The Clumsy Dummy of a Lee Sandeul

Starlight, Starbright

2NE1 - I Don't Care

The minute they got home, all the boys headed off to their own bedrooms to sleep. They didn't even bother to wash up. Their day had been so tiring that all they could think of was their warm fluffy beds.

Well, except Baro.

Baro's stomach growled as he rolled around the bed frustratedly. "Food," he grumbled, sitting up. "I need food." He made a motion to get out of bed but stopped and sank back into the covers. "But I'm so comfortable," he whined to himself.

His stomach growled louder, threatening to wake up the other members. "Yo! Shut up!" Baro hissed, punching himself in the belly.

Bad idea. Patting his empty and now sore stomach, he groaned, both in pain and hunger. "That's it." He got up and headed for the kitchen downstairs. "I'm going to get something to eat."

However, the minute he reached the bottom of the stairs, an odd figure greeted him.

"Hello?" Baro poked the barely moving lump of cloth.

It turned to face him.

"Sandeul?!" Baro gasped. "What are you doing here?" He gaped at who was lying down by the foot of the stairs. "Get up! You scared the crap out of me."

"Fell.. down.." Sandeul wheezed. He clearly had the breath knocked out of him.

Baro's eyebrows furrowed. "You fell down? You always fall down. It's no big deal." He turned for the kitchen again, not forgetting the reason why he came downstairs in the first place.

"But Baro," Sandeul whined.

"What?" Baro rolled his eyes. Then he caught sight of the stairs that his friend was lying close to. "Wait, did you fall down.. the stairs?" he asked, understanding dawning on him.

Nodding desperately, Sandeul gripped his leg tighter. "Save me," he begged.

"I will," Baro reassured him. "Just let me get some food first, I'm dying here," he turned back to grab something from the fridge.

"Baro!" Sandeul complained. He just fell down the stairs and his dongsaeng wanted to grab food? He's got to be kidding me, Sandeul thought.

Holding his hands up, Baro walked towards him. "Okay, okay, I'll help you," he said. He squatted down beside Sandeul and brought a finger to his chin. "Mhm," he nodded to himself. "Uh-huh. Okay, I know what we need to do."

Sandeul brightened up immediately. "What?" he asked.

"Shh," Baro hushed him. He stood up and stretched carefully. "Okay," he took a deep breath. "JINYOUNG HYUNG! CNU HYUNG! COME HELP SANDEUL!" he yelled, waking up the whole house.

Rolling his eyes, Sandeul sighed. Baro was of no help at all.

Winking, Baro pretended to shoot him with a gun. "All done. Bye," he gave Sandeul a little wave before walking off to go grab some food.

Humming to himself, he grabbed a can of soda from the fridge and smirked when he heard JinYoung's gasp. "They'll fix him," he murmured as he reached out for the bread.

But before he even touched it, CNU had dragged him to the car where GongChan was worriedly patting Sandeul.

"What the?" Baro yelped. "Where are we going?!"

"Where else?" JinYoung demanded, jumping into the driver's seat. "The hospital! Your hyung just fell down the stairs!"

"But hospital food is terrible!" Baro cried unhappily. "B-But it's edible," he added, immediately back-tracking due to JinYoung's glare.

I should've stuffed him in a closet, Baro thought regretfully.

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hetero--- #1
Chapter 9: Wow, when's the next update? You should continue
LeePeppers #2
I hope you can update soon this story is to sweet!
Chapter 9: Aigoo!! so cute!!! >< update soon!!
ninaz7 #4
YES FINALY AN UPDATE!! I missed this story soo much please keep going!! :3
rikson #5
this story is so funny when will the next one come please hurry!
rikson #6
i am so impatiently waiting for the next one I love this.
ninaz7 #7
Oh, i want to know the lie! HAHAHA you did great, i can't wait for the next one! And Jinyoung is soo sweet with Haemi!!!
ninaz7 #8
HAHAHA poor Jinyoung!! And i love how CNU is the umma! ^^
OMGG loved the cute moment with Shiwoo! And Barooo<3 So cool T_T