Not your usual fluff?

Just fluff

Like usual, Chaeyeon is early in the coffee shop that she usually goes to when she writes. Hitomi served her the coffee she usually orders. “Thank you Hii-chan” She told Hitomi and she received a smile.


“Are you writing for your next novel?” Hitomi asked her. Chaeyeon smiled and took a sip of her coffee.


She then said, “Yes, but I’m kind of stuck on what I should write, haven’t found any inspiration yet”


Hitomi softly smiled, “Take your time, you’ll get to it somehow. You’re one of the greatest writers after all” she told Chaeyeon and took her leave as the bell chimed pertaining that another customer has come in.


Chaeyeon sighed and stretched her arms then, “I hope so” she told herself. She then put her fingers over the keys of laptop hoping she could get them to write what she wishes them to. She stared at the blank sheet in front of her waiting to be full of words but to her dismay, she couldn’t think of any that made her close her laptop for a while. She then brought out her phone to scan her social media accounts with the intentions of finding an inspiration or something that could make her start writing.


She heard the bell chime once again that made her look at the person who came in. She followed every action of the person that went to the counter, “Hi Hii-chan. Long time no see” she said in the Japanese language which she understood as she had been learning it for a while now. Hitomi looked surprised as she went out of the counter, “When did you arrive?!” she asked hurriedly.


That person laughed at Hitomi, “An hour ago?” Hitomi then slapped that person’s arms and told her, “Why didn’t you tell me? I should have fetched you at the airport!” she told that person and so that person winced in pain and she even pouted. That was cute, Chaeyeon thought. “I really forget who’s older between the two of us when you nag at me” said that person. Hitomi rolled her eyes at her that made that person grin at her. That person then looked at her watch, “I think I have to go Hii-chan” she told Hitomi and so Hitomi asked, “Why? You just arrived though?”  Sakura smiled, “Work?” Hitomi nodded her head as she understood what that person said.


That person then took her leave, and before she left. Chaeyeon’s eyes caught her eye, their eyes were then on each other for a while bit, that person smiled at her and gave a little bow before she completely left the shop. Her eyes lingered at that person even when already left the shop. Her thought were interrupted when Hitomi called for her name.


“That was Miyawaki Sakura, a childhood friend” she told Chaeyeon which made her brows form in a knot.


“I didn’t ask?” she told Hitomi. Hitomi shrugged, “You looked curious though?” and she stared at Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon scoffed but afterwards she chuckled. They have been friends for so long, from the day she started coming to this coffee shop until now.


Hitomi then sat in front of her and put her face on top of her palm, “Yah, I already know what goes through your mind, with that kind of look? You barely care about my other customers. How come is it that you stared at her all throughout the time she was here until she left?”


Chaeyeon then looked baffled at what Hitomi just said. “I did?” Hitomi then let a chuckle, she then told Chaeyeon with an eye smile, “Omona~ you’re not even aware? Wae~ did you found Sakura that attractive?” she teased Chaeyeon who almost looked like a tomato considering how fair her skin was.


“Y-ya!” was the only thing Chaeyeon said which made Hitomi chuckle more, She smiled at her once before telling her, “I was just kidding, Chaeyeon-ah” Chaeyeon just frowned at Hitomi. It’s not everytime you get to tease the great Lee Chaeyeon, she’s never been flustered this much and what’s more interesting she found was that Chaeyeon just gave her whole attention to a person who she knows none of. She also saw how Sakura smiled to her friend which also that person never does, she knew Sakura since they were kids and she never saw Sakura interact outside the family circle, Sakura was adopted by Hitomi’s family.


Although Hitomi is younger than Sakura, she would always act like she was older between the two of them by nagging her, Sakura has a playful character but she only lets go of that if she’s with the family. She’s a formal person if it’s about work or anything else. Sakura had her parents die when she was still a kid, and it was Hitomi’s family that adopted her, she never was the person she is today when she got adopted. She never opened up to anyone at that time but when she got used to them, she started to talk to them. She’s a very special person to the family that they’re over protective of her sometimes that Sakura would just laugh at them in exchange telling them, “You don’t have to worry about me anymore” And when Sakura has come of age, she wanted to be independent that’s why she separated from home and made a name for herself. Sakura had been travelling the world as a renowned photographer.


“Ah, did you find any inspiration yet?” she asked Chaeyeon. Chaeyeon shook her head and put her weight backwards on the chair. Hitomi then told her, “You should try and talk to Sakura then” she offered.


“Huh? Are you serious Hii-chan? We got no connections at all, how would that be possible?” Chaeyeon replied without pause.


Hitomi chuckled, “Chill, I was the one who offered of course I would be the one to talk to her too!” Chaeyeon didn’t show any refusal and so Hitomi smiled, “You like the idea too, don’t you?” she again started teasing Chaeyeon.


Although she again was flustered she cleared and replied, “Moh, if it can help me why not?” she replied that made Hitomi go, “Ohhhh that was cool even though I see you blushing”


Chaeyeon pouted, “Please stop teasing!”

Sakura stared at one certain line of the book she’s reading right now. She had been hooked by the book as she felt close to it. It contains scenarios that she can emphasize to.


“In the midst of all, I feel no one even although I have everyone” she read that one line and gave a thought. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a ring from her phone, it was a text from Hitomi.


“That’s it? I thought you’re going to ask for a big favour” said Sakura to Hitomi after Hii-chan told everything.


“And is it not?” Hitomi asked her on the other line.


“No not really, I’m a big fan of her. You’re doing me a favour actually!” she confessed.


“OMG! Is that why you smiled at her when you were about to leave earlier?!” Hitomi yelled on the other line that made Sakura put away her head from her phone.


Sakura chuckled, “I was kind of shocked actually when I saw her at your café. What a small world huh. I really love reading her books, and now you want me to help her write one? That would be really-----y great Hii-chan!”


“Hah, am I a bridge now. Lucky you she seemed interested by you” she said in a snarky tone which Sakura replied smugly, “Of course, I’m Miyawaki Sakura”


Hitomi rolled her eyes and she scoffed, “I love you but you’re a pain in the !” Sakura laughed.


“Gotta go Hii-chan! Please do tell her I love her………”




“Don’t cut me off geez, her works! I love her works”


“Oh okay, sorry. I thought----“


“Well, you can tell her that too----“


“Shut up”


Sakura chuckled, “Going now Hii-chan! Bye!”


“You’re a dork, Bye!” said Hii-chan and the line were cut off.   


Sakura smiled as she set her phone away. She then looked at again when she heard a ding, Hitomi just sent Chaeyeon’s contact details. She stared at it first and eventually saved it as writer-sama. LOL, and after that she went back on reading the book she had put away earlier. 

It was late night when Chaeyeon went home, she felt exhausted from all the thoughts she had in mind. She closed her eyes as she took a sit on her sofa. The image of Miyawaki Sakura came to view that made her jolt awake. “What do you have in you that even when I know none of you, you’re already occupying most of my thoughts?” and then she thought that it was just probably because Hitomi had been teasing her all day. She jolted again when she heard a ring on her phone. She received a text from an unknown number.


She stared at her phone for a while, “Seriously, Hii-chan!” she told herself. She then looked at her phone when she received a text message again, she forgot to reply. She then immediately replied because of it.

She was tapping her fingers on the sofa as she saw 3 dots indicating that Sakura was replying. She really thought that it was a silly favour to begin with and now she’s kind of regretting she agreed to Hitomi. She then wanted to melt on her seat when she received a reply. It was not what she was expecting that’s why, she breathed in and out before she replied.

She then immediately sent a reply when she received that message, she worries at little things and she didn’t want to be misinterpreted. She was just not really expecting the that reply that’s why and she didn’t have time to think.


Chaeyeon chuckled before she dropped her phone on the sofa. “Persistent, huh” she murmured. She again raised her phone, and read everything again. She couldn’t help but laugh on how stupid her replies were when it seemed that Sakura was comfortable enough with her. Her numbers then caught her eye. “Oh, I forgot to save her number” she then told herself. She then saved Sakura’s number as, prankster.

Sakura was waiting outside of the train station with her camera on her neck. She told Chaeyeon about where they’ll meet but she didn’t tell her where they’ll be going. She waived her hands when she saw Chaeyeon looking for someone. Chaeyeon then ran to her when she saw her waiving her hand. Chaeyeon was breathing real hard like she just ran a marathon. “Sorry! I forgot about the time and I woke up late” she apologized.


Sakura chuckled and waived her hand. “It’s fine. I had fun waiting for you”


Chaeyeon frowned, “Where’s the fun in that?” she asked.


Sakura shrugged, “It’s fun because I was looking forward to meet you.” she said that made Chaeyeon taken aback. Sakura walked ahead and so she didn’t see Chaeyeon’s reaction.


Chaeyeon cleared and eventually started to walk, “Where are we going prankster?” she asked that made Sakura pause.


“Prankster? I see you already have a nickname for me” Sakura looked back at her and she grinned. Chaeyeon thought that it gets embarrassing everytime she does try to start a conversation. Sakura’s just good at making fun of people, not in a bad way though. Sakura then put her hands on her chin as if she was thinking, “Hmm, I want to call you something too but I think Chaeyeon is enough though?” and she looked back at Chaeyeon, “Chaeyeon is enough” she even emphasized what she said like she meant something different.


Chaeyeon had encountered a lot of people in her life everyday, everyone she met she understood them at one glance, and that’s the writer she is. But, Sakura’s different, she’s not someone she can read. She’s an open book but her sheets are made of ivory paper. Chaeyeon didn’t know that she already staring long enough at Sakura, “I know I’m attractive and you can actually stare at me all day” she said that snapped Chaeyeon out of her bubble.


“W-What, I-I wasn’t staring at you! I was staring behind you!” she said baffled. Sakura chuckled and replied, “Let’s just leave it to that then” They both arrived at the ticket booth then.


“Jeju-do?!” Chaeyeon asked when Sakura paid for the ticket. Sakura casually nodded like it was nothing. Chaeyeon then sighed, “We could have just travelled through plane, you know?”


Sakura raised her brow at her, “That’s boring. I didn’t know you liked boring.” Sakura told her like she’s mocking her whole personality. Chaeyeon then pouted as they went inside the train. Sakura looked at her, “Oh, that’s cute” she said again casually. Chaeyeon then hid her face against her palms that made Sakura laugh.


“Mou~” Chaeyeon whined, “Fine, fine. I’ll stop” she told Chaeyeon. Silence enveloped them for a while as she watched Sakura stare outside. She kept on smiling like it’s her first time seeing everything. She couldn’t help but chuckle. Sakura then looked at her, “Sorry, it’s just looked like it’s the first time you seeing everything”


Sakura smiled and looked outside once again, “Yeah it’s the first time”


“You’re not actually serious about that right?” Chaeyeon asked.


 “It’s the first time” she started, “Of course not if you’re just talking about the houses and anything. I meant the scene” and then she smiled again that made Chaeyeon stare at her. “I’ve been travelling the world myself, you can say I’ve seen everything but I don’t consider everything is the same. Everything is different. I want to continuously discover different aspect of everything without the bias of having already seen it.” Chaeyeon didn’t have a word to say that’s why she could only stare. “I don’t know, that’s just me” and she chuckled.


“Is that why you became a photographer?” Chaeyeon asked out of curiosity.


Sakura nodded her head, “Yes, I want to keep seeing the different aspects of the world that I haven’t seen yet and also because I was hoping it would heal me” Sakura’s answer struck Chaeyeon. She just hummed and didn’t ask any further. She kept mum as she just watches Sakura do her thing, but later she did know her eyes were getting heavy, and it was Sakura’s turn to stare at her sleeping. She laid her head on the palms of her hand and silently watched the other girl sleeping. She then took out her camera, and took Chaeyeon’s photo.

Chaeyeon formed a knot on her forehead when she felt like she was on a rocky road, she then opened her eyes and she saw the back of a head of a person, and then she realized she was being carried, piggyback style. She also realized it was Sakura who was carrying her. She didn’t have time to be startled anymore when Sakura brought her down on the bench. Sakura then saw that she’s already awake. “Oh, you’re awake” Sakura then squinted her eyes at Chaeyeon, “Ohhhh, did you like being carried by me?” she teased.


Chaeyeon just shook her head as she didn’t want to answer to Sakura’s teasing, but she shrugged and replied, “Maybe?” that wasn’t what Sakura was expected that’s why she’s perplexed. She thought Chaeyeon would deny and be shy about it like she always does. Chaeyeon then laughed at Sakura expression. “That’s how I feel when you tease me” she told her. Sakura then ended laughing at herself.


“So where are we going now?” Chaeyeon asked.


“Let’s travel by ferry!” and she pointed at the ferry by the pie, Chaeyeon didn’t realize they were at the pier. Chaeyeon then nodded her head and so they went again to the ticket booth to buy tickets. They then went to ride the ferry going Jeju Island.


Sakura as soon as the ferry started moving went outside and closed her eyes as she felt the ocean breeze on her face. Chaeyeon quietly followed her but she watched her from the side. What she didn’t know was that she was already actually enjoying just watching Sakura enjoy everything. Sakura then gestured her to go where she is and so she went to Sakura. Sakura also gestured she should enjoy the ocean breeze and posed like Rose in Titanic, Chaeyeon laughed but she also did it in the end. Chaeyeon had her eyes closed at that moment and Sakura took it a chance to take a photo of her. She acted like she did nothing when Chaeyeon opened her eyes, “Fun right?” she asked her, she smiled back at Chaeyeon when she smiled at her. They stayed for a while outside and talked about things, simple ones.


After probably almost 5 hours of transport time, they arrived at Jeju Island. Sakura sniffed the air and said, “OHHH” Sakura then looked at the amused Chaeyeon and she smiled at her. “Let’s go?” she then asked and Chaeyeon nodded.


As they were walking Chaeyeon asked, “Why Jeju?”


“Hii-chan has been telling me to visit Jeju if ever I’ll be in Korea, and then I think it would be good if I’d take you with me here” she told her. “I already like it here, it’s peaceful and it’s away from the busy city, not like I hate it there though” she added. “Wait a minute” she then told Chaeyeon and she brought out her phone, and after a minute, a car stopped in front of them. The person bowed to them and gave the key to Sakura, and then he left.


“Uh who was that?” Chaeyeon asked as Sakura invited her inside the car.


“Ah, that was Hii-chan’s friend. Hii-chan told me if ever I need something I should call the number” she explained. It was near sunset and so Sakura offered they go to the beach. Chaeyeon liked it as it was a long time ago since she went to one. Sakura then parked the car and they went to walk at the beach. They got on time as they had the privilege to watch the sunset. Chaeyeon looked up and set, “Beautiful” and so Sakura looked at her, and said. “Hmm, yeah. Beautiful”  


After that they went somewhere they can sit, Chaeyeon then asked something. “Don’t tell me that was just the purpose of us coming to Jeju? I’m not complaining okay? I was just asking” she explained. Sakura innocently looked at her like she confirmed it. Chaeyeon then couldn’t help it but laugh, “I really can read you, you got a lot of unexpected things about you” she then told Sakura.


Sakura then looked at her, “It’s true we wouldn’t be going anywhere else here but that wasn’t my purpose though?” Chaeyeon then stopped laughing and looked back at her, “I…” she trailed, “I actually wanted to take you out. Hii-chan told me it’s been hard for you to write for the past days, and I think that was the reason why she offered me for help” she then smiled. “You know, you’ll get better inspirations when you don’t really think about it. I wanted you to free your mind of wanting to write like you have a deadline coming. Ah!” she then said like she remembered something, “I’m a fan of you actually, I’ve read your books and it seemed that you write based on experience, am I right?” Chaeyeon didn’t know what to say that’s why she just stared at her, Sakura smiled at her. She wasn’t talking to her, but she was letting her digest everything.


Chaeyeon then whispered. “It’s the first time”


“Hmm?” Sakura asked as she didn’t hear her.


Chaeyeon looked at her directly in the eye. “It’s the first time that someone ever did something for me. Writing was my passion, it was where I poured my thoughts I couldn’t tell anyone. To answer your question, Yes, I write based on experience.”


”Chaeyeon-ah” she said her name. “You’re not alone. You’re enough, and …..” she smiled at her. “You don’t have to be afraid, your friend are your friends. They’re not gonna judge you, let them listen” It was almost like Chaeyeon was transparent that Sakura exactly knew exactly what she needed to say. It was her that wanted to read and get grasp of Sakura but it was her that got read instead. She didn’t know but a tear dropped on her cheeks. That was what she needed to hear after all.


Chaeyeon then wiped her tears as she said, “Why am crying?” as she continuously wiped them.


Sakura smiled, “You’re human, and those are emotions. It’s normal Chaeyeon-ah. You can cry” and so they spent their time together as Chaeyeon cried herself out. The day was done and they never talked about the novel Chaeyeon wanted to write, or the inspiration she needed.


But there was one thing that she had in mind, Sakura is special.

It turned that Sakura’s rest house was near the beach and they spent the night there. Sakura went out of her room and what caught her eyes was Chaeyeon who was at the balcony of her room, and she was at hers. Sakura wanted to take a shot of her that’s why she took out her phone and took the photo of Chaeyeon who had her eyes closed and was enjoying the morning breeze.


She then spoke which caused Chaeyeon to open her eyes, “What are you there alone?” she asked her.


Chaeyeon replied and shook her head, “I’m not, and you’re with me Sakura”


Sakura didn’t expect that and so she chuckled, “That’s right, I’m with you” Chaeyeon chuckled then, and there was silence.


Not until Chaeyeon spoke. “About writing” she started.


Sakura looked at her, “Do you something in mind?” she asked and Chaeyeon nodded.


“I’ll be needing your help though” she said.


Sakura nodded her, “Okay, tell me about it” she replied.


“I want to write about you….” Chaeyeon started, “but you will be leaving soon, you said” Chaeyeon looked at her and smiled.


“Can I travel with you? I want to know you more”  


She said that made Sakura stare at her out of shock, talk about unexpected. “Y-you wouldn’t like it with me, I’m a pretty boring pers----’


Chaeyeon shook her head, “No, Miyawaki Sakura. You’re specialshe said that made Sakura lose her ability to talk, and her ability to breath. Chaeyeon laughed at her reaction. “Do you not like the idea of----“


 she cut Chaeyeon abruptly “No! I mean I do like the idea, It’s just that…” she trailed.




“It’s the first time I heard someone wants to travel with me”


Chaeyeon smiled, “We’re even then” Sakura then remembered yesterday, and so she smiled back at Chaeyeon as she scratched her head like a shy girl. “Well maybe not until you let me travel with you, so….”


“A journey with you?”  She asked.


She replied “A journey with me”





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Chapter 8: Uwuuu
1765 streak #2
Chapter 8: cute :)
Chapter 8: That was really cute ^-^
Chapter 6: That babi means pig in my country
i feel so weird
Chapter 6: That babi means pig in my country
i feel so weird
Chapter 7: Aaaaaa
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Chapter 7: Aww this was so cute!!
1765 streak #8
Chapter 6: Uwu!!!!!!
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Chapter 6: Cuties uwuu
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Chapter 6: Aww their endearment is so cute