Always Keep The Faith.

It Was Always You. (The Truth Behind YunJae)



“RISE UP!!!” Yunho yelled his last line into the microphone, making the crowd scream like crazy. It had been a few years since we had debuted and we were really living it up large. There were at least 500 people in the crowd, creating a sea of red with lights, glow sticks, balloons, shirts etc. We were here tonight for the Bigeast 3rd Fan Club Event where we play games in front of our fans. It sounded fun so we went for it. We bowed as the song finished and the MC went on the stage. “DBSK! You are amazing! Don’t you Cassiopeia agree?!” She shouted as she pulled the mic up to the crowed and they all screamed. She smiled and laughed before going on. “The DBSK members are now going to play a game! This box contains notes of what they have to do and whatever it says, they need to do it! Are you guys ready for the punishment game?!” The crowd of Cassies screamed again, louder this time, obviously excited. “Junsu, since you lost the last challenge, you go pick a card and Yoochun will do it with you” Junsu bit his lip and walked over to the box, putting his hand into it and picking out a card. “Aishh!! NOO!!” he shouted out as Yunho took the card from him and laughed.

“It says we need to put ice down his back” he laughed as he went to the MC who was holding a bowl of ice. Junsu shook his head in shame as me and the other members went up to Junsu to keep him from moving. “Pull his shirt back!!” Yunho laughed as he pulled it back, me and Changmin held onto Junsu since he was squirming around. I then had an idea and I grabbed some ice and put it into his underwear. “What are you doing Jae~~ AIIIIIEEEE!!!” he yelled as I shoved the ice in. We stood back and laughed as he squirmed even more. He then made a face and started moving his around. My plan had worked. I smiled deviously and Junsu looked at the MC and started to walk awkwardly to the side of the stage. “Junsu!! Junsu!!” we all called.

“Where are you going?!” the MC called.

“It went into an uncomfortable place!!” he yelled as he went off the stage. The ice was in his underwear, thanks to me. I couldn’t help but laugh and shout “It’s in his UNDERWEAR!!”

“It’s getting wet already!!” he laughed awkwardly. I was too busy laughing but one of the members said “Junsu, that’s really y” which made me laugh even more. 

We all looked at Yoochun and smiled. “YOOCHUN!!!” We all yelled as we started to grab him. “NO!! GET OFF ME!” I tried to get some ice in his underwear but Yoochun was smarter than that. He grabbed my hand filled with ice and smiled. “Don’t you even think about it Jaejoong!” he chuckled as he took the ice from my hand and pulled me towards him. I tried to get out of his grip but he was too fast. He had successfully put ice down the front of my shirt. I laughed as I pulled my shirt forward, letting the ice fall out of it. We started messing around for a while till most of the ice was melted and Junsu had finished getting the ice out of his underwear. Changmin pulled out the next card. “Act like babies and introduce yourself” he laughed.

I grabbed Yoochun and pulled him over. “Jun-chan will play with Changmin!!”

“But I’m not in this game!” Yoochun complained.

“Just be a guest!” Junsu suggested. After some discussion, the MC rushing us and a failed game of rock, paper, scissors, Yoochun and Changmin started their conversation. Yoochun cleared his throat, making the Cassies laugh. “Hello Changmin!” he said in a high, ayego voice, making the Cassies scream. Changmin stood there waving for a while, acting shy. “Hello! Yoochun, what are you doing?” he asked cutely.

“I’m trying to get Changmin to play with me!!” he smiled. Changmin’s face went dark.

“LIAR!” he pouted cutely, making the Cassies laugh and scream even more. They then started getting Junsu into the action, acting all ayego for the fans. “YUNHO!!” Junsu called in a high voice. I could already tell that I was going to be next so I walked off to the side of the stage and hid behind some chairs watching them. “Yunho’s a girl!! A girl! He’s Junsu’s girlfriend!” Yoochun laughed. Junsu grabbed Yunho’s hand.

“Yunho!” he said cutely.

“What do you want?!” Yunho streaked.

“Yunho doesn’t have manners!” Changmin whined. Yunho started speaking random gibberish, I had no idea what he was saying in that high, ayego voice of his but it couldn’t help but make me laugh. “Yunho has a new friend!!” Yoochun told the other boys, still using his ayego voice. Everyone started looking at me and calling. “JAEJOONG!! JAEJOONG!!” I knew I was screwed. I stood up and Yunho walked over to me and grabbed my hand. I couldn’t stop smiling and blushed. He then pulled me over to the rest of the members. “He’s…he’s… he’s my boyfriend!” he smiled. I looked down at that moment. I knew it was all just an act, but what if it was real? Besides all the ayego high voices. No, Jaejoong. He’s your friend. Best friend! I continued with the plot. I decided to make my voice even deeper than my normal voice to make it sound weird. “Hey you guys told me to come.”

“Little hooligan!” Changmin pointed at me.

“I’m not”

“How old are you?” Junsu asked.

“I’m 10 years old” I said in a lower voice. The Cassies started laughing and the other members were yelling in protest. “What?! I can’t be 10 years old?” I tried to hold back my laughter.
“What’s the age difference between you two?” Yoochun asked.

“It’s a bit…” Yunho started off in his squeaky voice again.

“He’s pretty, young and cute, isn’t he?” I laughed with the other members and the Cassies. We were really having a lot of fun. I was so happy at this point in time. As the MC called us I looked into the crowd and spotted a red flag with the Cassiopeia constellation on it. I smiled and knew it was finally time to do something. “Can I have the mic please?” I whispered to the MC. “Hello Cassiopeia!! Thank you so much for being here and supporting us!” The Cassie’s went crazy for a while before stopping to listen to what I had to say. “Me and the other members discussed a motto for our band and I’m going to tell you what it is now” I looked at the members and they all smiled at me, except Yunho who looked at me in confusion. I discussed this with the other members while Yunho wasn’t around so he was never told. “Our new motto is… Always Keep The Faith!” I yelled. The Cassies screamed in joy and started chanting our new motto over and over again. I turned around to see Yunho smiling and laughing, knowing exactly why I had made that our new motto. Thank you for helping me find my faith Yunho. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you.

We all returned to our dorms, tired but still hyped up from the concert. “That was awesome! I can’t wait to do that again!” Changmin smiled as he jumped onto the couch. He the TV just at the wrong time, where a making out scene in a drama was occurring. “Changmin!! What the heck?” Junsu laughed and yelled “CHANGMIN’S WATCHING !!” We all started laughing our asses off as Changmin switched off the TV and yelled “WHAT!? NO I’M NOT!! I JUST TURNED THE TV ON!” He scoffed and went to his room. “Naww, I was too harsh on him. I’ll go check on him.” Junsu laughed as he went to find Changmin. I felt and arm around my shoulder, it was Yunho. “Always keep the faith? Now where did you get that from?” he smirked. I laughed and pushed him lightly. “Shush! You never used it afterwards so I gave it good use” I smiled at him then was interrupted by Yoochun. “Hey, you guys get to bed yeah? I’m off. See you tomorrow.”

“Goodnight Yoochun” I smiled. He flashed a smile at me for a second before it disappeared as he left. There was something wrong with him, I could tell. He’s been like this for the past month. I really hope he is okay. “Hey, you should go to bed” I turned to my right and just realized how close Yunho face was to mine. My heart started to race, I wanted to move but I just stayed there. “Yeah, I-I should. You too.” He smiled before walking away from me and towards his room. “Whatever you say boss! Goodnight!” He smiled again and entered his room, closing it behind him. I breathed. What was this? Why am I like this when I’m around him? I walked into my room, shut the door and lights off behind me. I lay on my bed, not caring about the clothes I was still wearing. There was only one time where he was that close to me, even closer than that but I know Yunho doesn’t remember that moment because he’s never mentioned it ever again.

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yunjaemrcnn #1
thank u for hardworking and updated 3 chaps in one shoot
Aww how cuteee. update soon~<3
omgomg #3
this is too cute!~
Awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That was soooo freaking cute <3 So since they were little, they were this cuuuute xD
It was nice to learn about Jae's family.. poor him... but if it was for the best, I guess it wasn't so bad... But I still shed some tears *sniff*
Thx again. Bye bye~
OMG I was ROFLing when it said Junsu looked like a porcupine XD. so kawaii~ AKTF Update soon~
Awhhhhhhh soo flufffyyyy ^^
But I love fluffy >o< I wonder what happen with Jae's parents? Poor jae... No, don,t cry (even if you are as beautiful as always even when you cry, it makes me sad when you're sad)...
Please update quickly, ne???? Thx for the awesommme update
KpopCookie #7
Awww so cute!! Always Keep The Faith!!
Yay! They made it in SM!!!!!! XD
Now...let's get started with YUNJAENESSSSSSS ;)
Always Keep The Faith!
Aweeeee<333 update soon D: they so cute DDD:::