


[A/N: I'm so sorry it took me literally forever to update this. It'll get interesting now, I promise. Warning: crude language.]


The Norea bong was ready to close and all five of the members were poised to make the frontpage on allkpop if Jiyong's hadn't accidentally dialed his manager an hour ago. Thankfully, just as the staff was ready to kick them out he arrived. Unfortunately for him they were all past their tipsy stage by about 3 hours.


"Oh, ho-ow did yoo kn-ow w-we were ere?" Jiyong said.


"Your drunk dialed me. Now start moving before some fangirls show up outside with cameras!"


"Ah, we we-ree jus aving some funn" Seunghyun slurred, falling backwards onto the couch.


"Aish. You're trying to get me fired right?" the manager said, pulling out his phone and ringing Top and Youngbae's managers. 


Collectively they managed to drag each of the members out a back entrance before any onlookers took too much notice. Seunghyun was the first one in the van and he hardly seemed to notice that they literally threw him in the back seat, where he rolled off and continued his rap staring up at the ceiling. Jiyong was next and was starting to grate on their patience as he kept going on and on about Galliano's winter collection. He was lucky they put him in a seat and not on the floor. Seungri was by far the most difficult to get, however, he kept running around the small room they were in. Leaping over the couch and out of their managers grip by just an inch. 


"Who the hell gave him soju??"


"Kids to hyper to listen to us without soju in him"


"Isn't Soju supposed to slow them down?"




"You wouldn't tell him because then you'll get in trouble too" Seungri teased dodging his outstretched hand. Just then Bae's manager snuck up behind him and grabbed onto his arm with both hands.


"Got him!" he said. But of course Seungri didn't go easy to the van. He insisted they watch his performance of Justin Timberlake's y Back. Asking them periodically if they liked how he changed the choreography. They threw him on top of Jiyong who had fallen asleep with his head on the window. They made sure to lock the door. 


"Yah, why'd you guys lock the door? You don't want to watch me? Seungri asked as he tugged on the handle.


Thankfully for Seungri, they didn't answer. 3 down. The managers leaned on the van.


"They don't pay us enough for this."


Thankfully, Daesung and Youngbae, although loud, weren't as bad as the others. Youngbae decided on doing some fancy dance moves and they dragged him down the stairs. Daesung just kept asking them if his jokes on Family Outing were funny. Five minutes into the car ride and all that could be heard was soft snoring and Seunghyun's barely audible rap. At 5:30 am they reached their dorm. And now came the harder part, getting their dead weight to the dorms.


"That elevator better be working" Seunghyun's manager threatened. 


Jiyong, Seungri, and Daesung were first. All deposited into their rooms safely without any of them even waking up. Seunghyun and Youngbae were next. With everyone finally home their managers could breathe for a change. 


"We should tell YG about this"


"Nah, leave 'em."


"What?!? Were you not just here while we had to listen to Jiyong complain about how much better Galliano briefs were compared to Armani?"


"Yah, if you had their schedule wouldn't you get drunk every chance you could?"


"Ok. Fine. But next time call Daesung's manager instead"


"Fine" he chuckled. 

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Chapter 7: please update soon, i'm dying here i need to know what happened, so please update soon author-nim T_T
Fatairuq #2
Chapter 7: Urgh ! You must update
Chapter 7: wa!! the plot is falling into place, now i see. omo! it's soo confusing haha!! i still haven't memorized who is who, this sure is gonna make the interactions weird, especially between Ji and Ri (if they wanna kiss, for exp...are they gonna make Daesung's body and Seunghyun's do that?lol) . so interesting!!! are you gona make each one of them be more aware of his bandmate by litteraly living in his shoes, and thus help them resolve their issues? is that why you introduced ceparately every member?...anyways, i love this, i said so already! can't wait for an update, make it soon plz ^^
Chapter 6: this chapter was sp funny!!! srsly, i was lol-ing the whole time!! especially at Ji criticizing fashion in his drunk state...but really all of them cracked me up! Ri going hyper all over the place and dancing y back haha this is awesome!!
Chapter 3: by the second chapter i realized that this wasn't just Gri fanfic, but that you're including all the members, each with their own chapter. While usually this might bother me and i'd even maybe want to skip the ones with no Gri interaction, i find myself reading and liking this a little more. The way you write is so pleasant and smooth. what more is, you made me feel for all the members, kinda se things from their point of view, and somehow, i feel there is depth in this. Because Top used to be fat, and that is never a good memory, and we rarely if ever see that mentioned in fics. And Daesung is always smiling, yes, but no one is that happy...this is the thing, i never saw myself in Daesung but now i do, a little, because he's an entertainer who never shows how he feels, just tries and tries and tries to make ppl happy (and maybe i'm like that too). point is, your writing is so beautiful i don't evn....i love this.
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
Chapter 1: i love the way you write. i love the interactions between Ji and Ri here, this is soso good!! nice work!
tehsweety #8
haha..this is daebak.

update soon.
xxkakaoxx #9
Omg hahaha XD body change! I love it :) update soon please!
RamenLuver118 #10
It's really good!! Update soon~