Meeting The Bubblehead

Starlight, Starbright

SHINee - Hello

You were awaken in the middle of the night by the noise of people entering your room. Lazily rubbing an eye, you yawned and analyzed the scene.

"And he was about to leave me there!" the boy, who was being wheeled in, exclaimed. "Can you believe him? He said he was hungry!"

Nurse Baek smiled patiently. "Your friend appears to like food a lot," he noted, in reference to the boy's story.

The boy smiled, his eyes disappearing. "Mm!" he nodded enthusiastically. "Baro loves to eat." His expression grew warm at the thought of his friend. "Do you have any good food here?"

Not really knowing how to answer that, Nurse Baek turned to you. "How about you ask your new room mate?" he suggested, in an attempt at a less awkward introduction. "Sandeul, HaeMi. HaeMi, Sandeul."

"Oh!" Sandeul blinked at you. He hadn't been aware of your presence until the nurse pointed it out, but he greeted you with a bright response anyway. "HaeMi!" he repeated happily.

"Hi, Sandeul," you greeted, dipping your head in a small bow. He had rather long brown hair and big eyes. A really pretty face over all. However, you couldn't help but think that his bright personality overshadowed those good looks by a mile.

He waved at you. "Hi there! So what do you think? Do they have good food here?" he asked again. She should know, he thought to himself, happy at the thought of getting a true answer.

With a nervous laugh, you sneakily slid the tray further beneath your bed at his question. "Why do you ask?" you replied doggedly.

"Because Baro might just do me in if they don't," he frowned at the thought, predicting a negative response from your actions.

You stared at him, taking in his words literally. "In that case," you pointed at the door, "you want to barracade the door?"

"HaeMi!" Nurse Baek scolded. "The food's not that bad," he insisted.

You didn't meet his eyes. "Actually," you began, taking out the full tray from underneath your bed. "It is."

Sandeul's musical giggles echoed loudly in your room. "Poor Baro," he laughed, seeing your uneaten dinner. "Wait," his eyes widened in realization. "Poor me!" He hugged himself protectively.

His reaction was so adorable that you laughed along with him. "I'll keep watch," you teased. "You know, in case he decides to take action in the middle of the night. He might," you stopped to draw an imaginary line across your neck, "you."

Worriedly, Sandeul burried his face in his hands. "Eotteoke?" he gasped softly.


Rolling his eyes, Nurse Baek quietly exited your room. Those two should get along well, he mused as he walked back to his station. On the way, he noticed the stars outside again. He smiled. Maybe those stars had magic after all.

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hetero--- #1
Chapter 9: Wow, when's the next update? You should continue
LeePeppers #2
I hope you can update soon this story is to sweet!
Chapter 9: Aigoo!! so cute!!! >< update soon!!
ninaz7 #4
YES FINALY AN UPDATE!! I missed this story soo much please keep going!! :3
rikson #5
this story is so funny when will the next one come please hurry!
rikson #6
i am so impatiently waiting for the next one I love this.
ninaz7 #7
Oh, i want to know the lie! HAHAHA you did great, i can't wait for the next one! And Jinyoung is soo sweet with Haemi!!!
ninaz7 #8
HAHAHA poor Jinyoung!! And i love how CNU is the umma! ^^
OMGG loved the cute moment with Shiwoo! And Barooo<3 So cool T_T