The Entire Thing was Planned? (please read the author's note at the end!!!)

Black Rose Manor


L.Joe stood by the window glaring out it, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched the rain pour down to the leaf covered ground.

“Seriously, what the heck is going on?” hissed L.Joe, looking at the older Prince while his underlings sat on the ground glancing back and forwards at the two.

 Sungyeol sat on the couch silently with both Sungjong and Niel sleeping against his shoulders, signaling that their powers were finally being awoken after a long wait, Myungsoo stood by the boy who had been his lover before he vanished with the rest of the Red Rose and their supporters, wondering the same thing as the others:

What in the world is going on?

The older prince sighed, digging through his father’s books, looking through them, looking for the answers from the unanswered questions; he ignored all the questions that were shot his way. L.Joe glared at the older man in fury, resorting to pacing back and forwards, hating the fact that they…he had to wait like this, he sighed as he came to a stop and looked over the group of twenty-two who all were doing different things while he just stood there thinking about one person…his past lover before all this horrible stuff happened, before he got involved with the girls from past times.

He sighed again, “Seriously, Jaehyo, what is going on?”

He looked at the younger and said one thing, “Even I don’t know the whole story…It just doesn’t make sense…”

“What doesn’t?” I asked, looking at him.

“The fact that my story and the story Sungyeol told me doesn’t match up…” said Jaehyo, continuing to read through his father’s books with his six fellow Red Rose members, “Has anyone found anything?”

Five of the six replied with no’s while the one continued to read.

“Zico?” called Jaehyo, glancing at the younger male from where he was reading his book.

“I might have…” said Zico, handing the book to Jaehyo, who skimmed over the entry, blocking out everyone else’s curious gazes.

“This doesn’t really help, however it does give us a clue as to why he did this…” said Jaehyo.

“Why did he do this?” asked a boy who had been quiet to this point in time.

Jaehyo looked at him, “Well…Changjo is it? He did this to make the empire start a new era…one that would be much more peaceful than the last…”

“So in other words, all of this is just to restore balance between the two organizations?” said L.Joe, Jaehyo nodded, “There has to be a greater picture…otherwise he would’ve let you know if they were dead or not…”

“There is a bigger one…” said the shortest of the seven members of the Red Rose, “I found his last journal entry…”

“Taeil, by last do you mean the last he wrote before he…” asked Jaehyo, his face showing his sorrow.

Taeil nodded, “By last I mean the last.”

They looked at him in shock, Jaehyo took the book from the older male’s hand and ready the entry out loud, well, he read what was left of the entry, “Today was probably the hardest day of my life, not only because I know that this is my last, but because I had to seal away the demon inside Chunji and I had to tell Jaehyo that Chunji had passed away…just to get him to believe that Chunji is dead…to protect the younger boy who has been suffering from an incurable illness since his mother passed away three years ago…the illness won’t kill him, however if it gets bad enough, it can. I really hope my plan will work…I hope that they will manage to take back control of our people and land…and I really hope that peace will be found in our land once again…I’m positive that once Jaehyo and the others find out about this plan they’ll be completely and utterly confused, however, they need to…They need to be kept in the dark, which is why I sealed away not only Chunji’s powers but his memories too…so even if they wake him up, they won’t know what the truth behind this plan is because not even Chunji knows of the plan, unlike you all who have been informed about parts of the plans, he’s been informed about none of it…Jaehyo, if you are reading this, I’m sorry, but this plan is none of your business, it’s something you should not be concerned about…focus on getting your brother back, because this is the turning point…if they keep him in their custody, then it’s all over for you and your followers…Also, talk to the three hidden roses who will tell you all more about my death and about how to truly wake up your brother, where ever he is at…however, you’ll have to find them first…they’ll know exactly where the Black Rose is keeping Chunji, trust me, not even the Black Roses’ sons know of this hidden cavern…”

“Is that it?” asked L.Joe, looking at the prince, as did everyone else.

He nodded, “That’s it, there are no clues as to who these three roses are and on top of that, he never told me about these three roses…”

“Are they people or books?” asked Woohyun from where he stood, in deep thought, “If they are people, I have a good idea of where we can start....”


[Chunji’s PoV]

I groaned in pain, rolling onto my side, rubbing one of my temples with and oddly sore hand, I groaned as I rolled over onto my back, only to groan again as I rolled onto my side again. Why did it feel like I was hit by a bus? I hissed in pain as I opened my eyes and light shone brightly into my eyes, temporarily blinding me. My eyes started to water from where the light was making them burn. I quickly wiped the tears from my eye, looking at them in confusion. I then glanced around, only to realize that I was not in my room anymore.

“I see that you are finally up…Prince Chunji,” said a deep voice that sounded oddly familiar, as my name came out of his mouth I winced as my head grew stronger and stronger, making it so I could barely see and making it feel like my head was splitting in half, something inside me stirred and I knew something was happening that either I didn’t know about or I didn’t remember.

I hissed out in pain as the man, whose face I’ve seen before, walked closer.

“Do you not remember me young master?” hissed the muscular man with a beast like appearance.

 I looked at his face as he stared down at me with fire in his eyes. I thought and thought about whom it was, “Taecyeon?” 


Hey, I'm reposting this finally...I'm sorry it took so long...I've just been busy with school, plus I've been going out of town constantly because the two weeks before this my grandpa had been in the hospital on his death bed...However, he passed away Friday night, and his funeral is this coming Friday, so yeah...Anyways, my Spring break starts April 6th and ends April 14th, so please be planning on quite a few updates then! I'll be updating some, but I can garentee that, that is when this fanfic will come to it's end along with two of my other fanfics, one of which is an apply fic that has been going on since August. Anyways, I'll repost the other chapter(s) that were lost and then I'll post the new chapter! Anyways, I'll see you all again soon, and soon it'll be with a brand new chapter! 

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authorim you're the best...

added as one of my favorite chunjoe writers..
This is FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!! It gave me goosebumps and chills and EXCITEMENT!! I love how you write these fics! XD
<3 this was an amazing story ^.^ :D
Wahh!!! Its finished??? :O The ending was so sweet~~ xDD Congratulations! <33
This story was EPIC!..I almost cried at the end of the battle.
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I thought little Channie was dead seriously and he left Hunnie alone.... But that's seriously tense though..... I'm glad it's a happy ending..... After all, they won and everybody is saved from now on.... It makes me so happy to know....
Anyway, thanks for finishing it~~~~ I really always love the epilogue the most~~~ It's so cute~~~~ Good to read that little Channie and Hunnie were both recovering~~~ That's a relief~
Anyway, I'm looking forwards to reading Club Ranada~~~~ Wow~~~ So excited~~
Lacyel #8
Ahhh it came out as soon as I commented! Woot! Can't wait for your next story. Love how this turned out (: Shoooo cute!