Puppets to the Black Rose

Black Rose Manor


“So who exactly are you suspecting one of the roses to be?” asked Jaehyo.

“I’m not suspecting him to be one, I know he’s one,” Said Woohyun, smiling, “He’s a precious hyung of mine who has actually been watching over Sungyeol, Sungjong, Niel, and Chunji this whole time. He knows about me being a demon, he knew right off the bat that we all were one, so he befriended the four, fearing that we were enemies to them.”

“So in other words it’s one of their friends?” said Myungsoo.

Woohyun nodded, smiling, “It is…”

“Sunggyu-hyung…” said Sungyeol suddenly, “its Sunggyu-hyung, isn’t it?”

Woohyun nodded, “He’s the leader of the “hidden” roses and the most knowledgeable…he’s how I knew about you all and Chunji, however, I met up with him earlier today and he told me his home has been attacked by someone with the name of Chansung…He also told me that the man had the symbol of the Black Rose on his forearm…”

“So in other words, the Black Rose knows about the hidden roses too?” asked Dongwoo.

Woohyun nodded, “All three of them have gone into hiding…Sunggyu has told me the location of the youngest of the three and he requested that we protect him…”

“Why?” asked Jaehyo.

“Because like your father said, they have knowledge that will allow us to win this…” said Woohyun, “If we just throw them away, we have no hope in winning this…and we also give the enemy the chance to attack us with our own knowledge…”

Jaehyo nodded, “So, where is he?”

“He’s three hours away from here…” said Woohyun, “However, if we find him, he’ll be able to lead us to the others, and then we’ll eventually get to Sunggyu, who knows more about your family’s past than you do.”

Jaehyo looked at Woohyun and sighed, but nodded, “Alright, you all can go look for him…I’m going to stay here…Sure enough you are capable enough to go find him by yourself, after all if Sunggyu trusts you enough to be a ‘precious’ hyung to you, the other’s will trust you too.”

“We can’t just send him out there alone…” said Sungyeol, “You heard what he said, the Black Rose is after them and there is no way a single demon can take on most likely numerous mature demons…”

“Fine then, you go with him,” Said Jaehyo, looking at Sungyeol, “You are stronger than the Black Rose members, even in this half developed state…So, if we send the two of you off you’ll be well off against one of the members…”

“Fine, I’ll go too hyung,” Said Sungyeol, smiling at the older prince as he made both Niel and Sungjong rest comfortably against the arm rests.

“If he’s going I’ll go too…” said Myungsoo, looking at Sungyeol, who automatically looked away, looking at Woohyun who shook his head at the now awkward couple.

“Alright…Just to be sure you all are safe, I’ll send Zico and Kyung with you two…” said Jaehyo, “Don’t come back until you have all three with you, ok?”

The five nodded and vanished.

“What are we to do now?” asked L.Joe, looking at the leader.

Jaehyo sighed, “You all are free to do what you like, after all most of the people here  are under your command…As for right now U-Kwon, B-Bomb, Taeil, P.O., and I will be here in the study reading the rest of the journals to see if we can find anything else about the King’s Plan…”

L.Joe nodded, “I’ll leave two people here to assist you, to make up for the two who left to help look for the hidden roses…”

“Alright.” Said Jaehyo, taking a stack of the journals and sitting in a recliner, reading the story of his father’s life, the others all sat around the room on the floor with stacks of books piled up around them.

“Minsoo, Dongjun, you two stay here…” said L.Joe, walking to the door that lead into the manor’s living room, “The rest of you come out here…”

The others all nodded and followed the Prince of the Black Rose into the living room; the last person out of the study closed the door so that they wouldn’t disturb those who were in the room. They all then sat down on the couches and chairs in the room while L.Joe took his spot by the window again, looking out at the falling rain.

“What do you want us to do hyung?” asked one of the twins, Kwangmin, the younger of the two.

“I want you and Youngmin to track the Black Roses movements, take Jeongmin and Hyunseong with you and make sure they don’t sense you guys, otherwise it could mean trouble, not only for you, but us here in the manor as well.” Said L.Joe, the four nodded and vanished, the boy then turned his attention to the other four that were remaining in the room, “I have no orders for you as of right now, so just relax until I do, ok?”

The four nodded, happily taking the orders without complaint, “Alright.”

L.Joe then looked back out the window, resting his forehead against the freezing glass, looking out the window in worry and longing for his lover, who he hope would remember him when the older returned to the manor where everyone was waiting. The boy gasped as he felt the strong connection again, he grasped the fabric of his shirt over where his heart was.

“L.Joe, are you ok?” asked Dongwoo, a look of concern crossing over his face.

“Yeah...I’m fine…” said L.Joe, looking at the older male, “The bond just opened up again…”

“You mean…”

“Chunji, the old Chunji we all knew, has woken up…” said L.Joe, a smile crossing his lips as he thought about his lover finally recognizing him again.


Meanwhile, out in the rain, the five sent out to find the hidden roses appeared in front of a cave. Woohyun lead the other four towards the mouth of the cave happily.

“Are you sure this is where he’s at?” asked Sungyeol, raising his voice a little bit so it could be heard through the rain.

Woohyun nodded, “This is where Sunggyu-hyung told me to go, so it has to be the right place…there is no way Sunggyu would lie to me.”

“Are you sure hyung?” asked Sungyeol.

Woohyun nodded, “I know Sungyeol, Sunggyu and I have known each other for far longer than you know…so, of course he wouldn’t lie…”

“Guys…we have company…” said Zico, stepping forward and glaring at the male in front of the group.

The male looked like he was processed, fire was burning in his eyes and he looked lifelessly at the group of five.

“Chansung-hyung…” said Myungsoo shocked, “Why are you like this?”

The male stayed silent, clamping his fists shut.

“Myungsoo?” said Sungyeol, he looked at his lover, seeing that he looked confused and hurt, “Woohyun?”

“Are you siding with them?” asked Myungsoo, who glared at the older male who used to care for him when he was younger.

“He’s not him normal self…it seems as though he’s being controlled…” said Woohyun, who had the ability to slip into other people’s minds for a second or two, which actually allowed to control his enemies movements in battle for a little bit, he then spoke again in a panicked voice, “I can’t access the part of his brain to control him…”

“So in other words, he is a puppet to L.Joe’s father?” said Zico.

Woohyun nodded, saying, “It seems so…”

“So if he’s like this does this mean the other five are too?” asked Myungsoo, looking at Woohyun who returned his panicked gaze.

“If so, Chunji’s in horrible danger, even if he’s awake…” whispered Woohyun; however the whisper was lost in the sound of the pouring rain and a crack of thunder.


[Chunji’s PoV]

I looked at the man in horror as he stepped closer to my weak body, he reached out and I squirmed a bit, trying to get out of his hold. However, he gripped onto my neck tighter, making me gasp out for breath, only to feel a little panicked because I couldn’t breathe at all.

“TAECYEON!” snapped a familiar voice, Taecyeon and I looked at the doorway seeing another previous servant to my family, however, this one is much more innocent, “Snap out of it!”

The taller boy didn’t listen and tightened his grip even more, making me hold his wrist in both of mine, trying to get him to loosen up his hold while squirming a little bit. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, seeing that he wasn’t going to let me down anytime soon I had to resort to using my powers to control his brain and movements, however, no matter how hard I tried to gain control over him, I couldn’t however, I did breach one of his thoughts, which was:

Taecyeon get a hold of yourself, otherwise you really will be the monster everyone calls you…You already killed the king while being under HIS control, fight it, because you can’t kill the young prince also, or else you’ll be killed too!


Please read the author's note of the previous chapter!!! 

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authorim you're the best...

added as one of my favorite chunjoe writers..
This is FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!! It gave me goosebumps and chills and EXCITEMENT!! I love how you write these fics! XD
<3 this was an amazing story ^.^ :D
Wahh!!! Its finished??? :O The ending was so sweet~~ xDD Congratulations! <33
This story was EPIC!..I almost cried at the end of the battle.
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I thought little Channie was dead seriously and he left Hunnie alone.... But that's seriously tense though..... I'm glad it's a happy ending..... After all, they won and everybody is saved from now on.... It makes me so happy to know....
Anyway, thanks for finishing it~~~~ I really always love the epilogue the most~~~ It's so cute~~~~ Good to read that little Channie and Hunnie were both recovering~~~ That's a relief~
Anyway, I'm looking forwards to reading Club Ranada~~~~ Wow~~~ So excited~~
Lacyel #8
Ahhh it came out as soon as I commented! Woot! Can't wait for your next story. Love how this turned out (: Shoooo cute!