Hit Me With Your Magic Stick

Destination Unknown [Drabble dump]

based on all the comments i saw during you and i era, where every queer woman wished for dami to hit them with her stick/cane thing

WARNING: bad crack, girl!

dont take this one seriously lmao


It was definitely weird.

Gahyeon knew this very well.

But she couldn't help to agree with the comments from the fans she kept seeing, where they were begging for Yoobin to hit them with her cane.

It was the thought she too had entertained, when she first had seen Yoobin manage the trick smoothly during practice.

A sudden thought, a quick whisper in her head. It remained, and whenever they performed the song the thought would enter again. It became louder and louder for each time.

And now even their fans shared her sentiment.

“You've been staring at me for a while,” Yoobin said quietly, eyebrow raised.

Gahyeon blinked. “Yeah,” she breathed out. They were alone in the practice room, Yoobin twirling around the stick effortlessly with a bored expression.

A confused flicker over her eyes, but Yoobin just shrugged and went back to practising the choreography.

“Hey, Yoobin,” Gahyeon called out after moments of silence. “Please hit me with your stick?

Never had she seen Yoobin with such a startled expression before, eyes wide.

“What the ?” She half yelled. “How do you know I have a ?”

Gahyeon stilled completely. What?

“Who told you? Siyeon? Bora?!”


“And even worse, how can you say something like this?” Yoobin seemed even more upset. “You're supposed to be the baby of this group.”

“You're just a couple of years old-“

“, Minji is gonna kill whoever told you for ruining your innocence.” Yoobin's forehead furrowed. “Must have been Siyeon, right? Minji has had to stop her so many times from corrupting you.”


Yoobin looked at her expectantly.

“I was asking if you could hit me with your stick,” Gahyeon emphasised the last word, feeling a little sheepish and her cheeks a little red as she pointed to the magic stick in Yoobin's hand.

“Oh.” Yoobin looked at the cane and then over to Gahyeon again. “, then I'm the one who technically told you.”

“Yeah,” Gahyeon wasn't sure how to react in a situation like this, but considering the request she had uttered herself was crossing the line the reveal was strangely not too surprising.

“Well me,” Yoobin muttered, sighing. “Minji is gonna kill me.” A thoughtful look took over her face. “Since I'm already gonna get murdered, I might as well go all out.”

Before too long Gahyeon found herself pressed against the wall, firm hands on her hips and soft lips upon hers.

Yeah okay, this was definitely equally as good as being hit by Yoobin's cane.

Gahyeon closed her eyes, melting into the body before her and wrapping her arms around Yoobin's neck.

Though it didn't last long as Minji came in shrieking.

That day the only one who got to feel the cane was Yoobin, as Minji kept hitting her and screaming at her for corrupting ‘their baby’.

Luckily no one got a serious injury and come night, Gahyeon sneaked off with Yoobin to do things which would definitely make Minji’s hair turn grey.


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kasterian #1
Chapter 4: cuteeeee, my gosh this is so cute to me!