Starry Night

Starlight, Starbright

B1A4 - Wonderful Tonight

"Hyung, wait up!" Sandeul ran after his friends, tackling JinYoung the minute he reached them. "Why'd you leave me?!" he demanded.

It was late, and the boys were just coming back from playing basketball at the park.

They were supposed to be at school, but seeing as how their fathers were the founders of the school, they saw no reason in attending.

As they often said, school was of no use. Later on, they'd be taught everything they needed to know in order to take over their fathers' businesses by private tutors.

So they might as well have fun while they still have time to.

JinYoung chuckled. "Pabo, you were supposed to be waiting for CNU," he reminded him. The eldest turned around, looking back where they came from. "Where is he anyway?"

"Oh right!" Sandeul squinted in the dark, in an attempt to see his friend. But of course, he couldn't see anything. He can barely see anything when the sun's up. Much less when it's night time. "I can't see anything!" he whined.

Luckily, GongChan started bouncing up and down. "I see him! I see him! He's all the way over there!" He pointed at a dark figure a bit further than fifteen meters away.

With his hands shoved into his pockets, Baro exhaled. The puff of air he blew visible in the cold. "It's getting colder," he said. "CNU hyung's too slow. Remind me why JinYoung didn't drive us home?"

"I'm sorry!" JinYoung exclaimed, sitting down on the cold pavement. He buried his face in between his knees. "I forgot the keys," he mumbled incoherently.

GongChan laughed. "He's getting too old for this," he patted his hyung's head gently.

The minutes rolled by slowly as CNU walked at a dreadful pace. Meanwhile, the four boys were getting tired of waiting.

"Geez, hyung! Hurry up!" Baro hollered, stomping his foot irritably.

In response, CNU just waved back calmly. He wasn't about to speed up any time soon and the members knew it. "I know, I love you too, Baro!" he replied teasingly.

"That's not what I said!" the blonde growled back. "I said you better come here before I kick you where the sun don't shine!"

"Aww," CNU stopped and rested his hands on his chest mockingly. "You're so sweet," he smiled.

The other members giggled. Baro could yell all he wanted to, but it was useless. CNU's patience had no end.

Soon enough, Baro gave up and leaned against a wall. "Why can't he hurry up?" he muttered.

"Let's just enjoy the walk," JinYoung suggested. "Look," he pointed to the sky. "The stars are out."

GongChan and Sandeul's eyes sparkled. "We haven't stopped to look at the stars in a while," Sandeul murmured appreciatively.

"Mm," GongChan agreed. "We should do this more often."

Instinctively, Baro's vision followed theirs. Even he had to admit that the stars were definitely a sight to see.

"What are you guys looking at?" CNU asked, appearing behind them and copying their gazes. "Wah," he grinned happily.

Baro jumped up. "About time you got here," he answered. "Let's go home."

"Can we just stay a few minutes?" GongChan begged. Sandeul nodded in agreement, "Please, Baro!"

Sighing, Baro gave in. "Just 5 more minutes." He directed his vision back to the starry night sky.

In time to catch the small streak of white zoom across the sky.

The five boys looked at each other. "Did you see that?" they asked in unison.

"Make a wish!" Sandeul flailed his arms wildly.

All of them instantly closed their eyes. For the next few seconds, nobody spoke. Quietly, they all made their wishes one by one.

GongChan opened an eye and peeked at his hyungs before shutting it tightly again.

After a while, CNU opened his eyes and nudged the other members. "Are you done yet?" They opened their eyes and nodded.

"Good," CNU smiled. "Because Baro's going to get real pissed when he realizes that we're not behind him." He pointed to a figure, already far ahead of them.

Right at that moment, Baro turned around and caught sight of his friends who were still in their original spot. "YAH!" he shouted. "HURRY UP DAMMIT!"

The members chuckled to one another before changing their pace to a jog to catch up with him. He sure seemed like a spit fire during times like these.


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hetero--- #1
Chapter 9: Wow, when's the next update? You should continue
LeePeppers #2
I hope you can update soon this story is to sweet!
Chapter 9: Aigoo!! so cute!!! >< update soon!!
ninaz7 #4
YES FINALY AN UPDATE!! I missed this story soo much please keep going!! :3
rikson #5
this story is so funny when will the next one come please hurry!
rikson #6
i am so impatiently waiting for the next one I love this.
ninaz7 #7
Oh, i want to know the lie! HAHAHA you did great, i can't wait for the next one! And Jinyoung is soo sweet with Haemi!!!
ninaz7 #8
HAHAHA poor Jinyoung!! And i love how CNU is the umma! ^^
OMGG loved the cute moment with Shiwoo! And Barooo<3 So cool T_T