Playing With Fire- 03




It was a Saturday night, maybe around 7:00, I had just finished my after school tutor sessions since I was falling behind in my classes. Lucky me you were there too, a few of us were packed in the library and you sat not too far from me on your laptop. 

I took small glances at you and every glance was worth it because that's just how beautiful you are. After I half assed finished my work, I pack my things so I could hurry home before I missed dinner, but then I felt a grip on my wrist. You touched my hand...

"Ah, Kim Jisoo?", you said in your husky but somehow soothing deep voice which knocked me away from reality. I couldn't believe you were talking to me yet alone knew my name. 

You waved your hand i my face and I quickly snapped out of it. "Y-yes..Taehyung", I gulped and you too look surprised that I said your name. 

"You dropped this", you said before handing me a handful of books that I somehow forgot, but they didn't look familiar to me. "Uhm..I don't think these are mine", I slightly smiled as you had a confused look on your face which I didn't know was all fake. 

Who would've known you liked me all that time too. You used that day as an excuse to talk to me and I was so grateful, but maybe it was best if we had stayed away from each other...






A/N: aw this lowkey lol but I tried ;(

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Darborjes #1
Chapter 7: Next chapter pleasee....