Lucky To Find You

No Matter What

Description: When Hyewon told her to try to get back at dating, Minjoo didn’t think she would end up in a club paying for someone else’s girlfriend drinks.



“Hey, can I get you a drink?” A voice sounded close to her, it was coming from a girl sitting on the stool next to hers.

Chaewon didn’t recall anyone being there just five minutes ago and she didn’t even spare her a glance, knowing fully well what kind of person she would find – another drunkard college student, just like the dozens filling this place even though it was barely 10pm. “I have a girlfriend.” She said in the hopes it would make the girl go away.

“Oh.” The disappointment on the girl’s tone was clear and Chae expected her to just leave quietly before she could further embarrass herself – she was incredibly wrong. The girl searched for something in her pockets, the sound of coins colliding with the wood counter making the brunette avert her eyes to it.

She frowned as she watched the pink haired girl lean on the counter, with her face a little too close to it, to count down the coins. “I guess it’s okay? I think I have enough money to buy us drinks!”

“Are you really offering to pay for me and my girlfriend when you barely have any money?” She scoffed, baffled by the drunk girl’s generosity – or was it stupidity?

“You guys can have a big drink and I’ll just get something smaller!” As if she was happy with this weird solution, she turned to face Chaewon with a tentative smile.

The brunette held her breath as she narrowed her eyes to see the other girl better, she was having a hard time properly seeing anything under the dim light of the club – has she mentioned how much she hated that place? – but there was no way she could’ve missed that face. Her hair was a different color, her face a little slim than before, but she knew all too well those pretty features.

Blinking, she took in a deep breath to try to regain her composure. Of course, she should’ve known only one person would suggest something so absurd – she was indeed generous and a a fool too.

Maybe Eunbi dragging her all the way to a club pretty much against her will, wasn’t that bad of a thing.

She raised her hand, calling the bartender over. “Just get her a soda, a big one with lemon. Please.” Chaewon ordered handing him the money as the girl just watched her with her big dark eyes that seem a little blurry due to the alcohol in her body.

The bartended left the drink in front of the pink haired girl who smile like a kid at the sight of it – as expected of Kim Minjoo. “How did you know I like it?” She asked taking a sip on the drink and letting out a pleased sigh…Just to proceed to nearly choke on her drink. “W-Wait, won’t your girlfriend get mad at you for paying for it?”

“I don’t think someone who doesn’t exist would care.” Chaewon reassured with a muffled chuckle, her hand gently patting on the girl’s back. “How did you end up here? Are you alone?”

“I came with my roommate, but she…Well, I don’t really know where she is now.” Minjoo looked around, trying to spot her friend in the middle of dozens of people dancing and eating each other’s face in the crowd. It was useless, even if Hyewon was close, she probably wouldn’t be able to spot her with how blurry her vision was in the moment – she wouldn’t risk standing up to check the dance floor, she could already feel the world turning a little faster even if she was sitting.

“I came with my cousin. She probably ‘disappeared’ in the same way your friend did.” Chaewon sighed, resting her chin on her hand. It seems like even if she didn’t want to, she would be stuck with this very special drunk girl for the night.

Taking a sip of her own drink – a soda, she could barely stand being around drunk people, becoming one would be too much for her –, she stole a glance at Minjoo who was busy collecting all her coins again, precariously stocking them into her pockets and almost knocking down her own glass in the process. Chae made sure to take the cup out of the ‘danger zone’ to avoid accidents, there was nothing new about Minjoo being clumsy, drunk she was even more than usual.

“Why would a pretty girl like you be here trying to buy people’s attention with drinks?” She finally asked, giving back the soda to Minjoo once the girl was done putting away the coins. “You don’t even drink.”

“I…” Minjoo hesitated, her head was still a little dizzy from all the drinks she had forced herself to drink earlier in the hopes it would make her loosen up, but aside from making her extra clumsy and prone to laughing, it didn’t seem to help much. “Hyewon told me I should try to get out there again. But it’s not going very well.” She admitted, averting her gaze from her drink to the cute – she hoped that girl was cute, she couldn’t really tell with how blurry everything looked in the moment – girl beside her.

“Oh, really?” At least this stranger was nicer than most, her high-pitched voice was rather pleasant to her ears.

“Uhum.” Nodding slowly, careful to avoid an incoming headache, she continued. “People here are so…They don’t really talk, you know? And I like to talk with people first, you know?” She tried to explain, using her hands to gesture, albeit Chaewon could understand her perfectly – most people there were too busy trying to investigate each other’s mouth to make small talk.

Chae thanked whatever high power for making Minjoo decide to hit on her instead of on one of those thirsty party animals – that were mostly her classmates. Not that she had any right to feel possessive over the other, the idea just made her uncomfortable…Really uncomfortable.

“Believe me, I know. You can talk to me, I’ll listen.” With a smile, Chaewon encouraged her – she had to admit, a drunk Minjoo was a rather funny one and maybe meeting her like this was better than to do it with both sober and awkward. “So, your friend is trying to get you to date, right? I suppose the club wasn’t your first option.”

Minjoo nodded again, a little too enthusiastic this time – she had to hold her own head to make it stop spinning. “First I tried to talk to this girl at the cafe near college, and everything was okay until my coffee kind of fell on her.”

“Kind of?” Chaewon raised an eyebrow, it wasn‘t hard to picture the scene. She actually had witnessed similar occurrences more than once in the past.Of course. And what else?”

“Then there was this girl in my bio class who was really nice and all, but…” Minjoo made a face, hiding behind her nearly empty cup.


“I accidentally hit her face with my books because she scared me and she got so mad even when I said it was a total accident and…Argh!” With a sigh, the girl deflated herself even more, hugging her soda cup.

Chaewon let out an airy chuckle, her gaze full of fondness as she reached to pat the girl’s hair softly. “This can happen, I guess. Anything else?”

“Oh, there was this one guy who tried to ask me out and he slipped on the stairs and I tried to help, but then he just end up hurting his back more…I don’t know how but everyone started to say I was cursed since it and no one wants to go out with me anymore, even when nothing bad happens when I talk to them.” Her words slurred words sounded funny and she had her head hide on her arms over the counter, the curtain of pink hair protecting her of Chae’s gaze. She was frustrated and embarrassed, if it wasn’t for the alcohol she would probably not have shared about her failed love life that became the joke of the freshmen in the campus.

Shaking her head slightly, the older girl leaned in as well, trying to get a better look of the taller woman. “Well, you’re a little weird and maybe a bit unlucky.”  She felt bad for her, even if a part of her was rejoicing about the other failed attempts at getting a girlfriend. Minjoo needed her support in the moment, even if she was too drunk to recognize her. “But definitely not cursed. I can guarantee it.”

“Very unlucky.” Minjoo said more to herself than to the girl in front of her. It was too bad that stranger was already taken – or was she? She couldn’t quite tell if the girl was messing around with her and her mind was a little slow in the moment –, it was the longest conversation she had with a girl in a long time (Hyewon didn’t count, they lived together).

“Come on, you can’t be that bad. Didn’t you ever have a girlfriend?”

“Hm, yes, but…It was long ago.” Grimacing, she downed what was left of her soda. Maybe she should go back to the beers, she still had enough money for one and she didn’t want to risk getting sober and sad.

“A year and a half is not that long.” Chaewon muttered to herself, her lips turning into a displeased line. “How did you ‘woo’ her into liking you?”

“I…” The pink haired girl fidgeted with her fingers, a small, embarrassed smile on her face. “I kind of tripped on her and we fell into the pool.”

“Of all moments to pick…” Chae muttered under the breath, before saying aloud. “See? A real proof that you’re not cursed, otherwise you both would have drowned.”

“That’s right!” Her words seem to work, a glimpse of hope and even a little excitement on Minjoo’s face as she spoke. “I’m a good swimmer, I took her out of the pool and even did CPR on her!”

“I wouldn’t call that CPR exactly, but…” From what she could recall it was more like Minjoo very awkwardly trying to blow her face because she was too shy to actually put her lips on hers and blow air into directly – thankfully, besides the incredible embarrassment, Chaewon was just fine even without any CPR. “And where is she now?”

“She left…She just left me!” Awesome, now Minjoo was sulking again and she didn’t even have her soda anymore.

Chaewon sighed, pushing her cup aside so the girl could drink her soda instead. “I’m sure she had a good reason…Maybe you being a clingy drunk person?”

“She broke up with me to go college abroad and I cried the whole summer.” Minjoo complained, but accepted the cup, not even batting an eye before drinking all the soda in one go – good thing Chaewon hadn’t offered her a beer or she might end up in a coma. “She didn’t even call, only sent me a Christmas card…Who sends Christmas cards nowadays?”

Trying her best to not grimace, Chae averted her gaze to her own hands. Minjoo had a good reason to feel upset, but she also had a good reason to try to cut ties when she left for college. After all, back then she didn’t think she would be able to come back to this country anytime soon and she didn’t want to keep a long distance relationship that would only hurt them both in the long run…Still, it didn’t make her feel any less guilty now. “She doesn’t sound that great when you put it like this.”

“No!” The younger girl was quick to refute her words, the pout on her face being replaced by a sad, nostalgic smile. “She is the best…Too good for me.”

“I’m sure that’s not the case. It’s more like the opposite.” Sighing, Chaewon stood up and offered a hand to help Minjoo to do the same. “Let’s go.”

“Ei!” Minjoo tried to shrug her off, refusing to stand up. “I don’t sleep over at a stranger’s house! It took me two-”

“Two years to sleep over your girlfriend’s house, yeah, I know.” Grabbing onto her hand, she made sure the girl had enough support so they could walk towards the exit. “We won’t do anything. I’ll just let you stay over my place until your friend can come to pick you up, okay?”

“I…” Closing her eyes, the taller girl rested her free hand on the stranger’s shoulder to try to keep her balance. “How do I know if I can trust you? I don’t even know your name.”

“Well, if you don’t want to come with me, just let me send you home. I’ll grab you a taxi.” The brunette argued. It would be easier to just hug Minjoo by the waist and lead the way, but she didn’t want to cause the wrong impression – how ironic, here she was trying to not creep out her drunk ex-girlfriend who couldn’t even recognize her in the moment. “My name is Chaewon.”

“Chaewon?” Minjoo narrowed her eyes, nearly falling over her as she tried to lean in to inspect her face.

For a moment Chaewon thought the girl was going to ditch her, or worse, throw up all over her, but in the end Minjoo just nodded slowly. “Okay. Take me home.”



Minjoo voluntarily hugged her by the shoulders, making the task of walking to the cab much easier. The pink haired girl was suddenly very quiet, she just clung onto her as soon as they entered the car, her face buried on her neck as Chaewon tried to give instructions to the conductor – she tried to not get flustered by the sudden proximity, keeping in mind Minjoo was still very intoxicated and needed her help right now. “Hey? I’m staying at the dorms on campus, tell me if you’re going somewhere else, okay?” She knew that Minjoo also frequented the same college as her, the only one around the area. But the college was huge and it wouldn’t be easy to find her dorm without proper info.

The girl didn’t reply, only snuggling further into her. “Minjoo?” She tried again, but only her soft snores could be heard.

Chaewon couldn’t help but smile at the adorable sight of Minjoo sleeping so soundly – later she would scold her for being so careless around a ‘stranger’, but not now. Leaving a kiss on her forehead, she let her hands caress her back in calming motions. “I hope you’re still as light as ever.”

Minjoo wasn’t, nor she was particularly strong, still that night she managed to take they both to her small apartment with only a few stops to catch her breath and try to find her keys – she had to go back to get them from the elevator’s floor, after all Minjoo’s clumsiness seem to be rubbing on her.



Minjoo slowly opened her eyes to be met by the blinding morning light and she pulled the sheets over her head. There was a tromping pain filling her head and it took her a moment to be able to overcome it and open her eyes again – now with her back to the windows. Pulling down the sheets, she blinked slowly. She was back to the dorms, she could recognize the cramped room anywhere – it took her a moment to notice other details though.

No frog plushies, no pictures in the walls, instead of the pile of messy clothes that she left yesterday on the floor of her room as she tried to find something to wear for a club, she only found the two-piece dress – the one she should still be wearing – neatly folded on a chair…Her dress?! Trying to contain the panic, she brought her hands to her chest only to find the softness of a grey hoodie with the university logo on it – she didn’t have one of those. Taking a deep breath, she tried to get up from the bed, but stopped halfway through.


The damn hoodie smelled like mint, and not only that, it smelled like mint and strawberry. Smelled like Chaewon.

Grabbing onto the sheets, she confirmed that it also carried the same familiar scent.

“Don’t scream. Eunbi has someone over and I’ve the bad feeling it might be that roommate of yours, and believe, seeing those two together is a sight I’d rather to not have. Ever.” Chaewon said as her quiet steps made the way into the room, a small smile on her face as she took a seat by the edge of the bed.


“I changed your clothes because apparently you managed to splash yourself with beer. I only realized when I had to carry you and I started to smell like rooting beer too.” Chaewon shook her head before letting out a soft chuckle and reaching out to touch Minjoo’s hair, her chestnut eyes on the younger girl’s face. “Did you sleep well, Pink Princess of LazyTown?”

“I…Ei!” Her weak protest only made Chaewon laugh, but she didn’t mind it. Minjoo missed hearing the sound of her pure laugh, of seeing her eyes turning into crescent when she smiles and the way it seem particularly bright when it was directed to her.

Without thinking twice, she threw herself into Chaewon’s arms. “Chaewon!” her head found the perfect spot on Chae’s shoulders, her arms bringing her closer, as she tried her best to allow herself to enjoy this moment that seemed so impossible yesterday.

Her memories of last night weren’t very clear, but she could recall the stranger at the bar and how they had talk for a long time and then…She hugged Chaewon a little tighter. “I knew it was you.” No matter how drunk she was, it would be impossible to not recognize Chaewon. First the voice that was so familiar, then her little witty remarks that didn’t completely slip away of Minjoo’s drunk mind, and finally her sharp, doe eyes that were unmistakable. Even if Chaewon hadn’t told her name, Minjoo would have followed her anyway. “I missed you so much.”

“Me too. I missed you every day.” Hugging the girl as tight, Chaewon buried her face in her pink hair that still smelled like vanilla and home – her own little home. “I’m sorry for not keeping in touch.”

 “Why?” Minjoo didn’t pull away, her voice sounding too close to the sensitive skin of her neck as she spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me you were back?”

“I didn’t want you to feel like you were stuck with me when I was half away across the globe. I didn’t want us to become one of those couples that ends up cheating and hating on each other.” At the time Chaewon thought it was a good idea, to let Minjoo free so she could enjoy her own life and she would try to do the same – needless to say it was a complete fail.  Studying abroad was harder than she ever thought, not because she wasn’t able to understand the language or keeping up with her classes, she just missed home so much. As soon as her time was up there, she didn’t even consider extending her stay, jumping into a plane back home. This was exactly a week ago, at the beginning of a new semester. “I just came back a few days ago. I tried to call you, but you changed your number and I…I was too much of a coward to try to snoop around your social media accounts and try to contact you through there…So, I was hoping I could just ‘accidentally’ bump into you if I waited outside the photography department.”

She kind of expected Minjoo to pull away and hit her for being so silly – she would do it if she was in her place. But only the hits came, and much lighter than she deserved. Minjoo slapped her back weakly, refusing to let go of her and Chaewon could swear she heard a sniff, yet the girl didn’t say anything for a long time.

“You’re staying for good this time, right? You’re not going away again?” Minjoo’s voice was small, almost hesitant, as if she feared the answer and Chaewon smiled with fondness at it.

“I’m not going anywhere.” Pulling back, she kissed her cheeks affectionately. “I need to be around in case you decide to spent the rest of your coins trying to get a girlfriend and her girlfriend again.” She tried to joke to easy the mood and as expected Minjoo pushed her lightly, but her expression was still serious.

“But what are we?” This one simple question could change everything. Minjoo was having a hard time controlling her feelings, she couldn’t help but cling onto Chaewon, but it didn’t mean everything was okay. Her weak heart wouldn’t be able to handle having Chaewon around just platonically, not after meeting her again such a way. She didn’t care if it was dumb of her to still feel the same way after more than a year apart, she would put her pride aside than regretting not trying again.

“We’re…Friends?” It was Chaewon’s turn to hesitate. They’ve been away for over a year, it didn’t seem realistic to just expect to get back right away and…Since when did her heart pay any attention to logics? For crying out loud she had fallen in love at first sight for the clumsiest girl in the school and it hadn’t changed with time. “Who am I fooling? I spent an hour talking to you even through you didn’t know who I was because you were so drunk you could barely see! Then carried you all the way here nearly dropping you at my door and even let you hug me like a koala and steal the blankets all night…” She stopped to breathe, letting out a chuckle. “If this is not love, what could it be?”

Minjoo didn’t reply, her big brown eyes shining with something Chaewon knew well. She didn’t expect such a straight forward answer, not after being separate for so long, however she would never complain about having her Chaewon back.

“So, what do you think about getting breakfast before our roommates get up? I think I’ll accept that drink now, it can be our first date.... I have a feeling my girlfriend won’t mind.” Giving her a playful wink, Chaewon stood up and pulled the girl along with her – she tried to. Minjoo was quicker, and stronger, to pull her back to bed instead.

The younger Kim’s arms laced her by the neck, pulling her closer for a gentle kiss. “Don’t you fear that something bad will happen to you? Maybe ‘Minjoo’s curse’ is a real thing.” She tried to reply in the same tone, the corners of her lips turning to form a smile, reflecting the bright sparkle in her eyes as she pecked Chaewon’s lips again, a little longer this time.

Chae contained a chuckle, closing her eyes to enjoy the kiss for a moment. “I have a feeling I’m immune to it…” She kissed her again. “As long as we don’t go near water.”  

She interrupted Minjoo’s laugh with her lips, starting a much longer kiss this time. Maybe they could postpone breakfast for a little longer, even if it meant an awkward meeting with their roommates.




A/N: I know you guys would rather a TSOTH update (and you’ll get it pretty soon!), but I just had to do this little thing. I love the concept of the unlucky one x lucky one for 2kim, so this is my very small attempt at it (please someone do a full fic on it, I’ll read it!).

This story was inspired by this tweet, thank you again @incorrect2kim for letting me write it! Guys, please check out their account, they’ve very cute and funny tweets!

As usual, tysm for reading, I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I’m sorry about all the mistakes! See you next time.

P.S.: I know I promised yulyen…Delayed but someday.

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Chapter 14: 😭😭
Chapter 3: Rereading this chap again because this one is really my fave<3
placebo_12 #3
Chapter 14: Thank you so much for writing these 2kim shots. I really love them all 😊
Chapter 14: Aww that was sweet! Such a nice story for Minjoo's day!
Chapter 14: Fluff for minjoo's day, even if this story was a little bit sad but we still got a happy ending for them. I really like how chaewon tie minjoo with her, that was really smart lol. As always this is really good, i like it so much. Thank you for writing it...
1751 streak #6
Chapter 14: OMG!! <3
Chapter 14: Oh lord, such a sweet, sweet story. I love it for sure. Like, so so much. Their warm feels towards each other, Chaewon clever thinking, her selflessness, Minjoo worries about her one and only little sister. It is so beautiful. Yes, I love it 💖✨
Chapter 14: I was about to ask which AU are we talking about here until I read the A/N. Am I just dumb and my memory is being shiet, or have I never heard about this project?

Chaewon be really out there giving a feckin bank book for the love of her life, how is anyone supposed to top that??? Girlie is so extra and we all love to see it.

In all seriousness, this short thing is so nice and just so hopeful. Thank you, Ginny41-nim!
Chapter 14: I'm glad chae always there for minjoo, even willing through uncertain future together. as always from you this story full of sweet things (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

thank you author-nim!!
jakiem #10
Chapter 13: This was so cute. And frustrating. And cutely frustrating. I might have punched my poor pillow near to oblivion while reading >.<
I just can't help but wonder, how Chaewon didn't combust during their movie night. And how Minjoo didn't literally scream because of Chaewon's densiness. Cause I was so ready to do that.