Confessions of a Buddy


Dylan and Yue just wrapped up the filming for Meteor Garden in London. They were buddies that was clear to them and the people around them. But with the locked up feelings and unsaid goodbyes coupled with the bittersweet ending of a wonderful drama, what happens when confessions started spilling out? Would it be a final goodbye? Or will it be a beginning of another journey?


Hi! So this is my second time to post here on asianfanfics. It's been a few years. But lately I was inspired by Meteor Garden to write again. So here's a short drabble about what I imagine happened with Dylan and Yue after the filming of MG in London.

Welcome to the delusional world of a fangirl like me. If you want to have a peek then you're welcome to do so. Beware! Once you enter, there's no going back. You've been warned. 


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