Chapter V - Rebel then Confess

The Prince and The Pauper



“ What happens if I go back? This will only make me look guilty and scared. ” He says with conviction and a fire in his eyes that is still present even if he hadn’t slept still. Who could sleep after that, really? Jinu is pacing and calling someone. The entire university is on lock down and Onew just wants to get out and talk to someone. Talk to the police and ask, probably visit that person.


“ You are the prince, it’s our duty to keep you safe.” Jinu says finally and Onew shrugs.


“ I am the reason they are in danger, if someone should be detained it should be me.”


“ listen to yourself onew, you don’t have a say in this right now. The Queen wants you in the palace right now. She is furious, plus your mother is afraid.” Key told him and he is feeling the helplessness as well. Onew sees that and for a moment, he thinks he should be more cooperative but dismisses that thought.


Someone almost died because of him. That man, a sophomore,he was drugged and tied down. The blood is not his, but from an animal. But does not make it okay. The intention of killing is there. What if today was just a trial run for something more? For a true kill?


“ I will follow you, i will go back to the palace just to tell them that I am fine and alive. But don’t think that I will stay there ” he says finally and they all seem to have an agreement.


He packs his things as Key waits for him in the living room. Minho, Taemin and Jonghyun are waiting for him in his room. As he enters, Taemin is busy fitting his clothes inside a small bag and some of his books and his laptop. He wants to say stop fixing his things cause he will be back soon but the thought of meeting the queen and his parents are unsettling. They will take one look at him and say things that will make him so guilty he might as well stay in the palace for a week.


But he cannot do that, he has to make an appearance at the school.. No one knows about the stalker just yet. The only statement they said is that the incident is an isolated case and the prince is going to the palace for his safety. Add the fact that the queen demands his presence.


“ are you okay?” Minho asks,


“ It will get better, but I cannot stay in the palace for long.”


“ that would be hard, my mom called and asked about you. She’s so worried and the Queen is not doing well with this news as well.” Taemin offers.


“ it’s all over the news too man. They say it’s about terrorists that mocks the palace by doing this crime here.” Jonghyun says and I sink in my bed. What I would give to just sleep right now and wish everything away.


“ why does this thing happen to me?!” he calls out in frustration and sits up.


“ they are waiting for you, just let this go for like, two to three days and you are free to go.” Taemin smiles at him.


“ we’ll keep our eyes open and say nothing while you’re gone.” Minho assures him and he is thankful of his friends. He takes the bag and turns to leave.


“ whoever this stalker is, we are doing what he wants. That person already has power over me, over everyone,”


“ He said he will take you away from the palace, but you are going there right now. He will not see you in here- you will be away for a few days- he will be pissed. ” Taemin hands him another book.


“ See you soon, my phone is still with me. So, keep in touch.”


Onew gets out of the room and is met by Key who is dozing off. Seeing him like this,with his guard down and innocent. Will they have moments like this? More moments of quiet and no problems. His eyes travel towards a figure coming close, Kangta.


“ hey! Are heard what happened, are you alright?” he asks and Onew feels guilty. This is betrayal, he is the VP for Eagle house and he can’t do his duties. Kangta is too understanding to fire him and ask him to step down. He feels useless.


“ I have the royal guards with me, plus i will be staying at the palace. I think I will be fine.” He answers and tries to wake Key. He opens his eyes and sits up quickly, nodding at kangta.


“ so, you are the kid from Stanley? Why are you here?” kangta asks and key responds quickly.


“ I am jonghyun’s friend.”


“ Well, Jonghyun’s friend, you can go back to Stanley now.” His voice is biting and Onew feels the need to explain. He knows Kangta is being pressure by the board to keep Eagle house safe.


“ I’m sorry, I asked them to come here to talk. They will be back in their houses now.” He explains and Kangta seems to accept the answer. Onew can feel his eyes on him. He feels sorry for him. It’s his senior year and instead of enjoying it and playing soccer with trouble- he has to babysit the prince.


“ we have to go.” Key mutter and they both leave. A cat is already waiting outside, with Jinu driving it. He gets inside and immediately stays quiet. Looking out the window, trying to figure when he can go outside again. This is like that time when he was a kid. He was desperate to go camping or just visit a mall without an entourage. He knows he must not feel ungrateful, but right now, he does.


Key is looking at him, probably gauging his reaction and trying to figure out how to calm him down.


“ you want a drink?” he asks and Onew wants to laugh. Really. Is that it? Does he want a drink?


“ no. No. I am okay.”


The trip finally comes to an end as we pulled over the palace gates. My home. How I missed it, but the media outside is unfamiliar and making me feel queasy.


“ someone leaked our damn arrival!” Jinu says infront and Key looks at Onew and moves towards him, gesturing for him to remove his expensive coat.


“ give me those, I’ll be the decoy.” He says and Onew quickly passes the coat along to him. He is immediately given Key’s blazer and he puts it on. His scent permeates his senses and he fights the urge to swoon. Reminding himself that he is at the center of a crisis and pining over someone is not a good idea. Never a good idea.


“ Let’s go inside then you come out. ”


Onew looks at key and he frowns. “ I am not blonde though,”


Key smirks and pulls out from his bag a wig that looks exactly like onew’s.


“ I have my ways,” he says and opens the door. 2 more guards are with him and the photographers went wild.


“ that kid is smart.” Jinu comments as they pulled over the east part of the palace. Onew looks ahead and he can see his mother.


“ she’s really worried, prepared to be smothered.” Jinu jokes and onew doesn’t mind the attention if it’s from his parents and those he cared for the most.


He steps out the car and is immediately greeted by the household members and his mother. His father is doing diplomatic work in France and Leeteuk is in his own estate.


“ how are you?” she asks and Onew kisses her on the cheek.


“ fine, I’m here aren’t i?”


“ Don’t get smart with me young man, we both know that pale is dangerous.”


Coming up the steps, his mother continued on the possible danger the stalker might impose. That maybe, the person is not just a stalker but someone who has a vendetta against the entire royal family. Hearing his mother voice her concerns over his education, his lifestyle and if eagle house is safe enough. He understands. Really, he knows what it feels like to be worried sick for someone. To want to give everything to a person and take them away from any hurt.


He stops himself from reasoning out and just nods his head. Sure enough, they arrive at the Queen’s sitting room. Onew really needs a cup or two of caffeine before meeting the queen. That woman may be old but her mind is as sharp as ever. He won’t win any verbal battle with her. The last time he was here, was about his decision to go to Lancelot University and perhaps she said yes cause he looked so miserable. And denying him would be like kicking a limp puppy.


“ she is just worried, okay? And the media is making a big deal out of this. Even the Prime Minister is asking if there is something more. ” her mom advises as her hand grips the door handle. “ you know she does not want you to be dragged into issues like this and to have everyone on your faces.


“ I understand,” he says in a clipped tone and as the doors open, he sees his grandma, the queen- looking well put together at 3 in the morning. Like she is preparing for a press conference or a television address to the country.


“ My Queen,” he calls out and she turns her head, her eyes narrowing towards him.


 “ what is that?” she looks at the light coat he’s wearing.


“ oh, it’s Key’s.” he says dumbly and realizes that won’t make sense. “ he is one of the bodyguards. He acted as a decoy, so we had to exchange clothes.”


“ then take it off, it’s already warm in here.”


She motions for him to sit beside her. Her hands holding his and she looks straight in his eyes.


“ don’t come back to that school.”


Those are the words he never wanted to hear. Even if he wants to say no, this is an order from the queen and his grandma- someone he respects. Onew waits for her to say something, maybe take it back or add an agreement. But nothing comes. How can she do this to him? She understand him, his longing to be independent and experience what a normal person should.


“ you don’t mean that-” he replies.


“ I do. Jinki, Onew. You are my grandson and I love you dearly, that’s why I allowed you to go to that school. Even if everyone questioned you, I gave you my blessing.”


“ then why are you taking it back?” his voice held contempt and he can see the sadness sin the Queen’s eyes.


“ I thought the worst thing that may happen to you in that university is that the media will go crazy. But you always handled that well, you are everyone’s favourite prince. I never once thought that violence will come to you, you have  a kind heart Onew and I believe that you will remain that way.” Her voice falters and grips his hands tighter, “I don’t want anyone to hurt you. Not you. Please, do not return in that school. Jinu told me, you are doing a little investigation yourself- ”


“ I am the reason why that man, that man was almost killed.” He says icily.


“ but he is not- Onew, the reporters said-”


“ I know what they said. I was there, I was right beside the ambulance that came. He was a little bit drink, maybe that’s why he accepted that drink from a stranger. Or maybe, he’s not a stranger at all. Maybe, he’s a student-”


The Queen gasps- “ that can’t be!”


“ But it happened. That person is sending me notes, taking pictures of me during lectures. I am a prince and I have the entire world to protect me. But I don’t need that, I will take care of myself. I will not hide in here and be a coward. I only came here to see you and tell you that I am fine,”


“ Onew, don’t do this to us. Do not disobey me.” Her voice is resolute, like she just shifted in ‘queen’ mode and not a caring grandmother.


“ I never disobeyed you or this family, even this country. But this situation – I created it, it’s mine to solve. I have the royal guards with me, and I cannot leave that place- what if that person gets angry and starts targeting innocent students? I can’t allow that.”


“ Lancelot university have their own security, it’s not your responsibility,”


“ what are you even saying?” he cries out. “ They are my schoolmates, a few of them, my trusted friends. They are people of Wiltshire, they are my people and I will not hide in this sitting room and wait it all out,”


“ Go back to your room young man, we will talk about this when you are well rested.” She dismisses him and a butler comes inside.


“ I won’t rest and I won’t stay here for long.” He says and turns away. His mother is waiting outside, with a disapproving look on her face.


“ she just want the best for you.”


“ I know what’s best me.” He seethes and quickened his pace.


“ Onew, look- she’s the Queen- it’s not easy for her. This entire country that she needs to keep upright. The drug problem, and now,, her grandson being targeted by a terrorist who-”


“ I am not a kid anymore!” he shouts and there is a lull in the corridors. He notices a maid actually flinch and scurry along.


“ Look, I know you are all looking out for me. But I have to go back, I cannot let that terrorist win. I cannot let them down, those people at the eagle house, I cannot leave them there- scared for their lives. While I stay here in this palace.”


He walks away quickly and does not stop as his mother tells him to come back. He sees Jinu infront of his room and he ignores him, pushing pass him and opens his door.


“ I will stay here for a day and I will go back to the school.”  


“ Onew, it’s not safe for you.”


“ it’s not safe anywhere. ” he talks back and collapses in his bed. It’s been quite some time since he spent time in this room. The only room that is his alone, a place that a designer didn’t influence but all his. A knock comes and he ignores it, the door creaks open and Jinu is there, with a cellphone in hand.


“ minho.”


He snatches the phone, atlast. Someone he wants to actually talk to.


“ everything is fine. No attacks yet and we are all looking out for each other. ”


“ good, I will be back there in a day.”


“ are you really? Taemin said, the Queen might force you to stay here.” He says,


“ what? Taemin is there? At Eagle house?”


“ Yes, his mother called and said Taemin is your cousin and the stalker might attack him as well. So, he was allowed to stay here for the night, incase the crazy decides to move.”


Onew slumped. Ofcourse, his close friends will be targeted.


“ Jonghyun is safe at Stanley, don’t worry.” Minho offers.


“ I should go back like right now, ” Onew huffs.


“ that’s impossible. New is going around that you will be dropping off and no one is surprised.


That hurt him. Were they so sold in the idea that he will just escape and leave the school to fend for themselves. It was like they are expecting him to take the easy way out and quit at the first sing of trouble. Well, they are all wrong about him.


“”I am not quitting, “


“what the queen say?”


“ she told me to not come back.” He replies with a pained voice.


“ just- look, Onew. I am used to your admirers, your fans, they are always amusing and friendly and kind. But this one, I sense something evil and I afraid for you. I know you want to do the right thing, but don’t blame us for being this concerned for you.”


Huh. Trust Minho to make him guilty and make him see this on another perspective.


“ okay,”


“ how’s your boyfriend then?” Minho casually asks and he almost chokes on his spit.


“ what the hell are you saying?”


“ I meant Key, ” He can hear him laughing . “ you looked pretty cozy that one time, doing the 20 questions. And you even went to him when he was bartending,”


“ you spy on me too much.” Onew commented and felt his eyes get heavy, he really needs to sleep and he yawns.


“ and you need to sleep now, talk to you when everything is clearer.”


“ Okay.”


He drops the phone and does not even bother to take the coat off. It makes him feel better, and soon- he drifts into a dreamless sleep.




His eyes come to focus as he hears a rampant knock on his door. It’s not like three times is not enough, this one is made to irritate him and make him get up. Looking at the clock, he sees that its 12nn and he sits up. This will be a long day.


“ coming, ” opening the door to find his brother, Leeteuk.


“ like old times, waking you up by knocking on your door.” He smiles and hands him a glass of milk.


“ thanks.” He says and moves so he can come in.


“ I hear what the queen said,”


“ you know I’m not going to that what she said.” He says in his defense as he looks over his closet, searching for something to wear. He will demand an audience with the queen today.


“ just, Onew- we are worried.”


“ and I am too, trust me, this frightens me as well- but I can’t run away from it.”


“ awww. Look at you, all brave and prince-y” Leeteuk teases him and he rolls his eyes.


“ I thought this would be a serious discussion,” He deadpans and head to the shower.


“ it is, Onew, the Queen is pulling you out the university. They cannot say no,’


“ She can’t do that!” he shouts and Leeteuk flinches.


“ You can tell her that and fix yourself first , she’s not that busy right at the moment. It’s her lunch, you better hurry up.” He advises and leaves him. He quickly takes a bath and think about what he will tell the queen in his defense.


Picking out his best clothes, a pair given by the Queen herself a year ago. It’s like the queen anticipated him, no resistance faced him when he made his way towards her office. Wordlessly, they let him in.


1PM. No breakfast or lunch and an audience with the queen.


He decides to just deal with it and steps in.


“ Good afternoon.” He says politely,


“cleared your head?”


“ I am well rested. But my stand is still the same. I will continue my studies at Lancelot.”


The Queen frowns and looks at him.


“ I already sent a letter to Lancelot that you will be taking a leave of absence.”


Onew’s ear are ringing as he heard the words. He is not the type of person that blows up and disrespects anyone. But his patience is wearing thin.


“ how can you do that? Without my approval or even my opinion? You know that I refuse to leave that school,”


“ it’s just a leave of absence, for a month or two-” she responds calmly.


“ I can’t take a leave that long, I am in my junior year, my course work is crazy,”


“ they will send what you missed-”


“ stop trying to control my life- ” he cuts her off and even if this mean overstepping the boundaries, he does not care. He is a diplomat, he has trainings, but he has not match to the Queen. So maybe, he can be a brat and talk back. No matter how bad that makes him look. He cannot lose this. And because of a stalker? A nameless person who claims to want to take him away?


“ Jinki, you are part of the royal family. Your loyalty lies with us and you should take actions that will only benefit this family and not drag us into controversy.”


“ it’s not like I am getting drunk or being a bad example, It will be worst if I drop out, or is that what you expected of me? What did you really expect when you allowed me to go there?” he challenges and the Queen looks way. Now his worst fear is realized, right, even his own family believed he was doomed to fail. “ what? Did you just agree for me to shut up and learn a lesson? Did you actually expect me to come running back here? Maybe you were all surprised when I survived. When I actually found my place.” He chuckled and the Queen walked towards him.


“ Onew, I never wanted you to fail, all I wanted-”


“ please, stop. Talking. Take back that leave of absence letter, I will send a letter of my own to cancel that out. Stop giving out letters in  my behalf, that is against the law. I can sue you.”  He says pointedly and the Queen looks at him, surprise across her eyes. All he feels is anger. Not even his family believes in him.


All the more reason he needs to go back.


He goes back to his room and eats. Calls the board to tell them that he is not dropping out or anything like that. He calls minho, taemin and jonghyun who says that they are all fine. Jinu refuses to aid him in his escape and only one person comes to mind. A knock comes to the door,


“ come in. ”


Thankfully, the one who enters is the very person he is thinking about. Key.


“ I am returning your coat.” He says and looks properly at onew. “ are you okay?”


“ I will be, if you help me bust out of this place. ” he says and Key frowns.

“ You know I can’t do that. The Queen forbids you . ”


“ I don’t care, she does not own me. ” he spats back and makes a show of getting his overnight bag, stuffing his clothes and books in it. Key only looks at him as he throws stuff inside. He wears his running shoes and open his wide window. Then it dawns on Key. Onew knows this is immature and stupid, but if this will give a rise to Key’s feelings then he will. He is in desperate need to be with someone who actually cares for him. Without the background of the royal family,. Someone who cares because he is onew. Not because he is Prince Jinki.


He pulls the curtain away and opens it. This window is his favourite; it does not have any grills or screen, even a glass partition. Just a wide window that once you open, the morning air can come in.


“ no!” Key barks and he pulls Onew away from the window, as they wrestle.


“ take your hands off me!” Onew commanded but Key does not remove his hold. Instead, they topple over the bed, with Key effectively pinning him down. Right on top of him. Onew continues to struggle but his attempts are futile against Key. Key pressed against his Key, stopping him from doing something stupid. Holding him down.


“ Onew, stop. ” he says and their faces are close now. Onew opens his eyes and meets Key’s. his eyes are swimming in emotions and Onew tries to make out one of them.


“ Let me go, ” he says half-heartedly.


“ no, you are not in your right mind. I understand,”


“ no, you ing don’t. okay? So just get off, ” he tries once more to push him off but Key just presses him down. This proximity is taking a toll on him, half of him wants to wrestle Key out of the way and the other pathetic part wants him to hold on and never let go. How cruel, the only way they can be together is contempt. It’s what brought them together,violence- what better way to unite them once more? How can a feeling so pure work out amidst all these darkness?


“ Onew, please.” He sounds defeated and One lets go.


“ you don’t understand.” He says and closes his eyes, he cannot cry right now. “ everyone, everything is against me. They never wanted me to succeed and make something out of myself. They want to cage me in this family, I love them. Really, I do. But- I just. ” he stops short to breathe and he feels key relax on top of him. Key shifts and he can now feel his breath against his neck, like they are in this horizontal embrace. “ and I have to go back, my life should go on. I can’t.” he stops and finally says the words he longed to, “ and you can’t even ing remember me.”


He feels Key still in his touch and move, he opens his eyes and Key smiles at him. He never saw him smile like this. They spent much time together, laughing and just talking. But this smile is different, like this smile alone can free them from their emotional prison.


“ who told you that? I do remember you.” Onew grips his harder, afraid that Key will move back and run away. “ I remember you, Prince Lee jinki, my knight in that dark hallway- from years ago,”


Onew cannot believe it. How can this happen to him? He believes that he live sin a world where nothing good will happen to him. Nothing will go his way no matter what. But this- this one completely trumps that. Right now, with Key saying that he remembers. This is his salvation. He moves to sit up but Key stops him. his lips, Key takes that as a cue and asks.


"You know I want you, right?"


“ Yes” Onew replies and It seems like the shortest most livid answer he can give. After all those years that he thought about what he should say for a moment like this. But a breathless yes is all he needs.


Unlike the kiss at the hallway, which was experimental at first-  this time their lips were insistent. And Key parted his mouth quickly, Onew decided to take his  time so he slowed him down by moving his tongue gently against his, flicking it against his bottom lip and then biting him gently.


Obediently, he slipped his hand around Onew’s side and left it on the back. He kissed Key, pressing him even further into the sofa, and letting his  body slide to the right so that he was lying on Onew’s side. Onew’s  left hand traipsed down his shirt until he reached the hem. Onew it for a moment before flipping it upward and running his hand along the skin of Key’s abdomen.


As their  tongues pushed and pulled, Onew smiled against his lips. He could feel him against his  hip, hard and pressing into him.


Onew lifted his  hand as they continued to kiss and placed it over his length. As he moved his hand up and down, palming him through the thick material, Key growled against his lips.


“ Key, Kim Key- are you there?”


We both freeze as that voice permeated the heavy air we created. Key jumps away from me, as if he was burned. He quickly pulls out a radio receiver and clears his throat first.


“ Yes.”


“ Where the hell are you? We have a meeting in 5 minutes,” Jinu answers.


“ I will be there. ” Key says finally and fixes himself. Onew has the urge to lock the door so they can talk some more. But Key turned strangely quiet and closed off.


“ Look,” Onew starts but he is cut off.


“ That was terribly wrong, I sorry I took advantage of you.” Key says and bows. ing bows at him like what commoner does to royalty.


“ don’t you dare pull that thing with me again.” Onew hisses. “ you admitted that you remember me, we kissed for sake and I know you are affected by this too. Don’t run away.”


“ I’m right here.” He replies coolly.


“ Yes you are, but – why are you doing this? One minute, you’re just a friend and now, you tell me that you remember- ”


“ I do remember. I just said that- ”


“ good to hear, now, you can go to that meeting while I convince the Queen to let me go. After that, we have to talk. You cannot avoid this forever. You owe me an explanation.” Onew says and feels proud of himself for backing down.


“ Okay.” He says and turns his back, clearly needing to get out of the room. As he turns his back, Onew has to fight his whole body from falling and his energy from depleting. Key faces him once more and smiles softly at him.


He can breathe now.



1. I am sorry, this is my excuse time: I was not able to post it cause i was on an out of the country vacation bu i had my usb and laptop with the files on it. but not the same laptop i use when posting. Then, when i opened it, MS Word won't let me copy and paste them. >.< anyway, that's why i posted two chapters today.
2. Posting sched:
Chapter 6: March 3, 2012
Chapter 7 : March 9, 2012
Chapter 8 + Epilogue : March 16, 2012
3. Thank you for your continued support in this fic and for the lovely comments ^^

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i haven't gotten into it yet, but i am very fascinated so far! sounds like a great concept, and the introduction made me so curious~ can't wait to read more ^^
Chapter 9: So Key was in Paris all along?! XD

This is an amazing story and you’ve written it nicely :)
Chapter 8: I’m even surprised that he’s the stalket, I’ve kinda realised that he’s the bad guy since Jonghyun doesn’t like him from the time they met with no specific reason. It’s kinda the give away.
Chapter 7: Wait what? One second they’re confessing their love and making out then the next Key has resigned and has been kidnapped?!? O.O
Chapter 5: Almost Onkey . Damn that radio call is the ultimate er! XD
Chapter 2: Woah that was intense
aurorabby #7
Chapter 9: I love this story!!!!! The ending is good too. Thanks for writing it!
danicabozic #8
Chapter 9: Wow .... really the story is perfect, I like your way of writing. and this is one of the best stories I've ever read, the only thing I don't like is the end because you left it in half, I guess Onew should in that room to find Key but for example I'm a pessimist and I always think about the worst so I thought he'd find a dead Key or that Key will break up with him so that only the key objection to the story is the end, but otherwise the story is perfect. Thank you for writting
taopandalover #9
Why did i toke so long to find this awesome fic T^T loveeeee it ♡♡♡♡
I loved this sooo much. usually first person perspective make me cringe but THIS WAS AN EXCEPTION. You write very and oh my gosh I just loved it allllll!!!!!!!!!!!!! So great ( I'm a bit incoherent at the moment) thank you for thissss