
Destination Unknown [Drabble dump]

When Yoobin had woken up that morning, on her first day off in what felt like ages, she had not expected to find an unconscious girl on her balcony. She had been planning to take her cup of coffee and toast with her to the balcony, so she could sit down and enjoy the morning sun.

But instead she found a girl with angel wings lying on her balcony, passed out. At first she panicked, grabbing onto the small girl and managing somehow ger her inside and onto the couch.

It wasn't until then that Yoobin remembered about her living on the 7th floor. How the hell had anyone managed to end up passed out on her balcony?

But then again, this girl looked to be around 20 years old. She had probably been drunk off her at a costume party somewhere, and then done something stupid while wasted. Like climbing from balcony to balcony, it was fully possible in this building.

No, there was no point in wondering about how, she had to focus on making sure the girl was okay.

As faith would have it she was a doctor, and after a quick assessment she concluded the girl was simply passed out. Just then, as Yoobin made to stand up, the girl's eyes fluttered open in wide alert.

“Oh,” she seemed almost scared as she stared up at Yoobin, cheeks turning red rapidly.

“Good morning,” Yoobin said back, not entirely sure what else to say. A few awkward moments passed.

“Where am I?” The girl sat up abruptly, some of her black hair falling into her face.

“My apartment,” Yoobin pointed towards the balcony. “I found you out there.”

“Oh right”. Realisation dawned on the girl. “I fell.”

This set off an alarm in Yoobin's medical mind. “You fell? We need to check for injuries and broken bones.”

“No I'm-“ the girl closed briefly. “I'm fine, really.”

Yoobin wanted to argue, but nodded hesitantly. “Do you need something? For the hangover, perhaps?”


“You haven't been at a costume party?”

“No,” the girl shook her head.

Yoobin blanched, wondering what kind of weird girl she had dragged into her apartment. Though she didn't try to judge people,  but walking around with angel wings seemed quite odd.

“So,” Yoobin shuffled a little awkwardly. “From where did you fall?”

The girl's eyes immediately went up to the roof.

“From the apartment above us?”

“No,” the girl laughed a little. “From heaven.”

“Ha ha, funny,” Yoobin rolled her eyes.

“I'm not joking.”

Okay, this girl was a nutcase. She looked cute and innocent, but was definitely a little touched in the head. Yoobin definitely should kick her out.

“I shouldn't have listened to Yoohyeon,” the girl sighed. “I don't know when I'll be allowed to go back up.”

Yoobin said nothing as she was too busy trying to think of a polite way to get the girl to leave.

“Listen,” the girl got up, eyes all wide and cute. “Could I live here? I have no place to go on Earth and I'll be stuck here for a while.”

What. Definitely not.

Maybe Yoobin should call the police.

She was in the middle of trying to think of how to best answer when she saw the small, white wings on the girl’'s back flutter.

Yoobin drew in a deep breath; it made her finally notice just how real they looked.

Without thinking she reached out and pulled a little harshly, causing the girl to scream out in pain and surprise.

“Why did you do that?” Eyes were full of hurt, a pout on the pink lips.

“. They're real.”

“Yeah, I told you that,” the girl was still pouting.

“Holy .”

The utter disbelief in Yoobin's voice must have alarmed the girl. “Are you okay?” She nearly whispered, as if scared.

“I'm a woman of science! A doctor!” Yoobin was nearly hysteric as she yelled. “And now there's an actual angel in my apartment?”

The girl said nothing, her eyebrows furrowed into concern.

Yoobin let out a humourless laugh and walked into the kitchen, pouring herself some whiskey.

She needed it, even if the clock had not struck noon yet.

An angel.

In her apartment.

Yoobin downed the glass in a matter of seconds.


She set the glass down on the counter and walked back to the confused looking again.

“Fine,” Yoobin said. “I'll let you live here.” As a woman of science, even if this development was unreal, she still needed to observe to understand. It was the best thing to do for her psyche.

“Thank you!” the girl's face brightened. “I'm Gahyeon!”

And this was the story of how Yoobin, age 29, started living with an adorable angel named Gahyeon and how the world she knew ceased to exist.

It did not become easier when she fell in love with said angel and never got rid of her (nor did she want to), and constantly got roped into the weird world of angels, fairies, and other creatures Yoobin had written off as children tales.

Her world was never the same again. 

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kasterian #1
Chapter 4: cuteeeee, my gosh this is so cute to me!