Practice Makes Perfect

No Matter What

Description: Having your first (practice) kiss with your best friend could only go one way.

A/N: Double lines indicate a big time skip (days), single lines a short time skip (hours). It's a silly plot, so don't expect much xD


“Are you going to accept her?” Minjoo asked as they both laid on her bed, staring at the white ceiling, wasting time doing nothing instead of finishing the homework they were supposed to be doing – a normal Friday night for the two of them.

“Hitomi?” Chaewon asked, although they both knew who Minjoo was talking about. The cute Japanese girl who had confessed to her through a letter she left on her locker earlier that day – it was sweet and seemed sincere, Chae didn’t know the girl that well but she looked like a nice person as well. Still, she wasn’t sure about how she felt about it. Moving on her place, she closed her eyes with a sigh. “Hm, I don’t know.”

Minjoo stole a look at her best friend, curiosity in her dark brown eyes. For some reason the answer didn’t satisfy her. Chaewon wasn’t the type to comment about her crushes, and Minjoo wouldn’t ask her about it most of the time, but she wanted to know this time. “She’s in my English class. Cute and nice.”

The older nodded. “Yeah, but I don’t know if I can see her in that way.” Hitomi was all that, honestly, she didn’t have a good reason to not give it a try, however her mind and heart didn’t have a consensus about it just yet. She moved again, feeling a little uncomfortable under Minjoo’s gaze. “What about that freshman that has been following you around?”

“You’ve to answer her on Monday though.” The taller brunette reminded, before shaking her head slightly. Since when was the topic about her non-existent love life? Her new admirer who had just joined their school had already being the subject of other conversations, always coming to the same conclusion. “She is pretty cool. Popular too. But I think she may be a player, you know that.”

“Probably.” It was Chaewon’s time to analyze her friend’s expression – Minjoo was an open book most of the time, but when it comes to this new kid, Chaewon was having trouble reading her. She didn’t quite like the feeling. “She flirts a lot.”

“But…” There was hesitation on Minjoo’s voice now, her uncertain coming across as she tried to gather her thoughts. She couldn’t deny her admirer was cute and maybe she shouldn’t judge her too hard before knowing her. Some of her friends even encouraged her to accept the freshman’s advances…Chaewon wasn’t one of them. Lifting herself on her elbows, she looked back at the brunette. “I kind of want to go out with her. I mean, I haven’t dated anyone yet and maybe I should just give it a try.”

“Hm.” Was all Chaewon replied at first, an uncomfortable feeling on the back of as if it was closing up with all the words she wouldn’t dare to utter – she didn’t have the right to feel annoyed, and for crying out loud she didn’t even have a reason to dislike Yujin, however the idea of her dating Minjoo just didn’t seem okay to Chaewon. Maybe she was just being overprotective. Nonetheless, she managed to reply in a small voice, giving the best advice she could think about. “I think you should only date someone you really like.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I don’t really know if I like her yet.” Minjoo agreed nonchalantly. It was always like this, it only takes Chaewon a sentence to make her change her mind – it was an ability since Minjoo could be quite stubborn at times, but she would always listen to her best friend. Giving her a smile, she blurted out the first thing that came to her mind. “Chae, you haven’t kissed anyone yet, right?”

The older Kim furrowed her eyebrows, surprised with the sudden change of topic. “Why are you asking me this all of sudden?”

“Because I haven’t either. I just feel curious about how it feels like.” Minjoo just shrugged. They were friends, wasn’t it a normal conversation for people their age to have?

“Well it must be nice since people do it all the time.” Another shrug of shoulders, Chaewon this time. She was never that much into dating to bother with the subject. “Maybe that’s why everyone wants to date so bad.”

“That’s what I think too.” Min echoed, her head nodding energetically, making her bangs cover her eyes for a moment – Adorable, Chaewon couldn’t help but smile at her childish ways. Her smiled turned into a grimace with the brunette’s next words though. “But what if I at it? What if I get a perfect girlfriend and I just mess it up because I never did it before?”

“I…” Well, technically she couldn’t really reassure the other girl, but it seemed impossible that Minjoo out of all people would at kissing – not that she thought about Minjoo and kissing often, of course not. “I don’t think this is possible. I mean, how hard can it be?”

Minjoo made a face, unconvinced. “I read that some people just start drooling without noticing it and it’s like super disgusting.”

“Ew!” Chaewon shot her a disgusted look. “Just don’t do that!”

“But what if I do it without noticing?” Now the younger Kim looked genuinely concerned – maybe reading her older sister’s old magazines wasn’t that great of an idea. “What if I ruin things because I’m like a huge dog?”

Chaewon brought a hand to cover her own face, facepalming her silly friend. “If anything, you’re like a frog.” Turning to face the other girl, she frowned slightly. “Why don’t you just practice?”

Minjoo mirrored her frown, pouting. She didn’t want to ruin her first ever kiss being clumsy, she was so picky about her admirers and when she finally finds the right one, she wanted it to be perfect – or else she would just hide herself in a hole due to the embarrassment. “With a pillow or my arm? No, I don’t think it would be of any help.” Shaking her head, her pout grew bigger making her look even cuter.

For someone talking about kissing, she still looked a lot like a little kid – a really pretty one.

“Then just use me.” Chaewon had no idea where this came from, an impulse of the moment – or maybe it was just her way of pushing her own wishes in a not-so-subtle way; she would probably regret it later, but for now, she just followed her impulse. “I mean, we could just…It won’t count as a first one if it’s just practice, right?”

Chaewon expected a rejection, being shoved aside playfully as Minjoo laughed at her stupid idea, but it didn’t happen.

The younger girl sat on the bed, a concentrated expression on her face before she nodded slowly. “Let’s do it!” There was determination on her tone, her big dark chocolate eyes with a new glint as she looked at her best friend – Chaewon looked cute with the surprised look on her face, and Minjoo almost laughed at her expression, it somehow easing up her nerves and making the decision so much easier. She would rather kiss Chaewon over her pillow any day – a weird sentence, but it was the truth.

Awkwardly, Chaewon did the same, sitting up in a way they both could face each other. Minjoo was right in front of her, close enough for her to just rest her hands comfortably around her waist and bring her in a little closer – slowly, gingerly, afraid the other would change her mind soon. It still didn’t seem real that they were taking her crazy idea seriously, but the younger didn’t show any resistance, her face still full of determination as if they were about to battle someone and not just exchange a kiss.

“Okay. Let’s just do it slowly and you can tell me if you like it or not.” She said trying to take the lead, albeit her nerves were starting to kick in.

The younger didn’t hesitate though, resting her hands on Chaewon’s lean shoulders. Chaewon always made her feel at ease, even now she couldn’t feel nervous when the person in front of her was someone she trusted and cared so much, it may seem a little embarrassing but she wouldn’t take back her decision “Alright.”

For a moment they just stood there, eyes inspecting each other’s face, unsure about what to do next.

Minjoo’s arms circled Chae's neck, pulling her a little closer and the older took it as a signal to proceed. Taking in a deep breath she leaned in to gently brush her nose angst Minjoo’s, their eyes locked, breaths intertwining as they got used to being this close. Minjoo nodded slightly, closing her eyes and allowing Chaewon to brave up enough to brush her lips on hers. It wasn’t a proper kiss, barely a peck, just enough for her to feel how soft the skin under hers was.

It felt nice.

Minjoo had a small smile on her face when Chaewon broke the contact, opening her eyes to meet the chestnut ones that were filled with questions. “It was good. But too quick.” She judged, trying to act like Chaewon’s closeness didn’t make her heart flutter. “Can I try it too?”

The other looked relieved as she nodded. For her, kissing Minjoo felt natural, almost like they had always done it. Still, she wasn’t sure the feeling was mutual until her friend spoke. She was more than willing to accept the peck when Minjoo approached, eyes closing automatically to enjoy the contact of the soft lips on hers, a little longer this time.

Minjoo was a bit clumsy, her hot breath hitting the other girl’s face and her lips a little heavy on hers at first, but it was so sweet. The fact that she kept her hands around Chaewon’s neck, playing with her hair and caressing her nape made it all better. That’s why Chaewon didn’t protest when the brunette opened a bit, to take in her bottom lip and kiss it – she actually loved the feeling of kissing her best friend.

For Minjoo it wasn’t that different. She thought she would be a little paranoid thinking about what and how to do it properly, but now that she was kissing Chaewon her mind was blank, only aware of the way their mouths fit together so well, how warm Chae’s breath was and how her loose embrace made her feel safe and welcomed. She didn’t want to break the kiss, she wanted to get closer – and so she did, imitating the things she had seen on TV and praying she wasn’t being too awkward doing it.

Chae’s thinner lips felt nice between hers, and she tasted each of them slowly, not missing a single pleasant shiver that was sent down her spine every time they mouths moved in sync -- she wasn’t sure if she was doing the right thing here but Chaewon seemed to enjoy it as well, following her every move.

Pulling away slightly, she stared at her friend with a dumb smile on her face – it was just practice, why did it make her feel so ridiculously happy? Would it feel the same if she was kissing anyone else? Looking at Chaewon’s eyes that had always been her favorite ones, she found it hard to believe. She was kissing someone she loved – as a friend or more? – and trusted, someone she knew well and still appreciated every aspect, she was even pretty cute…What? Minjoo blinked in awe, her smile hesitating as she realized what she was thinking.

“Min? Was it too much? I-” Chaewon said with a worried look on her face, she tried to break the embrace, but the taller girl didn’t allow her, keeping her arms around her.

“No, it’s not it. I just…Like it a lot.” Maybe she liked Chae a lot. She always had pushed aside this kind of thoughts, but now they were just there and it was hard to not think about it. “Don’t you?” It shouldn’t, but in that moment her answer mattered so much and Minjoo kept her dark eyes on hers.

A light blush covered Chaewon’s cheeks, in the position they were, she wasn’t able to avoid Minjoo’s strong gaze, therefore she had no choice but to be sincere. “I really like it, too. I wouldn’t mind doing it again.”

Minjoo bit back a smile. “So, do it.”

Chae just stared at her blankly for a moment, before something clicked inside of her. Minjoo liked it as much as she did, so it was okay for her to want more of it, it was okay for her to want more of Minjoo. All this had started thanks to someone else’s confession, still there was no place for anyone but Minjoo in her mind right now. Perhaps it never was to begin with, after all she had just dashed out of class after receiving Hitomi’s letter, going to find Minjoo instead of looking for the Japanese girl.

Kissing her best friend once was okay, she could use the excuse of just practicing and that it would be all, but if they just kept going…Her body was willing to do it, but her heart made her question the decision.

Ultimately, her body won as Minjoo gently caressed her nape in a subtly way to ask her to get close again – she didn’t hesitate in doing so, this time to give her the proper kiss she wanted.

lightly her bottom lip, Chaewon tasted her strawberry lip balm that was oddly addictive and she could feel Minjoo’s small, happy sigh as she continued her ministrations on her lips. She risked touching her lips with her tongue to feel the taste better, nibbling on the soft skin and bringing it into in a playful bite. Min’s grip on her became stronger, the brunette pulling her even closer and Chaewon could sense a smile on her lips before she giggled softly, returning the soft bite.

Feeling braver, Chaewon slid her tongue inside and regretted the decision almost immediately – Minjoo tasted even better than the lip balm, but the girl had become stiff with her actions and Chae pulled back right away. “Not okay?”

“You taste like mint choco…” Minjoo said frowning slightly, before letting out an airy chuckle. “It’s weird, but I like it.”  Chae looked confused, but Minjoo didn’t give her time to ask any questions, kissing her right away.

She didn’t think she would ever French kiss her friend – and like it so much –, but now she just wanted to melt into Chaewon’s warmth and enjoy the kiss, even if it tasted like mint choco and she hated the flavor of it in anything other than on Chaewon’s lips.

At first it was a little clumsy, they both trying to explore each other’s mouths a little too quickly, however it didn’t take long for them to find the perfect pace, gentle touches and slow moves that made her head spin. As if they had a silent agreement, Minjoo always moved the opposite way, making their lips always find each other without awkward nose bumps, the kiss getting deeper and more intimate by the minute.

Chae hugged her better, tightly, her hands running through her back just like hers ran through the other girl’s soft dark hair.

They had to separate to breath eventually, Chaewon ending the kiss with a couple of pecks that let Minjoo wanting for more, a whinny sound leaving her lips. Chaewon let out a breathless chuckle, her hands patting Minjoo’s back lightly as she tried to catch her breath and the younger did the same.

It could become awkward really quickly, but for some reason it didn’t. Maybe because they were still in each other’s embrace, their breaths still mixed, involving both girls in a bubble of warmth that was more than a just a physical reaction, but the comfort brought by the trust they shared – yes, it wasn’t what friends are supposed to do, but none of them could think of someone better to share that moment. At least for now.

“I don’t think you need to worry about ruining anything. You’re not so bad at this.” Chae broke the silence giving Minjoo a smile that was both parts playful and embarrassed. “You barely drooled.” With this remark her smile grew into a grin and Minjoo glared at her, using her arms around her neck to pull her close and give her best 'angry face' – what was cuter rather than threatening.

“It’s too bad I can’t say the same about you.” The younger Kim tried to maintain her glare as she spoke, however seeing the way Chaewon’s face contracted to turn her grin into an awkward, insecure smile, she couldn’t keep it up. She pecked her lips lightly a couple of times, apologetically, one hand gently tracing her jawline – Chae looked a little confused, but she didn’t avoid the kisses and her smile became more relaxed the more Minjoo did it. “That’s why we should keep on practicing. For a long time.” Not giving her the time to argue she went in for another kiss, her body automatically reacting to It, now more used to feelings that the contact gave her.

She smiled between the kiss as she felt Chaewon’s lips starting to move under hers, deepening the kiss and pulling her into a tighter embrace again – she concluded she loved being in Chae’s arms the most.

Minjoo wasn’t sure about for how long it went on, their kisses being cut only to give place to even deeper ones. They eventually had laid down, Chaewon gracing her jaw with some open-mouthed kisses that sent goosebumps down through her body in the best way, and the younger risking to steal just a few pecks at the girl's exposed neck that seem so inviting. They didn’t really talk, just exchanging some looks that were enough for letting both know they were still okay with it, her hand eventually finding Chaewon’s to hold it and intertwine their fingers – it was silly when they were already all over each other, but still brought her a feeling of happiness and safety. Chaewon kissed their joint hands, giving her a smile that was worth all her college savings.

Minjoo felt like she was floating even if was a little numb from all the kissing.

They lost track of the time, what wasn’t surprising at all, until Chaewon’s phone ringing brought them back to reality and the girl had to break one of their many kisses to look for the device – Minjoo let out a whiny sound of complaint, but also sat up to help her find the phone.

Unsurprisingly, it was Chaewon’s mother asking her if she would stay over Minjoo’s for dinner because it was getting late and just then the girl realized they had been at it for over an hour – with her ears burning red, she told her mother she would be on her way home soon, before hanging up.

“Are you going home? You could stay for dinner, my parents won’t arrive until later, but I can cook…Try to.” Minjoo said pulling on Chae’s sleeve to get her attention. After cuddling – or maybe ‘making out’ was a better term for it –, she felt extra clingy to Chaewon, and she was a naturally clingy person when it comes to the older girl.

The word ‘parents’ had an affect on the older Kim, who just shook her head in a negative. She didn’t want to leave, but thinking about facing Minjoo’s parents after what they just did made her face turn as red as a tomato. Her mother was already waiting for her, she couldn’t change her mind now – she actually could, but she was afraid being alone with Minjoo would be awkward and her parents’ imminent arrival didn’t make it any easier.

“Don’t you always order food? Just order something nice.” She said giving her a smile and reaching for her hand to squeeze it lightly. Chaewon might be flustered, yet she didn’t want to give Minjoo the wrong impression – she may be a little coward, but she didn’t want to make the moment they had just shared turn into a bitter memory by running away. “I’ll call you later, okay? We can finish homework at the library tomorrow.”

Minjoo wasn’t exactly happy with the way things turned out, still she couldn’t help but smile at Chaewon’s words said in such a sweet tone. Slowly she nodded in agreement, eating alone wasn’t her favorite thing, but she didn’t try to push it. She pulled Chae to a hug. “Be careful on the way home. Don’t forget to call.”

“Min, I live two streets away.” Chae smiled fondly at her, feeling warm with her care. Something had changed, and she couldn’t ignore it, but Minjoo was still her Minjoo and if anything, she only grew fonder of her. “You take care of yourself, I’ll ask for pictures of your food.”

The younger rolled her eyes at her words, breaking the embrace to face Chaewon. “I’ll walk you to the door.” Standing up before the other could protest, she helped to collect the older girl’s things – Chae knew the way out, but she still insisted on walking her downstairs.

They didn’t hold hands, only stealing glances at each other. They were used to being close, this sense of awkwardness was new, and not welcomed. Practice should just be practice, meaning no weird tension or overthinking, however they both couldn’t simply leave it behind.

Stopping by the front door, they exchanged a look, no one daring to say anything for a moment. It felt weird to just leave without addressing the elephant in the room. Both tried to say something at the same time, giving up as soon as they saw the other open …It was so awkward that it was funny and they couldn’t help but laugh.

“I don’t want us to be awkward. It’s not how we are.” Chaewon was the first to say, giving Minjoo a tentative smile. “It was…You know. I don’t regret it.”

Minjoo’s chest felt lighter with her words, making it easy to smile back at her. “I don’t want it either. It was nice to just be together for a little while…Even if it’s only practice.” She averted her eyes to her own hands, not wanting to show all of her emotions and knowing how well Chaewon could read her – was it of any use? Maybe hiding it was just silly. Lifting her gaze, she managed to ask. “Are we doing it again?”

The shorter girl looked for Minjoo’s eyes, the chestnut of hers facing the onyx-like orbs that reflected so well Minjoo’s thoughts – it was the same for her, unsure, but eager. She didn’t want it to end. “Yes. But only if you want it too.”

Minjoo didn’t reply her with words, instead she just leaned in to give her a kiss – different from the others, it carried a message that Chaewon could understand very well.

Chaewon arrived twenty minutes late at home, smelling like vanilla and strawberry.



“Do you think I should just text her or give her a letter? Maybe talking in person would be the best…” Chaewon trailed off with a compenetrated expression as she walked with Minjoo to class – they were in different years, but Chaewon would usually take the long path so she could walk the younger girl to class before going to her own classroom.

Minjoo loved it, but not so much today.

It was the Monday after their eventful weekend and Chaewon couldn’t stop talking about Hitomi and her letter – and Minjoo couldn’t help but feel more and more annoyed, the initial disappointment and the hints of sadness turning into anger. “It’s up to you. Why do you keep asking me about it?”

They had spent the whole weekend together,  with a whole bunch of kisses during their breaks from studying and albeit Chaewon hadn’t mentioned anything about ‘practicing’, Minjoo was sure it was much more than that, or else what could explain their cuddle session while watching Minjoo’s favorite Japanese drama – that Chae didn’t really like – which included peppering kisses on her cheeks and loving stares. Chaewon couldn’t be such a pro at practicing – if she was, Minjoo was surely hitting her with her english notebook.

“I’m sorry. I always ask you about everything.” The older brunette replied with an apologetic look. Truth be told, she just wanted to answer to Hitomi’s confession as soon as possible, but she couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about it. She hadn’t received a confession like this before and she wasn’t sure about how to handle the situation, Minjoo’s unusual moodiness wasn’t helping. “But you’re right, I know what I should do.” With a resolute expression she reached out to take Minjoo’s hand on hers, giving a smile. “Can you please call her for me? I’ll wait by the stairs.” The request came with a – tentative of – kiss on the cheek that was skillfully avoided by a pretty angry looking Minjoo as she shrugged off her hand.

“I told you, do it yourself.” Min snapped, her tone very different from the sweet one she always used with Chaewon.

The older brunette blinked in surprise, a little shocked with such a strong reaction. She could understand the other girl not being in the best mood – it was a Monday after all –, but it wasn’t like Minjoo to snap at her like this, especially not after spending half the weekend in her arms acting like a happy little fox – now she still looked like a fox, but a very feisty one.

For a moment Chae just watched the younger Kim march to her seat in awe, however she had to snap out of it soon – she only had twenty minutes before class and she still had to talk to Hitomi. Taking a deep breath, she mastered the courage to look for the Japanese girl herself, walking with her to the rooftop so they could talk without interruptions.

She felt more than saw Minjoo’s glare as she left the classroom with Hitomi, but she did her best to ignore it.



Minjoo barely paid attention to class that morning, her eyes on the cute Japanese student who had comeback just in time for their class to start – what had Chaewon told her? She still had that annoying hamster smile on her face like always, although Minjoo did find it much more annoying than usual today.

More than angry at Hitomi, she felt particularly mad at her best friend – that good for nothing woman that don’t deserve this title, she corrected herself mentally – for making her think they had something special, when she was just using her as practice to date the person she really wanted.

Kim took in a deep breath, averting her gaze from the girl to her empty desk – her phone safely kept on her bag, where she wouldn’t be able to see any texts from Chaewon –, she could feel a burning sensation behind her eyes, but she forced herself to swallow the tears. It was stupid. So freaking stupid. Why did she even agree with Chaewon’s dumb idea to begin with? Now she had lost her first kiss and wounded her heart just because she couldn’t say ‘no’ to the other Kim.

The bell rang, informing it was lunch time and she didn’t move from her seat, ignoring her classmates looks and just sending them off with the excuse of finishing homework for the next class – she also ignored Hitomi’s polite bow and smile, avoiding eye contact.

She didn’t feel like going out to see Chaewon and Hitomi together, at least not for now – a even dumber part of her still wanted her friend to be happy even if it wasn’t with her, but she felt like she would burst into tears if she had to pretend to be happy about it in the moment.

Crossing her arms over the desk, she hid her head on it, letting out a deep sigh. She would probably cry like a baby later, but for now she had to control herself.

“Min? Why didn’t you reply to my texts?” A very familiar voice sounded, ruining what was left of her control. Quick steps followed, and she didn’t even need to look to know Chaewon had kneeled by her  side with the concerned expression she always showed in moments like this – like a baby tiger ready to attack, soft but fierce. “Are you sick? You should’ve called me, I would’ve-”

“Just go with your girlfriend and let me be.” She finally said, lifting her head to face Chaewon’s chestnut gaze – Minjoo, albeit trying so hard, couldn’t help but feel her lips quivering and tears blurring her vision as she looked at Chae and her chest tightened. She always knew she loved Chaewon, the only problem was that she had never thought about the dimension of this affection and now it was hitting her like a punch. “Please, just go. I want to be alone.” Her voice was betraying her, breaking, and it was a matter of seconds for her to break down completely if Chaewon didn’t leave her side.

And of course she didn’t, it was Kim Chaewon after all.

“Girlfriend?” Chae was genuinely confused for a moment, although her brain quickly put together the pieces of the simple puzzle that was their situation. Now Minjoo’s moodiness made perfect sense. It was almost funny to her, and if it wasn’t for the way the younger looked like she was about to cry, she would’ve laughed. “Well, I did come to her. She doesn’t look very pleased to see me though.” Giving her a small smile, she reached out to cup Minjoo’s face in between her hands, fondness in her eyes as she stared at the face she loved so much. “I wanted to talk to Hitomi to reject her confession. I wasn’t sure about how to do it, but she accepted it well when I said I already have someone in my life.” Her smile grew bigger just like Minjoo’s eyes, Chae’s thumbs coming to wipe away her tears. “She even asked me if it was you and I said yes.”

Talking to Hitomi was surprisingly easy, the younger Japanese girl accepted her apologize with a smile and although she looked a bit sad, she wished her and Minjoo all the best and Chaewon made sure to tell her they could be good friends if she wanted to. It never occurred her that Minjoo may think she was going to accept the confession – how could she when her and Minjoo were so good together? Even if they hadn’t pushed the boundaries of their friendship under that silly excuse, she would still have rejected Hitomi because her heart was already with someone else, one way or another.

Minjoo’s chest was slowly becoming warm and light, every word Chaewon said making her heart heal, just to flutter for the older Kim. She felt like a fool for just assuming things and ignoring Chae. She knew she could trust her, still… “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to reject her?” She put into words the question on her mind, her voice still a little too low and whiny due to the crying, but her eyes weren’t burning anymore, instead her usual smile was risking to make a comeback.

“I just thought you’d know. I can’t ditch my practice partner.” Chaewon’s smile was contagious and she smiled back at her, receiving a soft kiss in response.

Hugging her by the neck, Minjoo brought her closer to rest their foreheads together. Chaewon’s warm breath and mint scent were enough to put her at ease – she apologized to Hitomi mentally for cursing the girl, when she was the lucky one here. “Just for practice?” She asked, looking for something in Chaewon’s eyes – it was easy to find, Chae might not always be vocal about her feelings, but her eyes never lied and all she could see in them was fondness and care, the recipe for love.

“Isn’t dating just practicing for the future? Then I guess my answer is yes.” Another peck, longer this time, followed by a fond smile as Chae hugged her. “Please inform your admirer you’re already taken, will you?” Her smile was a smirk now, her eyes playful as she kissed Minjoo before the girl could protest her words – she wouldn’t anyway, she was more than happy to accept the new terms for their relationship.  

Grinning like a fool, Minjoo broke the contact, keeping the other girl closer to sprinkle her cheeks with soft kisses. “You know, you’re supposed to ask my opinion too. Although I reckon practice is not that bad.” She imitated the way Chaewon always talks, earning herself a small chuckle and yet another kiss, that she playfully avoided – it was ironic how easy it was for Chaewon to break and fix her, but she couldn’t be any gladder to have her there now. “Is kissing me all you want?”

Chaewon hesitated, mirroring her smile with a mischievous one. “There are cuddles, and hugs and every time you smile at me…But sure, I really like the taste of your lip balm.”

Minjoo raised her eyebrows, biting back a smile. “So, if I change it, you won’t kiss me again?”

“Then I’ll have to kiss you even more, because I may like your lip balm, but I love you.” And as if to prove her point, Chaewon kissed her again, muffling her happy giggles with her lips. Minjoo didn’t mind the interruption.

They regretted not having taken some time to eat later, but both girls were too happy to pay their stomachs much attention – they still ran to a nearby restaurant after school though, not the most romantic place for their official first date, but they enjoyed it all the same.




A/N: Yep, that’s it. I don’t even know why this is so big and nothing happens…Anyway, I hope it wasn’t so terrible.

As usual, thank you for reading and I’m sorry for any mistakes. Special thanks to the three people who annoyed me to finish this draft (I told you it was a mess). See you all next time!

Today’s prompt: “Chaewon and Minjoo as friends in school before they’re together. They awkwardly use each other to learn how to/practice kissing and end up making out passionately until their mouths are sore.” It’s from the prompt generator, but my friend guka was the one who encourage me to finish it, so credits to her!


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Chapter 14: 😭😭
Chapter 3: Rereading this chap again because this one is really my fave<3
placebo_12 #3
Chapter 14: Thank you so much for writing these 2kim shots. I really love them all 😊
Chapter 14: Aww that was sweet! Such a nice story for Minjoo's day!
Chapter 14: Fluff for minjoo's day, even if this story was a little bit sad but we still got a happy ending for them. I really like how chaewon tie minjoo with her, that was really smart lol. As always this is really good, i like it so much. Thank you for writing it...
1752 streak #6
Chapter 14: OMG!! <3
Chapter 14: Oh lord, such a sweet, sweet story. I love it for sure. Like, so so much. Their warm feels towards each other, Chaewon clever thinking, her selflessness, Minjoo worries about her one and only little sister. It is so beautiful. Yes, I love it 💖✨
Chapter 14: I was about to ask which AU are we talking about here until I read the A/N. Am I just dumb and my memory is being shiet, or have I never heard about this project?

Chaewon be really out there giving a feckin bank book for the love of her life, how is anyone supposed to top that??? Girlie is so extra and we all love to see it.

In all seriousness, this short thing is so nice and just so hopeful. Thank you, Ginny41-nim!
Chapter 14: I'm glad chae always there for minjoo, even willing through uncertain future together. as always from you this story full of sweet things (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

thank you author-nim!!
jakiem #10
Chapter 13: This was so cute. And frustrating. And cutely frustrating. I might have punched my poor pillow near to oblivion while reading >.<
I just can't help but wonder, how Chaewon didn't combust during their movie night. And how Minjoo didn't literally scream because of Chaewon's densiness. Cause I was so ready to do that.