"Best Friends"

It Was Always You. (The Truth Behind YunJae)


Jaejoong’s POV

(Most of my story will be in JaeJoong's POV unless I say so yeah? enjoy!)

“Hero! What are you doing? Let’s go! We have to record this song.” Junsu yelled as I put back a picture in my wallet and put it in my back pocket. “I’m coming Xiah! Is Micky with you?” I asked as I ran to the entrance of the recording studio. “He’s already set up, come on Hero! We need to record the song YOU wrote!” He dragged me into the studio and sat me down next to Yoochu. “Hey Hero, you ready for this?” 

He asked me as he put on his headphones. I nodded and put my own headset on. The song started playing and we started singing. I wrote most of the song but I don’t like to think of it that way. The song was called ‘W’ and to everyone it was about TVXQ and how much we missed “HoMin”. I don’t mean to say I didn’t mean to write it for them. What I’m saying is that I wrote the song for both of them, but only one of them was on my mind. “Our paths will cross again, I am thinking about you every time I close my eyes, you’re everything. It is still natural that you are by our side. We can only wish that you are happy. We will climb our stairs one by one. We are still waiting for you, imagining our future.” Tears suddenly fell down my face as we sang. I wiped my tears away before anyone could see but I caught Junsu looking at me as we sang. The song was finally over and I shuffled out of the room. Junsu and Yoochun suddenly hugged me. “It’s okay Hero, one day we’ll be back with them. I promise.” Yoochun whispered as I felt Junsu nod his head. I sighed and hugged the two boys back. “Thanks you guys” The guys parted from me as they went back into the recording room. I pulled out my wallet and took out the picture of me and Yunho. It was the day where we found out that we made it into TVXQ. I tried to hold back the tears and I put the picture back with my wallet into my pocket and continued with our recording.


8 Years Ago

“Yunho!! I’m so scared. What if we don’t make it in??” I pouted as I grabbed his arm. He laughed and punched my shoulder. “Jaejoong, I’ve known you since we were little kids in school! You’re so talented and so handsome yeah? If these guys don’t take you in, something is REALLY wrong with them!” He smiled at me and patted my head. Yunho and I were best friends since forever. He came up with the idea of joining some Entertainment and becoming stars. I couldn’t believe I was going to do this.  “Jung Yunho” the manager called. “It’s my turn! Wish me luck!” He said as he hugged my tightly and went off with him. I waited for about an hour before my name was called. Yunho still wasn’t back. I took in a breath and went with the same man who took in Yunho. I was placed into a room with three men sitting in front of me, writing things down on the table in front of them “Kim Jaejoong, why should you be in SM Entertainment?”

A bead of sweet fell from my forehead as bowed and spoke. “I believe I should be in SM entertainment because I believe my talents of singing, dancing and acting should be shared to the world” I felt bad because I felt like I saw bragging about myself but that’s what you have to do these days.

“Okay then, can you please perform for us?” I nodded and bowed again. The song I had practiced a routine played and I started to dance. I felt stiff because I was nervous. I wanted to throw up to try to get rid of the nerves but there was nothing I could do now. I had a glimpse of the judges’ faces, which her expressionless. I accidently stumbled over my feet and fell to the ground. . I couldn’t find the strength to get up. I was so embarrassed and I felt like such a failure. I couldn’t do this. I can’t do anything. I wished that I was dead now. I tried my best, I swear I did but I guess my best isn’t enough. “COME ON JAEJOONG!!! YOU CAN DO IT!! NEVER GIVE UP JAEJOONG!” was I dreaming? I forced myself to look up and I couldn’t believe who I saw. “Yunho?” I whispered. Yunho was standing on the railings above me. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? GET UP!! ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH JAEJOONG!!” he yelled as he smiled down at me. I sprung back up and got straight back into my routine. I suddenly felt light and loose, no longer tense. I couldn’t help but smile throughout the whole thing. When the dance finally ended, applause from Yunho was all that could be heard, besides the judges yelling at him to get off immediately. I couldn’t help but laugh. The rest of my performance went well. I hit every high note in my song and I remembered all of my lines for my acting.

“Thank you very much Mr. Kim. We’ll get back to you and your…friend very soon.” The judge looked past me until I realized that Yunho was right behind me. “I’m so proud of you Jaejoong!” He said as he hugged me. “Thank you for your time!” He said as he bowed to the judges and walked out with me. “I really hope we make it!” Yunho smiled as he put his arm around me. “I do too” I smiled. I was so glad that he was there to cheer me on. “Yunho, thanks for being there for me. I really needed it” I said looking down. Yunho nudged me. “Hey! It was nothing! What are best friends for?” I couldn’t help but smile the whole way back to my place.


*Knock Knock* “Who is it?” I asked as Yunho entered my dark room. It was the night before we were to find out if we made it into the new group and Yunho invited me to sleep at his place. “It’s Yunho, can I come in?” he whispered as he slightly opened the door and bumped his head against it. “Oww~” he whined. I laughed at his clumsiness in the darkness. “What do you need Yunho? What time is it?” I muttered as I looked at the clock which stated it was 12am. “I couldn’t sleep, could I sleep with you please? I’m just so nervous about tomorrow.” He bit his lip as he twiddled his thumbs. Jeeze, this boy has a lot of aeygo.  I yawned as I agreed and he pulled the covers up and hopped in next to me. This wasn’t the first time I had slept with Yunho, if you count all the sleepovers when we were eleven years old and below. “Aish, fine.” I moved over so there was enough space for Yunho. He scrambled into the bed as he tucked the sheets up to his chin. What is up with this guy? Did he have aeygo pills or something? I don’t know why but I found it kind of cute. I soon fell asleep to Yunho’s soft snores until I felt a tightness around my waist. I felt a warm breath against my face and I opened my eyes to see Yunho staring back at me. “Yunho…?” I said confused. Yunho put his forehead against mine, our faces so close to each other. My heart started to beat faster by the second. “Jaejoong, I just wanted to say thank you for doing this with me. I mean, you knew it was always my dream to be a star and you didn’t have to come with me but you did. That really means a lot to me Jaejoong.” He smiled through the darkness, just enough that I could see. Yunho pushed himself up so I was facing his chest and he pulled me closer to him. In less than a minute he was asleep. I couldn’t stop my heart from racing. I knew he was talking to me as just best friends but the way he’s holding me now. It’s like it was more than what he said. Even though I should’ve pushed him away and slept all the way on the other side of the bed, I decided not to. I don’t know why but I liked being close to him like this. It made me feel… safe. Like I said, Yunho and I are best friends! He was just in a really aeygo mood I guess. But what if it was more than that? I wonder how things would be different if we were more than friends. What was I thinking Jaejoong?! We’re friends, best friends, nothing more. Well, that’s what I thought at the time.  

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yunjaemrcnn #1
thank u for hardworking and updated 3 chaps in one shoot
Aww how cuteee. update soon~<3
omgomg #3
this is too cute!~
Awhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh That was soooo freaking cute <3 So since they were little, they were this cuuuute xD
It was nice to learn about Jae's family.. poor him... but if it was for the best, I guess it wasn't so bad... But I still shed some tears *sniff*
Thx again. Bye bye~
OMG I was ROFLing when it said Junsu looked like a porcupine XD. so kawaii~ AKTF Update soon~
Awhhhhhhh soo flufffyyyy ^^
But I love fluffy >o< I wonder what happen with Jae's parents? Poor jae... No, don,t cry (even if you are as beautiful as always even when you cry, it makes me sad when you're sad)...
Please update quickly, ne???? Thx for the awesommme update
KpopCookie #7
Awww so cute!! Always Keep The Faith!!
Yay! They made it in SM!!!!!! XD
Now...let's get started with YUNJAENESSSSSSS ;)
Always Keep The Faith!
Aweeeee<333 update soon D: they so cute DDD:::