
Trick or Treat

A/N: Bold dialogues are spoken in English.


It took them nearly three hours by train to arrive in the city of Braşov.

“Finally!” Wheein exclaimed once they stepped out of the train station. “I thought we’ll never make it.”

“Stop being dramatic,” Hyejin said as she ran a hand through her shoulder-length hair. She had decided to take off her hair extensions and let her natural hair breathe for once. “We need to look good for when Dracula comes visiting.”

Wheein rolled her eyes. “Haha. Very funny. Make fun of the scaredy-cat.”

“Let’s not quarrel here and go find our hotel,” Byul said as she grabbed her fiancée’s hand and pulled her towards the street.

As Whein led them down the the main street, they occasionally felt eyes trained on them. They had expected the curious glances; they were four Asian women travelling on their own in a foreign country after all.

What they didn’t expect was the various reaction they got from the locals – the young ones were flashing flirtatious smiles at them; the older ones were hissing and saying something in the native language that they assumed meant nothing nice.

The four of them hastened their steps until they reached the hotel. They collectively let out a sigh of relief when they stepped inside the air-conditioned lobby.

“Was that normal?” Byul whispered as they set their luggage aside and made their way to the front desk.

“I don’t think so,” Wheein whispered back. “I think they must have mistaken us for someone else…”

“Hello, may I help you?” the young man standing at the counter greeted them with a wide smile. That smile faltered when his gaze fell on Wheein and Byul. “P-Please, spare me,” he pleaded, bowing his head deeply until his forehead almost touching the marble countertop. “Whatever you want, I’ll have it for you.”

Wheein and Byul exchanged confused glances.

“Um, I just want to check if our rooms are ready,” Wheein said in a kind voice before sliding her reservation tickets onto the counter.

“A-At once, ma’am!” he exclaimed as he grabbed the thin paper from the counter. Suddenly, his face paled. “I-I mean, miss. I mean-Arrgh!”

His sudden shout startled everyone in the lobby and then he disappeared into the room behind the counter.

“What was that about?” Hyejin asked with raised eyebrows.

Wheein just shrugged in response.

“Maybe he’s just like those people before,” Yongsun said, tucking a strand of orangey-pink hair behind one ear. “He must be mistaking you for someone else.”

After five minutes had passed, the young man re-appeared. With his head still bowed, he handed two keys to Wheein with trembling hands.

Wheein took the keys from him, but before she could thank him, he bolted back into the back room.

“Let’s just conclude that everyone here is weird,” Byul said as she steered Wheein away from the counter and led the way towards the elevators. “It will save us a lot of headaches.”

The other three concurred without hesitation.


It was agreed that they would take a short nap before venturing outside to look for dinner. Wheein, however, had another plan in mind.

As they lay in bed with their arms around each other, Wheein suddenly moved her body until she was right on top of Byul.

Byul let out a soft laugh. “What are you planning now, love?” she asked, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her fiancée’s ear. “We’re supposed to be napping.”

Wheein’s lips curled and her eyes twinkled with mischief. She slowly raised her body until she was sitting on Byul’s stomach. Almost automatically, Byul’s hands rested on her thighs, caressing them languidly. Their gazes locked and an identical smile played on their lips.

Wheein placed her hands on the bed, right above Byul’s shoulders, to stable herself before leaning down and planted soft kisses on Byul’s mouth. Byul’s caresses on her thighs stopped when she started moving her hands to cup Wheein’s and gave them a squeeze, eliciting a surprised moan from her fiancée. Byul took the chance to tug on Wheein’s bottom lip with and slipped in her tongue to tangle with hers.

Wheein finally broke the kiss to gasp for air, but Byul continued peppering her with light kisses. Wheein wrapped her arms around Byul’s neck as Byul slowly raised her body, one arm wrapped around Wheein’s waist, and gently shifted their position until Wheein was under her. Her kisses paused when she leaned back and stared down at her fiancée, admiring her flushed face framed by tousled dark hair.

“I love you,” she said with a soft smile on her face.

Wheein smiled back, fingers gently tracing Byul’s mouth. “I love you more.”

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door and they both cursed out in frustration.

Byul hopped out of bed (because Wheein looked like she wanted to murder whoever interrupted them) and marched towards the door. She smoothed down her crumpled shirt and messy hair before opening it.

“We need to talk,” Hyejin said as she rushed past Byul with Yongsun in tow.

Wheein’s features softened when she saw the distressed look on Hyejin’s face. She sat up and patted the spot in front of her, beckoning Hyejin to sit down.

“What’s going on?” Byul asked as she closed the door. “You two looked like you’ve seen ghosts.”

“I wish we had,” Hyejin scoffed. She plopped down onto the bed and laid her head on Wheein’s lap. “We saw our doppelgangers instead.”

“I thought you were taking a nap?” Byul asked, brows furrowed together with envy when she saw Wheein’s fingers tangled in Hyejin’s dark hair.

“We didn’t feel tired, so we decided to explore the hotel,” Yongsun said, sitting on the sofa near the window. “Our final stop was the bar because someone,” she subtly glanced at Hyejin, “needed a drink. That’s when we saw them.”

“So what happened that got you so spooked?” Byul asked. “Don’t tell me it’s because they looked exactly like us?”

Exactly is an exaggeration,” Hyejin scoffed. “They have our faces, but other than that, they could be completely different people.”

“It’s their eyes that got us running,” Yongsun chimed in, shivering at the memory.

“What about their eyes?” Wheein asked, suddenly curious.

“They looked normal at first,” Hyejin sat up to explain with animated hand gestures, “but when they saw us, their eyes suddenly turned red. All of them.”

Wheein and Byul looked at each other, frowning.

“It’s probably just the bar’s lighting,” Byul reasoned.

Hyejin pouted and crossed her arms. “I saw what I saw,” she said adamantly. “Yong-ie did too, so you can’t tell me I was seeing things.”

“I think you need some fresh air, Hyejinie,” Wheein said, placing her hands on Hyejin’s shoulders and squeezed them. “Let’s go out early for dinner, okay?”

“We’ll wait in the lobby,” Yongsun said quietly as she collected her sulking girlfriend into her arms and guided her out of the room.

As soon as the door closed, Byul and Wheein looked at each other and sighed.

“Rain check?” Byul said softly, linking her pinky finger with Wheein’s.

Wheein laughed and nodded, flashing a tantalizing smile at her.

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Last chapter is up!
Time to say goodbye to our "friends"... =)


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Omg this seems so interesting ~
Chapter 7: This was amazing!!! Love your work
Chapter 7: confused happy and...sad???
anywho great fic i give 10 bananas out of blue apples
Chapter 7: Does this story supposed to be funny?? I was laughing while reading ur story, authornim..
its funny and well written. Thanks for this story!
Chapter 7: Wasnt expecting that but i love it.
I love this, keep it up author nim
Icecream013 #8
Chapter 7: Awww goodbye rude or good vampire people who looks like the 4 girls lol well i don't know if they're good or not as long as all of them are safe but wow burning the hotel they're hella rich