I Can Soar

Destination Unknown [Drabble dump]

I Can Soar – JYJ
Gahyeon stared down at the clouds under her feet, watching as they slowly flew past. Growing up, she had always wondered what was below the ocean of clouds. Sometimes they could see green and blue, but it was too far away for her to decipher. The town elders all knew, as they were the ones to have built this flying city, but their stories and explanations did nothing to sate her curiosity and the picture books only made her cravings grow.

“Knew I'd find you here.”

“Yoobin,” Gahyeon acknowledged as her childhood friend and girlfriend sat down next to her. She leaned a little closer, wanting a little warmth. Yoobin had never been much of a talker, as she had other ways to express herself, and Gahyeon had always appreciated the silence between them. 

“You think there ever is a chance we'll be able to go down there?” Gahyeon whispered.

“Maybe when the elders die and the ban is lifted. Or when we become the elders.”

Gahyeon wrinkled her nose; she didn't want to be old before she was allowed to see the world beneath the clouds. She sighed and placed her head on Yoobin's shoulder. “Wish I could fly.”

Yoobin only made a small hum, but it was okay. All Gahyeon needed was the comforting arm around her waist and the lips brushing against the top of her head. 

At least for the time being.

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kasterian #1
Chapter 4: cuteeeee, my gosh this is so cute to me!