The Confusion is Cleared a Bit

Black Rose Manor



[Chunji’s PoV]

I looked at the man in horror as he stepped closer to my weak body, he reached out and I squirmed a bit, trying to get out of his hold. However, he gripped onto my neck tighter, making me gasp out for breath, only to feel a little panicked because I couldn’t breathe at all.

“TAECYEON!” snapped a familiar voice, Taecyeon and I looked at the doorway seeing another previous servant to my family, however, this one is much more innocent, “Snap out of it!”

The taller boy didn’t listen and tightened his grip even more, making me hold his wrist in both of my hands, trying to get him to loosen up his hold while squirming a little bit. I opened and closed my mouth like a fish, seeing that he wasn’t going to let me down anytime soon I had to resort to using my powers to control his brain and movements, however, no matter how hard I tried to gain control over him, I couldn’t however, I did breach one of his thoughts, which was:

Taecyeon get a hold of yourself, otherwise you really will be the monster everyone calls you…You already killed the king while being under HIS control, fight it, because you can’t kill the young prince also, or else you’ll be killed for sure!


“Taecyeon, put the young prince down!” hissed the male, I looked at him through the black and red mist that was taking over my vision, looking at him for help as I tried to take air into my burning lungs, I pleaded him to help me with my eyes, “Taecyeon, snap out of it!”

The man looked at the other with fire burning in his eyes, his gripped tightened and I felt tears prick my eyes as I let my arms fall down to my side. My head dropped since I had no strength left in me now. The man standing in the door way glanced at me in worry and then walked towards me and the man who was trying to strangle me and was succeeding.

“Taecyeon, let him go or else I’ll have to take drastic measures, which we both don’t want to happen…” said the man, stepping even closer, the taller man who had ahold of me looked at the one stepping closer, “You’re strong and you can break out of his control, after all, Junho and Woohyun, the two with the weakest minds, and the ones you’d never expect to do it, broke out of his mind…”

The man’s grip around my neck weakened, but soon grew stronger, then weakened again, however his hold came back stronger than ever and I began to coke silently, the shorter man had saw it and ran, all I know is that I heard a thud, my vision had been consumed by the black and red dots and I had gained the feeling of the floor under my feet and knees again, I groaned, my head was throbbing worse than it was before.

I jumped, feeling a hand on my shoulder as my vision finally cleared, I looked up, over my shoulder, seeing the man from before, he smiled at me warmly and helped me onto my feet, despite the protests from my shaking legs, I looked at him and smiled back at him.

“Are you ok?” asked the man, “Young master?”

I nodded, groaning a bit again, “Who are you?”

I rubbed one of my temples with my free arm since my other was being held onto by him, since he was afraid that I’d collapse if he let go, which was partically true.

“Young master, you don’t remember me? The person who was taking care of you all the time while your parents and brother were out?” said the man, his voice holding a hint of sadness in it.

I scrunched up my face as pain shot through my skull, causing my legs to buckle, the man automatically caught me, placing a hand behind my back and underneath my knees, picking me up, I looked at him and got a good look at his face finally.

“J-Junsu hyung?”

The man smiled and my vision soon was consumed by the black dots again, however I relaxed, knowing I was in safe hands.


[L.Joe’s PoV]

I paced back and forth in front of the window, letting out a long drawn out sigh…I looked out the window again, seeing that a mysterious fog was falling over the land outside, I knew something was going wrong and it was irking me that I couldn’t go out and help search for Chunji because I’m under Jaehyo’s orders.

I suddenly felt some one’s hands on my shoulders, “Stop it you’re making me dizzy…”

“I can’t Dongwoo…” I said, “It’s either I pace or I follow the bond and go to Chunji…”

He sighed, “Have you told Jaehyo about the bond reawakening yet?”

I shook my head, “Not yet…”

“He should know…” said Dongwoo.

“What should who know?” asked a voice from behind the two of us, we spun around and faced the older prince who seemed like he was going to get some rest, he looked exhausted.

“The bond has reawakened…” I said, looking at him, only to see him angrily pull at his hair.

“How is this possible? The bond is supposed to reawaken with his powers, but that’s not possible, because they were sealed away by my father years ago…” said Jaehyo.

I nodded, looking at the older prince, who looked as confused as I felt right now.

“AISHI!” Yelled the older prince, making Dongwoo and I jump from how unexpected that was, “Why isn’t anything fitting together!?”

“How should I know, I wasn’t with your father when he came up with this crap!” I said, ruffling my hair, this really is too confusing.


[3rd Person PoV]


“He’s not him normal self…it seems as though he’s being controlled…” said Woohyun, who had the ability to slip into other people’s minds for a second or two, which actually allowed to control his enemies movements in battle for a little bit, he then spoke again in a panicked voice, “I can’t access the part of his brain to control him…”

“So in other words, he is a puppet to L.Joe’s father?” said Zico.

Woohyun nodded, saying, “It seems so…”

“So if he’s like this does this mean the other five are too?” asked Myungsoo, looking at Woohyun who returned his panicked gaze.

“If so, Chunji’s in horrible danger, even if he’s awake…” whispered Woohyun; however the whisper was lost in the sound of the pouring rain and a crack of thunder.

The five looked at each other, only to be woken from their trances when Sungyeol was suddenly flung far back. Myungsoo looked back at his lover in worry to see blood streaming down the older male’s face from where he hit his head on a rock.

“Are you ok?” yelled Myungsoo over the pouring rain.

Sungyeol nodded and stood up, joining the group again as a growl rang through the tunnel they stood in front of. The five looked at each other in panic, seeing the monstrous puppet Chansung heading into the tunnel; they all took off running after him, knowing that the puppet could easily kill the boy in the tunnel in this state.  

“This isn’t good…” said Zico.

They ran farther into the tunnel and their night senses kicked on, they continued deep, deep into the cave, only to find the campsite completely empty when they got there. Woohyun, Myungsoo, and Sungyeol looked around in worry.

“Do you think Chansung got him?” whispered Woohyun, looking at the fire pit where Zico and Kyung were crouched down at.

“It’s impossible, this fire pit hasn’t been used for a good three days…Which means, the hidden roses have to migrate for their own safety…” said Zico, standing up from where he observed the fire pit.

“What do we do now,” Asked Woohyun, looking at the others, biting his thumb in worry, not about the hidden rose that was supposed to be here, but his Sunggyu-hyung?

“We go back to the house and wait…” said Zico, “I know that none of you want to go back and sit around, but we have to tell Jaehyo that no one was here…”

The others nodded and they vanished only to reappear in the house in front of L.Joe and Jaehyo, who both looked at them with wide eyes.

“Why are you home?” asked Jaehyo.

“The hidden rose left the cave we went to three days ago, we don’t know their whereabouts…” said Sungyeol, reporting the situation, “What are we going to do now, your majesty?”

Jaehyo fell to his knees and punched the floor countless times out of anger and confusion.

“Jaehyo-hyung?” whispered Sungyeol, looking at the older demon in worry.

“Nothing is making sense to me anymore…I don’t know what to do anymore…” whimpered Jaehyo, “Sungyeol and I were told different stories…father’s journals said that Chunji’s powers aren’t supposed to awaken like the bond because both were sealed away before father’s death…and then the book say something about the Hidden roses staying in one place and now they’ve all moved…nothing is matching up…”

“Hyung…maybe all of this is a trick…” said Woohyun, everyone’s head shot up and looked at him, “Maybe all of this was set up just in case the Black Rose has been following us…What if there is another group we don’t know about that knows the truth and that is where the hidden roses have gone…”

“That could be possible…” said Sungyeol suddenly, “Now that I think back to the day of your father’s death, Junsu-hyung was actually the last one with the King…it wasn’t me nor Jaehyo, but Junsu-hyung and from what I know Junsu-hyung is still alive.”

Jaehyo looked at the boy, “Believe it or not Sungyeol, but that is what I think is actually going on here…it’d explain why nothing is going together at all on our side…”

“It’d also explain why I can’t feel the bond with Chunji anymore…” said L.Joe, everyone looked at him in shock.

“You can’t feel it anymore?” said Jaehyo.

L.Joe nodded, “I felt it for a good while, but I could feel the distance between the two of us increase and now, I can’t even feel him at all; however, one thing I can fell now is that he’s with someone safe and with someone we all know and love really well.”


Chapter Summary:

Chunji is freed from Taecyeon's grasp by the old servant and right hand man to the King, Junsu who was also Chunji's care taker when the boy was younger. 

Woohyun, Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Zico, and Kyung discover that Sunggyu and the other two Hidden Roses have migrated into a safe place outside of the town limits. When they go back to the manor, they talk to Jaehyo and L.Joe and they all find out that this confusion was created by none other than the King, since this was apart of the plans the man had made before the his death. They all discover that they are supposed to be a diversion for the Black Rose while Junsu and the other hidden Red Rose members and the Hidden Roses help Chunji start preparations to take down the Black Rose members and their followers, once and for all.


If you are still confused, please ask me questions via Private message or comment, once again, please don't just say you are confused. Also, the confusion should be cleared with the next chapter, or so I hope it is...Anyways, I'll see you all again with the next Chapter or with answers to your all's questions! 

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authorim you're the best...

added as one of my favorite chunjoe writers..
This is FABULOUSLY AWESOME!!!! It gave me goosebumps and chills and EXCITEMENT!! I love how you write these fics! XD
<3 this was an amazing story ^.^ :D
Wahh!!! Its finished??? :O The ending was so sweet~~ xDD Congratulations! <33
This story was EPIC!..I almost cried at the end of the battle.
ILoveYou_Forever #7
I thought little Channie was dead seriously and he left Hunnie alone.... But that's seriously tense though..... I'm glad it's a happy ending..... After all, they won and everybody is saved from now on.... It makes me so happy to know....
Anyway, thanks for finishing it~~~~ I really always love the epilogue the most~~~ It's so cute~~~~ Good to read that little Channie and Hunnie were both recovering~~~ That's a relief~
Anyway, I'm looking forwards to reading Club Ranada~~~~ Wow~~~ So excited~~
Lacyel #8
Ahhh it came out as soon as I commented! Woot! Can't wait for your next story. Love how this turned out (: Shoooo cute!