while Gongchan just smiled and held another spoon to your face. You had to giggle at the craziness before continuing to eat. The room certainly wasn't empty anymore.

Because of these five boys that just walked into your life without warning, suddenly everything appeared to be brighter. Happier. They gave you a warm feeling at the pit of your stomach that made you feel all fuzzy and bubbly inside. Cheesy as it might sound.

"Well," Nurse Baek raised an eyebrow, clearly amused, "you're definitely not alone anymore, are you?"

You smiled in response. "Definitely not."

No idea what's up with this random update. LOL I guess I'm just procrastinating for the four mini-essays that are due tomorrow. My teacher only gave them out today when they were supposed to be given out last Friday. So to make up for lost time, she's having us hand it in as early as possible.. Yaaayy.. TT___TT

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hetero--- #1
Chapter 9: Wow, when's the next update? You should continue
LeePeppers #2
I hope you can update soon this story is to sweet!
Chapter 9: Aigoo!! so cute!!! >< update soon!!
ninaz7 #4
YES FINALY AN UPDATE!! I missed this story soo much please keep going!! :3
rikson #5
this story is so funny when will the next one come please hurry!
rikson #6
i am so impatiently waiting for the next one I love this.
ninaz7 #7
Oh, i want to know the lie! HAHAHA you did great, i can't wait for the next one! And Jinyoung is soo sweet with Haemi!!!
ninaz7 #8
HAHAHA poor Jinyoung!! And i love how CNU is the umma! ^^
OMGG loved the cute moment with Shiwoo! And Barooo<3 So cool T_T