
Safe and Sound
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Jongin brings Sehun his coffee and they sit across from each other as Sehun does his homework. With finals coming up in three weeks, Sehun is scrambling to figure out how to help Jongin pass his classes with better grades than goddamn C’s. Jongin might be content, but Sehun sure as hell isn’t, and he’s ninety percent sure Jongin’s parents won’t be either.

 “Okay, listen,” Sehun starts. “If you relearn chapter six, you’ll have a better understanding on chapter ten section five. And skimming over chapter seven section two basically summarizes all of chapter nine. You don’t really need to know chapter nine, but Professor Hwang might throw it on the final to screw us all over.”

“Sehun, you don’t really need to this,” Jongin protests.

“Do you want to die by my hands, Kim Jongin?” Sehun makes a disapproving face that makes Jongin snort. “Do you think your parents pay for your education, only for you to get C’s?”

Jongin makes a face and sticks his tongue out. “You’re a nerd.”

Sehun scoffs and slams the textbook closed. “Fine. You can figure out how to pass your finals yourself. I’m not making study sheets for you,” he harrumphs.

Jongin freezes as Sehun gets up to leave. “Wait, what? No, Sehun come back, I need those study sheets!”

Sehun just waves a hand at Jongin before leaving the café and Jongin can only stare incredulously at the stack of textbooks on the table before smacking his forehead into it.


“Sehunnie, can I have those study sheets please?” Jongin begs. He’s on his knees and literally has his hands pressed flat together while rubbing them in a pleading motion.

Sehun has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “Leave me alone.” He kicks Jongin’s knee softly with his toes and goes back to his studying. “You’re being annoying. Get off the floor. My goodness.”

Jongin pouts and whines some more and even promises Sehun coffee and back rubs.

“Stop trying to bribe me into doing your stuff! You should have listened to me earlier instead of regretting now,” Sehun chastises. He says it all with a smile poking at his lips and his eyes shine with amusement. “Though if you go buy soondae right now, I won’t complain.” Sehun bursts out in peals of laughter when Jongin scrambles for his wallet and bolts out the door.

He comes back fifteen minutes later, shirt drenched in sweat, with a bag of soondae and Sehun’s favorite milk tea. “Can you please help me study for my finals?” Jongin asks through heavy breaths.

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977 streak #1
Chapter 11: I started reading this in the morning.
It's only in November that Jongin declares that he was always Sehun's!
Loving this.
bcksbcks #2
Chapter 13: So beautiful... I loved the whole story and how sensitively you portrayed sehuns issues. Jongin is such a sweetheart and Sekai is perfect. Thank you so much for this.
Chapter 13: One word.
You deserve it all, author-nim. THIS IS SO GREAT | cries a river |
Chapter 13: This is so beautiful it written so good. Thank you for sharing this and looking forward for more sekai from you :)
taejihan #5
Chapter 13: That was perfect. Amazingly perfect. I’m really happy with the end. A perfect end for a perfect storie. Thank you for writing this. I’m so, so thankful! And I wish you a good time at uni.

I didn’t understand the first part. Does Sehun tried to drown himself? Or.. He just drowned? I was really confused at that part. But I’m glad Jongin saved Sehun.

Sehun was always worried with Jongin’s future, that’s kinda funny because Jongin didn’t wanted to go to school anymore. He wanted to be a house-husband. I laughed so, so much!

When Kyung took Sehun to the theater and then he started talking about Jongin and his dance. And the last part was super cute, I was soft.

Baekhyun is.. Well, he’s Baekhyun, things like that are expected when it comes to him.

Jongin almost gave Sehun a heart attack. And yes, Baekhyun doesn’t know how to comfort people.

It’s amazing how Jongin is always there for Sehun, and he helped him with his fears.

And grandma Kim made her comeback! I love this sassy granny that likes to pinch butts.. Weird, but okay.

Well, that’s getting long so I’m ending here haha.
Everything was perfect. I loved. Thank you again for writing this masterpiece!

Lots of love <33
Chapter 13: That was beautiful, I feel like this was a perfect ending for a perfect story. I love how they risslove everything and they're so in love. Ah thank you for writing this masterpiece. I love it
Chapter 13: Ohmygosh (/♥ω♥)/ I love every bit of the epilogue!!! It is such a prefect ending to an amazing story!! Thank you so much for writing and sharing this with us!
pinkhamsters #8
Chapter 13: Hello! Thank you for this fic. So much feels as you brought me through the year with Sekai. I liked this format!
Chapter 13: I loved this fic! It was perfect.
Chapter 12: Awww cutie pies!