Chapter 4

Office romance

I changed the story a lot, so if this isnt ur first time reading this, pls reread the first 3 chapters, or else this wouldnt make sense



When Seokjin first mentioned the party he was throwing in his house, Jimin was thrilled. Being a working dad had immensely narrowed his social circle and besides Taehyung, his closest friend/co-worker was Seokjin. The guy was nice, charming and had the self-confidence and the looks of a Greek god so Jimin liked him form the get go. He really wanted to go to the party, mainly to finally see the guy Jin was dating, but there was one huge obstacle named Min Yoongi. Apparently, Jin's boyfriend was some rich CEO from a company Min Yoongi was interested for a long time and since Seokjin was literally the only person who didn't hate the CEO and knew about his business plans, he suggested him to come as well.

Since their conversation that night Jimin didn't know how to feel about the CEO. He felt bad for him but at the same time the CEO behaved just as bad and rudly as he did before so at the same time Jimin didn't feel bad at all. He was confused and the last thing he wanted to do was to see him outside work. The CEO, on the other hand, behaved as if the whole thing never happened. Nothing changed in his behavior towards Jimin and it confused him even more.

He tried to decline Jin's invitation but soon realized that it wasn't exactly an "invitation" but more of an "order", so he had no choice but to cancel his original plan of going home, playing with Yujin and then falling asleep in front of the TV. The perfect night for a dad.

"Miss Ahn showed as the sun and she said that it's thiiiiiiiiiiiiis big!" Yujin cutely stretched her arms trying to show her dad how big the sun was.

"Oh, really?" asked Jimin trying to sound very surprised.

"Yes! It's even bigger than the elephant we saw last week with uncle Tae!" added Yujin cutely nodding her head.

She was too cute for Jimin's pure heart. He hugged her tightly, before tucking her under the blanket again and reading her a story form her favorite book. It was his favorite part of the day. He loved spending time with her even if it was short.

Making sure that she was sound asleep, he kissed her forehead and closed the door to the bedroom. The party was in an hour. He needed to get dressed.



Jin's boyfriend was definitely far from his expectations. The awkward, clumsy boy who blushed every 10 seconds around Jin was not the self-assured, snob 4th generation millionaire Jimin imagined him to be. He was really happy to see his friend with someone who clearly loved him. 

His conversation with Jin's boyfriend came to a halt when Jin introduced Min Yoongi to his boyfriend. Jimin excused himself and went to talk with Jin's old friend from collage who he knew from Jin's birthday party last year. 

The party was going smoothly. Everyone managed to find someone to talk to and even the "ice lizard" as the office liked to call him behind his back, was talking with someone on the far corner. He was talking business again. Seemed it was all the man could talk about. Kinda sad, really.

Jimin was chugging down his 5th cup of beer and soju. In his younger years, Jimin was known for his high alcohol tolerance. He could chug a whole bottle in one go, however the changes in his life had somehow affected his drinking skills and he got drunk way sooner than he planned too. Beer was fine, soju was fine too, beer and soju together? Now that called for a disaster.

Jimin was pretty drunk when he went out to the balcony to sober up a bit. He couldn't go home like that. Yujin would probably be asleep but he would rather avoid any tiny chance of her seeing him -faced drunk. Her daughter thought her dad was the best person in the whole world and he wanted to keep that illusion as long as he could.

It took Jimin 20 seconds in the fresh air to even notice that there was someone else in the balcony sitting on the other corner. Min Yoongi.

"What are you doing here, boss?" asked Jimin clearly still not sober enough.

A sober Jimin would just leaft the balcony as soon as he saw the CEO. He was way smarter than this Jimin.

The CEO ignored him still playing with his phone in his hands. 

"Aren't you gonna answer me?"

Again a sober Jimin would behave wisely and ignore this, a drunk Jimin on the other hand behaved stupidly and got angry.

"Hey, I'm talking with you!" nearly shouted Jimin approaching the couch the CEO was on with less than steady legs.

"And I'm ignoring you. I thought it was obvious," calmly said the CEO not even bothering to look at Jimin.

"What the is your problem?! Why are you like this?!"

Yeah, drunk Jimin definitely wasn't the smart one.

"Please leave, you reek of alcohol," again the CEO didn't even bother to look at him.

"And you reek of ."

Again, the drunk Jimin was way behind the sober Jimin who was good at trash-talk.

Jimin was on his way to leave the balcony so to imply to the CEO it was because of his "" scent, but then he heard his boss mumble under his breath:

"And to think an alcoholic like you is raising a child."

Jimin entire body came to a halt. He sobered up in an instant. He felt a slight buzzing in his ears, suddenly everything went quiet and all he could hear was his quick heartbeat. 

"Min Yoongi, you are heartless, rude, big-headed, tactless, unlovable monster. You know what we all call you in the office? We call you an "ice lizard" because that's what you are- a vile waste of a human being. You are a lonely and pathetic person who brings everyone else down so that you won't be the only miserable one. Newsflash , you are still the most miserable. I pity you."

With these words Jimin left the balcony, not noticing how hard the CEO was clenching his phone in his hands during his whole speech.

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Sindy17 #1
Chapter 6: I am really loving how the story is goin ahead^_^
po9oo9 #2
Chapter 1: I'm excited. This sounds really funny