She needs a Friend

I thought you loved me...

______'s POV:


After Ljoe took me to get my spare uniform from my locker, I finished changing and hurried back to the cafeteria to find Chunji. As I approached our table, I found it empty. One of the janitors was busy moping up the mess I had made. 

Where did he go? I turned around and headed for the double doors, leading into the hallways. Maybe he forgot something at his locker? 

Looking around the empty hallways, I felt a heavy weight push down on my chest. Did he leave again? We didn't even finish having lunch together! Darn! This is all my fault!! If I had just been a little more careful, and didn't drop the food, Chunji would still be here! 

Why am I such an idiot! I should have known it would have been really embarrassing for your girlfriend to spill food all over herself! Ugh. Instead of having lunch with Chunji, I just scared him off... 

He probably thinks I'm the worst girlfriend ever....


Chunji's POV:

I am the worst boyfriend ever. After everything that had happened, after telling myself that I would change, here I am again. When _____ had left with Ljoe, I was going to wait until she got back to make sure she was okay. That was... Until CAP called me.


"Yah. Chunji-ah. Ricky found some really nice girls today, and we're all going out to dinner and clubbing. You coming?"

"Ahh. Listen, hyung. I think I have to spend time with my girlfriend today... I haven't really seen her in a while.."

"What does it matter if you don't meet her today? She's never cared about it before! Just come with us today, and make it up to her tomorrow or something. It's not like you guys hang out on a regular basis anyways!"

CAP hyung had a point. What does it matter if I don't see her today? She didn't say anything about spending time together today... So really, it's not my fault if I don't show up, since she never made it clear herself. 

If I were to go tonight, I would have a great time! I only get to be this age once in a lifetime! Why waste it now? I have the rest of my life to spend with _____. 

Compared to how much time I have to spend with her in the future, hanging out with my friends now is nothing! Plus, ______ is understandable! She knows I need a little fun now and then. 

And if I leave now, I won't have to attend those boring afternoon lessons... Right now, going with CAP hyung and the rest of the guys are benefiting me the most.... Should I just leave with them?

"... Okay. I'll meet you at Ricky's house in fifteen minutes." 

"Good job, Chunji! See you in a while!" 

Am I really making the right choice? It's not like today is anything special anyways. _____ can cope with it. She has before in the past, so what's the difference? I'm going to spend the rest of my life with that girl! What's a couple hours of drinking and fun? 

I got up and walked towards the emergency stair case, leading out of the school.

______ will be fine.


Ljoe's POV:

I walked into the cafeteria to see ______ staring at the empty table that Chunji was supposed to be sitting at. I suddenly felt angry. After leaving her alone that night and making her cry, he has the nerve to go out again? 

I knew exactly where he was. Niel called me earlier to see if I wanted to go with them and a couple of girls to dinner and clubbing. Obviously, I declined. High school is a time we should spend studying and making friends. College is right over the hill, and if we're not ready, we'll definitely fall behind all the others. 

Even though I've known those guys since the first grade, I feel a bit disappointed that they don't give a damn about anything but partying. 

_____ needed to know what her boyfriend was up to. She needs to know that she's been fooled, and that he's not the faithful loving guy she thought she knew so well before. Chunji has changed in more ways than one, and ______ hasn't got a clue.

I was about to walk up to her and tell her the truth. But then she turned around. Looking at her could break your heart. Her eyes were filled with confusion and hurt. They were dull and lifeless. _____'s brows pinched together at the middle and she headed straight towards me, not looking up. 

Before I could even open up my mouth to say anything, she walked right past me. I guess she just needed to be alone right now. Maybe it's best if I don't tell her the truth. Seeing her so hurt and confused as it is, I don't want to add onto her burden by informing her of her boyfriend's immaturity.

I honestly felt bad for _____. Even though I've never approached her as a friend before, I don't hate her. It was just fun teasing her all the time. But I knew better than to now. The one thing she needs at the moment is a friend. And I'm going to make sure that that's what she's going to get. 




Guys! I'm SOOOOOOOO sorry!!! Don't kill me!!!!!

I don't really have much motivation for this story. Honestly, I was going to delete it completely, but I though about some of my subscribers and felt guilty for leaving you guys hanging. I swear I'll try to update more. 


I sort of have an idea for another story, and I've been writing it in my notebook for a while. I think I'm going to post it soon... And I know what you're thinking. "Why make another story when you can't even keep up with the one you have!!"

Sorry guys! I hope you can put up with my ish writing and updating for a while. 

Thank you to all my lovely subscribers who actually stayed and didn't unsubscribe due to my lack of updates. I love you guys <3


I'll update again soon. (I mean it this time :P) 

Thank you for reading!

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Chapter 8: Update soon.
Chapter 8: update again! its great.
Chapter 8: Update soon! I want to see her with L.Joe
Chapter 7: Update soon pleaseeeee!! New reader btw~
Chapter 7: because she loves you!
skylightbaek #6
bombomi #7
Update fast!
Can't wait and also new sub ^^
ljoe was nice.

please update soon, im a big fan of sad/dramas :))