


[A/N: warning for crude language and mentions of drugs.]


Jiyong woke up to a throbbing head and a sore throat. Not to mention the sun was shining directly in his face.


He sat up and stretched noticing the familiar pictures hanging in the room. Family members smiled back at him. The cast of Family Outing. The rest of the members. It made him wonder why no one else had pictures up in their rooms. It was actually kind of nice to wake up to. And then he caught his reflection in a mirror leaning by the door. 


How much soju did I drink last night? 


He remembered getting into the van. Vaguely when they threw him onto his bed. Except. This wasn't his bed. This wasn't his room. And that was definitely not his face. 


OMO. WHAT HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!? He ran to the mirror and looked at the person staring back at him. Except it wasn't Jiyong. It was. It couldn't be. He was staring at Daesung in the mirror. All chiseled abs and bulging biceps. Amidst all the shock he had to admit, Daesung had a great body. But. No. He touched his face. Daesung's face. I must be dreaming still. This isn't possible. And just then...




Jiyong ran to the voice and found Sengri who was pulling at his cheeks in a tiny compact mirror on his dresser. Except. Oh God. What was going on? 'Seungri' turned around and stared at Ji. 




Hyung? Seungri never really called him hyung anymore. Only when they were around other people who didn't know about their relationship.


"Hyung. Why are you in my body?" Oh. Oh no. Oh. My. God. It was Daesung. He suddenly felt like he needed to put on a shirt or something. Maybe Daesung didn't want him to just walk around half in his body.


"Dae?" Ji asked cautiously. 


"Hyung. Am I dreaming? I don't think I had that much soju last night..."he trailed off looking again at the person in the mirror.


"Um. No. I don't think were dreaming..." Ji said. This is really happening. How is this happening?


Daesung pulled away from the mirror and touched his abs. Or lack thereof. Since Seungri didn't have any. 


"Why is he so skinny?" Daesung asked, like everyone had the luxury of owning a six-pack.


Jiyong looked at Seungri's body. As much as he loved Seungri's crazy antics, he was after all a guy. And a human. And, well, humans are physical beings. And he was not quite sure how he was going to handle looking at Seungri's lips (which currently belonged to Daesung) and have to ignore the desire to kiss them. . Daesung was looking at him.


"We should find everyone else" Ji said awkwardly. 


"Yea" Daesung said walking out the room eyes averted, just in case Ji sent him that lustful look again.


Daesung walked into Youngbae's room, hoping that perhaps there was still a chance this wasn't happening and that they really would be greeted by Youngbae telling them they had had too much soju and to go back to sleep. They proceeded to dissect the pile of blankets he was under to get to him. Youngbae was sleeping in a hoodie and sweats, hugging onto a pillow. 


Oh boy. If Ji was guessing correctly this wasn't going to go over well. Daesung seemed to have sensed the same thing and backed away a little. Ji leaned in and shook 'Youngbae.' He let out a groan. Oh. Boy. Ji shook harder and got an arm thrown at him. He clearly did not want to be wakened. Ji had half a mind to leave. Just take a sleeping pill and wake up later and deal with all this. If it was real. Daesung nudged him on, still standing back from the bed. Ji shook him roughly this time and immediately ducked as another arm flew and him and 'Youngbae' sat up. He was growling. 


"What do you want?" he mumbled


"Ah, Youngbae..." Dae trailed off, not sure how to explain what exactly was going on.


"Yah, what are you talking about? I know you were drunk. If the managers hadn't come when they did I would've locked you out the room just so I wouldn't have to hear another verse of y Back." 'Youngbae' said.


"Hyung. I'm not...I'm not Seungri" Dae said cautiously.


"WHY ARE YOU MESSING WITH ME THIS EARLY???" 'Youngbae' exploded.


"Oh. Seunghyun?" Ji said.


"What?" he answered.


Ji searched around the room until he came up with a cd that was on the dresser. Up until now Seunghyun still hadn't realized he wasn't in his room. He held it up in front of Seunghyun's face.His sleepy eyes widened. He touched his eyebrow piercing. And then his hair, pulled into neat cornrows. He didn't blink for almost a minute.


"Did we do drugs last night?" he asked, genuinely concerned.


"No. Well actually I don't remember. It's all a little fuzzy after we sang Gee. But I don't think so..." Ji was starting to wonder if maybe they had. Were they all on a bad trip or something? 


"So...I'm Youngbae. I'm in his body..." Seunghyun threw off the covers and touched his stomach. He lifted his shirt and flexed.


"He has nice abs." Ji and Dae chuckled. Only Seunghyun could make this funny. Ji was worried like hell right now. 


"So then you're not Daesung? And you're not Seungri?" Seunghyun asked.


It didn't even occur to them that they hadn't mentioned that they weren't who they appeared to be, literally.


"I'm Ji." he said, in Daesung's rich voice.


"And I'm Daesung" he said with Seungri's breathy voice. 


"This is..." Seunghyun started, but couldn't quite finish the thought. None of them really could at this point. "And the others?"


"We didn't wake them up yet" Ji said.


"We should. I wanna know who has my body" Seunhyung said getting up out of bed. Ji just realized he had no idea who was in his body either. 


They all made their way to Seunghyun's room. Or rather, his cave. He had the thickest curtains on his windows. It looked like the sun had never touched his walls. On the bed was Seunghyun's body all right. In a pair of maroon boxers and nothing else. As soon as Seunghyun caught sight of this he ran to pull the covers over his exposed body. His body let out a mumble. That sounded like...Was Ji hearing things? 


"I'm bringing y-" Ji had to turn away before he burst out laughing. Seunghyun glared at him. Maknae was going to obliterate Seunghyun's image if Ji's hunch was right. That's if Seunghyun didn't kill him first. 


"There is no way maknae is in my body" Seunghyun scoffed. He grabbed his shoulders and shook them roughly. "Get up." Seungri looked up at him. 


"Youngbae. Why are you up so early? Do we have a schedule?" He asked. Ji stared at him. Hearing Seungri speak in Seunghyun's voice was kind of disturbing. 


"No. We don't have a schedule. Just get up. And put some clothes on me." Seunghyun insisted as he threw a hoodie and training pants at him.


"Hyung what are you-" Ji lead him to the closet door which doubled as a mirror. Seungri stared. "Hyung, I swear I didn't do any drugs last night. I might've tried some a really long time ago but it was before I came to Seoul and I was just doing it because-"


"Calm down. We don't think anyone did any drugs. We just don't know what happened." Ji said, making a mental note to ask Seungri about his experiences later. Seungri turned to Seunghyun.


"Hyung, I don't know what you wear so many layers. You have a nice body" 


"Yah, I get cold." 


"But I wasn't cold-" 


"Yes you were." Seunghyun said as he forced his head through the hoodie. "Now put some pants on me before I do that for you too."


Seungri scrambled to put on the pants and looked up, fully clothed.


"Wait, so who are you?" he asked looking at his body. 


"Daesung" he responded. 


"Do I really sound like that?" he asked walking towards his body.


"I'm really short. I thought I had grown-"


"Maknae nows not the time." Ji said.


"Jiyong?" Seungri said, looking at Daesung's body. 


"Yea" Ji said. It only took twenty minutes for them to become somewhat accustomed to the idea that they were all in each others body's. 


"So then, Youngbae is in your body?" Seungri asked.


"I guess" Ji said musing. "I'm gonna go wake me up"


He walked into his own room and it actually felt foreign. Everything still felt like they had somehow landed in the twilight zone and just needed to figure out how to get back.He kneeled down and shook himself until the real Youngbae stirred. 


"Daesung. Do we have a schedule?" he asked immediately sitting up and rubbing his eyes.


"No. We've got some bigger problems..."


"YG found out?" Youngbae asked worriedly, his eyes could actually be seen even in the semi-darkness.


"No. More like we have bigger tactical issues..." Ji said, pointing to the mirror in front of his bed. Youngbae blinked.


"We didn't do any-"


"No. No one did drugs. At least...No. No drugs."


"So then. I'm in Jiyong's body. For real?"




"Then who are you?"




"Oh. . Man, I'm sorry"


"Don't apologize. You didn't do anything. I hope."


"Nah. I love you man, but I don't want your body."


They both had to laugh at that. Seunghyun, Daesung, and Seungri walked in at that moment.


"Who are all of you then?" Youngbae asked.


They went through the introductions again. Jiyong summarized.


"I'm Jiyong, in Daesung's body. Youngbae, you're in my body. Seungri is in Seunghyun's body. Seunghyun's in Youngbae's body. And Daesung is in Seungri's body."


"Damn. That's the last time I'm ever getting drunk" Youngbae said rubbing his head at the new information. Everyone agreed. 


"Now what?"  

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Chapter 7: please update soon, i'm dying here i need to know what happened, so please update soon author-nim T_T
Fatairuq #2
Chapter 7: Urgh ! You must update
Chapter 7: wa!! the plot is falling into place, now i see. omo! it's soo confusing haha!! i still haven't memorized who is who, this sure is gonna make the interactions weird, especially between Ji and Ri (if they wanna kiss, for exp...are they gonna make Daesung's body and Seunghyun's do that?lol) . so interesting!!! are you gona make each one of them be more aware of his bandmate by litteraly living in his shoes, and thus help them resolve their issues? is that why you introduced ceparately every member?...anyways, i love this, i said so already! can't wait for an update, make it soon plz ^^
Chapter 6: this chapter was sp funny!!! srsly, i was lol-ing the whole time!! especially at Ji criticizing fashion in his drunk state...but really all of them cracked me up! Ri going hyper all over the place and dancing y back haha this is awesome!!
Chapter 3: by the second chapter i realized that this wasn't just Gri fanfic, but that you're including all the members, each with their own chapter. While usually this might bother me and i'd even maybe want to skip the ones with no Gri interaction, i find myself reading and liking this a little more. The way you write is so pleasant and smooth. what more is, you made me feel for all the members, kinda se things from their point of view, and somehow, i feel there is depth in this. Because Top used to be fat, and that is never a good memory, and we rarely if ever see that mentioned in fics. And Daesung is always smiling, yes, but no one is that happy...this is the thing, i never saw myself in Daesung but now i do, a little, because he's an entertainer who never shows how he feels, just tries and tries and tries to make ppl happy (and maybe i'm like that too). point is, your writing is so beautiful i don't evn....i love this.
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
tehsweety #8
haha..this is daebak.

update soon.
xxkakaoxx #9
Omg hahaha XD body change! I love it :) update soon please!
RamenLuver118 #10
It's really good!! Update soon~