Smoky Heart



Though panic and worry had welled up within him earlier, there was also guilt present. Jaejoong knew his sister and family needed him, but he couldn't help but feeling like a horrible boyfriend for leaving Yunho when clearly his amazing boyfriend had made plans to spend the day with him.

Yunho was such a sweetheart that he would always make sure the other person was fine before looking over himself. Jaejoong felt so lucky to have Yunho in his life.

He felt horrible that he still hadn't told Yunho yet about their baby. He had to tell him. Jaejoong had sworn that he would do so today. For a moment he had thought about telling his family, but Leeteuk had advised him that it's probably best to tell family and friends after he was out of the crucial zone of having a miscarriage.

It brought tears to his eyes to know that some babies didn't make it. He was hoping Yunho's and his would. Leeteuk had told him that it had been studied that pregnant males had a more chance of miscarriages since their body and anatomy was way different than a female's. Sometimes the male body couldn't take having a baby, unfortunately.

Jaejoong was even debating whether to tell Yunho until after he was out of the crucial zone. He couldn't though since he had promised Junsu and Heechul that he would. He couldn't go back on a promise. And the anticipation would just kill him.

He was happy to know that he would be doing it today like he should. There was absolutely no excuse to not letting Yunho know. What if Yunho bought them some wine to celebrate something good? What was he going to tell him when he couldn't have any alcohol?

"Sookjin is going to be fine, Joongie," Mrs. Kim reassured her son with a bright smile as she placed an arm around his shoulders. "Why don't you head back?"

Jaejoong didn't want to, but he did promise Yunho he would. He wanted to head back to his boyfriend yet he was worried, "Umma, I need to be here for Sookjin."

"Sookjin has everyone else, dear," Mrs. Kim promised her only son. "Like we said, the accident wasn't that bad. Your noona is doing to be fine."

"I can't help but feel like I need to be here, Umma," Jaejoong tried to tell his umma. He felt bad that it's been a while since he's visited his family. "I...I-"

Mrs. Kim cut her son off within seconds, "Jae dear, something's bothering you. Tell me what it is, please? You know you can tell me everything. Are Yunho and you alright?"

Maybe, maybe not, Jaejoong dared to think about the possibility that Yunho wouldn't like the news he was going to give him.

Jaejoong felt like telling his umma since he knew he could talk about anything with her. He had been scared that maybe his family wouldn't accept him after he told them about being gay. They accepted him as they always had.

Even though he wanted to tell his umma what was going on in his head, he didn't want to even mention his fears aloud. He loved Yunho and he knew the latter loved him too. Why would he ever doubt that? He felt ashamed for thinking such things.

"I feel guilty for having not visited, Umma," Jaejoong replied truthfully. This was one of the thoughts at the moment since he was with family. "What if Sookjin noona wasn't okay?"

Whether or not his umma believed him, Jaejoong hoped she wouldn't question him. Hopefully they would discuss his fears after Yunho accepted the news with a large grin.

"Oh Jae, you don't ever have to feel guilty about that, dear," Mrs. Kim placed a kiss on top of Jaejoong's forehead. "We all have our own lives to tend to. We'd never blame you. Don't you remember when your noonas began leaving the house once they got married?"

Jaejoong remembered his oldest sisters getting married when he was so much younger than them. He had eight older sisters for crying out loud! And he loved all eight of them. Even when he was too young to know what love really was, he wished for all of them to find it.

Now he had found it himself. And his love and he had created something that would be arriving in months to come. Yunho and he had a path paved for them, especially once Jaejoong told Yunho what was going on.

"Ne, Umma," Jaejoong understood what his umma was saying. Perhaps he shouldn't be too worried. Yunho had been such a sweetheart to plan time for them to spend together.

He glanced at the clock mounted on the wall and noticed that it was four fifty five. It wouldn't be long until six when he would meet back with Yunho in Seoul for their little night date. Perhaps that way the best time to tell him? When they were together with each other's undivided attention?

Jaejoong looked back at his umma, "I think if I'm going to head back to Seoul, I think I might as well go now." He rose from his seat and smiled at his umma, "Yunho has a little date night planned."

Mrs. Kim smiled cheerily, "That sounds nice," she stood from where she sat and embraced her son. She pulled away, "Have fun and we'll make sure to update you and how Sookjin is doing."

Jaejoong nodded and pecked his umma's cheek, "See you later, Umma. Drive safely." He waved at her before saying goodbye to the rest of his family and exited the hospital.

By the time he got back to Seoul the sky was getting darker and it nearly six. Thankfully he was entering the apartment complex by the time it was five till six. When he entered he saw Yunho on the phone with someone.

Yunho had noticed Jaejoong had arrived, "Thank you, Heechul hyung. Talk to you later. Bye." Yunho got up from the couch and approached Jaejoong.

Jaejoong noticed how Yunho looked like he was ready to go out. It was a picnic date so Jaejoong wasn't expecting Yunho to be dressed in a tux or anything.

"You were on the with Heechul hyung?" Jaejoong knew Heechul wouldn't tell Yunho a thing about the baby, but he couldn't help it.

Yunho nodded, "Yeah. I think Hangeng hyung and him are having some argument or something." Jaejoong looked concern. "I'd say not to worry about it though. Couples have their disagreements."

Jaejoong didn't know that Heechul and Hangeng might be having some issues in their relationship. Heechul hadn't brought anything up. Maybe it was something small?

"I hope so," Jaejoong muttered softly under his breath.

Yunho broke the small silence, "How's Sookjin noona? She's going to be okay, right?"

Jaejoong nodded, "They're going to update me on how she's doing. The doctor says it wasn't that bad." He had to have hope, "She's going to be fine."

Yunho smiled and then approached the dining table and grabbed the straw basket that was sitting there. "I've prepared our picnic food."

Jaejoong giggled, "How did you come up with this idea, Yun? It's very romantic."

"I know how much we love the Han River," Yunho replied. He leaned close to initiate a kiss, "And we haven't been there in a while." His lips touched Jaejoong's.

Jaejoong was the first one to pull away, "Well, let's head out." He inhaled and exhaled at the thought that by tonight Yunho would be aware that he was going to be a father.

Memories started flooding his mind as they made their way towards the park they used to go to whenever they went to the Han River. This had been Yunho's and his place. They loved to go here since it felt like they were in their own little world.

He remembered they had gone here for their first date. How they snuggled due to the cold. Jaejoong recalled Yunho kissing his nose. It was romantic. It was their young love that became something mature as years passed.

We were so young, Jaejoong thought with a small smile. Now we're adults, who are going to have a baby.

Jaejoong gasped when he saw what greeted him when they approached the tree they usually laid under when they had visited the Han River. Jaejoong couldn't believe what he was seeing before his eyes.

There were little white lights hanging on the branches of the tree. A grey brick was holding a little speaker with an iPod attached playing low music. There was a red blanket already under the tree for them.

Jaejoong turned to Yunho, "Yun, how..."

Yunho smiled at him, "While you were gone I had a little bit of help to prepare this." He took one of Jaejoong's free hands, "Tonight, we'll just enjoy ourselves."

Jaejoong allowed Yunho to take him towards their little spot. Jaejoong couldn't believe the breathtaking sight. The romance and thought Yunho had put into this.

Time had gone by and they ate together, reminiscing the memories they shared together at their spot near the Han River. It had all begun when they were young teenagers to once they graduated high school.

"I remember that one time when I wanted to ditch class to come here with you," Yunho said as he looked up at the tree. "The class I would've ditched would've been dance."

Jaejoong shook his head, "Thanks heavens, you didn't do that, Yun." He knew how much dancing meant to his beloved. "Dancing means everything to you, Yun."

Yunho grabbed Jaejoong's hands, "You mean more." He sighed, "We were young, but I always wanted to be around you."

"I wanted to as well, Yunho," Jaejoong said as he looked into Yunho's loving eyes. "You didn't have to ditch to get here."

Yunho nodded, "That's true." He placed a kiss on the back of Jaejoong's soft flawless hands. "My parents told me to have motivation in school. Mine was you."

"I thought of you every time in music class," Jaejoong said. He smiled at the memory of playing on the piano, "Anything I composed I wanted it to be a story...A story of our love."

"I think our story is one of the greatest," Yunho said with confidence. "Better than Romeo and Juliet in my opinion."

Jaejoong giggled, "I think others would disagree. A ton of people love the tragic love story of the Capulets and Montagues."

"I still love ours more," Yunho said as he leaned in yo kiss Jaejoong's lips. Jaejoong kissed back, the both of them lost in a passionate kiss.

Afterwards they lay on the red blanket and snuggled together, while listening to the music. They looked up at the dark night sky and the trees branches holding up the little white lights.

"Jageun han jangmyeonmajeo, neoro gadeuk chaeugo shipeo," Yunho sang softly as he placed his lips on Jaejoong's black hair.

Jaejoong closed his eyes and leaned closer into Yunho's arms and sang gently, "Deo ppajeoga gipi neowa na gachi, ppajeoga gipi neowa na gachi."

As much as Jaejoong was enjoying this time with Yunho he knew he needed to tell Yunho about him being pregnant. He couldn't keep going with this silence. Yunho had the right to know and the more he stalled the harder it would get for him to tell his boyfriend.

Jaejoong sighed and sat up, looking down at Yunho with a frown, "Yunho, I have something I need to tell you."

Strangely, Jaejoong could see that Yunho looked a bit on edge. Yunho rose up from where he laid and nodded his head rapidly.

"Oh okay," Yunho said as stood up when Jaejoong did. He cleared his throat, "Uh...Um, I have something I want to tell you too!"

Jaejoong wondered what Yunho wanted to share but he didn't think it was as important as the news he was going to give him. He had to tell Yunho.

"Can I go first? It's really, really important." Jaejoong said, seeing Yunho's eyes soften a bit. Yunho nodded and Jaejoong felt delighted. Jaejoong sighed, "Um...How do I say this?"

Yunho smiled, "Go ahead, Jae. I'm right here so you can say whatever is on your mind and I will listen, I promise."

Jaejoong tried to think for a second. Yunho had done of this and much more because he loved him. Jaejoong would do the same thing. He thought about everything Heechul and Junsu had told him when he had talked to them about his fears.

Yunho loved him. He loved Yunho. The reason they were able to create the little life was due to the true love they had for each other.


Yunho was going to be happy. He had to think positive. Yunho was going to love the news. He was going to be elated.

Jaejoong inhaled and exhaled, "Yunho, the news I'm about to tell you will change our lives, okay? ...This won't be a minor change though; it's going to be major. It's going to-"

Yunho chuckled and rubbed his thumbs over Jaejoong's hands, "Just go ahead and tell me, Jae. Don't worry about a thing. I love you, remember?"

I love you.

Jaejoong gulped, "Yunho...I'm pregnant."

Yunho either hadn't heard or was shocked from the news he was given. He cleared his throat, "What did you say?"

"I'm....I'm pregnant..." Jaejoong repeated.

Yunho was blinking as if he was trying to register what was going on. For an instance he stepped wrong and Jaejoong watched as his boyfriend fell backwards.

"Yunho!" Jaejoong didn't grab Yunho's hands. Yunho fell and his head hit the brick that had been holding the speaker and iPod.

Jaejoong panicked as he saw Yunho's eyes closed. "Yunho, Yunho!" He shook his boyfriend, trying to wake him up. "Yunho, wake up, please!" Tears started to fill his eyes as he took out his phone and began dialing for help.




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W1D7! A long and fluffy one to end the first week of postings! Mods hope you'll enjoy it and make sure to leave lots of nice comments down below!


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Chapter 8: So beautiful. I can't imagine forgetting this piece of art ;____; I loved it. We loved it. I have the impression it would be in our hearts forever
Chapter 8: From expecting the worst to getting the surprise of a lifetime, what a ride. Glad for the fluff after the building suspense. Thanks for sharing!
Chapter 8: AHHHHHHHHHH IM MELTING INTO A PUDDLE and im also screaming at my friend bc of how stupidly in love yunjae is AAAAAAAAA ;_;
jjnicash #4
Chapter 8: AAAWWWWWWWW!!!! This is soooo fluffy and sweet and I love it♥
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwwwwwwww,such a sweet story :3
Chapter 2: guys!! stop jumping to conclusions omgggg
Chapter 1: ahhhh!!!!!!! you both need to sit down. omg omg!!! o((*^▽^*))o
Kattan69 #8
Chapter 8: Finally..they are now one happy family...^_^
Chapter 8: Mpreg ❤️ One of my fav genre. This story is so refreshing and fun
Chapter 8: Tsk tsk yunho is unbelievable. How can he tripped and black out lmao i was dreaming about his perfect ronantic and beautiful proposal but then he blackout hahaha anyway this is so beautiful well written! I love it