I'm just a look-a-like? (aka. Tell me Why?)

___’s POV

I slowly opened my eyes…Where am I? I was tied up on a chair, I looked around the unfamiliar environment… then I heard some voices…I was shocked…it’s infinite!!

Dongwoo: “Hey! Finally woke up ha~~” *smirks*

Sunggyu: “Why did we kidnap her anyways?”

Hoya: “what more hyung… revenge…” *made a duh-obviously-face*


…Revenge?? What did I do? ... My life … I kept getting blame for things that I don’t even know of… am I a bad person that makes god want to punish me like this?

My tears threaten to fall, but I didn’t want to look weak in front of them, so I held them back… in my mind I only had one thought… ZICO… god, if you hear me please tell ZICO that I love him… and please help him find a lover that could replace the pain Gyuri-sshi caused him… with all my heart… I just want him to be happy… to be in love…again…

END OF ___’s POV



We ran quickly as possible to Zico’s house… we found him sitting on the couch with his hands grabbing his hair, his head looking down at the floor, and … we heard whimpering… The mighty Zico is …crying…

PO: “Hyung! Are you ok? What Happened?” *sat next to Zico and hugged him*

U-KWON: “Jiho… you have to tell us what happened…we have to hurry and find ___...”

ZICO: “…” he sniffs a few times to stop his tears … “we had a fight… then she ran out… I found her phone on the ground next to an infinite badge…” he pointed to the phone and badge on the coffee table…

B-BOMB: “Infinite has her?!?!” he almost got a heart attack

KYUNG: “We have to hurry…but where could they be?”

TAEIL: “ok. Thanks” he ended a phone call “I found out where they are”

PO: “How do you possible know where they are hyung?”

TAEIL: “I know some people” he made a ‘proud’ face “now hurry… we got some kicking to do”

U-KWON: *bend down to Zico’s eye level* “Who are we? WE ARE BLOCK B!! Now get on your feet and prepare for the fight of your life” *smirk*

ZICO: *small smile*“I can’t let love slip away from me again…let’s go!! We are BLOCK B!!”



___’s POV

L: “can’t we just finish this quickly? I want to go home and sleep” *yawn*

Hoya: “Patient. I want to have some fun first” *looks at me and smirks*

Woohyun: “Hey baby~~ remember us?” he lifted my chin to make eye contact with me “…that Zico… he have really good taste in girls…first Gyuri, now you… but the ending will still be the same...” his eyes was really ‘dark’ with hatred… I can see that in their minds… all they have is revenge…

…what did he meant by the same ending? …do they know something about Gyuri’s death?

___: “What do you know about Gyuri-sshi?” I demanded an answer

Dongwoo: “Oh!! We have a fearless one don’t we? That makes things more interesting!!”*evil grin*

Woohyun: “Oh sweetheart~~ your lovely boyfriend didn’t tell you the story about his first love?”

I turned my head away trying to pretend that I didn’t give a damn about this… but I think they noticed…

Woohyun: “Well… let me tell you a story before we have some fun together” he took a chair and sat in front of me… before he could begin talking, another member spoke


Sunggyu: “Aish!! Long story short” he pushed Woohyun out of the way and looked in my eyes with all kinds of hatred “Some gang rapped Zico’s girlfriend, she couldn’t take the pain I guess… that’s why she suicide”… his made his hands into a fist “then Zico took out his anger on us… we luckily survived… but 2 of our members was so badly injured… they are still in a coma for 2 F**KING YEARS!!...now we are taking revenge on his 2ndlove… you”


I should be paying attention to them… but I can’t pull my thoughts away… all I can think about was …Someone RAPPED HER??


Woohyun: “Hyung~~” he whined “why didn’t you let me tell the story?” *pouted*

Sunggyu: *roll his eyes* “I don’t have much time, now let’s have some fun shall we…” he walked close to me, lifted my chin and kissed me…

My eyes was widen… I tried struggling, but couldn’t…he was too strong and I was tied up…his tongue entered my mouth; leaving his saliva behind…he pulled away and continued leaving hickeys on my neck…

Woohyun: “Hyung~~” he shouted again “I wanted first turn” *pouts again*

Sunggyu ignored him and continued kissing me… my tears fell… he looked in my eyes again… this time, his eyes were pain and… ‘sorry?’ He kissed my tears away…he looked like he had no choice but to get his revenge this way… he looked like he was sorry… is this the only way to erase their hatred?”

END OF ___’s POV



As I promised I updated another chapter~~ Comment/Subscribe/Both/Feedbacks <3<3

U-KWON: “a round of applause for the lazy writer…who gave me so less lines” *pouts*

ME: “Anniya~~ you know I love you” *kissy face*

ZICO: “Hey!! How about me??” *Jealous*

ME: -.- “You already have like hundreds of readers as your girlfriend…you should be happy”

U-KWON: “Yeah!! WRITER LIKES ME BEST” *mohrong*

-----------------------Fighting for my honor (…in my dreams XD)----------------------

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Chapter 23: Hey!!!! New reader and subscriber PLZ update soon~~
luvbrowniz #2
Update sooooon!!!!!!
I will try... But since I lost all direction for this story ... It might make no more sense in the end ... Thanks for the comment >.<
Monkeybread0609 #4
Please updaye
I hope to see Block b's smile again ~~ supportsupport :D
choconilla #6
I am supporting the boys. They really are having a hard time. I hope zico came back fast. Aww,why cant stay with block b? :(
@musicbox1314: great... Now everyone knows your my sister-.-
You just HAD to add me in the end of ur fic.....
- Your Sister
choconilla #9
It is not a ridiculous fic! More drama,yes! Zico's dad way da go for keeping this fic more longer :)
@elilovehana: really? i thought its getting really boring XP thanks for the support <3<3