Fly High

Destination Unknown [Drabble dump]

this is the intro of a way bigger AU, also it is 100% inspired by Fly High and not fully taking the other MVs into account (and written/planned before you and i came out)

maybe i'll write the full thing one day



Gahyeon's eyes shot up, a silent scream upon her lips as the horrors of her nightmare ebbed away. 

With her brain still not fully aware, Gahyeon stared up at the familiar ceiling, catching her breath.

Yet, something was wrong.

“Why...” She mumbled into the silent room, a fear rising in her; her entire room was baited in a blue light.

“You'll be okay.”

Yoobin. Gahyeon redirected her gaze to her classmate, seeing her stand at the door dressed in a white cowl.

“What is-“ Gahyeon's eyes widened, finally taking notice of the strange flowers and growth covering her entire room. Roots held her down in bed, and even as she trashed and fought the roots only tightened.

“Yoobin, help!” She yelled out, frantically meeting her friend's eyes.

Yoobin was too calm. “Don't fight it,” she spoke in a quiet voice. “It's your turn.”

The words frightened Gahyeon even more and Yoobin's voice-

It didn't sound like her.

Yoobin was a little goofy and awkward, but the calm and cold stare- No, this was not her friend Yoobin.

Gahyeon trashed against the bindings, heart beating rapidly against her ribcage.

“Gahyeon, stop it. This is for your best,” Yoobin walked closer to the bed, staring down at Gahyeon. “You will reach your true potential.”

“Yoobin, please,” Gahyeon whispered. “Please, this is not you.”

“It is,” she reached out a hand, it hovering above Gahyeon's head. Strange symbols were etched upon her skin; the same symbols Gahyeon had seen in the books Yoobin had been reading lately. The books they had found at the boarding school's  musty attic.

Cold fingers pressed against Gahyeon's forehead, causing her to still in absolute fear.

“I am Yoobin, as I was meant to be. And you too will become what you are meant to be,” Yoobin's fingers slid over Gahyeon's eyes and closed them. It was gentle, and the touch felt affectionate. “And we'll all be together again, forever.”


Gahyeon let out a deep breath, succumbing to darkness as Yoobin softly spoke.

“I'll see you soon, my love.” 

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kasterian #1
Chapter 4: cuteeeee, my gosh this is so cute to me!