Chapter iv - Dedicated to you

The Prince and The Pauper


Onew dreaded this day. He knew it’s D-day when his clock set off earlier than usual and as he rose out of his bed, Minho is already up and in his track suit. This is not an unusual sight, Minho does his exercise early in the morning. But what is different is that, he is wearing an all green track suit with emblazoned royalty seal in the back. He has a white band over his forehead that says “ Prince Jinki Day” with adorable hearts everywhere. He is also wearing ballers around his wrists with catchphrases like.


“ Keep calm and Daydream about a prince”


“ we love prince jinki”


“ I’ll get sleazy for prince jinki”


The last one made him bolt upright and Minho finally notices him. He gives him a confident smile and hands him an energy drink and a bottle of vitamin water.


“ chin up, this will be a long day.” He says and looks at himself in the mirror.


“ whoever came up with this? Remind me to stab him, ” Onew complains as he pushes the duvet out of his way and walks over to his study. He has no classes today and his perfect day for relaxation is trumped by this event.


“ it’s jonghyun, don’t worry, we got it covered. You will not get harassed.” He glared at Minho who is now busy looking at a schedule. “here you go, schedule of the day.”


Onew snatches it from him and quickly reads the content.


7:00- 8:00 am = assembly. Please wear proper attire, the official shirt please.

8:00- 9:00 = introductory speech by prince jinki ; remarks by the organizer, assembly for the parade

9:00 = start of the university parade

12= start of the games

3:00 = meet and greet (no picture taking!)

5 = pre registration for the party

7= bonfire party


His hands clutch the paper and as much as he knew that this day will be really productive. He can just imagine the stress this will place on the university police and his royal guards. It has been almost two months since the incident inside the tunnel. The media finally gave the story up as the palace reprimanded them. But the letters from the stalker did not stop. It escalated. Two letters a day.


More stolen pictures.


More promises to take Jinki away from the palace and make him a happy man. More assumptions that he will be happy with that said stalker. Onew believes in the notion that too much love can kill you but experiencing it first hand is too much for him. Which brings him to today’s importance.


It’s his official day.


It started when he first came to Lancelot and JOnghyun had the genius idea to make something like this.


“ It’s a charitable project!” was the first argument jonghyun laid down the table. That jerk, he knew onew could not say no when charity is involved. It’s practically one of his duties. Plus, a lot are willing to shed money. Not only students are allowed inside. Outsiders can come in as well, with an entrance ticket inside the school promises and must be cleared by the state’s police clearance.


A day that honors him. The stalker will surely be there. He just needs to keep his eyes open, perhaps he will be at the meet and greet, He has been reading the letter over and over again. Mimicking an investigator as he searches for clues. Maybe someone who talks like this will come.


“ hey! Stop reading those creepy letters! Your mood will be ruined.” Minho called out.


“ I have to, they are evidence, I have to find out who this person is.” He replies and heads towards the bathroom.


“ incase you forgot, you are a prince. You have a life here, don’t let that idiot make you live any different. Okay? ”


He says yes and turns the shower on to a cold one. These past months are amazing to say the least. Luckily, everyone at eagle does not hate him for having their security doubled. The school still says no to the cctv for the houses. Taemin is doing well in leavesdale and has a group of friends already. Jonghyun is still the star of Stanley and is starting his campaign to be the president next year. Minho is spending more time with Kangta, who is training him to be the ace member of the soccer team. Key is enjoying his days in the university and they are getting along. He thinks he knows Key, sometimes, he really does.


Being a coward at love, he refused to ask what Key meant in that closet months ago. He couldn’t bring himself to ask, the same reason why he can’t ask if he remembers him all those years ago. There is just something so personal about asking someone about how they feel. He should know. All those interviews, he answer them all – even the one about boxers and briefs. But he never lets anyone ask him if he has someone in his life. It was always a no-no in his interviews.


He does not usually his power for anything, but he only has one rule in any interview or feature. That no one asks about his personal life, about who he is dating. Unlike his brother who already has a steady girlfriend of 4 years.


“ hey! Are you drowning yourself?” Minho calls out and he turns off the water.


“ No! I will be out in a minute. ”


As he prepares himself, Jinu comes in and tells him what is expected. Apparently, today has a bigger turnout than the last two years. They are worried about him because of his “near-death” experience inside the tunnel. He hears the words he says but he cannot seem concentrate, cause Jinu is wearing a pink shirt that says “ my heart beats for prince jinki”.


“ what ? they no longer have shirts for men” Jinu says defensively,


“ what do you mean?” he asks.


“ I mean, you have more fanboys ” Jinu teases him and he ignores the smirk.


“ where is the master of this thing?” Onew exclaims and looks around for Jonghyun.


“ He is already at the grounds you know, busy setting things up. He loves this event, it’s his idea and he is good at it.” Minho says


“ Okay, let’s just get this over with. I feel like this will be the longest day of my life.” He huffs and he is guided by the royal guards and minho. He fights the urge to ask where Key is. He probably is in the grounds with Jonghyun. Or maybe, he finds this affair stupid and decided to bail on him.


He hopes it’s the former.


Not bad. He thinks. The grounds is transformed into an open-arena like concert grounds with a stage infront. His nevers suddenly kick in. He is used to speeches and he is good at it. But it’s different with this crowd. They all adore him, they expect him to be great in this and he cannot let them down. The crowd goes nuts as they spot Onew. But they are restrained and they just cheer and call out his name. he tried very hard to smile and wave politely.


“ hey golden boy!” jonghyun cheers.


“ this is amazing, you should be an event organizer.” He answers back.


“ so, im told. But this is just one of my many talents.” He says with a flourish and guides them backstage.


Onew follows and the crowd cheers him on. He feels like he is nothing special most of the time, he just happens to have a surname and a bloodline that is important to some. Other than that, nothing else. His name is called and he speaks up, saying thank you and telling everyone to enjoy. Flowers and other things are thrown his way, but nothing suspecting, really.


As he descends, Minho immediately walks over to him.


“ Hall is here.”


Hall. Since Minho is the only one who knows Key’s real identity, well, his identity in relation to Onew- they started using a nickname. It’s really grade-school stuff. Hallway guy, hall. But they get by. He tenses and looks around, but someone taps him and he is greeted with Key smiling at him. Not only that, he is wearing a pink shirt with Onew’s face printed on it.


“ where did you get that? That’s not on sale.” Minho asked.


“ oh, custom-made by me. I hate wearing what everyone else does.” He says and Onew cannot help but feel how surreal this is. The man of his dream is wearing a fan shirt for him. He knows this about Key, he always wants to stand out among everyone. The things he wears may not be that expensive, but it fits him well. Add the fact that he can create his own clothes.


What else can’t he do?


“ I like it, but I don’t thing the others will.” Minho comments.


“ don’t worry, I will be donating for the charity.” He quips and looks at onew, studying him. “ are you okay?”


Shaken out of his reverie, Onew turns to Key and makes an effort to look at the shirt like it’s something cheesy but fails.


“ why did you wear that?”


“ to blend in, plus- your face looks really good on fabric.” He smooths out his shirt and Onew wants to  run away now. Everytime key says something like this, as easy as how he does it. But to Onew, complimenting Key is way too hard cause he knows there is an underlying reason for it. He is afraid that a mere comment that says “ I like your shirt.” Will reveal what he really wants to tell “ I’ve been looking for you, for years now.” So he decides to do the easier thing and pretend that the conversation is over and allow jonghyun to whisk him away to other engagements.


The day wore on.


The parade was successful. No bombs went off.


The games were hilarious.


But the meet and greet was excruciating.


Onew looked at himself in the mirror and studied himself. It’s close to 7pm and the bonfire party is about to start. He readies himself by picking out his clothes with more consideration than usual. Minho is already ready and downstairs. Jonghyun is fresh as a rose. Taemin said he will come as well.


“ that looks nice”


He almost jumps because of that voice, only to find Key seated on his bed. Why did he not notice?


“ you should stop doing that, sneaking around and surprising me.” He says,


“ sorry, but the door was not locked. So I went in” he explained and stood up. “ that celebration is something, ”


“ yeah- it’s crazy-” he bites back and smooths his hair into something that looks styled. Key sees his predicament and comes closer. Getting the gel and placing it in his hands. His hands move in quick and fluid motions and Onew briefly wonders when did styling hair become this stimulating. Maybe it’s because of Key. Or maybe he is really a sadistic bastard who gets by the weirdest things.


“ you’re so tense.” Key whispers and the way his breath invaded his space is all to much. He wanted to step away, but his body is rooted to the ground.


“ yeah- it’s been a long day.” He answers lamely and Key finishes doing his hair. One wmust admit it’s exceptional work.


“ all those people cheering for you, it’s amazing you know.” Key smiles at him. A genuine smile.


“ it’s crazy, I mean-” he starts and think of words to say. “ As I said before, I am not that special. If I didn’t have this bloodline, they won’t even bother to look at me when I cross the street. It’s just the name.”


Key’s eyes widens at that and Onew shrugs as if to say ‘what?’


“ seen yourself lately?” He quips and Onew sighs.


“ no I mean, seriously, Onew. As a friend, you really think you are not good-looking?” there is a tone of disbelief in his voice and onew doesn’t know how to interpret that.


“ compared to Jungsu, I am nothing. Come on! Plus those actors and rockstars parading everywhere. I mean- it’s the sense of royalty and fairytale that attracts them to me.” He counters and fixes his top. He gets his wallet and Key is just staring at him, a smile playing on his lips.


“ I don’t know wheter to be amused or irritated at how you see yourself, ” he says and onew feels a bit braver.


“ why? How do you see me?”


The question clearly does not catch key off guard as he expected.


“ You are Lee Jinki, a brat I am supposed to protect. ” he smirks and Onew resists the urge to just grab him and scream at him. Tell him everything and see if his posture will be this proud. Thankfully, Jinu calls for them to get out and hurry up.


The bonfire party is packed, Onew can’t even recognize half of them. Plus the band playing is really really good. He is enjoying the music and the feel of everything. It’s not as crazy as it was in the morning. Everyone seems to be minding their own business. He spots Jonghyun close to the stage, doing organizing. Minho is talking to some girl and finally, he zeroes in on Key. He finds it almost unsettling at how his body seems so in tune with Key. Like his life is composed of two phases, Before meeting Key & After meeting Key.


He spends his days studying and doing his duties as a person but he always goes back to Key. Everything goes back to him. Every spare time, his mind drifts off to thoughts of him. This all-consuming feeling is unsettling him and as he walks towards him, Key catches his eyes and grins.


So worth it.


“ bartender now, really? Tell me, what can’t you do?” he asks as he approaches key as he mixes various drinks and handing them to people.


“ be a prince.” He answers back and Onew looks at the people, they seem to be enjoying the drink.


“ no, seriously, how do you know all this? Training?”


“ no. for someone who lived in different places, I pick up what they do. Their jobs, I study them. Plus, when I turned 16, I taught myself how to do various things that can make money. ” he explains and Onew is reminded of how different they are. From the outside, they look to be the same. Two college students who are trying to get a degree. But if you look inside, Key has more experience. His stomach lurches as he thinks about Key having ual experiences before. Although he knows it’s possible, he is gorgeous.


“ you want a drink?” key asks and he nods.


“ sure.


“ any requests?”


“ surprise me.” Is his response and he watches Key move his hands and arms in mixing the drink. He notices his arms, and oh god, when did he have such muscled arms? He means, defined arms. Probably joining jonghyun in his work-out obsession. He get a clear liquid, then some fruit juice looking thing. Pink liquid. Red. Then mixes it with crushed ice. He pours it on a frosted clear glass and hands it to him.


“ ta-dah!” he hands it to him, taking a sip.


“ it’s good,” Onew comments and drinks some more. “what’s it called?”


“ First Kiss.” He responds and Onew splutters. The ? Key grins at him and serves another bunch of people. He wants to ask, is the drink really called first kiss or is he trying to tell him something?


Sometimes he think Key remember it perfectly. But does not want to say it because they have a professional relationship going on as well. Or maybe, it’s his pride getting in the way.


He gazes at Key for some more minutes and he moves in the crowd. Someone is waving a hand over to him and he spots Taemin.


“ told you I’ll come.” He greets him.


“ yeah, thank you. I know you have a class the next day and, ”


“ it’s okay, my professor is a for making us have a make-up class on a Sunday morning. ” he complains and then pouts, onew taps his back.


“ so, what do you think?”


“ this is the coolest. It’s like those things, people do to honor rockstars. But this is something else, I have to tell jonghyun how-”


He continues to talk but Onew’s eyes is trained once more over to Key. He is still mixing drinks, his eyes in concentration. His hands and arms all practiced and controlled. His brows furrowed, as if mixing the drink needs that amount of attention. Taemin taps him.


“ who?” he asks but he follow onew’s line of sight.


“  oh! Onew, don’t tell me!” his voice is almost scolding, like a mother who is disappointed of his son’s choices. “ i thought jonghyun was just pulling my leg, but good god. YOU have the hots for your bodyguard.”


Onew tries to shush him and pull him to somewhere secluded but taemin just gives him the side-eye.


“ could you- it’s not like that!” he counters.


“ what do you mean it’s not like that? You’re looking like him, like- like- he’s some food you want to eat.”


Onew stares at him dumbfounded, he really should be more careful about this. He can do the hiding his emotions thing very well, but it seems like Key is immune to that talent.


“ I do not! I look at him just fine, and he’s-”


“ he is gorgeous. I know, Onew, I know. But this is a bad idea.”


For the first time, someone actually voices out his true concern. When he think about this, when he thinks about Key- all he feels is this fuzzy tingle in his entire body and it’s over. But now, with the logical taemin in the mix- he says the right thing. It is a bad idea. Not only does Key seem to forget about that night. He is also a palace employee. If something between them happens, he will get sacked. His scholarship will be pulled out.


No matter how pure his intentions are (not really) Key will be at the losing side. Didn’t he promise to save him? So why does it feel like he is sabotaging him by caring too much?


“ I know that Taemin, trust me. I know. ”


“ Onew, you are a good man and so is he. You know, now that i think about it. You kinda deserve each other in a weird way.” Taemin holds his hand, as a cue to tell him that he’s there and not an enemy. “ but it will not be good. This is the worst time onew. You have a stalker, the palace if having a huge anti drug campaign. You have university.”


“ When did you get smart?” Onew asks and Taemin punches him.


“ well, you fell pretty fast for this guy. You haven’t even known him for a year. ”


He knows it’s the time to tell taemin the truth.


“what are you not telling me?” he asks.


“ promise me, you will never tell anyone. Only you and minho knows this.”


Taemin studies him closely, not saying anything, just waiting for him to spill it out.


“ You remember dark hallway guy back in my highschool grad party? ”


Taemin’s look morphs from being stoic, then to interested and finally- shocked. Hsi eyes almost bulge out and Onew knows he is fighting a squee. He waits a moment for onew to say something, probably take it back and add something more. But they both know that is the only explanation they both need.


“ HO- ARE, OH. Onew, This is amazing!” He is taken aback by the reaction. Awhile ago, he was sure this is a bad idea, right?


“ Onew, this is like fate or whatever. The universe conniving to bring you two together. I mean, you are a real prince, but to have this fairytale.”


“ this is not a fairytale,” he chuckles.


“ well it is. You are the handsome and dashing prince. ” he starts and Onew laughs at that. “ Key is the commoner who you meet. Those guys that night are like, bad wolves. And the entire palace is the evil queen, standing between the two of you.”


It is supposed to be a joke but somehow it feels so real. This is what’s happening to them and he can’t change it.


“ does he know? Did you talk?”


“ No, i mean- i don’t think he remembers.” He responds sheepishly.


“ what do you mean? Drunk- college kids can remember when they kiss someone after a few days and who its. You two were perfectly sober that time.”


“ I know, I know. Sometimes, i feel like he knows it too or maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me.but like what you said, this is not a good time.”


They fall silent. Really. People tell you that once you love someone, everything will be fine. If you kissed, that would be better. But this love story is out of place. Out of time. This love is inconvenient but Onew refuses to believe that it’s wrong. As Shakespeare said, love has always been fickle. He is about to say something when a shrill cry breaks them out of their silence.


His eyes quickly dart towards where Key is, he is no longer there.


“ what’s that?” Taemin asks and we both head towards a building crowd. I make out a girl crying. She seems a little bit drunk, but sobered up because of her tears and the horror she saw.


“ what happened Yuna?” someone from rosewood asked.


“ SOMEONE IS DEAD! OVER THERE! BESIDE THAT TREE!” an audible gasp came out of almost everyone and Onew made his way towards the tree. The university police and two men from his royal guards followed as well.


“ what are you doing?” he hears someone mutter beside him, it’s key.


“ looking at what happened,” he states plainly.


“ you realize you are a prince right? You can just sit back and avoid this.”


“ so i’ve been told.”


They finally make it towards the tree. This tree is special, one of the oldest trees in this university. Closest to rosewood house. What greets his eyes almost made him want to vomit. Right there,  tied up in the tree with both his hands is a man. He is filled with blood, not sure if it is his. Onew is almost sure that he is dead. But not only that, right there on his chest is a note.


“a sacrifice for your day. –Yours truly ”


A hand grabs his and he is pulled into an embrace. Key’s embrace and this closeness that he craves does not comfort him right at the moment. His head is suddenly spinning. Who could possibly do this? Someone died because of him? The hold on him tightens and his senses are invaded with Key. He holds on and for the first time, he wraps his arms around him as well.


He doesn’t even realize he’s shaking and after all the shouts and screams, murmurs and the sound of siren all he hears is that whisper.


“i do care. I care about you." 



More explanations on the delay of my posting on the next chapter ~!! Yes, i posted two chapter updates ont he same day. Proceed to chapter five now! 

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i haven't gotten into it yet, but i am very fascinated so far! sounds like a great concept, and the introduction made me so curious~ can't wait to read more ^^
Chapter 9: So Key was in Paris all along?! XD

This is an amazing story and you’ve written it nicely :)
Chapter 8: I’m even surprised that he’s the stalket, I’ve kinda realised that he’s the bad guy since Jonghyun doesn’t like him from the time they met with no specific reason. It’s kinda the give away.
Chapter 7: Wait what? One second they’re confessing their love and making out then the next Key has resigned and has been kidnapped?!? O.O
Chapter 5: Almost Onkey . Damn that radio call is the ultimate er! XD
Chapter 2: Woah that was intense
aurorabby #7
Chapter 9: I love this story!!!!! The ending is good too. Thanks for writing it!
danicabozic #8
Chapter 9: Wow .... really the story is perfect, I like your way of writing. and this is one of the best stories I've ever read, the only thing I don't like is the end because you left it in half, I guess Onew should in that room to find Key but for example I'm a pessimist and I always think about the worst so I thought he'd find a dead Key or that Key will break up with him so that only the key objection to the story is the end, but otherwise the story is perfect. Thank you for writting
taopandalover #9
Why did i toke so long to find this awesome fic T^T loveeeee it ♡♡♡♡
I loved this sooo much. usually first person perspective make me cringe but THIS WAS AN EXCEPTION. You write very and oh my gosh I just loved it allllll!!!!!!!!!!!!! So great ( I'm a bit incoherent at the moment) thank you for thissss