


Maknae was just coming back to the dorms after his extra voice lesson. It was past midnight and everyone had to be up by 6 tomorrow. The circles under his eyes were dark and his head hung as he closed the door. His panda eyes were more than tired, they looked barely open. He kicked off his shoes carelessly and dragged his feet on the floor as he made his way to his room. 


"Seungri-ah, how was the lesson?"


"Aish, I just wish that ahjusshi would stop picking on me. I know I can do better, but it was late and my throat was getting sore. I could barely read the notes on the page" he said exasperatedly. 


"He's trying to make sure you do better no matter how tired and sore you are. It's his job" you replied, throwing an arm around his shoulder.


You noticed how much they fell as you pulled him closer, placing your right arm on his back and letting your left arm rest on his waist. You could feel his chest slowly fill the space between your bodies. You were slightly taller than him, just enough to let you press his head gently onto your shoulder. You could feel his soft hair on your fingertips. And his gentle breathing on your neck. He curled into your neck ever so slightly letting you feel the tickle of his eyelashes for just a moment. Holding onto his waist you closed your eyes, letting the scent from his neck fill you. His chest rose and fell softly against yours. 


The moments maknae really let the world get to him were few and far between. He was so protective over his heart and feelings that when you first met him you hated almost everything about him. He was so...plastic. Cold and distant. But it was times like this that made you realize how fragile he could be. He was still just 16. But you could never let him know that. You had to keep pretending you saw him as a man, or else he'd just stop talking to you period. As vulnerable as he could be his stubbornness was otherworldly. If you got on his bad side he wouldn't talk to you for days. Not even the tiniest of nods. It drove you insane. So you had learned to be his pillow, he could hug you, squeeze you, cry into you, and rest his head on you. You would always be there for him. 


You forced yourself to pick your head up from his neck and asked,


"You want ramen? I'm kinda hungry" 


"Is that all we have?" he said, his cheek was still pressed onto your collarbone. You could feel his voice vibrate against it. 


"Until someone goes to the market, yes" you said with a smile.


"Ok" he said, picking his head up from your shoulder. His arms slowly let go of your waist and you suddenly felt empty. He looked into your eyes. Often times you would imagine him like this, pressed lightly against you, eyes locked on yours. They were so brown and so deep. There was so much to discover behind them still. You reluctantly let go of his waist.  


"Go rest, I'll bring it to you" you said, fully aware of breaking the house rules that specifically stated no food in the rooms. After big Seunghyun's encounter with a month old bowl of ramen in the dark (he had a tendency to eat in his sleep) that ended up with him missing practice for 2 days the rule had been created. Seungri didn't seem to care about the rules and went to his room. 


As you filled the pot with water you heard the flick of his light switch. His door was wide open. No one closed their unless they were watching...videos. As the maknae he had the smallest room, aside from a twin bed and small desk in the corner there wasn't much extra space. What floor space he did have was covered in old practice clothes from the past week. You watched as he threw his hoodie and shirt onto the floor with the rest of tomorrows laundry.


The light in the rooms were bright, white, and made a slight buzzing sound when you turned them on. It fell on his half body, making you wish you could touch him again. Not yet. He was still in a bad mood, you could tell by the blank look in his face. He was tired. He needed food first. Then, you could cuddle.


You faced the pot of water that was now boiling and threw in the noodles and seasoning. You turned back around to see him in just boxers now. He threw his hand against the light switch and plopped down on his bed. Of course, he was by definition, a typical guy. The shower when I smell, do laundry when I run out of clothes type of guy. Being the neat freak I was he drove me crazy like that. In the best way.


I piled the ramen into two bowls and took it into his room turning on the lamp he had sitting on his desk. He looked up and groaned.


"I'm too tired to eat hyung" he said, his face still buried in his pillow.


"Then why did you say you wanted it?"


"Because you offered to make it." Typical.


"Well if you don't want it i'll eat it by myself" you said, turning to leave. He caught your ankle right as you turned around. He had quick reflexes that's for sure. You turned around to face him again and he sat up, his baby fat crumpling around his abs. He took the bowl and ate like a machine. Hardly coming up for air until it was all done. 


"Thanks hyung" he said as he shoved his bowl onto his desk and again laid face down onto his bed.


"Yah, your just going to leave me to clean up?"


"Ay, hyung, you offered to make me food, so I ate it. You could've just let me go to my room and sleep you know. Then we'd both be sleeping peacefully"


Mmm. You could tell by his voice he was still hung up on the lesson. Normally late lessons and sore throats never bothered him. He wanted so badly to succeed that he used to voluntarily go to the practice rooms extra early in the morning. To be ahead of the rest of the members. There was only one thing that discouraged him. It was not making progress. Even if he had a horrible lesson, if at the end he thought he came out better than before, he wouldn't worry so much. But if he thought he hadn't accomplished anything, hadn't gotten any better, he'd take it out on himself for days. He'd retreat into his shell and not say much. Just watching everyone else  laugh and play. It was always my job to look after him when that happened.


I placed my bowl on his desk and took advantage of the fact that he couldn't see me. I lowered myself down onto his bed, right beside him. His eyes were closed but I knew he wasn't asleep. I turned him over onto his back. His eyes opened and met mine. He had this innocent look about him. Just laying there. No covers, no shirt. Just looking into my eyes. 


I slide my hands under his pillow and stopped when my elbows came to rest by his neck. I let my chest slowly meet his. My hips on top of his. And he's still looking at me with those eyes. Those please-make-me-forget eyes. Those eyes I couldn't resist. I used to dream about them. I lowered my head, tilting it up slightly, turning just barely to the right. And laid the softest kiss on him. My eyes had instinctively closed, as had his. His arms regained life and wrapped around my waist, pulling me deeper into his chest. His hands made their way up my back, taking my shirt with them. He pulled it off and held onto my shoulders as I pressed onto his lips again, this time letting my tongue make its way into his mouth. His tongue met mine somewhere between his teeth. It was moving slowly, twisting and turning, then retreating back. His hand made its way to the back of my neck, gripping it gently. His other hand flat on my shoulder blade. We were lost. It was here that I could stay forever with him. On our island. Where there were no schedules, no hubris. 


He sat up and took me in his arms, turning me and placing me down onto the bed beneath us. His hand was at my waist, tugging at my sweatpants. He slid them down and I wriggled out of them. His hands ran along my side, from my waist to my ribs to my shoulder. He put his arm under my neck and drew me up a few inches to meet his lips again. He released me from his kiss and I fell back onto his pillow. I let my hands rest on the small of his back. He brushed my hair away from my forehead. Reaching his arms under me he enclosed my body. He tilted his head to meet my neck and kissed it softly. It wasn't going to go any further, we both knew. But this was better. So much better. Seeing him, feeling him, smelling him. It was like all my senses were on overdrive. 


His arms still around me he to his side, so we were laying face to face. He didn't say anything. He didn't need to. He put his hand in my hair and played with it until I fell asleep.

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Chapter 7: please update soon, i'm dying here i need to know what happened, so please update soon author-nim T_T
Fatairuq #2
Chapter 7: Urgh ! You must update
Chapter 7: wa!! the plot is falling into place, now i see. omo! it's soo confusing haha!! i still haven't memorized who is who, this sure is gonna make the interactions weird, especially between Ji and Ri (if they wanna kiss, for exp...are they gonna make Daesung's body and Seunghyun's do that?lol) . so interesting!!! are you gona make each one of them be more aware of his bandmate by litteraly living in his shoes, and thus help them resolve their issues? is that why you introduced ceparately every member?...anyways, i love this, i said so already! can't wait for an update, make it soon plz ^^
Chapter 6: this chapter was sp funny!!! srsly, i was lol-ing the whole time!! especially at Ji criticizing fashion in his drunk state...but really all of them cracked me up! Ri going hyper all over the place and dancing y back haha this is awesome!!
Chapter 3: by the second chapter i realized that this wasn't just Gri fanfic, but that you're including all the members, each with their own chapter. While usually this might bother me and i'd even maybe want to skip the ones with no Gri interaction, i find myself reading and liking this a little more. The way you write is so pleasant and smooth. what more is, you made me feel for all the members, kinda se things from their point of view, and somehow, i feel there is depth in this. Because Top used to be fat, and that is never a good memory, and we rarely if ever see that mentioned in fics. And Daesung is always smiling, yes, but no one is that happy...this is the thing, i never saw myself in Daesung but now i do, a little, because he's an entertainer who never shows how he feels, just tries and tries and tries to make ppl happy (and maybe i'm like that too). point is, your writing is so beautiful i don't evn....i love this.
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
tehsweety #8
haha..this is daebak.

update soon.
xxkakaoxx #9
Omg hahaha XD body change! I love it :) update soon please!
RamenLuver118 #10
It's really good!! Update soon~