
It Was Always You. (The Truth Behind YunJae)


It had been about 6 months after we joined SM Entertainment and we were in the middle of practicing our daily routine of dancing, singing and acting. We were in the middle of a dancing segment with the other SM beginners when we were interrupted by SM’s manager and founder, Lee Soo Man. We bowed as he entered the room, not even enclosing us. “Continue” he instructed as he pushed up his glasses and walked slowly around the room, watching our moves. I tried to dance my best since her was watching so I didn’t give off a bad image. I looked at Yunho, who was dancing his best all the time so it didn’t really matter if Lee Soo Man was watching or not, but I could tell he was trying extra hard to perfect his moves. He’s such a good dancer. My thoughts were interrupted when Soo Man called my name. “Kim Jaejoong! Come here” I stopped dancing and walked up to him then bowed again. “What’s the name of your friend there?” he asked as he pointed at Yunho. “That’s Jung Yunho sir” he bit his lip as he looked down at his clipboard.

“Jung Yunho, please come with me and Mr. Kim” we looked at each other and followed him out of the room. He led us into a room and asked us to take a seat. He sat on the chair with a table in front of it and sat forward. “You two have shown excellent progress over these past months so as of today, I will be putting you into a group with three other SM beginners to see if you would work well enough in a group okay?” he slightly smiled at us as we nodded. “I’ll go get them for you so you can have some time to get to know them before starting.” He stood up and opened the door, calling for someone outside the room. Three boys of our age stepped into the room. The first one was tall, well taller than all of us, he must be the oldest. His hair was a light brown and reached down to the back of his neck. I don’t know if it was just me but there was something unusual about his mouth like it seemed to droop slightly. The next boy had an old look to him. It must have been the dominate lines underneath his eyes. His hair was a slight redish colour and his bangs were just above his eyes. The last boy looked like a porcupine. I’m being serious. His hair was spiked and fluffed which was why, to me, he looked like a porcupine but he had a small smile on his face and he looked friendly. “Yunho, Jaejoong this is Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu. They will be with you from now on so I’ll leave you guys to get to know each other for a few minutes. I’ll be back” Soo Man closed the door behind him, leaving us to ourselves. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you!” Yunho stood up and shook Changmin’s hand. He was even taller than Yunho. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you too” he smiled back. I stood up and shook Yoochun and Junsu’s hands. Junsu then went around to the other side of Changmin and shook hands with Yunho and started making conversation with him. I shrugged and started talking to Changmin and Yoochun. “…and that’s how we made it into SM. How about you?” Yoochun asked after he explained how him and Changmin got into SM. “Well it was Yunho’s dream really but I just came along to support him and we auditioned and got in. It was really fun and I’m glad he made it in.” I smiled as I looked over to him as he laughed with Junsu. His laugh is so cute. A knock interrupted my thoughts. “You guys finished? It’s time to start practicing again.” Soo Man said as he opened the door wider for us to go out. We walked out and returned to the practice room which was now empty. “Hey, you guys good at dancing?” Yoochun asked looking at me and Yunho. I smirked as I nudged Yunho.

“This man is the best dancer in the world” I pushed Yunho forward as I jogged over to the iPod dock to put on a song that I knew he loved dancing to. “I am not!!!” he yelled as he was about to stop me but I one of his favorite Japanese songs just in time. Junsu, Changmin and Yoochun started cheering for him to dance so he decided to show off a few moves since we forced him to. He’s such a great dancer, his moves are perfect. I’m seriously not lying here. He moved with grace and his spins were perfectly balanced. I don’t know but everything about Yunho to me was just perfect. Lucky me that I have the perfect best friend I thought as I smiled to myself. When he was done with the song we all cheered, Junsu being the loudest. “What are you guys doing? You’re meant to be in the recording room!” Soo Man called as he opened the door. He seemed to be in a good mood today because at times I could hear him screaming at people like crazy if they do something wrong. He led us to the recording room and gave us a song by H.O.T to sing. We started learning the lines and got the hang of it so we started to sing together. I don’t know how we did it and I don’t know how the other members felt about it but to me, it was like a sign that our group was meant to be together. As we sang we somehow split up into harmonies and it sounded amazing. “You guys are brilliant! I can’t believe how quickly you could do that!” Soo Man applauded. “How about you guys go out for the night and you can come back and sleep over here to get to know each other even better yes? I’ll let you start whenever you want tomorrow. My treat.” He smiled. He must be really happy today. I really liked the idea and I nodded with the rest of the group. “You guys enjoy your evening, Yunho I trust you with these” he said giving Yunho the keys to the building. Wow, I couldn’t believe this. Junsu waited for him to leave the building. “SLEEP OVER!” He screamed as aeygo spread all over his face. We all laughed and smiled at his cuteness. “Junsu! I didn’t know you were so cute!” Yunho laughed as he ruffled his hair. I saw him blush as Yunho left. I shrugged and switched my attention to Yoochun who was asking us to sit in a circle so we could fully introduce ourselves. “Changmin, could you start us off with your early life and how you got here?” he smiled warmly at Changmin. He nodded and though about he would start. “Well, I’m Shim Changmin and I was born and raised in Seoul. I am the eldest in the family and I have two younger sisters, Sooyeon and Jiyeon.” A smile creped onto his face, probably thinking about his sisters. “My teachers are both teachers so they made us study really hard!” he chuckled.

“How did you get into SM?” Yunho asked him. Changmin thought about it.

“Hmm… I got into SM by winning their 6th Annual Youth Competition. It’s like a talent search thing.” He nodded, indicating that he was done.


“Junsu? How about you?” Yoochun asked. Junsu nodded and began.

“I’m Kim Junsu and I was born in Gyeongii-do. My older brother is KimJunho or Zuno who is also a singer and my mother used to go into Miss Korea pageants.” He looked up awkwardly and smiled. “I got into SM by participating in their 6th Annual Starlight Casting System when I was 11 so I’ve been around for a while.” They looked at each other awkwardly until Yunho nudged Yoochun. “How about you Yoochun?” he asked.

“Well, I was born in Seoul like Changmin but I moved to the U.S when I was in the sixth grade. I lived in ia for a while then moved back to Korean where I joined SM with my brother, Yoohwan, who is an actor. My parents had normal jobs, they just raised me and my brother well I guess.” He smiled. “Your turn, Yunho”

Yunho smacked his lips. “There’s nothing much to say really. I was born in Gwangju with my younger sister, Jihye. My mother used to be a great dancer and she helped me out with some of my dancing. I joined SM with Jaejoong six months ago. Without him, I wouldn’t be here!” he smiled as he pulled me closer to him and put an arm around me. “Aish! It wasn’t me! You’re the pro here! Well. I really don’t have anything to tell. My name is Kim Jaejoong and I was born in Chungchrongnam-do. I moved to Seoul at 15. I got into SM with Yunho. That’s it” I put on a weak smile on my face. I felt Yunho’s arm slide off me. He knew that I wasn’t telling the whole truth but I didn’t want to tell it. It would hurt me too much.

“How about your parents Jaejoong?” Junsu asked innocently. My mouth opened but nothing came out. “Umm, let’s go get some food shall we? I’m starving” Yunho smiled. The other boys seemed to understand and nodded. “Who wants pizza?!” Yoochun yelled as he rushed to the phone with Junsu. Changmin patted my back. “Are you okay Jaejoong? You look… disturbed.” He looked at my face, trying to see the truth behind it.

“I’m okay Changmin. Go check on the others. I’m just going to be with Yunho for a second.” I smiled as he nodded and walked off. I looked at Yunho and he put his hand on my face, wiping a tear that I didn’t notice had rolled down my face. He hugged my tightly and buried his face into my neck. I could feel his breath against me as he spoke softly. “It’s okay Jaejoong. You don’t have to say anything at the moment.” I was so glad Jaejoong understood me. I let the tears fall a bit more, remembering how my life was when I was young. 

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yunjaemrcnn #1
thank u for hardworking and updated 3 chaps in one shoot
Aww how cuteee. update soon~<3
omgomg #3
this is too cute!~
Awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That was soooo freaking cute <3 So since they were little, they were this cuuuute xD
It was nice to learn about Jae's family.. poor him... but if it was for the best, I guess it wasn't so bad... But I still shed some tears *sniff*
Thx again. Bye bye~
OMG I was ROFLing when it said Junsu looked like a porcupine XD. so kawaii~ AKTF Update soon~
Awhhhhhhh soo flufffyyyy ^^
But I love fluffy >o< I wonder what happen with Jae's parents? Poor jae... No, don,t cry (even if you are as beautiful as always even when you cry, it makes me sad when you're sad)...
Please update quickly, ne???? Thx for the awesommme update
KpopCookie #7
Awww so cute!! Always Keep The Faith!!
Yay! They made it in SM!!!!!! XD
Now...let's get started with YUNJAENESSSSSSS ;)
Always Keep The Faith!
Aweeeee<333 update soon D: they so cute DDD:::