Its been a week after his engagement party and now he is having his holiday without Jackson.

Yes his own fiance who persuade him to take a month long holiday after not having a day off after 4 years are now missing. Jackson get a call from the college saying that there is some urgent things he need to get it done if not something terribble will happen. So yesterday he sent Jackson away.

Jaebeom was quite suspicious because he already know Jackson is just a part timer and not official teacher like him. So why the rush? Jaebeom just shrug it off. Maybe there is some emergency that they need Jackson over there.

Jaebeom was just strolling around at the Hangang River.

He missed being here surrounded by people who just hanging out with friends and talking or eating. He remember what Jinyoung said on his engagement party the other day. He wanted to talk with Jaebeom.

Jaebeom wonder why does Jinyoung want to talk to him. Jaebeom knows he blocked Jinyoung number but its only on the first month. After he moved to New York he unblocked Jinyoung number just in case Jinyoung wanted to talk but he was fooling himself when Jinyoung never even try to search for him.

Jaebeom had a few reason why he think Jinyoung just ignore him completely. Jaebeom knows Jinyoung. They have been best friend since they were a kids so he knows Jinyoung inside and out. Jinyoung must be really ashamed by his action that he don’t want to face Jaebeom.

Jinyoung really a prideful man even when he did not want to admit it. Jaebeom still can remember when he lost his mock case at the university and he did not want to meet anyone that week including Jaebeom. Jinyoung really strive for any compliment so he tried his best to be at the top so when Jinyoung knows that Jaebeom already know about the cheating he must be feel like a loser.

That is the only thing that Jaebeom fail to avoid that is he try to make Jinyoung feels like he is enough. Jinyoung don’t need other’s opinion about his and this is one of Jaebeom insecurities. Jaebeom always afraid if he is not enough for Jinyoung. Well he only a part time worker while trying to write his first book while Jinyoung is a successful young lawyer. He tried to appalled with what Jinyoung want from him and its make him lose a few of his hobby such as travelling.

When they live together Jinyoung really don’t like the idea Jaebeom leaving for other countries without him but the thing is Jinyoung is always busy and he got no time to accompany Jaebeom and he also don’t give permission to Jaebeom when Jaebeom ask. For example Jaebeom ask if he can go to Japan for 4 days but Jinyoung just said no without hearing Jaebeom’s reason to why he wanted to go to Japan. It make Jaebeom sulk for 2 days then Jinyoung come home one day with a bouquet of flowers and Jaebeom already forgive him.

Jaebeom suddenly feel the chills when the wind blow harder that the usual and it make him realize that he now can reminisce about his past relationship without even crying. He must be healed from his heartbroken.

Jaebeom chuckles.

Jaebeom continue his walk when suddenly his phone ring. Without looking at the caller id he answer the phone.

“Hello.” Jaebeom

“Hello! Hi there Jaebeom its me. Jinyoung sorry if I disturb you. Its been a week and you still not contact me yet so I thought you forgot about it so yeah here is me trying to remind you if you have time we can meet?” Jinyoung

“Sorry about that Jinyoung I was totally forgot about it and I just remember a few minutes ago and I thought I m gonna ask you later but here you are.” Jaebeom

“Really? Sorry about that. So are you free now?” Jinyoung

“Urmm yeah I just walking around Hangang River and I don’t have any plans for later.” Jaebeom

“Sweet! Let me get you there.” Jinyoung

“No need its quite far from your office. So just sent me the location and I wil go there.” Jaebeom

“Okay I will do that.” Jinyoung

“Okay, bye Jinyoung.” Jaebeom

“Bye.” Jinyoung.


Jinyoung still cant believe he can communicate with Jaebeom without feeling awkward and Jaebeom actually answered his call. Jinyoung still have a little bit of paranoia that Jaebeom will ignore him so he ponder for a week if he should call or message with Jaebeom and he actually proud of himself that he call Jaebeom.

He still can’t forget about Jaebeom even when he try to rationalize with himself. He don’t have any lingering feelings towards Jaebeom. Jinyoung is sure of that but he still feel the warmness whenever he saw Jaebeom’s smile at him. Yeah it must be because Jinyoung don’t ever think that he can actually speak to Jaebeom again and it’s show how shallow of Jinyoung when he thought that Jaebeom will still mad at him and wanted nothing to do with him anymore.

Jinyoung actually wanted Jaebeom to still mad at him so that he knows that Jaebeom still remember what he had done and still not forgive him and it make Jinyong feel that Jaebeom still care for him but now its like Jaebeom totally forget about Jinyoung.

Stop Jinyoung!

Don’t be stupid like this again.

Jinyoung conciousness always be there to remind him that he is so lucky that Jaebeom still talking to him and treats him nicely so that his jerk side will realize all of his pettiness will never win.

Jinyoung look at the time and decided call it a day. He wanted to search which place should they have the talk.


Nah it will be too noisy.


Hurmm the atmosphere will be weird and Jaebeom don’t likee coffee so it’s a no.

Jinyoung google a place that exes can talk peacefully and get a tons of answer to just forget his plan because exes will never have peaceful conversation. Jinyoung just then get an idea,

He ask Jaebeom to stay at Hangang River and then dash out from the office and before he arrived at hangang he buys a lot of snacks from the near mini mart.

“Its cold.” Jinyoung said right after he walk out from his car.

Then he feels bad when he realized he ask Jaebeom to stay here in this cold weather.

Jinyoung try to locate Jaebeom and after a few time looking around he found Jaebeom sitting under a tree. He was writing on his notebook. Jinyoung just smiling. Jaebeom never change, this is one of his favourite place for him to get inspired.

Jinyoung gently nudge Jaebeom when Jaebeom did not even realize after Jinyoung arrived at his spot.

Jaebeom look up and there his surprise face with his red nose.

“You here already?” Jaebeom

“Yeah just arrived. You are so focused writing. New idea for your new work?” Jinyoung

“Nothing just feels like I wanted to write under a tree on this weather.” Jaebeom chcukle

“Here I bring foods, I mean snacks.” Jinyoung show 2 bags of plastic bags full with snacks.

“Whooaaah. Who do you want to feed? Teenagers?” Jaebeom

“Nah, I know it must be hard to find your favourites snack at New York so yeah I try to remember what you like and bought whatever I found appetizing.” Jinyoung

“Thank you Jinyoung.” Jaebeom said then take a look inside the plastic bag.

“Wow! There still got my favourite sour candy! Oh my god I missed eating this one.” Jaebeom excitedly said.

Jinyoung who was still standing are smiling at Jaebeom

“Glad you like it.” Jinyoung

“Why are you still standing? Take a seat.” Jaebeom

“Okay.” Jinyoung awkwardly let out a silent groans.

Jinyoung don’t know why he suddenly feels out of place when he saw Jaebeom’s long hair (longer that mullet from Lullaby era) getting blew by the wind.

There a silent for a while second but its not an awkward one there is only a munching sound from the snacks.

Jinyoung try to started the conversation but then he don’t know what to say.

“I actually wanted to say sorry if I just left without noticing you that day. I know I was childish at that time.” Jaebeom

Jinyoung feels touched when Jaebeom speak first. He must see how nervous Jinyoung look.

“But I really really really wanted to go away from you. I don’t know if you know but I already realized your…you know. After just 2 weeks and I foolishly thought you will I don’t know maybe ended the thing but then its become weeks and months and I just can’t take it anymore. I am sorry we ended things like that. But I just wanted you to know that I don’t need any reason to know why you do that. I don’t want to even think about it anymore. It make me feels so stupid that I stay after I know what you did. So you don’t have to be pressured about telling me the truth. I am fine already. Look I can talk with you and I thinks its our time to just let the past go but I love our friendship before we had our relationship so maybe because of that I am fine sitting here beside you.” Jaebeom

“Jaebeom…I just wanted to say I am truly sorry for being a big jerk four years ago. I actually… well to tell you the truth I already plan to tell everything what I have done and why Ive done that stupid things but when you said you don’t want to know. I gladly will not tell anything to you,because I may sound like a weirdo right now but I feels like if I told you everything. I just defend myself. I don’t want that. I know I am wrong and I don’t have ways to prove me that I am not wrong. I am totally the bad guys in here.” Jinyoung

“Well you are not the bad guy. You just choose wrongly.” Jaebeom

“Yeah, I am.” Jinyoung

There is the silent again but now Jinyoung feels like he needed the silent just to remind him he done something extremely wrong.

“So….Do you still want to be friend with this stupid guy? We don’t need to be best friend like we used to but ajust friend?” Jinyoung

Jaebeom look at Jinyoung and he finally can say he did not have any bad feeling towards Jinyoung anymore.

“I would like that.” Jaebeom

“Okay. Hi my name is Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung. 30 years old lawyer who currently trying his hard to be the better version of himself.” Jinyoung said while throw his hand towards Jaebeom

Jaebeom laugh and then smirk.

“Well hello there. Lim Jaebeom here. 30 years old too and a writer who trying to get his first solo publication after his last work with some other authors.” Jaebeom said while shake hand firmly with Jinyoung.


Then they just having a chill conversation with what happen now. What the others was doing with their life and so on.



New York

Jackson touch down after a few hours in the plane. He is so tired right now and without seeing Jaebeom he become so grumpy. He try to call his friend Jooheon to pick him up at the airport but without even dial his friend number he saw his family butler waiting for him.

“Young Master.” Mr Chen

“Uncle Chen? Why are you here?” Jackson

“Madam asking me to fetch you up and bring you to the company.” Mr Chen

“But the meeting is tomorrow right?” Jackson

“Yes but after Madam realize you took 3 months off she was worried and curious.” Mr Chen

“I already told her why I am having holiday. Why she always get in the way?” Jackson grunt.

“I am sorry I don’t know anything else.” Mr Chen

“Tell me Uncle Chen is the company the only reason why I am being call back home? Please tell me the truth.” Jackson

“Well other that than there is a meeting with a certain Park family and that is the only thing that I know.” Mr Chen

“The one with the daughter or son?” Jackson

“Daughter.” Mr Chen

“…My mom must be plan something with that Park family. I need to move faster else I will lose him” Jackson

“By the way, just to let yo know.She  know about HIM.” Mr Chen

“Really? How come?” Jackson

“ Apparently one of the workers at the company knows someone name Bambam and that guy has been telling about you and HIM.” Mr Chen

“, I don’t know someone at the company will know Bambam. Thanks Uncle Chen for the heads up information. I might be a little lucky that he is not here now.” Jackson

“My pleasure young master.” Mr Chen

“Now bring me to the hell.” Jackson


Jackson were sighing and just massaging his own temple. He really wanted Jaebeom beside him now so he can feel the warm from Jaebeom’s body and also the reassurance that Jaebeom will always be beside him.

Being Jackson Wang is not easy because the Jackson Wang who is funny, friendly and your next guy kind of guy is so different from the real Jackson Wang. The heir of Wang empire who not only has been in the bussiness for more than 50 years but also the one that always the traditional type of family.

No hansy pansy.

Need to listen to the elders. Follow the rules..Yada Yada Yada.

Jackson Wang always follow the rules but occasionally break it just for fun such as having a fun time with some stranger (man,women) just to released some stress but the one thing he always like to do and his family approved is martial arts. That is why he pursue his dream to teach martial arts (part time) while having to help his family in the business.

Now he has turned into 30 years old he really wanted to live as his other version than his real self. He ing love all the college kids and a few children that he teach and while still having fun time with strangers he fall in love with one.

Lim Jaebeom.

Jackson never think he will catch feeling when he flirting with his Korean tutor but feelings happen and he is in deep feeling with Jaebeom and they only dated for a year plus minus a few month but the idea of losing Jaebeom make Jackson do some stupid like propose to the said man.

Jackson is happy so so happy when Jaebeom said yes. For the first time he does not feel like Jackson Wang he feels like a normal person who pursue his happiness. But Jackson forget that being a Wang has a few minus point, such as if he ever feel so happy reality will hit him that his happiness is hold by name sign aka Wang.

Jackson never try really hard to keep his fun time well just because he hated feelings and his mom underline will always chase away his one night stand but Jaebeom. Jaebeom is different. He even hide that there is a person name Lim Jaebeom from the other Wang, with the help of his loyal Uncle Chen he fabricated some of the information that his tutor is someone name Seo Changbin who is from US.

So when Uncle Chen told him the info he really just wanted to fly back to Korea to make sure everything is fine. But he also knows not to react rushly in this situation. He just need to explain that who is Jaebeom and he has nothing related to Jackson.

“We arrive young master.” Mr Chen

“Thank you Uncle Chen, just stay I will make sure it was not long.” Jackson

“Yes, young master.” Mr Chen

Jackson look at the building in front of him. He used to be very excited when he was a kid. Feeling so special having his own building (he knows its gonna be his because his mother told him so) and having ample of fun time playing with the workes that he did not realize how cold the vibes fron the bulding itself.

Now as he is an adult he can feel more tired whenever he need to go to the company. Jackson let out a sigh. He need to settle this thing faster so he can go back to his fiance.

Jackson beeing greeted by the workers and he just nod his head. He do not have feeling to be extra friendly today. Before he come inside his mother room he took a deep breathe and smile.

“Mom! I am here! Your son is here.” Jackson

“Jackson!!! My son! Oh god. I missed you so much!” Mrs Wang

“Mom its been a few weeks only not like I disappear all of sudden.” Jackson

“Jackson don’t say it like that. You know after your father’s dead how I am trying to make this empire become better just for you.”Mrs Wang

“”Yes mom, I know.” Jackkson

“Well to make it better and more prosperous I just discuss with Mr Park. You know the one that control the oil and we just got an idea! He has a daughter a few years younger than you and imagine Wang empire and Parks Oil & Gas being one! I can feel the power we could have.” Mrs Wang

“Mom, I am still young. I don’t think I want to get married this early.” Jackson

“But Jackson this is the opportunity that we need to hold if Mr Park found another family then we gonna lose a billions of money!” Mrs Wang

“Mom we are already rich enough that we can just retire and we still have money for next 7 generation and I don’t want to get married like this arrangement or what. Poor the girl too if she is younger than me maybe she don’t want to get married yet?” Jackson softly speak and wishing that his mom can change her plan.

His mother look at him and just stare at him before she speak.

“Does your unwillingness is because someone name Jaebeom?” Mrs Wang

“Who?” Jackson

“Jaebeom. There is some rumours speculate that you dating a man. Thank god I found the one who spread the rumours and fired him at once.” Mrs Wang

Jackson suddenly feel sorry towards that guy but he deserve it if not because his big mouth he can still be at Korea with Jaebeom.

“No mom, I am not dating anyone. You know me, yeah I do fooling around but I am just a young man and I don’t like being tie with another person.” Jackson

“Yeah I believe in my son so that is why I fired that guy but Jackson we need to do something so that no one will have reason to believe in this gossip.” Mrs Wang.

“Mom…”  Mrs Wang

“Listen son, she is really a nice pretty women. You can just meet a few time and if there is no chemistry at all just said it. I am not a devil mom to pushed my son.” Mrs Wang

Jackson smile.

“Thank you mom, I will try.” Jackson

“Okay you just touch down right? Go back and have a rest. Tomorrow we have an important meeting.” Mrs Wang

Jackson just nod and went out from his mom office room.


Jackson knows its gonna be a bad thing if his mom suddenly being so nice. He can feel that he can’t never run from this DATE with Park’s daughter. Jackson has feelings that his mom will never let go of Jaebeom issues. He need to think fast to make his mother less suspicious.



Jinyoung just come back home after the TALK with Jaebeom. He realize that Jaebeom is the matured one in their relationship or friendship. Now both of them agree to be friend it make Jinyoung feel kinda relieved because he always have an itch to ask Jaebeom how is his day gone by and after listening to Jaebeom’s answer he finally at ease.

He like talking with Jaebeom because he has different type of thinking like when Jaebeom describe his day its never like its fine its just okay.

“Today I wake up with a less headache and I am so thankful of it.” Jaebeom

Jaebeom always tell the truth, if he is sick he tell. If he is not in a good mood he tell.

“I was walking around and suddenly I accidentally step into some dog s. Well luckily at some country it was a good luck sign? Or is it the bird ? I don’t remember which animal s bring luck to us.” Jaebeom

Jinyoung just shake his head he touch his necklace that he hide inside his shirt.

Maybe its time for Jinyoung to get rid of the necklace?

Well maybe later.



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