Just hold my hand.

It Was Always You. (The Truth Behind YunJae)



“Jaejoong!” Yunho called as he hugged him. It had been four years since Jaejoong first met Yunho and they were around the age of 12. “Hi Yunho! My Umma said I could stay with you today as long as I bring back some meat before I leave” Jaejoong smiled as he hugged Yunho back. Yunho yelled with joy “Jaejoong! Let’s go to the lake! I want to go play in the water since it’s getting hot”. Jaejoong gave him a smirk

“Fine, last one there’s a rotten fish!” Jaejoong ran off and Yunho laughed at ran after him. The lake was around a mile away from Yunho’s place but the boys were used to running for long distances of time. They got to the water and took of their shirts before wrestling each other into the water first. “You’re a rotten fish!!” Jaejoong pointed and laughed at Yunho. “Haha! No! I got here first loser!!” he jumped on Jaejoong and pushed him into the lake with him, splashing and playing with each other. They went under water and started looking for fish. They found a whole bunch and had an idea. “I have an idea! If you catch a fish, I’ll give you the meat you’re Umma needs for half price. If I win, tomorrow you have to do everything I say! Whether you like it or not!” Yunho smirked. Jaejoong thought hard about this and in the end, could never give up a challenge. “Deal! Ready?” Yunho smiled. “Get set…”

“GO!!!” they both yelled. They went slightly away from each other so they wouldn’t scare the fish. Jaejoong spotted one and he bent down slowly. He then pushed himself forward trying to catch the fish but it swam away, leaving him to fall into the water face first. Yunho laughed his head off until Jaejoong put his head out of the water and glared at him. The boys went on trying to catch fish for a while. Yunho then went under the water and found a fish which was swimming towards him. He put one of his hands above the water and waited until the fish was close enough.  When the fish was in range, he pushed his hand under the water and caught it just in time. “HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I GOT IT!!!” he yelled as he proudly held the flopping fish by the tail in Jaejoong’s face. Jaejoong pouted… “Show off” he muttered. Yunho laughed “Naww! Don’t be a sore loser! I’ll be fair and share the prize… catch!!!” he chucked the fish and it hit him in the face.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!” Jaejoong yelled as he chased after Yunho laughing until he grabbed him by the waist and spun him around. They laughed until they reached the bank of the lake and lied down on the grass. “Fish face” Yunho chuckled. Jaejoong ripped some grass from the ground and sprinkled it on Yunho’s face. He tried to blow the grass off but Jaejoong kept putting more on his face. Yunho laughed as he sat up and pinned Jaejoong to the ground. Jaejoong laughed then looked up at Yunho. His hair was just above his eyes so Jaejoong could see them clearly. His lips curved into the smile that he loved and his other features, to Jaejoong, where just beautiful. Since Jaejoong never had friends before, he thought that he was meant to feel this way when you’re with them. Jaejoong blushed and looked to the side. Yunho ruffled his hair and pulled himself up. “Come on fish face! Let’s go home yeah?” Yunho laughed as he pulled him up and handed him back his shirt. Jaejoong snatched it off him and put it on. “Man, I can’t believe I lost” Jaejoong pouted as he started walking in front of Yunho. He then felt something warm take his hand. Jaejoong looked beside him to see Yunho holding his hand. He pulled away instantly, making Yunho look disappointed. “Why are you holding my hand?” Jaejoong asked.

“Because, you hold hands with people that you like and I like you so I want to hold your hand” Yunho said as the side of his lip started to curl back up. “You’re my best friend Jaejoong and even though I’ve had many friends, I’ve never had a BEST friend. That’s why I like you.” Yunho smiled fully and offered his hand to Jaejoong. He bit the corner of his cheek before smiling and taking Yunho’s hand. His hands were warm, which was nice because it was starting to get cold and dark outside, but the real reason why Jaejoong liked holding Yunho’s hand was because it felt like his hand and Yunho’s hand was made the way they were exactly because their hands fitted each other’s perfectly.

“So that would be… 9000 won” Yunho said as he gave the meat to Jaejoong. Jaejoong cocked his head. “9000 won? Why is it so cheap?” he asked.

“My Appa put up a sale on meat so yeah. Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow Jaejoong! Remember, whatever I say!” Yunho smiled as he hugged Jaejoong tightly. Jaejoong hit his back before letting him go. “Pabo” he smiled as he walked out with the bag of meat. What Jaejoong never really knew was that even though Yunho won the deal, he lied and still gave Jaejoong half price.


I studied the boy for a second, guessing that he was actually younger than me. “Do you know who I am?” I asked him, feeling calmer now.

“Of course! You’re Hero Jaejoong. You’re amazing!” he exclaimed as he bowed. I chuckled.

“Please, there’s no need to bow. So how do you know me and how did you get this job?”

“Well I knew about you when you first debuted with DBSK. You guys were amazing by the way. Then I moved to Korea a few years ago to try to get into SM, but there were not spots left so I became a cleaner instead. But I still like to dance and sing but I’m just not good at it.” He looked down and breathed in before looking back up at me.

“I’m not sad though, because I get to meet lots of people and my inspirations like you” he smiled. He was cute, I had to give him that for sure. I ruffled his hair. “That’s sweet of you to say. If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?”

“I’m 27” 27?!! HE’S OLDER THAN ME?! That’s impossible! It doesn’t even look like he can grow facial hair! “Oh okay, so do you need any help with anything Des Chang?” he shook his head. “Nope, it’s my job to clean no yours. I’m finished anyway so I better go now.” He bowed as he put a spray bottle in his bag of cleaning supplies and to the door. I bit my lip and found myself running after him. “Wait!” I begged as I grabbed his arm. He looked up at me with innocent eyes. “Can you stay here with me, please?” Des Chang chuckled.

“Sure, of course I will.”

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yunjaemrcnn #1
thank u for hardworking and updated 3 chaps in one shoot
Aww how cuteee. update soon~<3
omgomg #3
this is too cute!~
Awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That was soooo freaking cute <3 So since they were little, they were this cuuuute xD
It was nice to learn about Jae's family.. poor him... but if it was for the best, I guess it wasn't so bad... But I still shed some tears *sniff*
Thx again. Bye bye~
OMG I was ROFLing when it said Junsu looked like a porcupine XD. so kawaii~ AKTF Update soon~
Awhhhhhhh soo flufffyyyy ^^
But I love fluffy >o< I wonder what happen with Jae's parents? Poor jae... No, don,t cry (even if you are as beautiful as always even when you cry, it makes me sad when you're sad)...
Please update quickly, ne???? Thx for the awesommme update
KpopCookie #7
Awww so cute!! Always Keep The Faith!!
Yay! They made it in SM!!!!!! XD
Now...let's get started with YUNJAENESSSSSSS ;)
Always Keep The Faith!
Aweeeee<333 update soon D: they so cute DDD:::