right and wrong

take the dive

14 :  r i g h t   a n d  w r o n g


"Are you sure?”

Hyukjae's eyes followed his fiancé around the room, worried. Donghae, unperturbed by Hyukjae’s excessive micro-managing for the last hour, rummaged through his drawers in search of his passport and several other loose items. He turned around, dumping the items onto his bed, pleased.

“Look, Hyukjae. It’s just three days,” Donghae reasoned. “And I’ll be with Kyu. The same Kyu that has taken care of me for years. You have nothing to worry about. I’ll be safe.” He sat down on the next to the pile of items and began arranging them neatly inside the front pocket of a huge backpack.

Hyukjae, unconvinced, joined him on the bed.

“Hae, that’s not what I’m worried about.” Hyukjae announced, deadpan. “It’s just that.. It’s just that you’ve been acting really weird lately, and it scares me. Plus you aren’t telling me if I did or said anything wrong. It’s killing me.”

Donghae squeezed a rolled pair of jeans into the bag and paused, shooting Hyukjae a look.

“You’re being paranoid.” He said. “I’m fine. We’re fine. We’ve been going on dates and visiting Sora-noona’s place a lot in the past five months to talk about the wedding, and we’ve been having a lot of fun, haven’t we? Barely even argued, unless it’s over dumb stuff like where to eat. You’re overthinking, Hyuk. And besides, Kyu and I have never gone on a holiday together before. Just three days, and I’ll be back in your arms before you even know it. You won’t even realise I’m gone.”

Moving closer, Hyukjae leaned his head on Donghae’s shoulder and sulked. He nuzzled the dip in Donghae’s shoulder with his nose, sighing. He knew he couldn’t argue with Donghae. He wasn’t an unreasonable fiancé; as reluctant as he was to let Donghae out of his sight after searching every corner of the world for him the last eight years, he acknowledged that they’d need a break from each other every now and then. Furthermore, Hyukjae (and Kyu) was all Donghae had. He had to give him space. He didn’t want to be someone who controlled and caged up his own partner over his own selfish need for companionship, for love.

“I’m sorry,” Hyukjae mumbled, burying his face in Donghae’s shoulder. “Guess I’m being stupid. I can’t imagine even a single day without you.”

“I know.” Donghae relaxed, reaching for his lover’s face to rub his thumb across Hyukjae’s pouty lips. “And I know it’s because you love me. I love you too. Always remember that.”

He turned, cupping Hyukjae’s face in front of his, smiling.

“I know you’re anxious about letting me out of your sight for the first time since you found me, but I promise I’ll be okay. We’ll call each other every night while we’re apart, okay?”



Donghae continued to pack. Into his backpack went a few more rolls of comfortable summer outfits, and once he’d made sure the essentials—his passport and stuff—were in his bag, he stood up, pulling the straps of his backpack over his arms. He held his hand out, pulling Hyukjae off the bed.

“Let’s go.” He kissed Hyukjae’s cheek tenderly. “Kyu is meeting us in two hours.”


The ride to Gimhae International Airport was relatively quiet. Donghae cranked the volume of the radio up to wash away the silence, and tried to ignore the anguished, concerned look on Hyukjae’s face. Instead, he pecked Hyukjae on the cheek at every red light, hoping that that gesture alone, for now, would soothe the worried man. I love you, he said each time, earning himself plenty of I love you toos.

Upon arriving at the airport, Hyukjae and Donghae wandered around the terminal in search of Kyuhyun. For an early Tuesday morning, the airport was crowded; men in crisp business suits filed from end to end with large suitcases in tow, and every now and then, groups of flight attendants would hurry to their next flights decked in their neat uniforms. You could hear sounds of laughter from reunited families and friends, of wheels rolling and scratching against marbled tiles, of babies screaming their heads off and mothers cooing at them, children running and playing with glee and even crying from parted lovers. Just then, they spotted someone waving frantically at them from the other end of the terminal. Instinctively, Donghae ran towards him and practically leapt onto Kyuhyun.

“Kyu!” Donghae yelled, hugging Kyuhyun with his legs wrapped around the man’s waist. They spun around several times before Kyuhyun set his best friend down, grinning stupidly.

“Hello, you punk,” he greeted, ruffling Donghae’s hair. Hyukjae caught up to them and smiled, bowing slightly.

“We meet again.” Hyukjae said, reaching his hand out to shake Kyuhyun’s. Kyuhyun instantly noticed the act of dominance, judging by how hard their wrists jerked as they shook their hands. He pulled away and faked pain, grimacing as he rubbed his wrist.

Donghae grabbed their hands, bouncing up and down like an excitable puppy. “You guys have no idea how happy I am that my two favourite people in the universe are now friends! I’m so happy I could cry.”

Kyuhyun nodded. “Yeah, things are going to be lit.

“Wait, two favourite people?” Hyukjae repeated. “You mean I’m on par with this fool?”

Kyuhyun cleared his throat. “I was his favourite person for years, before you turned up. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m clearly the superior one here.”

“Oh puh-lease.” Hyukjae’s eyes rolled. “I’m his fiancé; the only person he needs; there’s no arguing with that!”

Snorting, Kyuhyun grinned. “Yeah, and that’s exactly why he stuck with me for nearly the last decade, isn’t it?”

“Only because he forgot me for a while!” Hyukjae argued. “But I’m back so—” he pointed his thumb downwards—boohoo, Chokyu!”

“That doesn’t even make sense!”

Donghae looked from Hyukjae to Kyuhyun and back, sighing. As the two bickered childishly, he clasped his hands together and closed his eyes, pursing his lips. Please, god, please, he begged, let this last. He opened his eyes and stared at Hyukjae. I love him so much. God, I don't want to have to do this. Then he turned to Kyuhyun, blinking back tears. Whatever happens, I hope you’re there for me. You’ve always been there for me. He lowered his head.

“Hae!” Kyuhyun called out suddenly, flapping his passport. “Shall we go to the check-in counter?”

Breaking free from his thoughts, Donghae nodded. “Let’s.”


Kyuhyun and Donghae skipped about gleefully from store to store like balls in a pinball machine. They had checked in and bade their goodbyes to Hyukjae in the departure hall only moments before; as predicted, Hyukjae had hugged him a little too tightly, refusing to let go for a solid five minutes, warning Kyuhyun that if anything were to happen to Donghae in Thailand, he’d never let go of it; and had about an hour and a half to kill before they were expected to be at their boarding gate, so they decided to loiter around the transit area.

“How are you feeling?” Kyuhyun asked, fiddling with a toy he’d found on the shelf of a souvenir store.

Donghae shrugged.

“Okay, I guess,” he said calmly. “But I’m excited about Thailand, if that’s what you’re asking! Can’t believe this is the first time we’re going overseas together in all our years of friendship.”

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, returning the toy to its shelf. “Quit the pretense, my friend. I’ve known you for too long not to recognise that look on your face. Spill the beans, loverboy.”

Strolling towards another store; this time it’s a colourful candy shop resembling the witch’s house in the story of Hansel and Gretel; Donghae kept shaking his head.

“Don’t you think it’s a little too early to talk about depressing stuff?” He asked rhetorically, knowing that Kyuhyun had never been the type to back down.

Kyuhyun remained silent. He didn’t have to say anything to convince his best friend to set his thoughts loose, he was sure of it. Silence had its way of forcing words out of Donghae like toothpaste squeezed out from a tube, and it was only a matter of seconds before Donghae spoke again, as he had expected.

“Well if you insist,” Donghae began. “I found out some stuff about Hyukjae, and I… I just don’t know if I want to go ahead with the marriage.” He picked up a large lollipop and turned it over and over, avoiding Kyuhyun’s eyes. “This holiday is timely as hell. I was beginning to suffocate.”

Surprised, Kyuhyun pried the lollipop out of Donghae’s fingers and returned it to the candy rack. He held Donghae’s hand and led him out of the store, pulling him to a quiet corner at the back end of the transit area so that nobody could see or hear them. All of Kyuhyun’s playfulness wore away, replaced by a look of concern. He placed his hands on Donghae’s shoulders.

“Lee Donghae,” he began softly, “you know you can tell me anything, right? We’ve been best friends for years and you know I’d do anything to make sure you’re alright, right? Now, about Hyukjae—” he bit his lip “—did he hurt you? Why were you feeling suffocated?”

Donghae laughed it off. “Kyu. I just…” His eyes began to fill with tears, but he blinked them back. “A lot has happened in the past half a year-ish. None of it is Hyukjae’s fault though.”

“Then what, Hae?” Kyuhyun asked gently.

“Just..” Donghae swiped the back of his hand across his eyes. “I don’t know. I learned so much in the last few months and it’s been driving me insane because I couldn’t tell anyone about it. Not even Hyukjae. But for now, just.. Just let me enjoy this holiday, okay? I’m okay, Kyu. I can manage it. I’ve been through worse. I promise I’ll tell you all about it when I’m ready, but for now, I just want to be free.”

Kyuhyun nodded. He pulled his best friend into a tight embrace, the back of Donghae’s head. “Alright, Hae. I won’t force you to say anything if you aren’t ready, but just remember that that auburn-haired toenail isn’t the only one that loves you.”

“Toenail?!” Donghae pulled away. “He deserves to be a fingernail at the very least!”

Folding his arms, Kyuhyun retorted. “With a face like that? I don’t think so.”

“Well I’m tied to this toenail,” Donghae said, wagging the ring finger of his right hand. “So even if he looks like the nail on a toe that’s been stubbed on the underside of a door several hundred times, I love him.”

“Fair enough.” Kyuhyun smiled, grateful that his best friend seemed to be cheering up.

They slowly made their way to their boarding gate hand-in-hand, earning a combination of nonchalant and disgusted looks from the people around them, but they didn’t care. They were the best of friends and they were going on holiday, finally taking a break from their lives and no one could get in their way. They boarded the plane soon after arriving at Gate 15, beaming.


Standing by the railing of the viewing gallery, Hyukjae watched as Donghae’s plane took off with his hand pressed against the glass. Please be safe, he prayed, ignoring the thick, harrowing cloud of distress that had built up in his chest. I can’t afford to lose you anymore.



The first two days passed by incredibly fast, and Donghae owed it to their schedule of back-to-back activities. They had done a fair amount of water sports, skiing and snorkeling in the beautiful waters of Phuket, and eaten as much local cuisine as they could get their hands on. By the third day, they had decided on lounging on beach chairs at Patong beach instead to wrap up their short getaway.

“Did you get the break you needed?” Kyuhyun asked, sipping coconut water from a straw. He waited quietly as his best friend shifted about on his beach chair, an unreadable expression draped across his face.

Donghae nodded. “Yeah. The past two days were… lit.”

“Lit?” Kyuhyun choked. “I thought you said using millennial slang was beneath you.”

“Well I have to be able to relate to your dumb somehow, don’t I?” Donghae chuckled. “And besides, I couldn’t think of a better word to describe how much fun we had.”

Kyuhyun snorted. “And I’m the dumb one.”


They sipped on their drinks quietly, swaying their feet side to side like the pendulum of a metronome as they lounged on their beach chairs, breathing in the atmosphere with all their five senses. The smell of the sand and sea; a perfect combination; gave them a sense of liberation, and thankfully, the shade of the giant beach umbrella above them protected them from the scorching hot rays of the sun. Donghae ed his shirt and took it off, draping it over the back of his chair before lying down again. He took another sip from his drink before turning to Kyuhyun.

“Kyu,” Donghae called out, gulping. “Do you mind if we stay here one more day? I’ll pay for everything, I promise.”

Kyuhyun put his coconut onto the tiny table in between them and shrugged. “Uh.. Sure, why not? I’m not due for work until next Monday, anyway. What’s on your mind?”

“Well..” There was hesitance in Donghae’s voice, but he knew he had to get it out of his system. “I’ve been thinking a lot, and I seriously mean a lot, and I’m thinking… I want to give up on my relationship with Hyukjae. But I need one more day away from him to seriously, seriously make my mind up.” Kyuhyun widened his eyes.

“What?!” Kyuhyun sat up. He darted his eyes in search of words to say. All his thoughts spilled out of him like concrete. “Didn’t you say you love him a lot, that he’s done nothing wrong, and that you’re engaged to him and you—”

Donghae interjected. “Yeah, and all of that is true. My decision to leave him has nothing to do with him. Not exactly.”

“Then what?” Kyuhyun asked. “What made you change your mind about him?”

“Lee Sora.”

Kyuhyun frowned. “Sora-noona? Hyukjae’s sister?”

“Yes,” Donghae nodded.

“What did she do?”

Downing the remaining contents of his glass, Donghae bit on the rim, wondering if he should really be airing his dirty laundry (and Hyukjae’s) like this. He decided that it was okay; that this was his best friend he was talking to, and that Kyuhyun knew him better than anyone else did, better than he even knew himself. He sank his shoulders and sighed.

“The first time Hyukjae formally introduced us to each other didn’t turn out as great as I thought it would,” Donghae explained, placing the empty glass on a coaster. “We went to Sora-noona’s house for a lunch. She was nice at first. We talked a bit about what I do for a living and about Hyukjae’s family and stuff. It was nice in the beginning, but then…”

“Go on.”

Donghae took a deep breath. “But then Hyukjae left me alone at some point to get stuff from the car, and Sora-noona talked to me—privately. She was condescending as .”

“What did she say?” Kyuhyun asked, rubbing his chin.

Donghae was terrible at doing impressions, but he did it anyway, speaking in a higher pitch. “You’re not good enough for him. You’re just a poor, familyless boy and you want him for his wealth. Leave my brother, or else I can’t promise you’ll be able to escape this unscathed. And if you don’t leave him, I’ll get rid of you myself.”

“Whoa,” Kyuhyun gasped, barely able to hide the shock on his face. “All that came out from his pretty noona’s mouth?”

Donghae nodded. “Everything about her is pretty except her heart.”

“Yikes.” Kyuhyun took a sip from his coconut. “Did she say anything else?”

Donghae shook his head. “Nope, but something even worse happened.” His voice began to shake. Taking a few moments to recompose himself, he continued. “Hyukjae and I visited her a lot to, y’know, talk about the wedding. Said she wanted to help us out or something. I couldn’t tell Hyukjae what her real intentions were because of how she’d threatened me.”

“What a .”

Donghae sighed. “I know, right? But anyway, we were there so often that I became well-acquainted with Sora-noona’s helper. Some lady called Jisoo. Very kind. Apparently she’s been with the family a long time and even knows their parents, even though they left South Korea a long time ago.” He sat up and began to rub his temples; out of nowhere he could feel his head throbbing, comfort robbed by an oncoming headache. “Jisoo-ssi began telling me how happy she was to see Hyukjae so happy, and that before I came into his life, he’d always been really down and depressed. She even said that Hyukjae had spent years crying over some boy that had gone missing. I don’t think she knew that that boy was me.”

“Bummer,” Kyuhyun remarked. “What else?”

Continuing, Donghae lowered his voice. “Then I asked her about Hyukjae’s parents. Said they were really kind, nice employers, and that she liked serving them. She told me she believed in their kindness, until she eavesdropped on a conversation between Mr and Mrs Lee and Sora-noona one day.” His nose reddened. “Jisoo-ssi said she heard Mr Lee telling Sora-noona that both him and Mrs Lee had to leave the country for a while because they were involved in some hit-and-run accident in Jejudo. He told Sora-noona to keep it a secret, and tell Hyukjae they’d gone overseas for business. Hyukjae was studying overseas at the time. He knows nothing about it.”

“,” Kyuhyun cursed, frowning. “That’s messed up.”

Donghae nodded. “Yeah. I asked her why she never told on them, and she said that they paid her good money and doubted she’d be able to earn that much as a helper elsewhere, so she stayed loyal.”

“Money always wins.”


Both of them shifted uncomfortably.

“I searched it up. Looked all over the internet for articles on any hit-and-run accidents that happened in Jejudo around the early 2000s, and nothing came up except—” Donghae paused.

Kyuhyun closed in. "Except?"

“—except the ones about my family.”

Kyuhyun’s face contorted, horrified. “You mean…”

There was a brief silence, signaling the oncoming of bad news; an ominous black cloud looming overhead. Donghae, who had been avoiding Kyuhyun's eyes for a while now, dared himself to look directly at his best friend, lips quivering. Kyuhyun saw how Donghae's eyes glistened, and all of a sudden it felt like someone had tied an anchor to his heart. He didn't like that look.

“Hyukjae’s parents killed my family, Kyu.” Donghae concluded, his voice soft, almost heartbreaking. By now, his whole body shook. His entire face had gone red, and tear after tear fell, staining his cheeks. He sobbed, gritting his teeth. “They killed my parents, Kyu, and they don’t even feel remorseful about it.”


“I'm all alone in this cursed world because of them, Kyu."

Joining Donghae on his beach chair, Kyuhyun hugged his best friend, kissing and Donghae’s head as he sobbed into his shoulder. A passerby asked if they were okay and even offered them a packet of tissue, but Kyuhyun politely declined, waving her off as he tightened his embrace. His heart hurt. He could only imagine how painful it was for Donghae to have learned the news and not been able to talk about it, not even to the person he was engaged to. He couldn’t help but to keep trying to make the connection between Hyukjae’s parents, and Sora’s threat to Donghae. Could it be that she wanted to drive Donghae off so that he would never find out about what Hyukjae’s parents had done?

“Shhh, there there, Hae,” Kyuhyun cooed as he ran his fingers through his best friend’s hair. “You’re strong. You can pull through this, and you know I’m here for you; here with you.”

Donghae shook his head, clenching his jaw. “I can’t be strong for much longer.”

“But you need to be.” Kyuhyun gently lifted his best friend’s head off his shoulder and wiped at his tears with his thumbs. “C’mon, Lee Donghae. It really hurts to see you cry like this.”

“So what,” Donghae managed between sobs. “I’ve kept it in for more than I can take.”  He stared at Kyuhyun with his brows raised in agony. “I tried to be rational. I really did. I even questioned if I could believe Jisoo-ssi, but I’m sure she wasn’t lying. Why would she put her job on the line for a stranger she barely even knows? Plus it’s just too much of a coincidence, y’know—the whole hit-and-run thing.”

Kyuhyun tried his best to understand. “What are you going to do, then?”

“Leave.” Donghae closed his eyes and swallowed. “I’m going to leave Hyukjae. He doesn’t deserve to know how messed up his own family is. I don’t want him to know. And I love him and all, but I can’t bring myself to pretend I don’t know who killed my family. I can't live with it, even though he's innocent.”

Silence. Kyuhyun could sympathise with Donghae and where he was coming from; he’d seen the plight his best friend was left in post-accident, and he couldn’t bear the thought of Donghae reliving it over and over again just because he loved Hyukjae. He decided to try steering the conversation in a different direction, hoping his best friend wouldn't harp on all the anger and pain that had built up inside him.

“Are you going to report this to the police?” Kyuhyun asked, straight faced.

Donghae shook his head. “No. There’s barely any evidence to back things up; no CCTV footage, no recounts apart from what Jisoo-ssi shared; nothing. There’s no point. So I plan to just leave Hyukjae, and let him move on. Drop him heartlessly. Let him think I’m the devil. It’ll be much easier for him to move on. He won’t have to deal with knowing who killed who. And besides, I would never hurt Hyukjae by telling on his own family. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve all the pain he went through because of me.”

“And you’re saying you do?!” Kyuhyun argued. “You’re saying you deserved everything that happened to you?!”

Donghae smiled weakly. “No. I’m saying I want to be free, from everything.” He watched as Kyuhyun's expression faltered, softening.

“Then be free,” Kyuhyun uttered, calmer. “I’ll support you every step of the way, Hae.”


Hyukjae turned off his laptop and folded it, slipping it into his briefcase. He got up and stretched, glad that work had finally come to an end. He picked up his things and turned off the lights, making his way out of the office. As he approached the elevator lobby, he swiped through his phone, reading text after text; mostly work-related stuff, except one. He stopped in his tracks.

Don’t pick me up from the airport today, it read, I’ll be staying one more night in Phuket with Kyu. Don’t pick me up tomorrow either. I know that you’ll be working late tomorrow, and I don’t want to be of any inconvenience to you.

Looking at his watch, Hyukjae decided to call Donghae. He wasn’t sure if the call would go through, but he tried anyway, dialing Donghae’s number. Voicemail. He tried again, reaching voicemail once more. Perplexed and unsure of how to get through to his fiancé, he searched his phone for the information Donghae had sent him regarding their accommodation. He called up the hotel instead, and asked if there was any way front desk could let him know which room Mr Lee Donghae resided in, and whether they could connect Hyukjae to him via phone. It’s urgent, he said.

“We cannot disclose any of our clients’ information over the phone as we have protocols to follow,” a heavily accented voice explained. “What we can do is relay this information to Mr Lee for you. May I have your name, sir?”

Hyukjae frowned. “Lee Hyukjae. L-e-e, space, H-y-u-k-j-a-e.”

“Thank you, sir.” Muffled sounds of a pen scratching against paper and the jabbing of keys echoed in the background. “We’ll inform Mr Lee to call you.”

“Thank you.”

Hyukjae slipped the phone into the pocket of his blazer and entered the lobby, pressing an elevator button. When the elevator arrived, he quickly got into it, pressing number one repeatedly as if that would make the elevator go any faster. He was worried Donghae would call back while he was in the elevator, and that the call would get cut off from the lack of reception. When he reached the ground floor, he ran out onto the street and took his phone out from his pocket. Nothing. His heart sank.

Unlocking his car, Hyukjae got inside and placed his phone on the mobile stand next to the steering wheel. He the engine and began backing out of the office building’s carpark and soon, he joined hundreds of others on the busy roads of Busan in the middle of peak-hour. Traffic was slow, and Hyukjae found himself stepping on both the gas and brake pedals alternatively, cursing. Just as traffic comes to a standstill, a video call came in, the screen of his phone blinking. Hyukjae answered.

“Hyuk,” Donghae said fondly. “Front desk called just now. Hello.”

“Hello, my love,” Hyukjae replied, quickly darting his eyes between the phone and the road ahead of him. He noticed that Donghae is lying on his bed half-, resting on his stomach. He could even see (and hear) Kyuhyun groaning in the background and rummaging through an open closet.

“I’m sorry for the last minute text, Hyuk.” Donghae pouted. “It was a last minute decision to stay another night, really. I hope you’re not on your way to the airport or something.”

Hyukjae laughed. “Oh no, no, don’t worry. I just got off work.” Just then, he heard Kyuhyun yell in the background. God damn it, Lee Donghae, Kyuhyun cursed. I don’t think I can walk now thanks to you. Ugh. Why are you so good with your body? He watched as Kyuhyun pulled a pair of pants up over his boxers, and for some reason, he could feel his insides seething with anger and an unreasonable jealousy. He chided himself for being stupid; he shouldn’t be jealous of Donghae’s best friend. It’s his best friend. And besides, there was zero context to what Kyuhyun said. He might have even said it to piss Hyukjae off deliberately. It wasn't beyond him, really.

“Having fun in Phuket without me?” Hyukjae joked, forcing a smile.

Donghae pouted even more. “I’m having fun, but I know it’d be even better if you were here. Kyu’s a .”

Kyuhyun’s voice echoed; something along the lines of you ungrateful dickwad, and Hyukjae felt relieved and childish all at once.

“Good,” he remarked. “You better not be having too much fun without me.”

The view of the room from Hyukjae’s phone screen spun for a bit; Donghae was making his way out of the bedroom, settling on the living room sofa.

“Is there a reason you called me?” Donghae asked. “Front desk said that you said it was urgent.”

Hyukjae smiled sheepishly. “Oh, uh, not really—” he stepped on the gas pedal as soon as traffic began to move again “—it’s not urgent. I just said that to convince front desk to let me get through to you. I just wanted to know how your third day is going. Why did you choose to stay another night, anyway?”

There was a brief silence. Hyukjae could hear Donghae and Kyuhyun shouting back and forth about a pair of shorts or something, and before long Donghae returned his attention to his phone.

“We realised we spent the last few days so worn out from water activities that we didn’t even set aside any time to experience the nightlife here,” Donghae explained. “I heard that night life in Thailand is insanely different from what it’s like in South Korea! Can’t possibly give it a miss.”

Hyukjae pursed his lips and before he even knew it, worry began to claw at his chest. “Does that mean you’ll be drinking?”

“A ton,” Donghae answered nonchalantly. “And dancing, too. I wonder what kind of music they play in Thai clubs. Do you think they’d play any K-Pop?”

Hyukjae swallowed. “Doubt it.”

“Oh well.” Donghae looked at his watch. “Hyuk, I’ll call you back later, okay? Kyu and I are heading out to have dinner before we hit the clubs. I promise I’ll call after I’m back from drinking, okay? I love you.”

Hyukjae smiled wearily. “I love you too. Stay safe, Hae.”

The call ended.


At night, Hyukjae waited. He waited and waited and waited, but Donghae never called.

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The end! I hope you like the ending to this slowburn thriller as much as I do. Let me know what you think! <3


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Chapter 23: I’m so glad they finally got the ending they both deserve after being through so much 🥹❤️‍🩹 just wanted to say tho, Kyu definitely deserves a trophy, medal & certificate for being the bestest bestest boiii, he did so much for the couple 🫶 thank you for sharing this story!!
Chapter 23: I truly enjoyed this story and the character development. Everything’s so beautifully written and described it really allows you to immerse in the story and be there with the characters.
Great job~ hopefully we’ll read more from you!
Chapter 23: C'est une superbe histoire. Merci
Chapter 23: Finally.
Glad they have a happy ending :)
Let's start reading.
Achichi #7
Chapter 12: Oh my god T_T
Chapter 23: Finally!!! They ended with happy ending. I'm so happy that hyukjae's family paid for what they did and the couple get what they deserve, a happiness. I have been following the story since it started and loved it so much. I stopped reading for a few updates because i was a bit busy but now that i can catch up to this, as expected this would be one of my fav story. You did a very good job writing it!