Close call

Magic shop

 After practice that day, Yoongi and Namjoon headed straight to the hospital to see Hoseok. He knocked gently on the door.

"Hoseokie..." Yoongi said.

Hoseok smiled, lazily.

"Hey sweetheart, hey Joonie. How was practice?" He asked.

Yoongi blushed, shuffling his feet.

" was fine..." He answered.

Hoseok stared at him. 

"What's up?" He asked.

Yoongi sighed.

"Um...okay...well...The manager got mad that you're in the hospital..." 

Hoseok furrowed his brows. 

"What? W-well...that's ridiculous! What else did he say?" He said sternly.

"Baby don't worry about it. He was just having a bad da-"

"What did he say?" 

Yoongi stayed quiet, slowly looking at Namjoon.

"He...said maybe it would be better if you weren't in the group..." Yoongi stated hesitantly.

Hoseok stared, staying quiet.


"B-but don't you worry! We won't let that happen."  Namjoon reassured.

Hoseok drew a deep breath, shutting his eyes.

"You're going to be fine. I promise.." Yoongi said. 

Hoseok nodded.

"Y-yea. The doctor said with luck I might be able to get home by tomorrow night." 

Hoseok coughed heavily for a few minutes longer.

"Babe that does not sound-"

"I'm fine."

After visiting hours ended, Yoongi and Namjoon left to go home.

"How's hoseokie?" Taehyung asked, instantly.

"He's doing fine. He should be able to come home tomorrow night according to the doctor."

"Did you tell him with the boss said?" Jin asked.

"He took it better than I thought he would." Namjoon answered, shrugging.

~Meanwhile in the hospital~

Hoseok laid in his bed, tears rolling down his cheeks. He was shaking. He felt so scared. He loved his job more than anything. What would he do if he were to lose it? 

The next day, business as usual, the guys left the house to go to practice. After practice, they left to pick up Hoseok from the hospital. This time was different from the other days, the manager wanted to speak to Hoseok about weather he should be kept in the group or not. Hoseok was given an inhaler and medication to take for his condition. He waited patiently for his friends to come get him. After a while, they arrived. Namjoon signed the release forms and they were on their way back to the studio. Hoseok felt nervous but excited at the same time. Yoongi squeezed his hand and flashed a smile. Hoseok kissed his cheek before heading into the offices.

" wanted to see me sir?" He asked, politely.

His manager nodded.

"Yes, have a seat."

Hoseok immediately did as he was told staying silent. 

"You've been with the company for a little under 4 months now, correct?" He started.

Hoseok nodded.

"Y-yes sir." He answered.

"You do know missing a certain amount of time before officially debuting gets people kicked out."

Hoseok shifted his eyes.

"Yes." He said.

"I've only missed 4 days though-"

"Yes but it's valuable practice you miss." 

"But sir I love this company and what I do here. Please don't-"

"Hoseok. I like you as a person. But I really can't afford to keep you if you keep missing practice."

"I won't! Please! I was in the hospital and couldn't leave! I promise I won't miss any more practice!" Hoseok said urgently.

His boss stared at him, thinking.

"Fine. One more chance. But if I miss one more time that isn't a hospital visit.  gone." He threatened.

Hoseok nodded quickly, bowing.

"Thank you so much sir." He said, quickly leaving.

Hoseok ran out to the van.

"How'd it go?" Taehyung asked.

"He said I have one last chance. If it's not a hospital visit I'm gone." 

"Okay so we'll be careful." Jimin answered.

Once they got home, the boys celebrated Hoseok being home and staying in the group by drinking bottles of soju until the early hours of the morning.  




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Chapter 8: Now im sad -_-
kulitlang08 #2
Chapter 8: don't do that again very careful...
kulitlang08 #3
take care of yourself too hobi...